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LUDOC-337 fix: flock example should mount using mgs not mds
[doc/manual.git] / index.xml
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3   <info>
4     <title>Lustre<superscript>*</superscript> Software Release 2.x</title>
5     <subtitle>Operations Manual</subtitle>
6     <copyright>
7       <year>2010</year>
8       <year>2011</year>
9       <holder>Oracle and/or its affiliates. (The original version of this Operations Manual without
10         the Intel modifications.)</holder>
11     </copyright>
12     <copyright>
13       <year>2011</year>
14       <year>2012</year>
15       <year>2013</year>
16       <holder>Intel Corporation. (Intel modifications to the original version of this Operations
17         Manual.)</holder>
18     </copyright>
19     <legalnotice>
20       <para>Notwithstanding Intel’s ownership of the copyright in the modifications to the original
21         version of this Operations Manual, as between Intel and Oracle, Oracle and/or its affiliates
22         retain sole ownership of the copyright in the unmodified portions of this Operations
23         Manual.</para>
24     </legalnotice>
25     <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legalnoticeIntel.xml"/>
26     <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legalnoticeOracle.xml"/>
27   </info>
28   <xi:include href="Preface.xml"/>
29    <xi:include href="I_LustreIntro.xml"/>
30    <xi:include href="II_LustreInstallConfig.xml"/>
31    <xi:include href="III_LustreAdministration.xml"/>
32    <xi:include href="IV_LustreTuning.xml"/>
33    <xi:include href="V_LustreTroubleshooting.xml"/>
34    <xi:include href="VI_Reference.xml"/>
35    <xi:include href="Glossary.xml"/>
36    <xi:include href="ix.xml"/>
37 </book>