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LUDOC-304 fix: improvements related to multiple modify RPCs
[doc/manual.git] / Preface.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 <preface xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US">
3   <title>Preface</title>
4   <para>The <emphasis role="italic">Lustre<superscript>*</superscript>Software Release 2.x
5       Operations Manual</emphasis> provides detailed information and procedures to install,
6     configure and tune a Lustre file system. The manual covers topics such as failover, quotas,
7     striping, and bonding. This manual also contains troubleshooting information and tips to improve
8     the operation and performance of a Lustre file system.</para>
9   <section remap="h2">
10     <title>About this Document</title>
11     <para>This document is maintained by Intel in Docbook format. The
12     canonical version is available at
13     <link xl:href="http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation">http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link>. </para>
15     <section remap="h2">
16       <title>UNIX<superscript>*</superscript> Commands</title>
17       <para>This document may not contain information about basic UNIX<superscript>*</superscript>
18         operating system commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the
19         system, and configuring devices. Refer to the following for this information:</para>
20       <itemizedlist>
21         <listitem>
22           <para> Software documentation that you received with your system</para>
23         </listitem>
24         <listitem>
25           <para> Red Hat<superscript>*</superscript> Enterprise Linux<superscript>*</superscript>
26             documentation, which is at: <link xl:href="http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/index.html"
27               >http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/index.html</link></para>
28   <note><para> The Lustre client module is available for many different Linux<superscript>*</superscript>
29               versions and distributions. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution is the best
30               supported and tested platform for Lustre servers. </para></note>
31         </listitem>
32       </itemizedlist>
33     </section>
34     <section remap="h2">
35       <title>Shell Prompts</title>
36       <informaltable frame="all">
37         <tgroup cols="2">
38           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="50*"/>
39           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="50*"/>
40           <thead>
41             <row>
42               <entry>
43                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Shell</emphasis></para>
44               </entry>
45               <entry>
46                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Prompt</emphasis></para>
47               </entry>
48             </row>
49           </thead>
50           <tbody>
51             <row>
52               <entry>
53                 <para> C shell</para>
54               </entry>
55               <entry>
56                 <para> <emphasis>machine-name</emphasis>%</para>
57               </entry>
58             </row>
59             <row>
60               <entry>
61                 <para> C shell superuser</para>
62               </entry>
63               <entry>
64                 <para> <emphasis>machine-name</emphasis>#</para>
65               </entry>
66             </row>
67             <row>
68               <entry>
69                 <para> Bourne shell and Korn shell</para>
70               </entry>
71               <entry>
72                 <para> <prompt>$</prompt></para>
73               </entry>
74             </row>
75             <row>
76               <entry>
77                 <para> Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser</para>
78               </entry>
79               <entry>
80                 <para> <prompt>#</prompt></para>
81               </entry>
82             </row>
83           </tbody>
84         </tgroup>
85       </informaltable>
86     </section>
87     <section remap="h2">
88       <title>Related Documentation</title>
89       <informaltable frame="all">
90         <tgroup cols="4">
91           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="25*"/>
92           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="25*"/>
93           <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="15*"/>
94           <colspec colname="c4" colwidth="35*"/>
95           <thead>
96             <row>
97               <entry>
98                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Application</emphasis></para>
99               </entry>
100               <entry>
101                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Title</emphasis></para>
102               </entry>
103               <entry>
104                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Format</emphasis></para>
105               </entry>
106               <entry>
107                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Location</emphasis></para>
108               </entry>
109             </row>
110           </thead>
111           <tbody>
112             <row>
113               <entry>
114                 <para> Latest information</para>
115               </entry>
116               <entry>
117                 <para>
118                   <emphasis>Lustre Software Release 2.x Change Logs</emphasis></para>
119               </entry>
120               <entry>
121                 <para> Wiki page</para>
122               </entry>
123               <entry>
124                 <para> Online at <link
125                     xl:href="http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation"
126                     >http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link></para>
127               </entry>
128             </row>
129             <row>
130               <entry>
131                 <para> Service</para>
132               </entry>
133               <entry>
134                 <para>
135                   <emphasis>Lustre Software Release 2.x Operations Manual</emphasis></para>
136               </entry>
137               <entry>
138                 <para> PDF</para>
139                 <para>HTML</para>
140               </entry>
141               <entry>
142                 <para> Online at <link
143                     xl:href="http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation"
144                     >http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link></para>
145               </entry>
146             </row>
147           </tbody>
148         </tgroup>
149       </informaltable>
150     </section>
151     <section remap="h2">
152       <title>Documentation, Support, and Training</title>
153       <para>These web sites provide additional resources:</para>
154       <itemizedlist>
155         <listitem>
156           <para> Documentation <link xl:href="http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation">http://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link></para>
157         </listitem>
158         <listitem>
159           <para> Support <link xl:href="http://www.hpdd.intel.com/">http://www.hpdd.intel.com/</link></para>
160         </listitem>
161         <listitem>
162           <para> Training <link xl:href="http://www.hpdd.intel.com/">http://www.hpdd.intel.com/</link></para>
163         </listitem>
164       </itemizedlist>
165     </section>
166   </section>
167     <xi:include href="Revision.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
168 </preface>