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[doc/manual.git] / TroubleShootingRecovery.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
3 xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US"
4 xml:id="troubleshootingrecovery">
5   <title xml:id="troubleshootingrecovery.title">Troubleshooting
6   Recovery</title>
7   <para>This chapter describes what to do if something goes wrong during
8   recovery. It describes:</para>
9   <itemizedlist>
10     <listitem>
11       <para>
12         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438225_71141" />
13       </para>
14     </listitem>
15     <listitem>
16       <para>
17         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438225_37365" />
18       </para>
19     </listitem>
20     <listitem>
21       <para>
22         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438225_12316" />
23       </para>
24     </listitem>
25     <listitem>
26       <para>
27         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.lfsckadmin" />
28       </para>
29     </listitem>
30   </itemizedlist>
31   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438225_71141">
32     <title>
33     <indexterm>
34       <primary>recovery</primary>
35       <secondary>corruption of backing ldiskfs file system</secondary>
36     </indexterm>Recovering from Errors or Corruption on a Backing ldiskfs File
37     System</title>
38     <para>When an OSS, MDS, or MGS server crash occurs, it is not necessary to
39     run e2fsck on the file system.
40     <literal>ldiskfs</literal> journaling ensures that the file system remains
41     consistent over a system crash. The backing file systems are never accessed
42     directly from the client, so client crashes are not relevant for server
43     file system consistency.</para>
44     <para>The only time it is REQUIRED that
45     <literal>e2fsck</literal> be run on a device is when an event causes
46     problems that ldiskfs journaling is unable to handle, such as a hardware
47     device failure or I/O error. If the ldiskfs kernel code detects corruption
48     on the disk, it mounts the file system as read-only to prevent further
49     corruption, but still allows read access to the device. This appears as
50     error "-30" (
51     <literal>EROFS</literal>) in the syslogs on the server, e.g.:</para>
52     <screen>Dec 29 14:11:32 mookie kernel: LDISKFS-fs error (device sdz):
53             ldiskfs_lookup: unlinked inode 5384166 in dir #145170469
54 Dec 29 14:11:32 mookie kernel: Remounting filesystem read-only </screen>
55     <para>In such a situation, it is normally required that e2fsck only be run
56     on the bad device before placing the device back into service.</para>
57     <para>In the vast majority of cases, the Lustre software can cope with any
58     inconsistencies found on the disk and between other devices in the file
59     system.</para>
60     <para>For problem analysis, it is strongly recommended that
61     <literal>e2fsck</literal> be run under a logger, like
62     <literal>script</literal>, to record all
63     of the output and changes that are made to the file system in case this
64     information is needed later.</para>
65     <para>If time permits, it is also a good idea to first run
66     <literal>e2fsck</literal> in non-fixing mode (-n option) to assess the type
67     and extent of damage to the file system. The drawback is that in this mode,
68     <literal>e2fsck</literal> does not recover the file system journal, so there
69     may appear to be file system corruption when none really exists.</para>
70     <para>To address concern about whether corruption is real or only due to
71     the journal not being replayed, you can briefly mount and unmount the
72     <literal>ldiskfs</literal> file system directly on the node with the Lustre
73     file system stopped, using a command similar to:</para>
74     <screen>mount -t ldiskfs /dev/{ostdev} /mnt/ost; umount /mnt/ost</screen>
75     <para>This causes the journal to be recovered.</para>
76     <para>The
77     <literal>e2fsck</literal> utility works well when fixing file system
78     corruption (better than similar file system recovery tools and a primary
79     reason why
80     <literal>ldiskfs</literal> was chosen over other file systems). However, it
81     is often useful to identify the type of damage that has occurred so an
82     <literal>ldiskfs</literal> expert can make intelligent decisions about what
83     needs fixing, in place of
84     <literal>e2fsck</literal>.</para>
85     <screen>root# {stop lustre services for this device, if running}
86 root# script /tmp/e2fsck.sda
87 Script started, file is /tmp/e2fsck.sda
88 root# mount -t ldiskfs /dev/sda /mnt/ost
89 root# umount /mnt/ost
90 root# e2fsck -fn /dev/sda   # don't fix file system, just check for corruption
91 :
92 [e2fsck output]
93 :
94 root# e2fsck -fp /dev/sda   # fix errors with prudent answers (usually <literal>yes</literal>)</screen>
95   </section>
96   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438225_37365">
97     <title>
98     <indexterm>
99       <primary>recovery</primary>
100       <secondary>corruption of Lustre file system</secondary>
101     </indexterm>Recovering from Corruption in the Lustre File System</title>
102     <para>In cases where an ldiskfs MDT or OST becomes corrupt, you need to run
103     <literal>e2fsck</literal> to ensure local filesystem consistency, then use
104     <literal>LFSCK</literal> to run a distributed check on the file system to
105     resolve any inconsistencies between the MDTs and OSTs, or among MDTs.</para>
106     <orderedlist>
107       <listitem>
108         <para>Stop the Lustre file system.</para>
109       </listitem>
110       <listitem>
111         <para>Run
112         <literal>e2fsck -f</literal> on the individual MDT/OST that had
113         problems to fix any local file system damage.</para>
114         <para>We recommend running
115         <literal>e2fsck</literal> under script, to create a log of changes made
116         to the file system in case it is needed later. After
117         <literal>e2fsck</literal> is run, bring up the file system, if
118         necessary, to reduce the outage window.</para>
119       </listitem>
120     </orderedlist>
121     <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438225_13916">
122       <title>
123       <indexterm>
124         <primary>recovery</primary>
125         <secondary>orphaned objects</secondary>
126       </indexterm>Working with Orphaned Objects</title>
127       <para>The simplest problem to resolve is that of orphaned objects. When
128       the LFSCK layout check is run, these objects are linked to new files and
129       put into 
130       <literal>.lustre/lost+found/MDT<replaceable>xxxx</replaceable></literal> 
131       in the Lustre file system 
132       (where MDTxxxx is the index of the MDT on which the orphan was found),
133       where they can be examined and saved or deleted as necessary.</para>
134       <para condition='l27'>With Lustre version 2.7 and later, LFSCK will
135        identify and process orphan objects found on MDTs as well.</para>
136     </section>
137   </section>
138   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438225_12316">
139     <title>
140     <indexterm>
141       <primary>recovery</primary>
142       <secondary>unavailable OST</secondary>
143     </indexterm>Recovering from an Unavailable OST</title>
144     <para>One problem encountered in a Lustre file system environment is when
145     an OST becomes unavailable due to a network partition, OSS node crash, etc.
146     When this happens, the OST's clients pause and wait for the OST to become
147     available again, either on the primary OSS or a failover OSS. When the OST
148     comes back online, the Lustre file system starts a recovery process to
149     enable clients to reconnect to the OST. Lustre servers put a limit on the
150     time they will wait in recovery for clients to reconnect.</para>
151     <para>During recovery, clients reconnect and replay their requests
152     serially, in the same order they were done originally. Until a client
153     receives a confirmation that a given transaction has been written to stable
154     storage, the client holds on to the transaction, in case it needs to be
155     replayed. Periodically, a progress message prints to the log, stating
156     how_many/expected clients have reconnected. If the recovery is aborted,
157     this log shows how many clients managed to reconnect. When all clients have
158     completed recovery, or if the recovery timeout is reached, the recovery
159     period ends and the OST resumes normal request processing.</para>
160     <para>If some clients fail to replay their requests during the recovery
161     period, this will not stop the recovery from completing. You may have a
162     situation where the OST recovers, but some clients are not able to
163     participate in recovery (e.g. network problems or client failure), so they
164     are evicted and their requests are not replayed. This would result in any
165     operations on the evicted clients failing, including in-progress writes,
166     which would cause cached writes to be lost. This is a normal outcome; the
167     recovery cannot wait indefinitely, or the file system would be hung any
168     time a client failed. The lost transactions are an unfortunate result of
169     the recovery process.</para>
170     <note>
171       <para>The failure of client recovery does not indicate or lead to
172       filesystem corruption. This is a normal event that is handled by the MDT
173       and OST, and should not result in any inconsistencies between
174       servers.</para>
175     </note>
176     <note>
177       <para>The version-based recovery (VBR) feature enables a failed client to
178       be ''skipped'', so remaining clients can replay their requests, resulting
179       in a more successful recovery from a downed OST. For more information
180       about the VBR feature, see
181       <xref linkend="lustrerecovery" />(Version-based Recovery).</para>
182     </note>
183   </section>
184   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.lfsckadmin">
185     <title>
186     <indexterm>
187       <primary>recovery</primary>
188       <secondary>oiscrub</secondary>
189     </indexterm>
190     <indexterm>
191       <primary>recovery</primary>
192       <secondary>LFSCK</secondary>
193     </indexterm>Checking the file system with LFSCK</title>
194     <para>LFSCK is an administrative tool for checking and repair of the
195       attributes specific to a mounted Lustre file system. It is similar
196       in concept to an offline fsck repair tool for a local filesystem,
197       but LFSCK is implemented to run as part of the Lustre file system
198       while the file system is mounted and in use. This allows consistency
199       checking and repair of Lustre-specific metadata without unnecessary
200       downtime, and can be run on the largest Lustre file systems with
201       minimal impact to normal operations.</para>
202     <para>LFSCK can verify
203       and repair the Object Index (OI) table that is used internally to map
204       Lustre File Identifiers (FIDs) to MDT internal ldiskfs inode numbers, in
205       an internal table called the OI Table. An OI Scrub traverses the OI table
206       and makes corrections where necessary. An OI Scrub is required after
207       restoring from a file-level MDT backup (
208       <xref linkend="dbdoclet.backup_device" />), or in case the OI Table is
209       otherwise corrupted. Later phases of LFSCK will add further checks to the
210       Lustre distributed file system state.</para>
211     <para condition='l24'>In Lustre software release 2.4, LFSCK namespace
212       scanning can verify and repair the directory FID-in-dirent and LinkEA
213       consistency.</para>
214     <para condition='l26'>In Lustre software release 2.6, LFSCK layout scanning
215       can verify and repair MDT-OST file layout inconsistencies. File layout
216       inconsistencies between MDT-objects and OST-objects that are checked and
217       corrected include dangling reference, unreferenced OST-objects, mismatched
218       references and multiple references.</para>
219     <para condition='l27'>In Lustre software release 2.7, LFSCK layout scanning
220       is enhanced to support verify and repair inconsistencies between multiple
221       MDTs.</para>
222     <para>Control and monitoring of LFSCK is through LFSCK and the
223     <literal>/proc</literal> file system interfaces. LFSCK supports three types
224     of interface: switch interface, status interface, and adjustment interface.
225     These interfaces are detailed below.</para>
226     <section>
227       <title>LFSCK switch interface</title>
228       <section>
229         <title>Manually Starting LFSCK</title>
230         <section>
231           <title>Description</title>
232           <para>LFSCK can be started after the MDT is mounted using the
233           <literal>lctl lfsck_start</literal> command.</para>
234         </section>
235         <section>
236           <title>Usage</title>
237 <screen>lctl lfsck_start &lt;-M | --device <replaceable>[MDT,OST]_device</replaceable>&gt; \
238                     [-A | --all] \
239                     [-c | --create_ostobj <replaceable>on | off</replaceable>] \
240                     [-C | --create_mdtobj <replaceable>on | off</replaceable>] \
241                     [-d | --delay_create_ostobj <replaceable>on | off</replaceable>] \
242                     [-e | --error <replaceable>{continue | abort}</replaceable>] \
243                     [-h | --help] \
244                     [-n | --dryrun <replaceable>on | off</replaceable>] \
245                     [-o | --orphan] \
246                     [-r | --reset] \
247                     [-s | --speed <replaceable>ops_per_sec_limit</replaceable>] \
248                     [-t | --type <replaceable>check_type[,check_type...]</replaceable>] \
249                     [-w | --window_size <replaceable>size</replaceable>]</screen>
250         </section>
251         <section>
252           <title>Options</title>
253           <para>The various
254           <literal>lfsck_start</literal> options are listed and described below.
255           For a complete list of available options, type
256           <literal>lctl lfsck_start -h</literal>.</para>
257           <informaltable frame="all">
258             <tgroup cols="2">
259               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
260               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
261               <thead>
262                 <row>
263                   <entry>
264                     <para>
265                       <emphasis role="bold">Option</emphasis>
266                     </para>
267                   </entry>
268                   <entry>
269                     <para>
270                       <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
271                     </para>
272                   </entry>
273                 </row>
274               </thead>
275               <tbody>
276                 <row>
277                   <entry>
278                     <para>
279                       <literal>-M | --device</literal>
280                     </para>
281                   </entry>
282                   <entry>
283                     <para>The MDT or OST target to start LFSCK on.</para>
284                   </entry>
285                 </row>
286                 <row>
287                   <entry>
288                     <para>
289                       <literal>-A | --all</literal>
290                     </para>
291                   </entry>
292                   <entry>
293                     <para condition='l26'>Start LFSCK on all
294                     targets on all servers simultaneously.
295                     By default, both layout and namespace
296                     consistency checking and repair are started.</para>
297                   </entry>
298                 </row>
299                 <row>
300                   <entry>
301                     <para>
302                       <literal>-c | --create_ostobj</literal>
303                     </para>
304                   </entry>
305                   <entry>
306                     <para condition='l26'>Create the lost OST-object for
307                     dangling LOV EA,
308                     <literal>off</literal>(default) or
309                     <literal>on</literal>. If not specified, then the default
310                     behaviour is to keep the dangling LOV EA there without
311                     creating the lost OST-object.</para>
312                   </entry>
313                 </row>
314                 <row>
315                   <entry>
316                     <para>
317                       <literal>-C | --create_mdtobj</literal>
318                     </para>
319                   </entry>
320                   <entry>
321                     <para condition='l27'>Create the lost MDT-object for
322                     dangling name entry,
323                     <literal>off</literal>(default) or
324                     <literal>on</literal>. If not specified, then the default
325                     behaviour is to keep the dangling name entry there without
326                     creating the lost MDT-object.</para>
327                   </entry>
328                 </row>
329                 <row>
330                   <entry>
331                     <para>
332                       <literal>-d | --delay_create_ostobj</literal>
333                     </para>
334                   </entry>
335                   <entry>
336                     <para condition='l29'>
337                       Delay creating the lost OST-object for dangling LOV EA
338                       until the orphan OST-objects are handled.
339                       <literal>off</literal>(default) or
340                       <literal>on</literal>.
341                     </para>
342                   </entry>
343                 </row>
344                 <row>
345                   <entry>
346                     <para>
347                       <literal>-e | --error</literal>
348                     </para>
349                   </entry>
350                   <entry>
351                     <para>Error handle,
352                     <literal>continue</literal>(default) or
353                     <literal>abort</literal>. Specify whether the LFSCK will
354                     stop or not if fails to repair something. If it is not
355                     specified, the saved value (when resuming from checkpoint)
356                     will be used if present. This option cannot be changed
357                     while LFSCK is running.</para>
358                   </entry>
359                 </row>
360                 <row>
361                   <entry>
362                     <para>
363                       <literal>-h | --help</literal>
364                     </para>
365                   </entry>
366                   <entry>
367                     <para>Operating help information.</para>
368                   </entry>
369                 </row>
370                 <row>
371                   <entry>
372                     <para>
373                       <literal>-n | --dryrun</literal>
374                     </para>
375                   </entry>
376                   <entry>
377                     <para>Perform a trial without making any changes.
378                     <literal>off</literal>(default) or
379                     <literal>on</literal>.</para>
380                   </entry>
381                 </row>
382                 <row>
383                   <entry>
384                     <para>
385                       <literal>-o | --orphan</literal>
386                     </para>
387                   </entry>
388                   <entry>
389                     <para condition='l26'>Repair orphan OST-objects for layout
390                     LFSCK.</para>
391                   </entry>
392                 </row>
393                 <row>
394                   <entry>
395                     <para>
396                       <literal>-r | --reset</literal>
397                     </para>
398                   </entry>
399                   <entry>
400                     <para>Reset the start position for the object iteration to
401                     the beginning for the specified MDT. By default the
402                     iterator will resume scanning from the last checkpoint
403                     (saved periodically by LFSCK) provided it is
404                     available.</para>
405                   </entry>
406                 </row>
407                 <row>
408                   <entry>
409                     <para>
410                       <literal>-s | --speed</literal>
411                     </para>
412                   </entry>
413                   <entry>
414                     <para>Set the upper speed limit of LFSCK processing in
415                     objects per second. If it is not specified, the saved value
416                     (when resuming from checkpoint) or default value of 0 (0 =
417                     run as fast as possible) is used. Speed can be adjusted
418                     while LFSCK is running with the adjustment
419                     interface.</para>
420                   </entry>
421                 </row>
422                 <row>
423                   <entry>
424                     <para>
425                       <literal>-t | --type</literal>
426                     </para>
427                   </entry>
428                   <entry>
429                     <para>The type of checking/repairing that should be
430                     performed. The new LFSCK framework provides a single
431                     interface for a variety of system consistency
432                     checking/repairing operations including:</para>
433                     <para>Without a specified option, the LFSCK component(s)
434                     which ran last time and did not finish or the component(s)
435                     corresponding to some known system inconsistency, will be
436                     started. Anytime the LFSCK is triggered, the OI scrub will
437                     run automatically, so there is no need to specify
438                     OI_scrub in that case.</para>
439                     <para condition='l24'>
440                     <literal>namespace</literal>: check and repair
441                     FID-in-dirent and LinkEA consistency.</para>
442                     <para condition='l27'> Lustre-2.7 enhances
443                     namespace consistency verification under DNE mode.</para>
444                     <para condition='l26'>
445                     <literal>layout</literal>: check and repair MDT-OST
446                     inconsistency.</para>
447                   </entry>
448                 </row>
449                 <row>
450                   <entry>
451                     <para>
452                       <literal>-w | --window_size</literal>
453                     </para>
454                   </entry>
455                   <entry>
456                     <para condition='l26'>The window size for the async request
457                     pipeline. The LFSCK async request pipeline's input/output
458                     may have quite different processing speeds, and there may
459                     be too many requests in the pipeline as to cause abnormal
460                     memory/network pressure. If not specified, then the default
461                     window size for the async request pipeline is 1024.</para>
462                   </entry>
463                 </row>
464               </tbody>
465             </tgroup>
466           </informaltable>
467         </section>
468       </section>
469       <section>
470         <title>Manually Stopping LFSCK</title>
471         <section>
472           <title>Description</title>
473           <para>To stop LFSCK when the MDT is mounted, use the
474           <literal>lctl lfsck_stop</literal> command.</para>
475         </section>
476         <section>
477           <title>Usage</title>
478 <screen>lctl lfsck_stop &lt;-M | --device <replaceable>[MDT,OST]_device</replaceable>&gt; \
479                     [-A | --all] \
480                     [-h | --help]</screen>
481         </section>
482         <section>
483           <title>Options</title>
484           <para>The various
485           <literal>lfsck_stop</literal> options are listed and described below.
486           For a complete list of available options, type
487           <literal>lctl lfsck_stop -h</literal>.</para>
488           <informaltable frame="all">
489             <tgroup cols="2">
490               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
491               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
492               <thead>
493                 <row>
494                   <entry>
495                     <para>
496                       <emphasis role="bold">Option</emphasis>
497                     </para>
498                   </entry>
499                   <entry>
500                     <para>
501                       <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
502                     </para>
503                   </entry>
504                 </row>
505               </thead>
506               <tbody>
507                 <row>
508                   <entry>
509                     <para>
510                       <literal>-M | --device</literal>
511                     </para>
512                   </entry>
513                   <entry>
514                     <para>The MDT or OST target to stop LFSCK on.</para>
515                   </entry>
516                 </row>
517                 <row>
518                   <entry>
519                     <para>
520                       <literal>-A | --all</literal>
521                     </para>
522                   </entry>
523                   <entry>
524                     <para>Stop LFSCK on all targets on all servers
525                     simultaneously.</para>
526                   </entry>
527                 </row>
528                 <row>
529                   <entry>
530                     <para>
531                       <literal>-h | --help</literal>
532                     </para>
533                   </entry>
534                   <entry>
535                     <para>Operating help information.</para>
536                   </entry>
537                 </row>
538               </tbody>
539             </tgroup>
540           </informaltable>
541         </section>
542       </section>
543     </section>
544     <section>
545       <title>Check the LFSCK global status</title>
546       <section>
547         <title>Description</title>
548         <para>Check the LFSCK global status via a single
549         <literal>lctl lfsck_query</literal> command on the MDS.</para>
550       </section>
551       <section>
552         <title>Usage</title>
553 <screen>lctl lfsck_query &lt;-M | --device <replaceable>MDT_device</replaceable>&gt; \
554                     [-h | --help] \
555                     [-t | --type <replaceable>lfsck_type[,lfsck_type...]</replaceable>] \
556                     [-w | --wait]</screen>
557       </section>
558       <section>
559         <title>Options</title>
560         <para>The various
561         <literal>lfsck_query</literal> options are listed and described below.
562         For a complete list of available options, type
563         <literal>lctl lfsck_query -h</literal>.</para>
564         <informaltable frame="all">
565           <tgroup cols="2">
566             <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
567             <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
568             <thead>
569               <row>
570                 <entry>
571                   <para>
572                     <emphasis role="bold">Option</emphasis>
573                   </para>
574                 </entry>
575                 <entry>
576                   <para>
577                     <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
578                   </para>
579                 </entry>
580               </row>
581             </thead>
582             <tbody>
583               <row>
584                 <entry>
585                   <para>
586                     <literal>-M | --device</literal>
587                   </para>
588                 </entry>
589                 <entry>
590                   <para>The device to query for LFSCK status.</para>
591                 </entry>
592               </row>
593               <row>
594                 <entry>
595                   <para>
596                     <literal>-h | --help</literal>
597                   </para>
598                 </entry>
599                 <entry>
600                   <para>Operating help information.</para>
601                 </entry>
602               </row>
603               <row>
604                 <entry>
605                   <para>
606                     <literal>-t | --type</literal>
607                   </para>
608                 </entry>
609                 <entry>
610                   <para>The LFSCK type(s) that should be queried,
611                   including: layout, namespace.</para>
612                 </entry>
613               </row>
614               <row>
615                 <entry>
616                   <para>
617                     <literal>-w | --wait</literal>
618                   </para>
619                 </entry>
620                 <entry>
621                   <para>will wait if the LFSCK is in scanning.</para>
622                 </entry>
623               </row>
624             </tbody>
625             </tgroup>
626           </informaltable>
627       </section>
628     </section>
629     <section>
630       <title>LFSCK status interface</title>
631       <section>
632         <title>LFSCK status of OI Scrub via
633         <literal>procfs</literal></title>
634         <section>
635           <title>Description</title>
636           <para>For each LFSCK component there is a dedicated procfs interface
637           to trace the corresponding LFSCK component status. For OI Scrub, the
638           interface is the OSD layer procfs interface, named
639           <literal>oi_scrub</literal>. To display OI Scrub status, the standard
640           <literal>lctl get_param</literal> command is used as shown in the
641           usage below.</para>
642         </section>
643         <section>
644           <title>Usage</title>
645           <screen>lctl get_param -n osd-ldiskfs.<replaceable>FSNAME</replaceable>-[<replaceable>MDT_target|OST_target</replaceable>].oi_scrub</screen>
646         </section>
647         <section>
648           <title>Output</title>
649           <informaltable frame="all">
650             <tgroup cols="2">
651               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
652               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
653               <thead>
654                 <row>
655                   <entry>
656                     <para>
657                       <emphasis role="bold">Information</emphasis>
658                     </para>
659                   </entry>
660                   <entry>
661                     <para>
662                       <emphasis role="bold">Detail</emphasis>
663                     </para>
664                   </entry>
665                 </row>
666               </thead>
667               <tbody>
668                 <row>
669                   <entry>
670                     <para>General Information</para>
671                   </entry>
672                   <entry>
673                     <itemizedlist>
674                       <listitem>
675                         <para>Name: OI_scrub.</para>
676                       </listitem>
677                       <listitem>
678                         <para>OI scrub magic id (an identifier unique to OI
679                         scrub).</para>
680                       </listitem>
681                       <listitem>
682                         <para>OI files count.</para>
683                       </listitem>
684                       <listitem>
685                         <para>Status: one of the status -
686                         <literal>init</literal>,
687                         <literal>scanning</literal>,
688                         <literal>completed</literal>,
689                         <literal>failed</literal>,
690                         <literal>stopped</literal>,
691                         <literal>paused</literal>, or
692                         <literal>crashed</literal>.</para>
693                       </listitem>
694                       <listitem>
695                         <para>Flags: including -
696                         <literal>recreated</literal>(OI file(s) is/are
697                         removed/recreated),
698                         <literal>inconsistent</literal>(restored from
699                         file-level backup),
700                         <literal>auto</literal>(triggered by non-UI mechanism),
701                         and
702                         <literal>upgrade</literal>(from Lustre software release
703                         1.8 IGIF format.)</para>
704                       </listitem>
705                       <listitem>
706                         <para>Parameters: OI scrub parameters, like
707                         <literal>failout</literal>.</para>
708                       </listitem>
709                       <listitem>
710                         <para>Time Since Last Completed.</para>
711                       </listitem>
712                       <listitem>
713                         <para>Time Since Latest Start.</para>
714                       </listitem>
715                       <listitem>
716                         <para>Time Since Last Checkpoint.</para>
717                       </listitem>
718                       <listitem>
719                         <para>Latest Start Position: the position for the
720                         latest scrub started from.</para>
721                       </listitem>
722                       <listitem>
723                         <para>Last Checkpoint Position.</para>
724                       </listitem>
725                       <listitem>
726                         <para>First Failure Position: the position for the
727                         first object to be repaired.</para>
728                       </listitem>
729                       <listitem>
730                         <para>Current Position.</para>
731                       </listitem>
732                     </itemizedlist>
733                   </entry>
734                 </row>
735                 <row>
736                   <entry>
737                     <para>Statistics</para>
738                   </entry>
739                   <entry>
740                     <itemizedlist>
741                       <listitem>
742                         <para>
743                         <literal>Checked</literal> total number of objects
744                         scanned.</para>
745                       </listitem>
746                       <listitem>
747                         <para>
748                         <literal>Updated</literal> total number of objects
749                         repaired.</para>
750                       </listitem>
751                       <listitem>
752                         <para>
753                         <literal>Failed</literal> total number of objects that
754                         failed to be repaired.</para>
755                       </listitem>
756                       <listitem>
757                         <para>
758                         <literal>No Scrub</literal> total number of objects
759                         marked
760                         <literal>LDISKFS_STATE_LUSTRE_NOSCRUB and
761                         skipped</literal>.</para>
762                       </listitem>
763                       <listitem>
764                         <para>
765                         <literal>IGIF</literal> total number of objects IGIF
766                         scanned.</para>
767                       </listitem>
768                       <listitem>
769                         <para>
770                         <literal>Prior Updated</literal> how many objects have
771                         been repaired which are triggered by parallel
772                         RPC.</para>
773                       </listitem>
774                       <listitem>
775                         <para>
776                         <literal>Success Count</literal> total number of
777                         completed OI_scrub runs on the target.</para>
778                       </listitem>
779                       <listitem>
780                         <para>
781                         <literal>Run Time</literal> how long the scrub has run,
782                         tally from the time of scanning from the beginning of
783                         the specified MDT target, not include the
784                         paused/failure time among checkpoints.</para>
785                       </listitem>
786                       <listitem>
787                         <para>
788                         <literal>Average Speed</literal> calculated by dividing
789                         <literal>Checked</literal> by
790                         <literal>run_time</literal>.</para>
791                       </listitem>
792                       <listitem>
793                         <para>
794                         <literal>Real-Time Speed</literal> the speed since last
795                         checkpoint if the OI_scrub is running.</para>
796                       </listitem>
797                       <listitem>
798                         <para>
799                         <literal>Scanned</literal> total number of objects under
800                         /lost+found that have been scanned.</para>
801                       </listitem>
802                       <listitem>
803                         <para>
804                         <literal>Repaired</literal> total number of objects
805                         under /lost+found that have been recovered.</para>
806                       </listitem>
807                       <listitem>
808                         <para>
809                         <literal>Failed</literal> total number of objects under
810                         /lost+found failed to be scanned or failed to be
811                         recovered.</para>
812                       </listitem>
813                     </itemizedlist>
814                   </entry>
815                 </row>
816               </tbody>
817             </tgroup>
818           </informaltable>
819         </section>
820       </section>
821       <section condition='l24'>
822         <title>LFSCK status of namespace via
823         <literal>procfs</literal></title>
824         <section>
825           <title>Description</title>
826           <para>The
827           <literal>namespace</literal> component is responsible for checks
828           described in <xref linkend="dbdoclet.lfsckadmin" />. The
829           <literal>procfs</literal> interface for this component is in the
830           MDD layer, named
831           <literal>lfsck_namespace</literal>. To show the status of this
832           component,
833           <literal>lctl get_param</literal> should be used as described in the
834           usage below.</para>
835           <para>The LFSCK namespace status output refers to phase 1 and phase 2.
836           Phase 1 is when the LFSCK main engine, which runs on each MDT,
837           linearly scans its local device, guaranteeing that all local objects
838           are checked.  However, there are certain cases in which LFSCK cannot
839           know whether an object is consistent or cannot repair an inconsistency
840           until the phase 1 scanning is completed. During phase 2 of the
841           namespace check, objects with multiple hard-links, objects with remote
842           parents, and other objects which couldn't be verified during phase 1
843           will be checked.</para>
844         </section>
845         <section>
846           <title>Usage</title>
847           <screen>lctl get_param -n mdd. <replaceable>FSNAME</replaceable>-<replaceable>MDT_target</replaceable>.lfsck_namespace</screen>
848         </section>
849         <section>
850           <title>Output</title>
851           <informaltable frame="all">
852             <tgroup cols="2">
853               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
854               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
855               <thead>
856                 <row>
857                   <entry>
858                     <para>
859                       <emphasis role="bold">Information</emphasis>
860                     </para>
861                   </entry>
862                   <entry>
863                     <para>
864                       <emphasis role="bold">Detail</emphasis>
865                     </para>
866                   </entry>
867                 </row>
868               </thead>
869               <tbody>
870                 <row>
871                   <entry>
872                     <para>General Information</para>
873                   </entry>
874                   <entry>
875                     <itemizedlist>
876                       <listitem>
877                         <para>Name:
878                         <literal>lfsck_namespace</literal></para>
879                       </listitem>
880                       <listitem>
881                         <para>LFSCK namespace magic.</para>
882                       </listitem>
883                       <listitem>
884                         <para>LFSCK namespace version..</para>
885                       </listitem>
886                       <listitem>
887                         <para>Status: one of the status -
888                         <literal>init</literal>,
889                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>,
890                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>,
891                         <literal>completed</literal>,
892                         <literal>failed</literal>,
893                         <literal>stopped</literal>,
894                         <literal>paused</literal>,
895                         <literal>partial</literal>,
896                         <literal>co-failed</literal>,
897                         <literal>co-stopped</literal> or
898                         <literal>co-paused</literal>.</para>
899                       </listitem>
900                       <listitem>
901                         <para>Flags: including -
902                         <literal>scanned-once</literal>(the first cycle
903                         scanning has been completed),
904                         <literal>inconsistent</literal>(one or more
905                         inconsistent FID-in-dirent or LinkEA entries that have
906                         been discovered),
907                         <literal>upgrade</literal>(from Lustre software release
908                         1.8 IGIF format.)</para>
909                       </listitem>
910                       <listitem>
911                         <para>Parameters: including
912                         <literal>dryrun</literal>,
913                         <literal>all_targets</literal>,
914                         <literal>failout</literal>,
915                         <literal>broadcast</literal>,
916                         <literal>orphan</literal>,
917                         <literal>create_ostobj</literal> and
918                         <literal>create_mdtobj</literal>.</para>
919                       </listitem>
920                       <listitem>
921                         <para>Time Since Last Completed.</para>
922                       </listitem>
923                       <listitem>
924                         <para>Time Since Latest Start.</para>
925                       </listitem>
926                       <listitem>
927                         <para>Time Since Last Checkpoint.</para>
928                       </listitem>
929                       <listitem>
930                         <para>Latest Start Position: the position the checking
931                         began most recently.</para>
932                       </listitem>
933                       <listitem>
934                         <para>Last Checkpoint Position.</para>
935                       </listitem>
936                       <listitem>
937                         <para>First Failure Position: the position for the
938                         first object to be repaired.</para>
939                       </listitem>
940                       <listitem>
941                         <para>Current Position.</para>
942                       </listitem>
943                     </itemizedlist>
944                   </entry>
945                 </row>
946                 <row>
947                   <entry>
948                     <para>Statistics</para>
949                   </entry>
950                   <entry>
951                     <itemizedlist>
952                       <listitem>
953                         <para>
954                         <literal>Checked Phase1</literal> total number of
955                         objects scanned during
956                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
957                       </listitem>
958                       <listitem>
959                         <para>
960                         <literal>Checked Phase2</literal> total number of
961                         objects scanned during
962                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
963                       </listitem>
964                       <listitem>
965                         <para>
966                         <literal>Updated Phase1</literal> total number of
967                         objects repaired during
968                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
969                       </listitem>
970                       <listitem>
971                         <para>
972                         <literal>Updated Phase2</literal> total number of
973                         objects repaired during
974                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
975                       </listitem>
976                       <listitem>
977                         <para>
978                         <literal>Failed Phase1</literal> total number of objets
979                         that failed to be repaired during
980                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
981                       </listitem>
982                       <listitem>
983                         <para>
984                         <literal>Failed Phase2</literal> total number of objets
985                         that failed to be repaired during
986                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
987                       </listitem>
988                       <listitem>
989                         <para>
990                         <literal>directories</literal> total number of
991                         directories scanned.</para>
992                       </listitem>
993                       <listitem>
994                         <para>
995                         <literal>multiple_linked_checked</literal> total number
996                         of multiple-linked objects that have been
997                         scanned.</para>
998                       </listitem>
999                       <listitem>
1000                         <para>
1001                         <literal>dirent_repaired</literal> total number of
1002                         FID-in-dirent entries that have been repaired.</para>
1003                       </listitem>
1004                       <listitem>
1005                         <para>
1006                         <literal>linkea_repaired</literal> total number of
1007                         linkEA entries that have been repaired.</para>
1008                       </listitem>
1009                       <listitem>
1010                         <para>
1011                         <literal>unknown_inconsistency</literal> total number of
1012                         undefined inconsistencies found in
1013                         scanning-phase2.</para>
1014                       </listitem>
1015                       <listitem>
1016                         <para>
1017                         <literal>unmatched_pairs_repaired</literal> total number
1018                         of unmatched pairs that have been repaired.</para>
1019                       </listitem>
1020                       <listitem>
1021                         <para>
1022                         <literal>dangling_repaired</literal> total number of
1023                         dangling name entries that have been
1024                         found/repaired.</para>
1025                       </listitem>
1026                       <listitem>
1027                         <para>
1028                         <literal>multi_referenced_repaired</literal> total
1029                         number of multiple referenced name entries that have
1030                         been found/repaired.</para>
1031                       </listitem>
1032                       <listitem>
1033                         <para>
1034                         <literal>bad_file_type_repaired</literal> total number
1035                         of name entries with bad file type that have been
1036                         repaired.</para>
1037                       </listitem>
1038                       <listitem>
1039                         <para>
1040                         <literal>lost_dirent_repaired</literal> total number of
1041                         lost name entries that have been re-inserted.</para>
1042                       </listitem>
1043                       <listitem>
1044                         <para>
1045                         <literal>striped_dirs_scanned</literal> total number of
1046                         striped directories (master) that have been
1047                         scanned.</para>
1048                       </listitem>
1049                       <listitem>
1050                         <para>
1051                         <literal>striped_dirs_repaired</literal> total number of
1052                         striped directories (master) that have been
1053                         repaired.</para>
1054                       </listitem>
1055                       <listitem>
1056                         <para>
1057                         <literal>striped_dirs_failed</literal> total number of
1058                         striped directories (master) that have failed to be
1059                         verified.</para>
1060                       </listitem>
1061                       <listitem>
1062                         <para>
1063                         <literal>striped_dirs_disabled</literal> total number of
1064                         striped directories (master) that have been
1065                         disabled.</para>
1066                       </listitem>
1067                       <listitem>
1068                         <para>
1069                         <literal>striped_dirs_skipped</literal> total number of
1070                         striped directories (master) that have been skipped
1071                         (for shards verification) because of lost master LMV
1072                         EA.</para>
1073                       </listitem>
1074                       <listitem>
1075                         <para>
1076                         <literal>striped_shards_scanned</literal> total number
1077                         of striped directory shards (slave) that have been
1078                         scanned.</para>
1079                       </listitem>
1080                       <listitem>
1081                         <para>
1082                         <literal>striped_shards_repaired</literal> total number
1083                         of striped directory shards (slave) that have been
1084                         repaired.</para>
1085                       </listitem>
1086                       <listitem>
1087                         <para>
1088                         <literal>striped_shards_failed</literal> total number of
1089                         striped directory shards (slave) that have failed to be
1090                         verified.</para>
1091                       </listitem>
1092                       <listitem>
1093                         <para>
1094                         <literal>striped_shards_skipped</literal> total number
1095                         of striped directory shards (slave) that have been
1096                         skipped (for name hash verification) because LFSCK does
1097                         not know whether the slave LMV EA is valid or
1098                         not.</para>
1099                       </listitem>
1100                       <listitem>
1101                         <para>
1102                         <literal>name_hash_repaired</literal> total number of
1103                         name entries under striped directory with bad name hash
1104                         that have been repaired.</para>
1105                       </listitem>
1106                       <listitem>
1107                         <para>
1108                         <literal>nlinks_repaired</literal> total number of
1109                         objects with nlink fixed.</para>
1110                       </listitem>
1111                       <listitem>
1112                         <para>
1113                         <literal>mul_linked_repaired</literal> total number of
1114                         multiple-linked objects that have been repaired.</para>
1115                       </listitem>
1116                       <listitem>
1117                         <para>
1118                         <literal>local_lost_found_scanned</literal> total number
1119                         of objects under /lost+found that have been
1120                         scanned.</para>
1121                       </listitem>
1122                       <listitem>
1123                         <para>
1124                         <literal>local_lost_found_moved</literal> total number
1125                         of objects under /lost+found that have been moved to
1126                         namespace visible directory.</para>
1127                       </listitem>
1128                       <listitem>
1129                         <para>
1130                         <literal>local_lost_found_skipped</literal> total number
1131                         of objects under /lost+found that have been
1132                         skipped.</para>
1133                       </listitem>
1134                       <listitem>
1135                         <para>
1136                         <literal>local_lost_found_failed</literal> total number
1137                         of objects under /lost+found that have failed to be
1138                         processed.</para>
1139                       </listitem>
1140                       <listitem>
1141                         <para>
1142                         <literal>Success Count</literal> the total number of
1143                         completed LFSCK runs on the target.</para>
1144                       </listitem>
1145                       <listitem>
1146                         <para>
1147                         <literal>Run Time Phase1</literal> the duration of the
1148                         LFSCK run during
1149                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>. Excluding the time
1150                         spent paused between checkpoints.</para>
1151                       </listitem>
1152                       <listitem>
1153                         <para>
1154                         <literal>Run Time Phase2</literal> the duration of the
1155                         LFSCK run during
1156                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>. Excluding the time
1157                         spent paused between checkpoints.</para>
1158                       </listitem>
1159                       <listitem>
1160                         <para>
1161                         <literal>Average Speed Phase1</literal> calculated by
1162                         dividing
1163                         <literal>checked_phase1</literal> by
1164                         <literal>run_time_phase1</literal>.</para>
1165                       </listitem>
1166                       <listitem>
1167                         <para>
1168                         <literal>Average Speed Phase2</literal> calculated by
1169                         dividing
1170                         <literal>checked_phase2</literal> by
1171                         <literal>run_time_phase1</literal>.</para>
1172                       </listitem>
1173                       <listitem>
1174                         <para>
1175                         <literal>Real-Time Speed Phase1</literal> the speed
1176                         since the last checkpoint if the LFSCK is running
1177                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
1178                       </listitem>
1179                       <listitem>
1180                         <para>
1181                         <literal>Real-Time Speed Phase2</literal> the speed
1182                         since the last checkpoint if the LFSCK is running
1183                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
1184                       </listitem>
1185                     </itemizedlist>
1186                   </entry>
1187                 </row>
1188               </tbody>
1189             </tgroup>
1190           </informaltable>
1191         </section>
1192       </section>
1193       <section condition='l26'>
1194         <title>LFSCK status of layout via
1195         <literal>procfs</literal></title>
1196         <section>
1197           <title>Description</title>
1198           <para>The
1199           <literal>layout</literal> component is responsible for checking and
1200           repairing MDT-OST inconsistency. The
1201           <literal>procfs</literal> interface for this component is in the MDD
1202           layer, named
1203           <literal>lfsck_layout</literal>, and in the OBD layer, named
1204           <literal>lfsck_layout</literal>. To show the status of this component
1205           <literal>lctl get_param</literal> should be used as described in the
1206           usage below.</para>
1207           <para>The LFSCK layout status output refers to phase 1 and phase 2.
1208           Phase 1 is when the LFSCK main engine, which runs on each MDT/OST,
1209           linearly scans its local device, guaranteeing that all local objects
1210           are checked. During phase 1 of layout LFSCK, the OST-objects which are
1211           not referenced by any MDT-object are recorded in a bitmap. During
1212           phase 2 of the layout check, the OST-objects in the bitmap will be
1213           re-scanned to check whether they are really orphan objects.</para>
1214         </section>
1215         <section>
1216           <title>Usage</title>
1217           <screen>lctl get_param -n mdd.
1218 <replaceable>FSNAME</replaceable>-
1219 <replaceable>MDT_target</replaceable>.lfsck_layout
1220 lctl get_param -n obdfilter.
1221 <replaceable>FSNAME</replaceable>-
1222 <replaceable>OST_target</replaceable>.lfsck_layout</screen>
1223         </section>
1224         <section>
1225           <title>Output</title>
1226           <informaltable frame="all">
1227             <tgroup cols="2">
1228               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
1229               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
1230               <thead>
1231                 <row>
1232                   <entry>
1233                     <para>
1234                       <emphasis role="bold">Information</emphasis>
1235                     </para>
1236                   </entry>
1237                   <entry>
1238                     <para>
1239                       <emphasis role="bold">Detail</emphasis>
1240                     </para>
1241                   </entry>
1242                 </row>
1243               </thead>
1244               <tbody>
1245                 <row>
1246                   <entry>
1247                     <para>General Information</para>
1248                   </entry>
1249                   <entry>
1250                     <itemizedlist>
1251                       <listitem>
1252                         <para>Name:
1253                         <literal>lfsck_layout</literal></para>
1254                       </listitem>
1255                       <listitem>
1256                         <para>LFSCK namespace magic.</para>
1257                       </listitem>
1258                       <listitem>
1259                         <para>LFSCK namespace version..</para>
1260                       </listitem>
1261                       <listitem>
1262                         <para>Status: one of the status -
1263                         <literal>init</literal>,
1264                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>,
1265                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>,
1266                         <literal>completed</literal>,
1267                         <literal>failed</literal>,
1268                         <literal>stopped</literal>,
1269                         <literal>paused</literal>,
1270                         <literal>crashed</literal>,
1271                         <literal>partial</literal>,
1272                         <literal>co-failed</literal>,
1273                         <literal>co-stopped</literal>, or
1274                         <literal>co-paused</literal>.</para>
1275                       </listitem>
1276                       <listitem>
1277                         <para>Flags: including -
1278                         <literal>scanned-once</literal>(the first cycle
1279                         scanning has been completed),
1280                         <literal>inconsistent</literal>(one or more MDT-OST
1281                         inconsistencies have been discovered),
1282                         <literal>incomplete</literal>(some MDT or OST did not
1283                         participate in the LFSCK or failed to finish the LFSCK)
1284                         or
1285                         <literal>crashed_lastid</literal>(the lastid files on
1286                         the OST crashed and needs to be rebuilt).</para>
1287                       </listitem>
1288                       <listitem>
1289                         <para>Parameters: including
1290                         <literal>dryrun</literal>,
1291                         <literal>all_targets</literal> and
1292                         <literal>failout</literal>.</para>
1293                       </listitem>
1294                       <listitem>
1295                         <para>Time Since Last Completed.</para>
1296                       </listitem>
1297                       <listitem>
1298                         <para>Time Since Latest Start.</para>
1299                       </listitem>
1300                       <listitem>
1301                         <para>Time Since Last Checkpoint.</para>
1302                       </listitem>
1303                       <listitem>
1304                         <para>Latest Start Position: the position the checking
1305                         began most recently.</para>
1306                       </listitem>
1307                       <listitem>
1308                         <para>Last Checkpoint Position.</para>
1309                       </listitem>
1310                       <listitem>
1311                         <para>First Failure Position: the position for the
1312                         first object to be repaired.</para>
1313                       </listitem>
1314                       <listitem>
1315                         <para>Current Position.</para>
1316                       </listitem>
1317                     </itemizedlist>
1318                   </entry>
1319                 </row>
1320                 <row>
1321                   <entry>
1322                     <para>Statistics</para>
1323                   </entry>
1324                   <entry>
1325                     <itemizedlist>
1326                       <listitem>
1327                         <para>
1328                         <literal>Success Count:</literal> the total number of
1329                         completed LFSCK runs on the target.</para>
1330                       </listitem>
1331                       <listitem>
1332                         <para>
1333                         <literal>Repaired Dangling:</literal> total number of
1334                         MDT-objects with dangling reference have been repaired
1335                         in the scanning-phase1.</para>
1336                       </listitem>
1337                       <listitem>
1338                         <para>
1339                         <literal>Repaired Unmatched Pairs</literal> total number
1340                         of unmatched MDT and OST-object pairs have been
1341                         repaired in the scanning-phase1</para>
1342                       </listitem>
1343                       <listitem>
1344                         <para>
1345                         <literal>Repaired Multiple Referenced</literal> total
1346                         number of OST-objects with multiple reference have been
1347                         repaired in the scanning-phase1.</para>
1348                       </listitem>
1349                       <listitem>
1350                         <para>
1351                         <literal>Repaired Orphan</literal> total number of
1352                         orphan OST-objects have been repaired in the
1353                         scanning-phase2.</para>
1354                       </listitem>
1355                       <listitem>
1356                         <para>
1357                         <literal>Repaired Inconsistent Owner</literal> total
1358                         number.of OST-objects with incorrect owner information
1359                         have been repaired in the scanning-phase1.</para>
1360                       </listitem>
1361                       <listitem>
1362                         <para>
1363                         <literal>Repaired Others</literal> total number of.other
1364                         inconsistency repaired in the scanning phases.</para>
1365                       </listitem>
1366                       <listitem>
1367                         <para>
1368                         <literal>Skipped</literal> Number of skipped
1369                         objects.</para>
1370                       </listitem>
1371                       <listitem>
1372                         <para>
1373                         <literal>Failed Phase1</literal> total number of objects
1374                         that failed to be repaired during
1375                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
1376                       </listitem>
1377                       <listitem>
1378                         <para>
1379                         <literal>Failed Phase2</literal> total number of objects
1380                         that failed to be repaired during
1381                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
1382                       </listitem>
1383                       <listitem>
1384                         <para>
1385                         <literal>Checked Phase1</literal> total number of
1386                         objects scanned during
1387                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
1388                       </listitem>
1389                       <listitem>
1390                         <para>
1391                         <literal>Checked Phase2</literal> total number of
1392                         objects scanned during
1393                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
1394                       </listitem>
1395                       <listitem>
1396                         <para>
1397                         <literal>Run Time Phase1</literal> the duration of the
1398                         LFSCK run during
1399                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>. Excluding the time
1400                         spent paused between checkpoints.</para>
1401                       </listitem>
1402                       <listitem>
1403                         <para>
1404                         <literal>Run Time Phase2</literal> the duration of the
1405                         LFSCK run during
1406                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>. Excluding the time
1407                         spent paused between checkpoints.</para>
1408                       </listitem>
1409                       <listitem>
1410                         <para>
1411                         <literal>Average Speed Phase1</literal> calculated by
1412                         dividing
1413                         <literal>checked_phase1</literal> by
1414                         <literal>run_time_phase1</literal>.</para>
1415                       </listitem>
1416                       <listitem>
1417                         <para>
1418                         <literal>Average Speed Phase2</literal> calculated by
1419                         dividing
1420                         <literal>checked_phase2</literal> by
1421                         <literal>run_time_phase1</literal>.</para>
1422                       </listitem>
1423                       <listitem>
1424                         <para>
1425                         <literal>Real-Time Speed Phase1</literal> the speed
1426                         since the last checkpoint if the LFSCK is running
1427                         <literal>scanning-phase1</literal>.</para>
1428                       </listitem>
1429                       <listitem>
1430                         <para>
1431                         <literal>Real-Time Speed Phase2</literal> the speed
1432                         since the last checkpoint if the LFSCK is running
1433                         <literal>scanning-phase2</literal>.</para>
1434                       </listitem>
1435                     </itemizedlist>
1436                   </entry>
1437                 </row>
1438               </tbody>
1439             </tgroup>
1440           </informaltable>
1441         </section>
1442       </section>
1443     </section>
1444     <section>
1445       <title>LFSCK adjustment interface</title>
1446       <section condition='l26'>
1447         <title>Rate control</title>
1448         <section>
1449           <title>Description</title>
1450           <para>The LFSCK upper speed limit can be changed using
1451           <literal>lctl set_param</literal> as shown in the usage below.</para>
1452         </section>
1453         <section>
1454           <title>Usage</title>
1455           <screen>lctl set_param mdd.${FSNAME}-${MDT_target}.lfsck_speed_limit=
1456 <replaceable>N</replaceable>
1457 lctl set_param obdfilter.${FSNAME}-${OST_target}.lfsck_speed_limit=
1458 <replaceable>N</replaceable></screen>
1459         </section>
1460         <section>
1461           <title>Values</title>
1462           <informaltable frame="all">
1463             <tgroup cols="2">
1464               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
1465               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
1466               <tbody>
1467                 <row>
1468                   <entry>
1469                     <para>0</para>
1470                   </entry>
1471                   <entry>
1472                     <para>No speed limit (run at maximum speed.)</para>
1473                   </entry>
1474                 </row>
1475                 <row>
1476                   <entry>
1477                     <para>positive integer</para>
1478                   </entry>
1479                   <entry>
1480                     <para>Maximum number of objects to scan per second.</para>
1481                   </entry>
1482                 </row>
1483               </tbody>
1484             </tgroup>
1485           </informaltable>
1486         </section>
1487       </section>
1488       <section xml:id="dbdoclet.lfsck_auto_scrub">
1489         <title>Auto scrub</title>
1490         <section>
1491           <title>Description</title>
1492           <para>The
1493           <literal>auto_scrub</literal> parameter controls whether OI scrub will
1494           be triggered when an inconsistency is detected during OI lookup. It
1495           can be set as described in the usage and values sections
1496           below.</para>
1497           <para>There is also a
1498           <literal>noscrub</literal> mount option (see
1499           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438219_12635" />) which can be used to
1500           disable automatic OI scrub upon detection of a file-level backup at
1501           mount time. If the
1502           <literal>noscrub</literal> mount option is specified,
1503           <literal>auto_scrub</literal> will also be disabled, so OI scrub will
1504           not be triggered when an OI inconsistency is detected. Auto scrub can
1505           be renabled after the mount using the command shown in the usage.
1506           Manually starting LFSCK after mounting provides finer control over
1507           the starting conditions.</para>
1508         </section>
1509         <section>
1510           <title>Usage</title>
1511           <screen>lctl set_param osd_ldiskfs.${FSNAME}-${MDT_target}.auto_scrub=<replaceable>N</replaceable></screen>
1512           <para>where
1513           <replaceable>N</replaceable>is an integer as described below.</para>
1514           <note condition='l25'><para>Lustre software 2.5 and later supports
1515           <literal>-P</literal> option that makes the
1516           <literal>set_param</literal> permanent.</para></note>
1517         </section>
1518         <section>
1519           <title>Values</title>
1520           <informaltable frame="all">
1521             <tgroup cols="2">
1522               <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="3*" />
1523               <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="7*" />
1524               <tbody>
1525                 <row>
1526                   <entry>
1527                     <para>0</para>
1528                   </entry>
1529                   <entry>
1530                     <para>Do not start OI Scrub automatically.</para>
1531                   </entry>
1532                 </row>
1533                 <row>
1534                   <entry>
1535                     <para>positive integer</para>
1536                   </entry>
1537                   <entry>
1538                     <para>Automatically start OI Scrub if inconsistency is
1539                     detected during OI lookup.</para>
1540                   </entry>
1541                 </row>
1542               </tbody>
1543             </tgroup>
1544           </informaltable>
1545         </section>
1546       </section>
1547     </section>
1548   </section>
1549 </chapter>