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[doc/manual.git] / ConfiguringLustre.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
2 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
3 xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US"
4 xml:id="configuringlustre">
5   <title xml:id="configuringlustre.title">Configuring a Lustre File
6   System</title>
7   <para>This chapter shows how to configure a simple Lustre file system
8   comprised of a combined MGS/MDT, an OST and a client. It includes:</para>
9   <itemizedlist>
10     <listitem>
11       <para>
12         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_50692" />
13       </para>
14     </listitem>
15     <listitem>
16       <para>
17         <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_76752" />
18       </para>
19     </listitem>
20   </itemizedlist>
21   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_50692">
22     <title>
23     <indexterm>
24       <primary>Lustre</primary>
25       <secondary>configuring</secondary>
26     </indexterm>Configuring a Simple Lustre File System</title>
27     <para>A Lustre file system can be set up in a variety of configurations by
28     using the administrative utilities provided with the Lustre software. The
29     procedure below shows how to configure a simple Lustre file system
30     consisting of a combined MGS/MDS, one OSS with two OSTs, and a client. For
31     an overview of the entire Lustre installation procedure, see 
32     <xref linkend="installoverview" />.</para>
33     <para>This configuration procedure assumes you have completed the
34     following:</para>
35     <itemizedlist>
36       <listitem>
37         <para>
38         <emphasis>
39           <emphasis role="bold">Set up and configured your hardware</emphasis>
40         </emphasis>. For more information about hardware requirements, see 
41         <xref linkend="settinguplustresystem" />.</para>
42       </listitem>
43       <listitem>
44         <para>
45         <emphasis role="bold">Downloaded and installed the Lustre
46         software.</emphasis>For more information about preparing for and
47         installing the Lustre software, see 
48         <xref linkend="installinglustre" />.</para>
49       </listitem>
50     </itemizedlist>
51     <para>The following optional steps should also be completed, if needed,
52     before the Lustre software is configured:</para>
53     <itemizedlist>
54       <listitem>
55         <para>
56         <emphasis>Set up a hardware or software RAID on block devices to be
57         used as OSTs or MDTs.</emphasis>For information about setting up RAID,
58         see the documentation for your RAID controller or 
59         <xref linkend="configuringstorage" />.</para>
60       </listitem>
61       <listitem>
62         <para>
63         <emphasis>Set up network interface bonding on Ethernet
64         interfaces.</emphasis>For information about setting up network
65         interface bonding, see 
66         <xref linkend="settingupbonding" />.</para>
67       </listitem>
68       <listitem>
69         <para>
70         <emphasis>Set</emphasis>lnet 
71         <emphasis>module parameters to specify how Lustre Networking (LNET) is
72         to be configured to work with a Lustre file system and test the LNET
73         configuration.</emphasis>LNET will, by default, use the first TCP/IP
74         interface it discovers on a system. If this network configuration is
75         sufficient, you do not need to configure LNET. LNET configuration is
76         required if you are using InfiniBand or multiple Ethernet
77         interfaces.</para>
78       </listitem>
79     </itemizedlist>
80     <para>For information about configuring LNET, see 
81     <xref linkend="configuringlnet" />. For information about testing LNET, see
83     <xref linkend="lnetselftest" />.</para>
84     <itemizedlist>
85       <listitem>
86         <para>
87         <emphasis>Run the benchmark script 
88         <literal>sgpdd-survey</literal> to determine baseline performance of
89         your hardware.</emphasis>Benchmarking your hardware will simplify
90         debugging performance issues that are unrelated to the Lustre software
91         and ensure you are getting the best possible performance with your
92         installation. For information about running 
93         <literal>sgpdd-survey</literal>, see 
94         <xref linkend="benchmarkingtests" />.</para>
95       </listitem>
96     </itemizedlist>
97     <note>
98       <para>The 
99       <literal>sgpdd-survey</literal> script overwrites the device being tested
100       so it must be run before the OSTs are configured.</para>
101     </note>
102     <para>To configure a simple Lustre file system, complete these
103     steps:</para>
104     <orderedlist>
105       <listitem>
106         <para>Create a combined MGS/MDT file system on a block device. On the
107         MDS node, run:</para>
108         <screen>
109 mkfs.lustre --fsname=
110 <replaceable>fsname</replaceable> --mgs --mdt --index=0 
111 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable>
112 </screen>
113         <para>The default file system name (
114         <literal>fsname</literal>) is 
115         <literal>lustre</literal>.</para>
116         <note>
117           <para>If you plan to create multiple file systems, the MGS should be
118           created separately on its own dedicated block device, by
119           running:</para>
120           <screen>
121 mkfs.lustre --fsname=
122 <replaceable>fsname</replaceable> --mgs 
123 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable>
124 </screen>
125           <para>See 
126           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438194_88063" />for more details.</para>
127         </note>
128       </listitem>
129       <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.addmdtindex">
130         <para>Optional for Lustre software release 2.4 and later. 
131         Add in additional MDTs.</para>
132         <screen>
133 mkfs.lustre --fsname=
134 <replaceable>fsname</replaceable> --mgsnode=
135 <replaceable>nid</replaceable> --mdt --index=1 
136 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable>
137 </screen>
138         <note>
139           <para>Up to 4095 additional MDTs can be added.</para>
140         </note>
141       </listitem>
142       <listitem>
143         <para>Mount the combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On
144         the MDS node, run:</para>
145         <screen>
146 mount -t lustre 
147 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable> 
148 <replaceable>/mount_point</replaceable>
149 </screen>
150         <note>
151           <para>If you have created an MGS and an MDT on separate block
152           devices, mount them both.</para>
153         </note>
154       </listitem>
155       <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1290915">
156         <para>Create the OST. On the OSS node, run:</para>
157         <screen>
158 mkfs.lustre --fsname=
159 <replaceable>fsname</replaceable> --mgsnode=
160 <replaceable>MGS_NID</replaceable> --ost --index=
161 <replaceable>OST_index</replaceable> 
162 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable>
163 </screen>
164         <para>When you create an OST, you are formatting a 
165         <literal>ldiskfs</literal> or 
166         <literal>ZFS</literal> file system on a block storage device like you
167         would with any local file system.</para>
168         <para>You can have as many OSTs per OSS as the hardware or drivers
169         allow. For more information about storage and memory requirements for a
170         Lustre file system, see 
171         <xref linkend="settinguplustresystem" />.</para>
172         <para>You can only configure one OST per block device. You should
173         create an OST that uses the raw block device and does not use
174         partitioning.</para>
175         <para>You should specify the OST index number at format time in order
176         to simplify translating the OST number in error messages or file
177         striping to the OSS node and block device later on.</para>
178         <para>If you are using block devices that are accessible from multiple
179         OSS nodes, ensure that you mount the OSTs from only one OSS node at at
180         time. It is strongly recommended that multiple-mount protection be
181         enabled for such devices to prevent serious data corruption. For more
182         information about multiple-mount protection, see 
183         <xref linkend="managingfailover" />.</para>
184         <note>
185           <para>The Lustre software currently supports block devices up to 128
186           TB on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6 (up to 8 TB on other
187           distributions). If the device size is only slightly larger that 16
188           TB, it is recommended that you limit the file system size to 16 TB at
189           format time. We recommend that you not place DOS partitions on top of
190           RAID 5/6 block devices due to negative impacts on performance, but
191           instead format the whole disk for the file system.</para>
192         </note>
193       </listitem>
194       <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1293955">
195         <para>Mount the OST. On the OSS node where the OST was created,
196         run:</para>
197         <screen>
198 mount -t lustre 
199 <replaceable>/dev/block_device</replaceable> 
200 <replaceable>/mount_point</replaceable>
201 </screen>
202         <note>
203           <para>To create additional OSTs, repeat Step 
204           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1290915" />and Step 
205           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1293955" />, specifying the
206           next higher OST index number.</para>
207         </note>
208       </listitem>
209       <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1290934">
210         <para>Mount the Lustre file system on the client. On the client node,
211         run:</para>
212         <screen>
213 mount -t lustre 
214 <replaceable>MGS_node</replaceable>:/
215 <replaceable>fsname</replaceable> 
216 <replaceable>/mount_point</replaceable> 
217 </screen>
218         <note>
219           <para>To create additional clients, repeat Step 
220           <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1290934" />.</para>
221         </note>
222         <note>
223           <para>If you have a problem mounting the file system, check the
224           syslogs on the client and all the servers for errors and also check
225           the network settings. A common issue with newly-installed systems is
226           that 
227           <literal>hosts.deny</literal> or firewall rules may prevent
228           connections on port 988.</para>
229         </note>
230       </listitem>
231       <listitem>
232         <para>Verify that the file system started and is working correctly. Do
233         this by running 
234         <literal>lfs df</literal>, 
235         <literal>dd</literal> and 
236         <literal>ls</literal> commands on the client node.</para>
237       </listitem>
238       <listitem>
239         <para>
240         <emphasis>(Optional)</emphasis>Run benchmarking tools to validate the
241         performance of hardware and software layers in the cluster. Available
242         tools include:</para>
243         <itemizedlist>
244           <listitem>
245             <para>
246             <literal>obdfilter-survey</literal>- Characterizes the storage
247             performance of a Lustre file system. For details, see 
248             <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438212_26516" />.</para>
249           </listitem>
250           <listitem>
251             <para>
252             <literal>ost-survey</literal>- Performs I/O against OSTs to detect
253             anomalies between otherwise identical disk subsystems. For details,
254             see 
255             <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438212_85136" />.</para>
256           </listitem>
257         </itemizedlist>
258       </listitem>
259     </orderedlist>
260     <section remap="h3">
261       <title>
262       <indexterm>
263         <primary>Lustre</primary>
264         <secondary>configuring</secondary>
265         <tertiary>simple example</tertiary>
266       </indexterm>Simple Lustre Configuration Example</title>
267       <para>To see the steps to complete for a simple Lustre file system
268       configuration, follow this example in which a combined MGS/MDT and two
269       OSTs are created to form a file system called 
270       <literal>temp</literal>. Three block devices are used, one for the
271       combined MGS/MDS node and one for each OSS node. Common parameters used
272       in the example are listed below, along with individual node
273       parameters.</para>
274       <informaltable frame="all">
275         <tgroup cols="4">
276           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="2*" />
277           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="25*" />
278           <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="25*" />
279           <colspec colname="c4" colwidth="25*" />
280           <thead>
281             <row>
282               <entry nameend="c2" namest="c1">
283                 <para>
284                   <emphasis role="bold">Common Parameters</emphasis>
285                 </para>
286               </entry>
287               <entry>
288                 <para>
289                   <emphasis role="bold">Value</emphasis>
290                 </para>
291               </entry>
292               <entry>
293                 <para>
294                   <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
295                 </para>
296               </entry>
297             </row>
298           </thead>
299           <tbody>
300             <row>
301               <entry>
302                 <para>&#160;</para>
303               </entry>
304               <entry>
305                 <para>
306                   <emphasis role="bold">MGS node</emphasis>
307                 </para>
308               </entry>
309               <entry>
310                 <para>
311                   <literal></literal>
312                 </para>
313               </entry>
314               <entry>
315                 <para>Node for the combined MGS/MDS</para>
316               </entry>
317             </row>
318             <row>
319               <entry>
320                 <para>&#160;</para>
321               </entry>
322               <entry>
323                 <para>
324                   <emphasis role="bold">file system</emphasis>
325                 </para>
326               </entry>
327               <entry>
328                 <para>
329                   <literal>temp</literal>
330                 </para>
331               </entry>
332               <entry>
333                 <para>Name of the Lustre file system</para>
334               </entry>
335             </row>
336             <row>
337               <entry>
338                 <para>&#160;</para>
339               </entry>
340               <entry>
341                 <para>
342                   <emphasis role="bold">network type</emphasis>
343                 </para>
344               </entry>
345               <entry>
346                 <para>
347                   <literal>TCP/IP</literal>
348                 </para>
349               </entry>
350               <entry>
351                 <para>Network type used for Lustre file system 
352                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
353               </entry>
354             </row>
355           </tbody>
356         </tgroup>
357       </informaltable>
358       <informaltable frame="all">
359         <tgroup cols="4">
360           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="25*" />
361           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="25*" />
362           <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="25*" />
363           <colspec colname="c4" colwidth="25*" />
364           <thead>
365             <row>
366               <entry nameend="c2" namest="c1">
367                 <para>
368                   <emphasis role="bold">Node Parameters</emphasis>
369                 </para>
370               </entry>
371               <entry>
372                 <para>
373                   <emphasis role="bold">Value</emphasis>
374                 </para>
375               </entry>
376               <entry>
377                 <para>
378                   <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
379                 </para>
380               </entry>
381             </row>
382           </thead>
383           <tbody>
384             <row>
385               <entry nameend="c4" namest="c1">
386                 <para>MGS/MDS node</para>
387               </entry>
388             </row>
389             <row>
390               <entry>
391                 <para>&#160;</para>
392               </entry>
393               <entry>
394                 <para>
395                   <emphasis role="bold">MGS/MDS node</emphasis>
396                 </para>
397               </entry>
398               <entry>
399                 <para>
400                   <literal>mdt0</literal>
401                 </para>
402               </entry>
403               <entry>
404                 <para>MDS in Lustre file system 
405                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
406               </entry>
407             </row>
408             <row>
409               <entry>
410                 <para>&#160;</para>
411               </entry>
412               <entry>
413                 <para>
414                   <emphasis role="bold">block device</emphasis>
415                 </para>
416               </entry>
417               <entry>
418                 <para>
419                   <literal>/dev/sdb</literal>
420                 </para>
421               </entry>
422               <entry>
423                 <para>Block device for the combined MGS/MDS node</para>
424               </entry>
425             </row>
426             <row>
427               <entry>
428                 <para>&#160;</para>
429               </entry>
430               <entry>
431                 <para>
432                   <emphasis role="bold">mount point</emphasis>
433                 </para>
434               </entry>
435               <entry>
436                 <para>
437                   <literal>/mnt/mdt</literal>
438                 </para>
439               </entry>
440               <entry>
441                 <para>Mount point for the 
442                 <literal>mdt0</literal> block device (
443                 <literal>/dev/sdb</literal>) on the MGS/MDS node</para>
444               </entry>
445             </row>
446             <row>
447               <entry nameend="c4" namest="c1">
448                 <para>First OSS node</para>
449               </entry>
450             </row>
451             <row>
452               <entry>
453                 <para>&#160;</para>
454               </entry>
455               <entry>
456                 <para>
457                   <emphasis role="bold">OSS node</emphasis>
458                 </para>
459               </entry>
460               <entry>
461                 <para>
462                   <literal>oss0</literal>
463                 </para>
464               </entry>
465               <entry>
466                 <para>First OSS node in Lustre file system 
467                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
468               </entry>
469             </row>
470             <row>
471               <entry>
472                 <para>&#160;</para>
473               </entry>
474               <entry>
475                 <para>
476                   <emphasis role="bold">OST</emphasis>
477                 </para>
478               </entry>
479               <entry>
480                 <para>
481                   <literal>ost0</literal>
482                 </para>
483               </entry>
484               <entry>
485                 <para>First OST in Lustre file system 
486                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
487               </entry>
488             </row>
489             <row>
490               <entry>
491                 <para>&#160;</para>
492               </entry>
493               <entry>
494                 <para>
495                   <emphasis role="bold">block device</emphasis>
496                 </para>
497               </entry>
498               <entry>
499                 <para>
500                   <literal>/dev/sdc</literal>
501                 </para>
502               </entry>
503               <entry>
504                 <para>Block device for the first OSS node (
505                 <literal>oss0</literal>)</para>
506               </entry>
507             </row>
508             <row>
509               <entry>
510                 <para>&#160;</para>
511               </entry>
512               <entry>
513                 <para>
514                   <emphasis role="bold">mount point</emphasis>
515                 </para>
516               </entry>
517               <entry>
518                 <para>
519                   <literal>/mnt/ost0</literal>
520                 </para>
521               </entry>
522               <entry>
523                 <para>Mount point for the 
524                 <literal>ost0</literal> block device (
525                 <literal>/dev/sdc</literal>) on the 
526                 <literal>oss1</literal> node</para>
527               </entry>
528             </row>
529             <row>
530               <entry nameend="c4" namest="c1">
531                 <para>Second OSS node</para>
532               </entry>
533             </row>
534             <row>
535               <entry>
536                 <para></para>
537               </entry>
538               <entry>
539                 <para>
540                   <emphasis role="bold">OSS node</emphasis>
541                 </para>
542               </entry>
543               <entry>
544                 <para>
545                   <literal>oss1</literal>
546                 </para>
547               </entry>
548               <entry>
549                 <para>Second OSS node in Lustre file system 
550                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
551               </entry>
552             </row>
553             <row>
554               <entry>
555                 <para></para>
556               </entry>
557               <entry>
558                 <para>
559                   <emphasis role="bold">OST</emphasis>
560                 </para>
561               </entry>
562               <entry>
563                 <para>
564                   <literal>ost1</literal>
565                 </para>
566               </entry>
567               <entry>
568                 <para>Second OST in Lustre file system 
569                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
570               </entry>
571             </row>
572             <row>
573               <entry />
574               <entry>
575                 <para>
576                   <emphasis role="bold">block device</emphasis>
577                 </para>
578               </entry>
579               <entry>
580                 <para>
581                   <literal>/dev/sdd</literal>
582                 </para>
583               </entry>
584               <entry>
585                 <para>Block device for the second OSS node (oss1)</para>
586               </entry>
587             </row>
588             <row>
589               <entry>
590                 <para></para>
591               </entry>
592               <entry>
593                 <para>
594                   <emphasis role="bold">mount point</emphasis>
595                 </para>
596               </entry>
597               <entry>
598                 <para>
599                   <literal>/mnt/ost1</literal>
600                 </para>
601               </entry>
602               <entry>
603                 <para>Mount point for the 
604                 <literal>ost1</literal> block device (
605                 <literal>/dev/sdd</literal>) on the 
606                 <literal>oss1</literal> node</para>
607               </entry>
608             </row>
609             <row>
610               <entry nameend="c4" namest="c1">
611                 <para>Client node</para>
612               </entry>
613             </row>
614             <row>
615               <entry>
616                 <para></para>
617               </entry>
618               <entry>
619                 <para>
620                   <emphasis role="bold">client node</emphasis>
621                 </para>
622               </entry>
623               <entry>
624                 <para>
625                   <literal>client1</literal>
626                 </para>
627               </entry>
628               <entry>
629                 <para>Client in Lustre file system 
630                 <literal>temp</literal></para>
631               </entry>
632             </row>
633             <row>
634               <entry>
635                 <para></para>
636               </entry>
637               <entry>
638                 <para>
639                   <emphasis role="bold">mount point</emphasis>
640                 </para>
641               </entry>
642               <entry>
643                 <para>
644                   <literal>/lustre</literal>
645                 </para>
646               </entry>
647               <entry>
648                 <para>Mount point for Lustre file system 
649                 <literal>temp</literal> on the 
650                 <literal>client1</literal> node</para>
651               </entry>
652             </row>
653           </tbody>
654         </tgroup>
655       </informaltable>
656       <note>
657         <para>We recommend that you use 'dotted-quad' notation for IP addresses
658         rather than host names to make it easier to read debug logs and debug
659         configurations with multiple interfaces.</para>
660       </note>
661       <para>For this example, complete the steps below:</para>
662       <orderedlist>
663         <listitem>
664           <para>Create a combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On
665           the MDS node, run:</para>
666           <screen>
667 [root@mds /]# mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgs --mdt --index=0 /dev/sdb
668 </screen>
669           <para>This command generates this output:</para>
670           <screen>
671     Permanent disk data:
672 Target:            temp-MDT0000
673 Index:             0
674 Lustre FS: temp
675 Mount type:        ldiskfs
676 Flags:             0x75
677    (MDT MGS first_time update )
678 Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr
679 Parameters: mdt.identity_upcall=/usr/sbin/l_getidentity
681 checking for existing Lustre data: not found
682 device size = 16MB
683 2 6 18
684 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/sdb
685    target name             temp-MDTffff
686    4k blocks               0
687    options                 -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F
688 mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-MDTffff  -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O 
689 dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/sdb
690 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata 
691 </screen>
692         </listitem>
693         <listitem>
694           <para>Mount the combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On
695           the MDS node, run:</para>
696           <screen>
697 [root@mds /]# mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /mnt/mdt
698 </screen>
699           <para>This command generates this output:</para>
700           <screen>
701 Lustre: temp-MDT0000: new disk, initializing 
702 Lustre: 3009:0:(lproc_mds.c:262:lprocfs_wr_identity_upcall()) temp-MDT0000:
703 group upcall set to /usr/sbin/l_getidentity
704 Lustre: temp-MDT0000.mdt: set parameter identity_upcall=/usr/sbin/l_getidentity
705 Lustre: Server temp-MDT0000 on device /dev/sdb has started 
706 </screen>
707         </listitem>
708         <listitem xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1291170">
709           <para>Create and mount 
710           <literal>ost0</literal>.</para>
711           <para>In this example, the OSTs (
712           <literal>ost0</literal> and 
713           <literal>ost1</literal>) are being created on different OSS nodes (
714           <literal>oss0</literal> and 
715           <literal>oss1</literal> respectively).</para>
716           <orderedlist>
717             <listitem>
718               <para>Create 
719               <literal>ost0</literal>. On 
720               <literal>oss0</literal> node, run:</para>
721               <screen>
722 [root@oss0 /]# mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgsnode= --ost
723 --index=0 /dev/sdc
724 </screen>
725               <para>The command generates this output:</para>
726               <screen>
727     Permanent disk data:
728 Target:            temp-OST0000
729 Index:             0
730 Lustre FS: temp
731 Mount type:        ldiskfs
732 Flags:             0x72
733 (OST first_time update)
734 Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc
735 Parameters: mgsnode=
737 checking for existing Lustre data: not found
738 device size = 16MB
739 2 6 18
740 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/sdc
741    target name             temp-OST0000
742    4k blocks               0
743    options                 -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F
744 mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-OST0000  -I 256 -q -O
745 dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/sdc
746 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata 
747 </screen>
748             </listitem>
749             <listitem>
750               <para>Mount ost0 on the OSS on which it was created. On 
751               <literal>oss0</literal> node, run:</para>
752               <screen>
753 root@oss0 /] mount -t lustre /dev/sdc /mnt/ost0
754 </screen>
755               <para>The command generates this output:</para>
756               <screen>
757 LDISKFS-fs: file extents enabled 
758 LDISKFS-fs: mballoc enabled
759 Lustre: temp-OST0000: new disk, initializing
760 Lustre: Server temp-OST0000 on device /dev/sdb has started
761 </screen>
762               <para>Shortly afterwards, this output appears:</para>
763               <screen>
764 Lustre: temp-OST0000: received MDS connection from
765 Lustre: MDS temp-MDT0000: temp-OST0000_UUID now active, resetting orphans 
766 </screen>
767             </listitem>
768           </orderedlist>
769         </listitem>
770         <listitem>
771           <para>Create and mount 
772           <literal>ost1</literal>.</para>
773           <orderedlist>
774             <listitem>
775               <para>Create ost1. On 
776               <literal>oss1</literal> node, run:</para>
777               <screen>
778 [root@oss1 /]# mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgsnode= \
779            --ost --index=1 /dev/sdd
780 </screen>
781               <para>The command generates this output:</para>
782               <screen>
783     Permanent disk data:
784 Target:            temp-OST0001
785 Index:             1
786 Lustre FS: temp
787 Mount type:        ldiskfs
788 Flags:             0x72
789 (OST first_time update)
790 Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc
791 Parameters: mgsnode=
793 checking for existing Lustre data: not found
794 device size = 16MB
795 2 6 18
796 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/sdd
797    target name             temp-OST0001
798    4k blocks               0
799    options                 -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F
800 mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-OST0001  -I 256 -q -O
801 dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/sdc
802 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata 
803 </screen>
804             </listitem>
805             <listitem>
806               <para>Mount ost1 on the OSS on which it was created. On 
807               <literal>oss1</literal> node, run:</para>
808               <screen>
809 root@oss1 /] mount -t lustre /dev/sdd /mnt/ost1 
810 </screen>
811               <para>The command generates this output:</para>
812               <screen>
813 LDISKFS-fs: file extents enabled 
814 LDISKFS-fs: mballoc enabled
815 Lustre: temp-OST0001: new disk, initializing
816 Lustre: Server temp-OST0001 on device /dev/sdb has started
817 </screen>
818               <para>Shortly afterwards, this output appears:</para>
819               <screen>
820 Lustre: temp-OST0001: received MDS connection from
821 Lustre: MDS temp-MDT0000: temp-OST0001_UUID now active, resetting orphans 
822 </screen>
823             </listitem>
824           </orderedlist>
825         </listitem>
826         <listitem>
827           <para>Mount the Lustre file system on the client. On the client node,
828           run:</para>
829           <screen>
830 root@client1 /] mount -t lustre /lustre 
831 </screen>
832           <para>This command generates this output:</para>
833           <screen>
834 Lustre: Client temp-client has started
835 </screen>
836         </listitem>
837         <listitem>
838           <para>Verify that the file system started and is working by running
839           the 
840           <literal>df</literal>, 
841           <literal>dd</literal> and 
842           <literal>ls</literal> commands on the client node.</para>
843           <orderedlist>
844             <listitem>
845               <para>Run the 
846               <literal>lfs df -h</literal> command:</para>
847               <screen>
848 [root@client1 /] lfs df -h 
849 </screen>
850               <para>The 
851               <literal>lfs df -h</literal> command lists space usage per OST and
852               the MDT in human-readable format. This command generates output
853               similar to this:</para>
854               <screen>
855 UUID               bytes      Used      Available   Use%    Mounted on
856 temp-MDT0000_UUID  8.0G      400.0M       7.6G        0%      /lustre[MDT:0]
857 temp-OST0000_UUID  800.0G    400.0M     799.6G        0%      /lustre[OST:0]
858 temp-OST0001_UUID  800.0G    400.0M     799.6G        0%      /lustre[OST:1]
859 filesystem summary:  1.6T    800.0M       1.6T        0%      /lustre
860 </screen>
861             </listitem>
862             <listitem>
863               <para>Run the 
864               <literal>lfs df -ih</literal> command.</para>
865               <screen>
866 [root@client1 /] lfs df -ih
867 </screen>
868               <para>The 
869               <literal>lfs df -ih</literal> command lists inode usage per OST
870               and the MDT. This command generates output similar to
871               this:</para>
872               <screen>
873 UUID              Inodes      IUsed       IFree   IUse%     Mounted on
874 temp-MDT0000_UUID   2.5M        32         2.5M      0%       /lustre[MDT:0]
875 temp-OST0000_UUID   5.5M        54         5.5M      0%       /lustre[OST:0]
876 temp-OST0001_UUID   5.5M        54         5.5M      0%       /lustre[OST:1]
877 filesystem summary: 2.5M        32         2.5M      0%       /lustre
878 </screen>
879             </listitem>
880             <listitem>
881               <para>Run the 
882               <literal>dd</literal> command:</para>
883               <screen>
884 [root@client1 /] cd /lustre
885 [root@client1 /lustre] dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/zero.dat bs=4M count=2
886 </screen>
887               <para>The 
888               <literal>dd</literal> command verifies write functionality by
889               creating a file containing all zeros (
890               <literal>0</literal>s). In this command, an 8 MB file is created.
891               This command generates output similar to this:</para>
892               <screen>
893 2+0 records in
894 2+0 records out
895 8388608 bytes (8.4 MB) copied, 0.159628 seconds, 52.6 MB/s
896 </screen>
897             </listitem>
898             <listitem>
899               <para>Run the 
900               <literal>ls</literal> command:</para>
901               <screen>
902 [root@client1 /lustre] ls -lsah
903 </screen>
904               <para>The 
905               <literal>ls -lsah</literal> command lists files and directories in
906               the current working directory. This command generates output
907               similar to this:</para>
908               <screen>
909 total 8.0M
910 4.0K drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Oct 16 15:27 .
911 8.0K drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4.0K Oct 16 15:27 ..
912 8.0M -rw-r--r--  1 root root 8.0M Oct 16 15:27 zero.dat 
914 </screen>
915             </listitem>
916           </orderedlist>
917         </listitem>
918       </orderedlist>
919       <para>Once the Lustre file system is configured, it is ready for
920       use.</para>
921     </section>
922   </section>
923   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438267_76752">
924     <title>
925     <indexterm>
926       <primary>Lustre</primary>
927       <secondary>configuring</secondary>
928       <tertiary>additional options</tertiary>
929     </indexterm>Additional Configuration Options</title>
930     <para>This section describes how to scale the Lustre file system or make
931     configuration changes using the Lustre configuration utilities.</para>
932     <section remap="h3">
933       <title>
934       <indexterm>
935         <primary>Lustre</primary>
936         <secondary>configuring</secondary>
937         <tertiary>for scale</tertiary>
938       </indexterm>Scaling the Lustre File System</title>
939       <para>A Lustre file system can be scaled by adding OSTs or clients. For
940       instructions on creating additional OSTs repeat Step 
941       <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1291170" />and Step 
942       <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1293955" />above. For mounting
943       additional clients, repeat Step 
944       <xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438267_pgfId-1290934" />for each client.</para>
945     </section>
946     <section remap="h3">
947       <title>
948       <indexterm>
949         <primary>Lustre</primary>
950         <secondary>configuring</secondary>
951         <tertiary>striping</tertiary>
952       </indexterm>Changing Striping Defaults</title>
953       <para>The default settings for the file layout stripe pattern are shown
954       in 
955       <xref linkend="configuringlustre.tab.stripe" />.</para>
956       <table frame="none" xml:id="configuringlustre.tab.stripe">
957         <title>Default stripe pattern</title>
958         <tgroup cols="3">
959           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="13*" />
960           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="13*" />
961           <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="13*" />
962           <tbody>
963             <row>
964               <entry>
965                 <para>
966                   <emphasis role="bold">File Layout Parameter</emphasis>
967                 </para>
968               </entry>
969               <entry>
970                 <para>
971                   <emphasis role="bold">Default</emphasis>
972                 </para>
973               </entry>
974               <entry>
975                 <para>
976                   <emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis>
977                 </para>
978               </entry>
979             </row>
980             <row>
981               <entry>
982                 <para>
983                   <literal>stripe_size</literal>
984                 </para>
985               </entry>
986               <entry>
987                 <para>1 MB</para>
988               </entry>
989               <entry>
990                 <para>Amount of data to write to one OST before moving to the
991                 next OST.</para>
992               </entry>
993             </row>
994             <row>
995               <entry>
996                 <para>
997                   <literal>stripe_count</literal>
998                 </para>
999               </entry>
1000               <entry>
1001                 <para>1</para>
1002               </entry>
1003               <entry>
1004                 <para>The number of OSTs to use for a single file.</para>
1005               </entry>
1006             </row>
1007             <row>
1008               <entry>
1009                 <para>
1010                   <literal>start_ost</literal>
1011                 </para>
1012               </entry>
1013               <entry>
1014                 <para>-1</para>
1015               </entry>
1016               <entry>
1017                 <para>The first OST where objects are created for each file.
1018                 The default -1 allows the MDS to choose the starting index
1019                 based on available space and load balancing. 
1020                 <emphasis>It's strongly recommended not to change the default
1021                 for this parameter to a value other than -1.</emphasis></para>
1022               </entry>
1023             </row>
1024           </tbody>
1025         </tgroup>
1026       </table>
1027       <para>Use the 
1028       <literal>lfs setstripe</literal> command described in 
1029       <xref linkend="managingstripingfreespace" />to change the file layout
1030       configuration.</para>
1031     </section>
1032     <section remap="h3">
1033       <title>
1034       <indexterm>
1035         <primary>Lustre</primary>
1036         <secondary>configuring</secondary>
1037         <tertiary>utilities</tertiary>
1038       </indexterm>Using the Lustre Configuration Utilities</title>
1039       <para>If additional configuration is necessary, several configuration
1040       utilities are available:</para>
1041       <itemizedlist>
1042         <listitem>
1043           <para>
1044           <literal>mkfs.lustre</literal>- Use to format a disk for a Lustre
1045           service.</para>
1046         </listitem>
1047         <listitem>
1048           <para>
1049           <literal>tunefs.lustre</literal>- Use to modify configuration
1050           information on a Lustre target disk.</para>
1051         </listitem>
1052         <listitem>
1053           <para>
1054           <literal>lctl</literal>- Use to directly control Lustre features via
1055           an 
1056           <literal>ioctl</literal> interface, allowing various configuration,
1057           maintenance and debugging features to be accessed.</para>
1058         </listitem>
1059         <listitem>
1060           <para>
1061           <literal>mount.lustre</literal>- Use to start a Lustre client or
1062           target service.</para>
1063         </listitem>
1064       </itemizedlist>
1065       <para>For examples using these utilities, see the topic 
1066       <xref linkend="systemconfigurationutilities" /></para>
1067       <para>The 
1068       <literal>lfs</literal> utility is useful for configuring and querying a
1069       variety of options related to files. For more information, see 
1070       <xref linkend="userutilities" />.</para>
1071       <note>
1072         <para>Some sample scripts are included in the directory where the
1073         Lustre software is installed. If you have installed the Lustre source
1074         code, the scripts are located in the 
1075         <literal>lustre/tests</literal> sub-directory. These scripts enable
1076         quick setup of some simple standard Lustre configurations.</para>
1077       </note>
1078     </section>
1079   </section>
1080 </chapter>