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[doc/manual.git] / InstallingLustre.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
3 xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US"
4 xml:id="installinglustre">
5   <title xml:id="installinglustre.title">Installing the Lustre Software</title>
6   <para>This chapter describes how to install the Lustre software from RPM
7   packages. It includes:</para>
8   <itemizedlist>
9     <listitem>
10       <para>
11         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438261_99193" />
12       </para>
13     </listitem>
14     <listitem>
15       <para>
16         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438261_41900" />
17       </para>
18     </listitem>
19   </itemizedlist>
20   <para>For hardware and system requirements and hardware configuration
21   information, see
22   <xref linkend="settinguplustresystem" />.</para>
23   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438261_99193">
24     <title>
25     <indexterm>
26       <primary>installing</primary>
27       <secondary>preparation</secondary>
28     </indexterm>Preparing to Install the Lustre Software</title>
29     <para>You can install the Lustre software from downloaded packages (RPMs)
30     or directly from the source code. This chapter describes how to install the
31     Lustre RPM packages. Instructions to install from source code are beyond
32     the scope of this document, and can be found elsewhere online.</para>
33     <para>The Lustre RPM packages are tested on current versions of Linux
34     enterprise distributions at the time they are created.  See the release
35     notes for each version for specific details.</para>
36     <section xml:id="section_rqs_tjw_3k">
37       <title>Software Requirements</title>
38       <para>To install the Lustre software from RPMs, the following are
39       required:
40       <itemizedlist>
41         <listitem>
42           <para>
43           <emphasis role="bold">
44             <emphasis role="italic">Lustre server packages</emphasis>
45           </emphasis>. The required packages for Lustre 2.9 EL7 servers are
46           listed in the table below, where
47           <replaceable>ver</replaceable> refers to the Lustre release and
48           kernel version (e.g., 2.9.0-1.el7) and
49           <replaceable>arch</replaceable> refers to the processor architecture
50           (e.g., x86_64). These packages are available in the
51           <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
52           Lustre Releases</link> repository, and may differ depending on
53           your distro and version.</para>
54           <para>
55             <table frame="all" xml:id="table_cnh_5m3_gk">
56               <title>Packages Installed on Lustre Servers</title>
57               <tgroup cols="2">
58                 <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.18*" />
59                 <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*" />
60                 <thead>
61                   <row>
62                     <entry>Package Name</entry>
63                     <entry>Description</entry>
64                   </row>
65                 </thead>
66                 <tbody>
67                   <row>
68                     <entry>
69                       <code>kernel-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>_lustre.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
70                     </entry>
71                     <entry>Linux kernel with Lustre software patches (often
72                     referred to as "patched kernel")</entry>
73                   </row>
74                   <row>
75                     <entry>
76                       <code>lustre-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
77                     </entry>
78                     <entry>Lustre software command line tools</entry>
79                   </row>
80                   <row>
81                     <entry>
82                       <code>kmod-lustre-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
83                     </entry>
84                     <entry>Lustre-patched kernel modules</entry>
85                   </row>
86                   <row>
87                     <entry>
88                       <code>kmod-lustre-osd-ldiskfs-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
89                     </entry>
90                     <entry>Lustre back-end file system tools for ldiskfs-based
91                     servers.
92                     </entry>
93                   </row>
94                   <row>
95                     <entry>
96                       <code>lustre-osd-ldiskfs-mount-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
97                     </entry>
98                     <entry>Helper library for <literal>mount.lustre</literal>
99                     and <literal>mkfs.lustre</literal> for ldiskfs-based servers.
100                     </entry>
101                   </row>
102                   <row>
103                     <entry>
104                       <code>kmod-lustre-osd-zfs-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
105                     </entry>
106                     <entry>Lustre back-end file system tools for ZFS. This is 
107                     an alternative to
108                     <literal>lustre-osd-ldiskfs</literal> (kmod-spl and
109                     kmod-zfs available separately).</entry>
110                   </row>
111                   <row>
112                     <entry>
113                       <code>lustre-osd-zfs-mount-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
114                     </entry>
115                     <entry>Helper library for <literal>mount.lustre</literal>
116                     and <literal>mkfs.lustre</literal> for ZFS-based servers
117                     (zfs utilities available separately).
118                     </entry>
119                   </row>
120                   <row>
121                     <entry>
122                       <code>e2fsprogs</code>
123                     </entry>
124                     <entry>Utilities to maintain Lustre ldiskfs back-end file
125                     system(s)
126                     </entry>
127                   </row>
128                   <row>
129                     <entry>
130                       <code>lustre-tests-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>_lustre.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
131                     </entry>
132                     <entry>Lustre I/O Kit benchmarking tools
133                     <emphasis role="italic">(Included in Lustre software as of
134                     release 2.2)</emphasis></entry>
135                   </row>
136                 </tbody>
137               </tgroup>
138             </table>
139           </para>
140         </listitem>
141         <listitem>
142           <para>
143           <emphasis role="bold">
144             <emphasis role="italic">Lustre client packages</emphasis>
145           </emphasis>. The required packages for Lustre 2.9 EL7 clients are
146           listed in the table below, where
147           <replaceable>ver</replaceable> refers to the Linux distribution (e.g.,
148           3.6.18-348.1.1.el5). These packages are available in the
149           <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
150           Lustre Releases</link> repository.</para>
151           <para>
152             <table frame="all" xml:id="table_j3r_ym3_gk">
153               <title>Packages Installed on Lustre Clients</title>
154               <tgroup cols="2">
155                 <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*" />
156                 <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.02*" />
157                 <thead>
158                   <row>
159                     <entry>Package Name</entry>
160                     <entry>Description</entry>
161                   </row>
162                 </thead>
163                 <tbody>
164                   <row>
165                     <entry>
166                       <code>kmod-lustre-client-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
167                     </entry>
168                     <entry>Patchless kernel modules for client</entry>
169                   </row>
170                   <row>
171                     <entry>
172                       <code>lustre-client-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
173                     </entry>
174                     <entry>Client command line tools</entry>
175                   </row>
176                   <row>
177                     <entry>
178                       <code>lustre-client-dkms-<replaceable>ver</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable></code>
179                     </entry>
180                     <entry>Alternate client RPM to kmod-lustre-client with
181                     Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) installation. This
182                     avoids the need to install a new RPM for each kernel update,
183                     but requires a full build environment on the client.</entry>
184                   </row>
185                 </tbody>
186               </tgroup>
187             </table>
188           </para>
189           <note>
190             <para>The version of the kernel running on a Lustre client must be
191             the same as the version of the 
192             <code>kmod-lustre-client-<replaceable>ver</replaceable></code>
193             package being installed, unless the DKMS package is installed.
194             If the kernel running on the client is not compatible, a kernel
195             that is compatible must be installed on the client before the
196             Lustre file system software is used.</para>
197           </note>
198         </listitem>
199         <listitem>
200           <para>
201           <emphasis role="bold">
202             <emphasis role="italic">Lustre LNet network driver (LND)</emphasis>
203           </emphasis>. The Lustre LNDs provided with the Lustre software are
204           listed in the table below. For more information about Lustre LNet,
205           see 
206           <xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
207           linkend="understandinglustrenetworking" />.</para>
208           <table frame="all" xml:id="table_bkx_dn3_gk">
209             <title>Network Types Supported by Lustre LNDs</title>
210             <tgroup cols="2">
211               <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*" />
212               <colspec colname="newCol2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.95*" />
213               <thead>
214                 <row>
215                   <entry>Supported Network Types</entry>
216                   <entry>Notes</entry>
217                 </row>
218               </thead>
219               <tbody>
220                 <row>
221                   <entry>TCP</entry>
222                   <entry>Any network carrying TCP traffic, including GigE,
223                   10GigE, and IPoIB</entry>
224                 </row>
225                 <row>
226                   <entry>InfiniBand network</entry>
227                   <entry>OpenFabrics OFED (o2ib)</entry>
228                 </row>
229                 <row>
230                   <entry>gni</entry>
231                   <entry>Gemini (Cray)</entry>
232                 </row>
233               </tbody>
234             </tgroup>
235           </table>
236         </listitem>
237       </itemizedlist></para>
238       <para>
239         <note>
240           <para>The InfiniBand and TCP Lustre LNDs are routinely tested during
241           release cycles. The other LNDs are maintained by their respective
242           owners</para>
243         </note>
244         <itemizedlist>
245           <listitem>
246             <para>
247             <emphasis role="bold">
248               <emphasis role="italic">High availability software</emphasis>
249             </emphasis>. If needed, install third party high-availability
250             software. For more information, see 
251             <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438188_92688" />.</para>
252           </listitem>
253           <listitem>
254             <para>
255             <emphasis role="bold">
256               <emphasis role="italic">Optional packages.</emphasis>
257             </emphasis>Optional packages provided in the 
258             <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
259             Lustre Releases</link>repository may include the following
260             (depending on the operating system and platform):
261             <itemizedlist>
262               <listitem>
263                 <para>
264                 <code>kernel-debuginfo</code>, 
265                 <code>kernel-debuginfo-common</code>, 
266                 <code>lustre-debuginfo</code>, 
267                 <code>lustre-osd-ldiskfs-debuginfo</code>- Versions of required
268                 packages with debugging symbols and other debugging options
269                 enabled for use in troubleshooting.</para>
270               </listitem>
271               <listitem>
272                 <para>
273                 <code>kernel-devel</code>, - Portions of the kernel tree needed
274                 to compile third party modules, such as network drivers.</para>
275               </listitem>
276               <listitem>
277                 <para>
278                 <code>kernel-firmware</code>- Standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux
279                 distribution that has been recompiled to work with the Lustre
280                 kernel.</para>
281               </listitem>
282               <listitem>
283                 <para>
284                 <code>kernel-headers</code>- Header files installed under
285                 /user/include and used when compiling user-space,
286                 kernel-related code.</para>
287               </listitem>
288               <listitem>
289                 <para>
290                 <code>lustre-source</code>- Lustre software source code.</para>
291               </listitem>
292               <listitem>
293                 <para>
294                 <emphasis role="italic">(Recommended)</emphasis>
295                 <code>perf</code>, 
296                 <code>perf-debuginfo</code>, 
297                 <code>python-perf</code>, 
298                 <code>python-perf-debuginfo</code>- Linux performance analysis
299                 tools that have been compiled to match the Lustre kernel
300                 version.</para>
301               </listitem>
302             </itemizedlist></para>
303           </listitem>
304         </itemizedlist>
305       </para>
306     </section>
307     <section xml:id="section_rh2_d4w_gk">
308       <title>Environmental Requirements</title>
309       <para>Before installing the Lustre software, make sure the following
310       environmental requirements are met.
311       <itemizedlist>
312         <listitem>
313           <para>
314           <emphasis role="italic">(Required)</emphasis>
315           <emphasis role="italic">
316             <emphasis role="bold">Disable Security-Enhanced Linux
317             <superscript>*</superscript>(SELinux) on all Lustre servers 
318             </emphasis>
319           </emphasis>The Lustre software does not support SELinux. Therefore,
320           the SELinux system extension must be disabled on all Lustre nodes.
321           Also, make sure other security extensions (such as the Novell
322           AppArmor
323           <superscript>*</superscript>security system) and network packet
324           filtering tools (such as iptables) do not interfere with the Lustre
325           software.</para>
326         </listitem>
327         <listitem>
328           <para>
329           <emphasis role="italic">(Required)</emphasis>
330           <emphasis role="italic">
331             <emphasis role="bold">Use the same user IDs (UID) and group IDs
332             (GID) on all clients.</emphasis>
333           </emphasis>If use of supplemental groups is required, see 
334           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438291_32926" />for information about
335           supplementary user and group cache upcall (
336           <code>identity_upcall</code>).</para>
337         </listitem>
338         <listitem>
339           <para>
340           <emphasis role="italic">(Recommended)</emphasis>
341           <emphasis role="italic">
342             <emphasis role="bold">Provide remote shell access to
343             clients.</emphasis>
344           </emphasis>It is recommended that all cluster nodes have remote shell
345           client access to facilitate the use of Lustre configuration and
346           monitoring scripts. Parallel Distributed SHell (pdsh) is preferable,
347           although Secure SHell (SSH) is acceptable.</para>
348         </listitem>
349         <listitem>
350           <para>
351           <emphasis role="italic">(Recommended)</emphasis>
352           <emphasis role="italic">
353             <emphasis role="bold">Ensure client clocks are
354             synchronized.</emphasis>
355           </emphasis>The Lustre file system uses client clocks for timestamps.
356           If clocks are out of sync between clients, files will appear with
357           different time stamps when accessed by different clients. Drifting
358           clocks can also cause problems by, for example, making it difficult
359           to debug multi-node issues or correlate logs, which depend on
360           timestamps. We recommend that you use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to
361           keep client and server clocks in sync with each other. For more
362           information about NTP, see: 
363           <link xl:href="http://www.ntp.org/">http://www.ntp.org</link>.</para>
364         </listitem>
365       </itemizedlist></para>
366     </section>
367   </section>
368   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438261_41900">
369     <title>Lustre Software Installation Procedure</title>
370     <caution>
371       <para>Before installing the Lustre software, back up ALL data. The Lustre
372       software contains kernel modifications that interact with storage devices
373       and may introduce security issues and data loss if not installed,
374       configured, or administered properly.</para>
375     </caution>
376     <para>To install the Lustre software from RPMs, complete the steps
377     below.</para>
378     <orderedlist>
379       <listitem>
380         <para>Verify that all Lustre installation requirements have been
381         met.</para>
382         <itemizedlist>
383           <listitem>
384             <para>For hardware requirements, see 
385             <xref linkend="settinguplustresystem" />.</para>
386           </listitem>
387           <listitem>
388             <para>For software and environmental requirements, see the section 
389             <xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
390             linkend="dbdoclet.50438261_99193" />above.</para>
391           </listitem>
392         </itemizedlist>
393       </listitem>
394       <listitem>
395         <para>Download the 
396         <literal>e2fsprogs</literal> RPMs for your platform from the 
397         <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
398         Lustre Releases</link>repository.</para>
399       </listitem>
400       <listitem>
401         <para>Download the Lustre server RPMs for your platform from the 
402         <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
403         Lustre Releases</link>repository. See 
404         <xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
405         linkend="table_cnh_5m3_gk" />for a list of required packages.</para>
406       </listitem>
407       <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.50438261_88296">
408         <para>Install the Lustre server and 
409         <literal>e2fsprogs</literal> packages on all Lustre servers (MGS, MDSs,
410         and OSSs).
411         <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
412           <listitem>
413             <para>Log onto a Lustre server as the 
414             <literal>root</literal> user</para>
415           </listitem>
416           <listitem>
417             <para>Use the 
418             <literal>yum</literal> command to install the packages:</para>
419             <para>
420               <screen>
421 # yum --nogpgcheck install pkg1.rpm pkg2.rpm ...
422 </screen>
423             </para>
424           </listitem>
425           <listitem>
426             <para>Verify the packages are installed correctly:</para>
427             <para>
428               <screen>
429 rpm -qa|egrep "lustre|wc"|sort
430 </screen>
431             </para>
432           </listitem>
433           <listitem>
434             <para>Reboot the server.</para>
435           </listitem>
436           <listitem>
437             <para>Repeat these steps on each Lustre server.</para>
438           </listitem>
439         </orderedlist></para>
440       </listitem>
441       <listitem>
442         <para>Download the Lustre client RPMs for your platform from the 
443         <link xl:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">
444         Lustre Releases</link>repository. See 
445         <xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
446         linkend="table_j3r_ym3_gk" />for a list of required packages.</para>
447       </listitem>
448       <listitem>
449         <para>Install the Lustre client packages on all Lustre clients.
450         <note>
451           <para>The version of the kernel running on a Lustre client must be
452           the same as the version of the 
453           <literal>lustre-client-modules-</literal>
454           <replaceable>ver</replaceable> package being installed. If not, a
455           compatible kernel must be installed on the client before the Lustre
456           client packages are installed.</para>
457         </note></para>
458         <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
459           <listitem>
460             <para>Log onto a Lustre client as the root user.</para>
461           </listitem>
462           <listitem>
463             <para>Use the 
464             <literal>yum</literal> command to install the packages:</para>
465             <para>
466               <screen>
467 # yum --nogpgcheck install pkg1.rpm pkg2.rpm ...
468 </screen>
469             </para>
470           </listitem>
471           <listitem>
472             <para>Verify the packages were installed correctly:</para>
473             <para>
474               <screen>
475 # rpm -qa|egrep "lustre|kernel"|sort
476 </screen>
477             </para>
478           </listitem>
479           <listitem>
480             <para>Reboot the client.</para>
481           </listitem>
482           <listitem>
483             <para>Repeat these steps on each Lustre client.</para>
484           </listitem>
485         </orderedlist>
486       </listitem>
487     </orderedlist>
488     <para>To configure LNet, go to 
489     <xref linkend="configuringlnet" />. If default settings will be used for
490     LNet, go to 
491     <xref linkend="configuringlustre" />.</para>
492   </section>
493 </chapter>