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[doc/manual.git] / LustreProgrammingInterfaces.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US" xml:id="lustreprogramminginterfaces">
2   <title xml:id="lustreprogramminginterfaces.title">Programming Interfaces</title>
3   <para>This chapter describes public programming interfaces to that can be used to control various
4     aspects of a Lustre file system from userspace. This chapter includes the following
5     sections:</para>
6   <itemizedlist>
7     <listitem>
8       <para><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438291_32926"/></para>
9     </listitem>
10     <listitem>
11       <para><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438291_73963"/></para>
12     </listitem>
13   </itemizedlist>
14   <note>
15     <para>Lustre programming interface man pages are found in the <literal>lustre/doc</literal> folder.</para>
16   </note>
17   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438291_32926">
18     <title><indexterm>
19         <primary>programming</primary>
20         <secondary>upcall</secondary>
21       </indexterm>User/Group Upcall</title>
22     <para>This section describes the supplementary user/group upcall, which allows the MDS to
23       retrieve and verify the supplementary groups to which a particular user is assigned. This
24       avoids the need to pass all the supplementary groups from the client to the MDS with every
25       RPC.</para>
26     <note>
27       <para>For information about universal UID/GID requirements in a Lustre file system
28         environment, see <xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
29           linkend="section_rh2_d4w_gk"/>.</para>
30     </note>
31     <section remap="h3">
32       <title>Synopsis</title>
33       <para>The MDS uses the utility as specified by <literal>lctl get_param
34           mdt.${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}.identity_upcall</literal> to look up the supplied UID in order to
35         retrieve the user's supplementary group membership. The result is temporarily cached in the
36         kernel (for five minutes, by default) to avoid the overhead of calling into userspace
37         repeatedly.</para>
38     </section>
39     <section remap="h3">
40       <title>Description</title>
41       <para>The identity upcall file contains the path to an executable that is invoked to resolve a
42         numeric UID to a group membership list. This utility opens
43           <literal>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_info</literal> and fills in the
44         related <literal>identity_downcall_data</literal> data structure (see <xref
45           linkend="dbdoclet.50438291_33759"/>). The data is persisted with <literal>lctl set_param
46           mdt.${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}.identity_info</literal>.</para>
47       <para>For a sample upcall program, see <literal>lustre/utils/l_getidentity.c</literal> in the Lustre source distribution.</para>
48       <section remap="h4">
49         <title>Primary and Secondary Groups</title>
50         <para>The mechanism for the primary/secondary group is as follows:</para>
51         <itemizedlist>
52           <listitem>
53             <para>The MDS issues an upcall (set per MDS) to map the numeric UID to the supplementary
54               group(s).</para>
55           </listitem>
56           <listitem>
57             <para>If there is no upcall or if there is an upcall and it fails, one supplementary
58               group at most will be added as supplied by the client.</para>
59           </listitem>
60           <listitem>
61             <para>The default upcall is <literal>/usr/sbin/l_getidentity</literal>, which can
62               interact with the user/group database to obtain UID/GID/suppgid. The user/group
63               database depends on how authentication is configured, such as local
64                 <literal>/etc/passwd</literal>, Network Information Service (NIS), or Lightweight
65               Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). If necessary, the administrator can use a parse
66               utility to set
67                 <literal>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_upcall</literal>. If the
68               upcall interface is set to NONE, then upcall is disabled. The MDS uses the
69               UID/GID/suppgid supplied by the client.</para>
70           </listitem>
71           <listitem>
72             <para>The default group upcall is set by <literal>mkfs.lustre</literal>. Use
73                 <literal>tunefs.lustre --param</literal> or <literal>lctl set_param
74                 mdt.${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}.identity_upcall={path}</literal></para>
75           </listitem>
76         </itemizedlist>
77         <itemizedlist>
78           <para>A Lustre file system administrator can specify permissions for a specific UID by
79             configuring <literal>/etc/lustre/perm.conf</literal> on the MDS. The
80               <literal>/usr/sbin/l_getidentity</literal> utility parses
81               <literal>/etc/lustre/perm.conf</literal> to obtain the permission mask for a specified
82             UID.</para>
83           <para>The permission file format
84             is:<screen>{<replaceable>nid</replaceable>} {<replaceable>uid</replaceable>} {<replaceable>perms</replaceable>}</screen>An
85             asterisk (*) in the <replaceable>nid</replaceable> column or
86               <replaceable>uid</replaceable> column matches any NID or UID respectively. When '*' is
87             specified as the NID, it is used for the default permissions for all NIDS, unless
88             permissions are specified for a particular NID.  In this case the specified permissions
89             take precedence for that particular NID.  Valid values for
90               <replaceable>perms</replaceable> are:<itemizedlist>
91               <listitem>
92                 <para><literal>setuid/setgid/setgrp/<replaceable>XXX</replaceable></literal> -
93                   enables the corresponding <replaceable>perm</replaceable></para>
94               </listitem>
95               <listitem>
96                 <para><literal>nosetuid/nosetgid/nosetgrp/no<replaceable>XXX</replaceable></literal>
97                   - disables the corresponding <replaceable>perm</replaceable></para>
98               </listitem>
99             </itemizedlist>Permissions can be specified in a comma-separated list. When a
100               <replaceable>perm</replaceable> and a <replaceable>noperm</replaceable> permission are
101             listed in the same line, the <replaceable>noperm</replaceable> permission takes
102             precedence. When they are listed on separate lines, the permission that appears later
103             takes precedence.</para>
104           <listitem>
105             <?oxy_custom_start type="oxy_content_highlight" color="255,255,0"?>
106             <para><?oxy_custom_end?>The <literal>/usr/sbin/l_getidentity</literal> utility can parse
107                 <literal>/etc/lustre/perm.conf</literal> to obtain the permission mask for the
108               specified UID.</para>
109           </listitem>
110           <listitem>
111             <para>To avoid repeated upcalls, the MDS caches supplemental group information. Use
112                 <literal>lctl set_param mdt.*.identity_expire=&lt;seconds></literal> to set the
113               cache time. The default cache time is 600 seconds. The kernel waits for the upcall to
114               complete (at most, 5 seconds) and takes the &quot;failure&quot; behavior as described. </para>
115             <para>Set the wait time using <literal>lctl set_param
116                 mdt.*.identity_acquire_expire=&lt;seconds></literal> to change the length of time
117               that the kernel waits for the upcall to finish. Note that the client process is
118               blocked during this time. The default wait time is 15 seconds.</para>
119             <para>Cached entries are flushed using <literal>lctl set_param
120                 mdt.${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}.identity_flush=0</literal>.</para>
121           </listitem>
122         </itemizedlist>
123       </section>
124     </section>
125     <section remap="h3">
126       <title>Parameters</title>
127       <itemizedlist>
128         <listitem>
129           <para> Name of the MDS service</para>
130         </listitem>
131         <listitem>
132           <para> Numeric UID</para>
133         </listitem>
134       </itemizedlist>
135     </section>
136     <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438291_33759">
137       <title>Data Structures</title>
138       <screen>struct perm_downcall_data{
139      __u64 pdd_nid;
140      __u32 pdd_perm;
141      __u32 pdd_padding;
142 };
144 struct identity_downcall_data{
145      __u32        idd_magic;
146      :         
147      :</screen>
148     </section>
149   </section>
150   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438291_73963">
151     <title><indexterm><primary>programming</primary><secondary>l_getidentity</secondary></indexterm><literal>l_getidentity</literal> Utility</title>
152     <para>The <literal>l_getidentity</literal> utility handles the Lustre supplementary group upcall
153       by default as described in the previous section.</para>
154     <section remap="h5">
155       <title>Synopsis</title>
156       <screen>l_getidentity ${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx} {uid}</screen>
157     </section>
158     <section remap="h5">
159       <title>Description</title>
160       <para>The identity upcall file contains the path to an executable that is invoked to resolve a
161         numeric UID to a group membership list. This utility opens
162           <literal>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_info</literal>, completes the
163           <literal>identity_downcall_data</literal> data structure (see <xref
164           linkend="dbdoclet.50438291_33759"/>) and writes the data to the
165           <literal>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_info</literal> pseudo file. The
166         data is persisted with <literal>lctl set_param
167           mdt.${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}.identity_info</literal>.</para>
168       <para><literal>l_getidentity</literal> is the reference implementation of the user/group cache
169         upcall.</para>
170     </section>
171     <section remap="h5">
172       <title>Files</title>
173       <para>
174         <screen>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_upcall</screen>
175         <screen>/proc/fs/lustre/mdt/${FSNAME}-MDT{xxxx}/identity_info</screen>
176       </para>
177     </section>
178   </section>
179 </chapter>