/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * 2003, Copyright, Hewlett-Packard Development Compnay, LP. * * Developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Government * under Subcontract No. B514193 */ /* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpi.h" /* lustre */ #include /* for O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE */ #define CHECK_COUNT 10000 #define DISPLAY_COUNT (CHECK_COUNT * 10) #define DISPLAY_TIME 100 enum { CREATE = 'c', LOOKUP = 'l', MKNOD = 'm', OPEN = 'o', STAT = 's', UNLINK = 'u', BEGIN = 'b', ITERS = 'i', TIME = 't', DIRFMT = 'd', NDIRS = 'D', FILEFMT = 'f', NFILES = 'F', NOEXCL = 'X', STRIPES = 'S', SEED = 'r', SEEDFILE = 'R', RANDOM = 'A', READDIR = 'B', RECREATE = 'C', IGNORE = 'E', VERBOSE = 'V', DEBUG = 'v', HELP = 'h', }; struct option longOpts[] = { {"create", 0, NULL, CREATE }, {"lookup", 0, NULL, LOOKUP }, {"mknod", 0, NULL, MKNOD }, {"open", 0, NULL, OPEN }, {"stat", 0, NULL, STAT }, {"unlink", 0, NULL, UNLINK }, {"begin", 1, NULL, BEGIN }, {"iters", 1, NULL, ITERS }, {"time", 1, NULL, TIME }, /* seconds */ {"dirfmt", 1, NULL, DIRFMT }, {"ndirs", 1, NULL, NDIRS }, {"filefmt", 1, NULL, FILEFMT }, {"nfiles", 1, NULL, NFILES }, {"noexcl", 0, NULL, NOEXCL }, {"stripes", 1, NULL, STRIPES }, {"seed", 1, NULL, SEED }, {"seedfile", 1, NULL, SEEDFILE }, {"random_order", 0, NULL, RANDOM }, {"readdir_order", 0, NULL, READDIR }, {"recreate", 0, NULL, RECREATE }, {"ignore", 0, NULL, IGNORE }, {"verbose", 0, NULL, VERBOSE }, {"debug", 0, NULL, DEBUG }, {"help", 0, NULL, HELP }, { 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int foo1, foo2; char shortOpts[128]; int myrank = -1; int nthreads = -1; char * prog; char hostname[512] = "unknown"; char mode; char * cmd; int openflags = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL; int ndirs = 1; char * dirfmt; char dir[PATH_MAX]; char mkdir_cmd[PATH_MAX+14]; int dirthreads; int dirnum; DIR * directory; struct dirent *dir_entry; int nfiles; char filefmt[PATH_MAX]; char filename[PATH_MAX]; int stripes = -1; int begin; int beginsave; int end; int iters; int seconds; int alarm_caught; struct sigaction act; int order = RANDOM; int seed; int recreate; int ignore; int verbose; int debug; struct stat statbuf; #define dmesg if (debug) printf #define DISPLAY_PROGRESS() { \ if ((++nops % CHECK_COUNT) == 0 && verbose) { \ curTime = time(0); \ interval = curTime - lastTime; \ if (interval > DISPLAY_TIME || nops % DISPLAY_COUNT == 0) { \ rate = (float)(nops - lastOps); \ if (interval > 1) \ rate /= (float)interval; \ printf("Rank %d: %.2f %ss/sec %lu secs " \ "(total: %d %ss %lu secs)\n", \ myrank, rate, cmd, interval, \ nops, cmd, curTime - startTime); \ lastOps = nops; \ lastTime = curTime; \ } \ } \ } char *usage_msg = "usage: %s\n" " { --create [ --noexcl ] | --lookup | --mknod |\n" " --open | --stat | --unlink [ --recreate ] [ --ignore ] }\n" " [ --help ] [ --verbose ] [ --debug ]\n" " { [ --begin ] --nfiles }\n" " [ --iters ] [ --time ]\n" " [ --dirfmt ] [ --ndirs ]\n" " [ --filefmt ] [ --stripes ]\n" " [ --random_order [--seed | --seedfile ] ]\n" " [ --readdir_order ]\n"; static void usage(FILE *stream, char *fmt, ...) { if (myrank == 0) { if (fmt != NULL) { va_list ap; fprintf(stream, "%s: ", prog); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } fprintf(stream, usage_msg, prog); } MPI_Finalize(); exit(stream == stderr); } /* Print process myrank and message, and exit (i.e. a fatal error) */ static int fatal(int rank, const char *fmt, ...) { if (rank == myrank) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "rank %d: ", rank); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1); exit(1); } static void sigalrm_handler(int signum) { alarm_caught++; } /* HAVE_LLAPI_FILE_LOOKUP is defined by liblustreapi.h if this function is * defined therein. Otherwise we can do the equivalent operation via ioctl * if we have access to a complete lustre build tree to get the various * definitions - then compile with USE_MDC_LOOKUP defined. */ #if defined(HAVE_LLAPI_FILE_LOOKUP) #define HAVE_MDC_LOOKUP #elif defined(USE_MDC_LOOKUP) #include #include #include int llapi_file_lookup(int dirfd, const char *name) { struct obd_ioctl_data data = { 0 }; char rawbuf[8192]; char *buf = rawbuf; int rc; if (dirfd < 0 || name == NULL) return -EINVAL; data.ioc_version = OBD_IOCTL_VERSION; data.ioc_len = sizeof(data); data.ioc_inlbuf1 = name; data.ioc_inllen1 = strlen(name) + 1; rc = obd_ioctl_pack(&data, &buf, sizeof(rawbuf)); if (rc) { fatal(myrank, "ioctl_pack failed: rc = %d\n", rc); return rc; } return ioctl(fd, IOC_MDC_LOOKUP, buf); } #define HAVE_MDC_LOOKUP #endif static void process_args(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *cp, *endptr; int i, index, offset, tmpend, rc, c; char tmp[16]; FILE * seed_file; struct option *opt; setbuf(stdout, 0); setbuf(stderr, 0); prog = basename(argv[0]); strcpy(filefmt, "f%d"); gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)); /* auto create shortOpts rather than maintaining a static string. */ for (opt = longOpts, cp = shortOpts; opt->name != NULL; opt++, cp++) { *cp = opt->val; if (opt->has_arg) *++cp = ':'; } while ((c = getopt_long(argc,argv, shortOpts, longOpts,&index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case OPEN: openflags &= ~(O_CREAT|O_EXCL); case CREATE: #ifdef HAVE_MDC_LOOKUP case LOOKUP: #endif case MKNOD: case STAT: case UNLINK: if (cmd != NULL) { fatal(0, "Invalid - more than one operation " "specified: --%s\n", longOpts[index].name); } mode = c; cmd = (char *)longOpts[index].name; break; case NOEXCL: if (mode != CREATE && mode != MKNOD) { usage(stderr, "--noexcl only applies to " "--create or --mknod.\n"); } openflags &= ~O_EXCL; break; case RECREATE: if (mode != UNLINK) { usage(stderr, "--recreate only makes sense" "with --unlink.\n"); } recreate++; break; case BEGIN: begin = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (begin < 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --start value.\n"); } break; case ITERS: iters = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (iters <= 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --iters value.\n"); } if (mode != LOOKUP && mode != OPEN && mode != STAT) { usage(stderr, "--iters only makes sense with " "--lookup, --open, or --stat.\n"); } break; case TIME: seconds = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (seconds <= 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --time value.\n"); } break; case DIRFMT: if (strlen(optarg) > (PATH_MAX - 16)) { fatal(0, "--dirfmt too long\n"); } dirfmt = optarg; break; case NDIRS: ndirs = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (ndirs <= 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --ndirs value.\n"); } if ((ndirs > nthreads) && ((mode == CREATE) || (mode == MKNOD))) { fatal(0, "--ndirs=%d must be less than or " "equal to the number of threads (%d).\n", ndirs, nthreads); } break; case FILEFMT: if (strlen(optarg) > 4080) { fatal(0, "--filefmt too long\n"); } /* Use %%d where you want the file # in the name. */ sprintf(filefmt, optarg, myrank); break; case NFILES: nfiles = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (nfiles <= 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --nfiles value.\n"); } break; case STRIPES: stripes = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if ((*endptr != 0) || (stripes < 0)) { fatal(0, "Invalid --stripes value.\n"); } if (stripes == 0) { openflags |= O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE; } else { fatal(0, "non-zero --stripes value " "not yet supported.\n"); } break; case SEED: seed = strtoul(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr) { fatal(0, "bad --seed option %s\n", optarg); } break; case SEEDFILE: seed_file = fopen(optarg, "r"); if (!seed_file) { fatal(myrank, "fopen(%s) error: %s\n", optarg, strerror(errno)); } for (i = -1; fgets(tmp, 16, seed_file) != NULL;) { if (++i == myrank) break; } if (i == myrank) { rc = sscanf(tmp, "%d", &seed); if ((rc != 1) || (seed < 0)) { fatal(myrank, "Invalid seed value '%s' " "at line %d in %s.\n", tmp, i, optarg); } } else { fatal(myrank, "File '%s' too short. Does not " "contain a seed for thread %d.\n", optarg, myrank); } fclose(seed_file); break; case RANDOM: case READDIR: if (mode != LOOKUP && mode != OPEN && mode != STAT) { fatal(0, "--%s can only be specified with " "--lookup, --open, or --stat.\n", (char *)longOpts[index].name); } order = c; break; case IGNORE: ++ignore; break; case DEBUG: ++debug; case VERBOSE: ++verbose; break; case HELP: usage(stdout, NULL); default: usage(stderr, "unrecognized option: '%c'.\n", optopt); } } if (optind < argc) { usage(stderr, "too many arguments %d >= %d.\n", optind, argc); } if (mode == CREATE || mode == MKNOD || mode == UNLINK) { if (seconds != 0) { if (nfiles == 0) nfiles = INT_MAX; } else if (nfiles == 0) { usage(stderr, "--nfiles or --time must be specified " "with %s.\n", cmd); } } else if (mode == LOOKUP || mode == OPEN || mode == STAT) { if (seconds != 0) { if (iters == 0) iters = INT_MAX; } else if (iters == 0) { usage(stderr, "--iters or --time must be specifed " "with %s.\n", cmd); } if (nfiles == 0) { usage(stderr, "--nfiles must be specifed with --%s.\n", cmd); } if (seed == 0) { int fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { if (read(fd, &seed, sizeof(seed)) < sizeof(seed)) seed = time(0); close(fd); } else { seed = time(0); } } srand(seed); dmesg("%s: rank %d seed %d (%s).\n", prog, myrank, seed, (order == RANDOM) ? "random_order" : "readdir_order"); } else { usage(stderr, "one --create, --mknod, --open, --stat," #ifdef HAVE_MDC_LOOKUP " --lookup," #endif " or --unlink must be specifed."); } /* support for multiple threads in a dir, set begin/end appropriately.*/ dirnum = myrank % ndirs; dirthreads = nthreads / ndirs; if (nthreads > (ndirs * dirthreads + dirnum)) ++dirthreads; offset = myrank / ndirs; tmpend = begin + nfiles - 1; if (tmpend <= 0) tmpend = INT_MAX; end = begin + (nfiles / dirthreads) * dirthreads + offset; if ((end > tmpend) || (end <= 0)) end -= dirthreads; begin += offset; if (begin < 0) begin = INT_MAX; beginsave = begin; dmesg("%d: iters %d nfiles %d time %d begin %d end %d dirthreads %d." "\n", myrank, iters, nfiles, seconds, begin, end, dirthreads); if (dirfmt == NULL) { strcpy(dir, "."); } else { sprintf(dir, dirfmt, dirnum); sprintf(mkdir_cmd, "/bin/mkdir -p %s", dir); #ifdef _LIGHTWEIGHT_KERNEL printf("NOTICE: not running system(%s)\n", mkdir_cmd); #else rc = system(mkdir_cmd); if (rc) { fatal(myrank, "'%s' failed.\n", mkdir_cmd); } #endif rc = chdir(dir); if (rc) { fatal(myrank, "unable to chdir to '%s'.\n", dir); } } } static inline char *next_file() { if (order == RANDOM) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, random() % nfiles); return(filename); } /* readdir order */ dir_entry = readdir(directory); if (dir_entry == NULL) { rewinddir(directory); while ((dir_entry = readdir(directory)) != NULL) { if (dir_entry->d_name[0] != '.') return(dir_entry->d_name); } fatal(myrank, "unable to read directory %s (%s).\n", dir, strerror(errno)); } return(dir_entry->d_name); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, fd, rc, nops, lastOps, ag_ops; float rate, ag_rate; time_t startTime, lastTime, curTime, interval; char * file; rc = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) fatal(myrank, "MPI_Init failed: %d\n", rc); rc = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nthreads); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) fatal(myrank, "MPI_Comm_size failed: %d\n", rc); rc = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) fatal(myrank, "MPI_Comm_rank failed: %d\n", rc); process_args(argc, argv); startTime = time(0); if ((myrank == 0) || debug) { printf("%d: %s starting at %s", myrank, hostname, ctime(&startTime)); } /* if we're not measuring creation rates then precreate * the files we're operating on. */ if ((mode != CREATE) && (mode != MKNOD) && !ignore) { /* create the files in reverse order. When we encounter * a file that already exists, assume the remainder of * the files exist to save time. The timed performance * test scripts make use of this behavior. */ for (i = end, j = 0; i >= begin; i -= dirthreads) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, i); fd = open(filename, openflags, 0644); if (fd < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) break; rc = errno; fatal(myrank, "precreate open(%s) error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } j++; close(fd); } dmesg("%d: %s pre-created %d files.\n",myrank,hostname,j); rc = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) fatal(myrank, "prep MPI_Barrier failed: %d\n", rc); } if (order == READDIR) { directory = opendir(dir); if (directory == NULL) { rc = errno; fatal(myrank, "opendir(%s) error: %s\n", dir, strerror(rc)); } startTime = time(0); j = random() % nfiles; dmesg("%d: %s initializing dir offset %u: %s", myrank, hostname, j, ctime(&startTime)); for (i = 0; i <= j; i++) { if ((dir_entry = readdir(directory)) == NULL) { fatal(myrank, "could not read entry number %d " "in directory %s.\n", i, dir); } } lastTime = time(0); dmesg("%d: index %d, filename %s, offset %ld: " "%s initialization complete: %s", myrank, i, dir_entry->d_name, telldir(directory), hostname, ctime(&lastTime)); } rc = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) fatal(myrank, "prep MPI_Barrier failed: %d\n", rc); if (seconds) { act.sa_handler = sigalrm_handler; (void)sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); alarm(seconds); } startTime = lastTime = time(0); nops = lastOps = 0; switch (mode) { case CREATE: for (; begin <= end && !alarm_caught; begin += dirthreads) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, begin); if ((fd = open(filename, openflags, 0644)) < 0) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; fatal(myrank, "open(%s) error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } close(fd); DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } dmesg("%d: created %d files, last file '%s'.\n", myrank, nops, filename); break; #ifdef HAVE_MDC_LOOKUP case LOOKUP: fd = open(dir, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { fatal(myrank, "open(dir == '%s') error: %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); } for (; nops < iters && !alarm_caught;) { char *filename = next_file(); rc = llapi_file_lookup(fd, filename); if (rc < 0) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; fatal(myrank, "llapi_file_lookup(%s) " "error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } break; #endif case MKNOD: for (; begin <= end && !alarm_caught; begin += dirthreads) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, begin); rc = mknod(filename, S_IFREG| 0644, 0); if (rc) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; fatal(myrank, "mknod(%s) error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } break; case OPEN: for (; nops < iters && !alarm_caught;) { file = next_file(); if ((fd = open(file, openflags, 0644)) < 0) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; fatal(myrank, "open(%s) error: %s\n", file, strerror(rc)); } close(fd); DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } break; case STAT: for (; nops < iters && !alarm_caught;) { rc = stat(file = next_file(), &statbuf); if (rc) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; fatal(myrank, "stat(%s) error: %s\n", file, strerror(rc)); } DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } break; case UNLINK: for (; begin <= end && !alarm_caught; begin += dirthreads) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, begin); rc = unlink(filename); if (rc) { if (((rc = errno) == EINTR) && alarm_caught) break; if (((rc = errno) == ENOENT) && ignore) continue; fatal(myrank, "unlink(%s) error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } DISPLAY_PROGRESS(); } break; } curTime = time(0); interval = curTime - startTime; rate = (float)(nops); if (interval != 0) rate /= (float)interval; rc = MPI_Reduce(&nops, &ag_ops, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) { fatal(myrank, "Failure in MPI_Reduce of total ops.\n"); } rc = MPI_Reduce(&rate, &ag_rate, 1, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) { fatal(myrank, "Failure in MPI_Reduce of aggregated rate.\n"); } if (myrank == 0) { printf("Rate: %.2f %ss/sec (total: %d threads %d %ss %lu secs)" "\n", ag_rate, cmd, nthreads, ag_ops, cmd, interval); } if (recreate) { for (begin = beginsave; begin <= end; begin += dirthreads) { sprintf(filename, filefmt, begin); if ((fd = open(filename, openflags, 0644)) < 0) { rc = errno; if (rc == EEXIST) break; fatal(myrank, "recreate open(%s) error: %s\n", filename, strerror(rc)); } close(fd); } } curTime = time(0); if ((myrank == 0) || debug) { printf("%d: %s finished at %s", myrank, hostname, ctime(&curTime)); } MPI_Finalize(); return(0); }