.TH e2scan 1 "2006 Sep 26" Lustre "backup utilities" .SH NAME e2scan \- scan an Ext2-type filesystem for modified inodes .SH SYNOPSIS .br .B e2scan @E2SCAN_MAN@{ .B -l @E2SCAN_MAN@| @E2SCAN_MAN@.B -f @E2SCAN_MAN@} [ .BI -a " groups" ] [ .BI -b " blocks" ] [ .BI -C " chdir" ] [ @E2SCAN_MAN@.BI -d " database" @E2SCAN_MAN@] [ .BI -n " filename" ] [ .BI -N " date" ] [ .BI -o " outfile" ] .I device .br .SH DESCRIPTION .BR e2scan , iterates all inodes on .IR device , find inodes modified since the specified time (default 1 day), and prints their pathnames relative to the root of the filesystem. This allows the pathnames to be used as input to a backup tool running in the mountpoint, like .BR "tar \-C" , as the filesystem may be mounted at an arbitrary mountpoint. The .B e2scan program is optimized for scanning an entire filesystem for (modified) files, but is not efficient for smaller subdirectory scans. Use .BR find (1) for that purpose instead. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-a " groups" Set readahead for inode table blocks to get better performance when scanning .IR device . Default is 1 group of readahead. .TP .BI \-b " inode_buffer_blocks" Set number of inode blocks to read from disk at a time. .TP .BI \-C " directory" Specify the working directory (relative to the root of the filesystem being scanned) for the output pathnames. Only directories underneath the root will be candidates for listing. For Lustre MDT filesystems the pathname must be prefixed with "/ROOT" to dump the client visible filesystem. @E2SCAN_MAN@.TP @E2SCAN_MAN@.BI \-d " database_file" @E2SCAN_MAN@Specify output file for database when running in @E2SCAN_MAN@.B \-f @E2SCAN_MAN@mode. .TP .B \-D Also include directories in the output. The default is to only list files, because tools like .BR tar (1) will recurse into directories and files that are also listed therein will be backed up twice. @E2SCAN_MAN@.TP @E2SCAN_MAN@.B \-f @E2SCAN_MAN@List files in the filesystem and insert them into the @E2SCAN_MAN@.BR sqlite3 (1) @E2SCAN_MAN@database named by the @E2SCAN_MAN@.B \-d @E2SCAN_MAN@option. .TP .B \-l List files in the filesystem to standard output, or to the file specified with the .B \-o option. This is the default mode. .TP .BI \-n " filename" Dump only files newer than the specified .IR filename . .TP .BI \-N " date" Dump only files newer than the specified date. This supports a wide variety of input formats like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Use a date of .R 0 to dump all files. .TP .BI \-o " outfile" Record the files found into .I outfile instead of the default standard output. .SH EXAMPLES To dump all of the files in the filesystem into the file .IR myfilelist : .IP e2scan -N 0 -o myfilelist /dev/sdb1 .PP To list files and directories newer than Feb 6, 2007 in the /home directory: .IP e2scan -D -N "Feb 6 00:00:00 2007" -C /home /dev/sdb1 .PP .SH AUTHOR This version of .B e2scan was originally written by Vladimir Saviliev and Andreas Dilger . .SH SEE ALSO .BR find (1)