/* * This Cplant(TM) source code is the property of Sandia National * Laboratories. * * This Cplant(TM) source code is copyrighted by Sandia National * Laboratories. * * The redistribution of this Cplant(TM) source code is subject to the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (see cit/LGPL or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * * Cplant(TM) Copyright 1998-2003 Sandia Corporation. * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the US Government. * Export of this program may require a license from the United States * Government. */ /* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Questions or comments about this library should be sent to: * * Lee Ward * Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico * P.O. Box 5800 * Albuquerque, NM 87185-1110 * * lee@sandia.gov */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sysio.h" #include "fs.h" #include "mount.h" #include "inode.h" #include "dev.h" /* * Support for path and index nodes. */ /* * Size of all names bucket-hash table. */ #ifndef NAMES_TABLE_LEN #define NAMES_TABLE_LEN 251 #endif /* * Desired i-nodes cache size is MAX_INODES_MULTIPLIER times the number * of slots in the names hash table. */ #define MAX_INODES_MULTIPLIER 3 /* * Active i-nodes in the system and the number of same. */ struct inodes_head _sysio_inodes; static size_t n_inodes = 0; /* * Desired number of active i-nodes. */ static size_t max_inodes = (MAX_INODES_MULTIPLIER * NAMES_TABLE_LEN); /* * System table for rapid access to component names. */ static LIST_HEAD(, pnode_base) names[NAMES_TABLE_LEN]; /* * Number of names tracked by the system. */ static size_t n_names = 0; /* * Desired number of base path nodes to maintain. */ static size_t max_names = (2 * NAMES_TABLE_LEN); /* * Number of pnodes to grab per memory allocation when filling the * free list. */ #define PNODES_PER_CHUNK ((8 * 1024) / sizeof(struct pnode) - 2) #if ZERO_SUM_MEMORY /* * Allocation information for pnodes bulk allocation. */ struct pnodes_block { LIST_ENTRY(pnodes_block) pnblk_links; struct pnode pnblk_nodes[PNODES_PER_CHUNK]; }; static LIST_HEAD( ,pnodes_block) pnblocks; #endif /* * List of all path-nodes (aliases) referenced by any tree. */ struct pnodes_head _sysio_pnodes; /* * Free path-nodes -- Not referenced by any tree for fas reuse. */ static LIST_HEAD( ,pnode) free_pnodes; /* * The system root -- Aka `/'. */ struct pnode *_sysio_root = NULL; /* * Initialize path and i-node support. Must be called before any other * routine in this module. */ int _sysio_i_init() { unsigned i; TAILQ_INIT(&_sysio_inodes); for (i = 0; i < NAMES_TABLE_LEN; i++) LIST_INIT(&names[i]); #if ZERO_SUM_MEMORY LIST_INIT(&pnblocks); #endif TAILQ_INIT(&_sysio_pnodes); LIST_INIT(&free_pnodes); return 0; } /* * Garbage-collect idle i-nodes. We try to keep resource use limited to * MAX_INODES_MULTIPLIER * max_names. */ static void i_reclaim() { struct inode *next, *ino; size_t t; /* * I just can't figure out a good way to reclaim these well without * getting really fancy and using complex algorithms. The * base nodes hold references on them for a long time and then * release them. Those will age to the front of the queue and * we have to skip over them. Oh well... */ t = MAX_INODES_MULTIPLIER * max_names; if (max_inodes < t) { /* * Oops. Nope. We want more inodes than names entries. */ max_inodes = t; return; } next = _sysio_inodes.tqh_first; if (!next) return; t = max_inodes / 2; do { ino = next; next = ino->i_nodes.tqe_next; if (ino->i_ref || ino->i_immune) continue; _sysio_i_gone(ino); } while (next && n_inodes > t); if (n_inodes > t) max_inodes += t; } static unsigned hash(struct file_identifier *fid) { size_t n; unsigned char *ucp; unsigned hkey; n = fid->fid_len; ucp = fid->fid_data; hkey = 0; do { hkey <<= 1; hkey += *ucp++; } while (--n); return hkey; } /* * Allocate and initialize a new i-node. Returned i-node is referenced. * * NB: The passed file identifier is not copied. It is, therefor, up to the * caller to assure that the value is static until the inode is destroyed. */ struct inode * _sysio_i_new(struct filesys *fs, struct file_identifier *fid, mode_t type, dev_t rdev, unsigned immunity, struct inode_ops *ops, void *private) { struct inode *ino; struct itable_entry *head; struct inode_ops operations; if (n_inodes > max_inodes) { /* * Try to limit growth. */ i_reclaim(); } ino = malloc(sizeof(struct inode)); if (!ino) return NULL; ino->i_ops = *ops; operations = *ops; if (S_ISBLK(type) || S_ISCHR(type) || S_ISFIFO(type)) { struct inode_ops *o; /* * Replace some operations sent with * those from the device table. */ o = _sysio_dev_lookup(type, rdev); operations.inop_open = o->inop_open; operations.inop_close = o->inop_close; operations.inop_read = o->inop_read; operations.inop_write = o->inop_write; operations.inop_pos = o->inop_pos; operations.inop_iodone = o->inop_iodone; operations.inop_datasync = o->inop_datasync; operations.inop_ioctl = o->inop_ioctl; } I_INIT(ino, fs, type, rdev, &operations, fid, immunity, private); ino->i_ref = 1; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_sysio_inodes, ino, i_nodes); head = &fs->fs_itbl[hash(fid) % FS_ITBLSIZ]; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, ino, i_link); n_inodes++; assert(n_inodes); return ino; } /* * Find existing i-node given i-number and pointers to FS record * and identifier. */ struct inode * _sysio_i_find(struct filesys *fs, struct file_identifier *fid) { struct inode *ino; struct itable_entry *head; head = &fs->fs_itbl[hash(fid) % FS_ITBLSIZ]; /* * Look for existing. */ for (ino = head->lh_first; ino; ino = ino->i_link.le_next) if (ino->i_fid->fid_len == fid->fid_len && memcmp(ino->i_fid->fid_data, fid->fid_data, fid->fid_len) == 0) { I_REF(ino); break; } return ino; } /* * Force reclaim of idle i-node. */ void _sysio_i_gone(struct inode *ino) { if (ino->i_ref) abort(); if (!ino->i_zombie) LIST_REMOVE(ino, i_link); TAILQ_REMOVE(&_sysio_inodes, ino, i_nodes); (*ino->i_ops.inop_gone)(ino); free(ino); assert(n_inodes); n_inodes--; } /* * Stale inode, zombie it and move it out of the way */ void _sysio_i_undead(struct inode *ino) { LIST_REMOVE(ino, i_link); ino->i_zombie = 1; } /* * Garbage collect idle path (and base path) nodes tracked by the system. */ static void p_reclaim() { struct pnode *next, *pno; size_t t; next = _sysio_pnodes.tqh_first; if (!next) return; t = max_names / 2; do { pno = next; if (pno->p_ref) { next = pno->p_nodes.tqe_next; continue; } pno->p_ref++; assert(pno->p_ref); (void )_sysio_p_prune(pno); next = pno->p_nodes.tqe_next; assert(pno->p_ref); pno->p_ref--; if (pno->p_ref) continue; (void )_sysio_p_prune(pno); } while (n_names > t && next); if (n_names > t) max_names += t; } /* * Allocate and initialize a new base path node. */ struct pnode_base * _sysio_pb_new(struct qstr *name, struct pnode_base *parent, struct inode *ino) { struct pnode_base *pb; if (n_names > max_names) { /* * Try to limit growth. */ p_reclaim(); } pb = malloc(sizeof(struct pnode_base) + name->len); if (!pb) return NULL; pb->pb_name.name = NULL; pb->pb_name.len = name->len; if (pb->pb_name.len) { char *cp; /* * Copy the passed name. * * We have put the space for the name immediately behind * the record in order to maximize spatial locality. */ cp = (char *)pb + sizeof(struct pnode_base); (void )strncpy(cp, name->name, name->len); pb->pb_name.name = cp; assert(name->hashval); pb->pb_name.hashval = name->hashval; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&names[name->hashval % NAMES_TABLE_LEN], pb, pb_names); } pb->pb_ino = ino; LIST_INIT(&pb->pb_children); LIST_INIT(&pb->pb_aliases); if (parent) LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&parent->pb_children, pb, pb_sibs); pb->pb_parent = parent; n_names++; assert(n_names); return pb; } /* * Destroy base path node, releasing resources back to the system. * * NB: Caller must release the inode referenced by the record. */ static void pb_destroy(struct pnode_base *pb) { assert(n_names); n_names--; assert(!pb->pb_aliases.lh_first); assert(!pb->pb_children.lh_first); assert(!pb->pb_ino); if (pb->pb_name.len) LIST_REMOVE(pb, pb_names); if (pb->pb_parent) LIST_REMOVE(pb, pb_sibs); #ifndef NDEBUG /* * This can help us catch pb-nodes that are free'd redundantly. */ pb->pb_name.hashval = 0; #endif free(pb); } /* * Force reclaim of idle base path node. */ void _sysio_pb_gone(struct pnode_base *pb) { if (pb->pb_ino) I_RELE(pb->pb_ino); pb->pb_ino = NULL; pb_destroy(pb); } /* * Generate more path (alias) nodes for the fast allocator. */ static void more_pnodes() { size_t n; #if ZERO_SUM_MEMORY struct pnodes_block *pnblk; #endif struct pnode *pno; #if ZERO_SUM_MEMORY pnblk = malloc(sizeof(struct pnodes_block)); pno = NULL; if (pnblk) { LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pnblocks, pnblk, pnblk_links); pno = pnblk->pnblk_nodes; } #else pno = malloc(PNODES_PER_CHUNK * sizeof(struct pnode)); #endif if (!pno) return; n = PNODES_PER_CHUNK; do { LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free_pnodes, pno, p_links); pno++; } while (--n); } #if ZERO_SUM_MEMORY /* * Shutdown */ void _sysio_i_shutdown() { struct pnodes_block *pnblk; while ((pnblk = pnblocks.lh_first)) { LIST_REMOVE(pnblk, pnblk_links); free(pnblk); } } #endif /* * Allocate, initialize and establish appropriate links for new path (alias) * node. */ struct pnode * _sysio_p_new_alias(struct pnode *parent, struct pnode_base *pb, struct mount *mnt) { struct pnode *pno; assert(!pb->pb_name.name || pb->pb_name.hashval); pno = free_pnodes.lh_first; if (!pno) { more_pnodes(); pno = free_pnodes.lh_first; } if (!pno) return NULL; LIST_REMOVE(pno, p_links); pno->p_ref = 1; pno->p_parent = parent; if (!pno->p_parent) pno->p_parent = pno; pno->p_base = pb; pno->p_mount = mnt; pno->p_cover = NULL; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pb->pb_aliases, pno, p_links); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&_sysio_pnodes, pno, p_nodes); return pno; } /* * For reclamation of idle path (alias) node. */ void _sysio_p_gone(struct pnode *pno) { struct pnode_base *pb; assert(!pno->p_ref); assert(!pno->p_cover); TAILQ_REMOVE(&_sysio_pnodes, pno, p_nodes); LIST_REMOVE(pno, p_links); pb = pno->p_base; if (!(pb->pb_aliases.lh_first || pb->pb_children.lh_first)) _sysio_pb_gone(pb); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&free_pnodes, pno, p_links); } /* * (Re)Validate passed path node. */ int _sysio_p_validate(struct pnode *pno, struct intent *intnt, const char *path) { struct inode *ino; struct pnode_base *rootpb; int err; ino = pno->p_base->pb_ino; /* * An invalid pnode will not have an associated inode. We'll use * the FS root inode, then -- It *must* be valid. */ rootpb = pno->p_mount->mnt_root->p_base; assert(rootpb->pb_ino); err = rootpb->pb_ino->i_ops.inop_lookup(pno, &ino, intnt, path); /* * If the inode lookup returns a different inode, release the old if * present and point to the new. */ if (err || pno->p_base->pb_ino != ino) { if (pno->p_base->pb_ino) I_RELE(pno->p_base->pb_ino); pno->p_base->pb_ino = ino; } return err; } /* * Find (or create!) an alias for the given parent and name. A misnomer, * really -- This is a "get". Returned path node is referenced. */ int _sysio_p_find_alias(struct pnode *parent, struct qstr *name, struct pnode **pnop) { struct pnode_base *pb; int err; struct pnode *pno; /* * Find the named child. */ if (name->len) { /* * Try the names table. */ pb = names[name->hashval % NAMES_TABLE_LEN].lh_first; while (pb) { if (pb->pb_parent == parent->p_base && pb->pb_name.len == name->len && strncmp(pb->pb_name.name, name->name, name->len) == 0) break; pb = pb->pb_names.le_next; } } else { /* * Brute force through the parent's list of children. */ pb = parent->p_base->pb_children.lh_first; while (pb) { if (pb->pb_parent == parent->p_base && pb->pb_name.len == name->len && strncmp(pb->pb_name.name, name->name, name->len) == 0) break; pb = pb->pb_sibs.le_next; } } if (!pb) { /* * None found, create new child. */ pb = _sysio_pb_new(name, parent->p_base, NULL); if (!pb) return -ENOMEM; } /* * Now find the proper alias. It's the one with the passed * parent. */ err = 0; pno = pb->pb_aliases.lh_first; while (pno) { if (pno->p_parent == parent) { P_REF(pno); break; } pno = pno->p_links.le_next; } if (!pno) { /* * Hmm. No alias. Just create an invalid one, to be * validated later. */ pno = _sysio_p_new_alias(parent, pb, parent->p_mount); if (!pno) err = -ENOMEM; } if (!err) *pnop = pno; return err; } /* * Prune idle path base nodes freom the passed sub-tree, including the root. */ static void _sysio_prune(struct pnode_base *rpb) { struct pnode_base *nxtpb, *pb; nxtpb = rpb->pb_children.lh_first; while ((pb = nxtpb)) { nxtpb = pb->pb_sibs.le_next; if (pb->pb_aliases.lh_first) continue; if (pb->pb_children.lh_first) { _sysio_prune(pb); continue; } _sysio_pb_gone(pb); } if (rpb->pb_children.lh_first) return; _sysio_pb_gone(rpb); } /* * Prune idle nodes from the passed sub-tree, including the root. * * Returns the number of aliases on the same mount that could not be pruned. * i.e. a zero return means the entire sub-tree is gone. */ size_t _sysio_p_prune(struct pnode *root) { size_t count; struct pnode_base *nxtpb, *pb; struct pnode *nxtpno, *pno; count = 0; nxtpb = root->p_base->pb_children.lh_first; while ((pb = nxtpb)) { nxtpb = pb->pb_sibs.le_next; nxtpno = pb->pb_aliases.lh_first; if (!nxtpno) { _sysio_prune(pb); continue; } while ((pno = nxtpno)) { nxtpno = pno->p_links.le_next; if (pno->p_mount != root->p_mount) { /* * Not the alias we were looking for. */ continue; } if (pno->p_base->pb_children.lh_first) { /* * Node is interior. Recurse. */ count += _sysio_p_prune(pno); continue; } if (pno->p_ref) { /* * Can't prune; It's active. */ count++; continue; } assert(!pno->p_cover); /* covered => ref'd! */ assert(!pno->p_base->pb_name.name || pno->p_base->pb_name.hashval); /* * Ok to prune. */ if (pno->p_mount->mnt_root == pno) { #ifndef AUTOMOUNT_FILE_NAME count++; continue; #else /* * This is an automount-point. Must * unmount before relcaim. */ P_REF(pno); if (_sysio_do_unmount(pno->p_mount) != 0) { P_RELE(pno); count++; } continue; #endif } _sysio_p_gone(pno); } } if (count) { /* * Can't get the root or we disconnect the sub-trees. */ return count + (root->p_ref ? 1 : 0); } /* * All that is left is the root. Try for it too. */ if (root->p_ref) { count++; } else if (root->p_mount->mnt_root == root) { #ifndef AUTOMOUNT_FILE_NAME count++; #else /* * This is an automount-point. Must * unmount before relcaim. */ P_REF(root); if (_sysio_do_unmount(root->p_mount) != 0) { P_RELE(root); count++; } #endif } else _sysio_p_gone(root); return count; } /* * Return path tracked by the base path node ancestor chain. * * Remember, base path nodes track the path relative to the file system and * path (alias) nodes track path relative to our name space -- They cross * mount points. */ char * _sysio_pb_path(struct pnode_base *pb, const char separator) { char *buf; size_t len, n; struct pnode_base *tmp; char *cp; /* * First pass: Traverse to the root of the sub-tree, remembering * lengths. */ len = 0; tmp = pb; do { n = tmp->pb_name.len; len += tmp->pb_name.len; if (n) len++; tmp = tmp->pb_parent; } while (tmp); if (!len) len++; /* * Alloc space. */ buf = malloc(len + 1); if (!buf) return NULL; /* * Fill in the path buffer -- Backwards, since we're starting * from the end. */ cp = buf; *cp = separator; cp += len; *cp = '\0'; /* NUL term */ tmp = pb; do { cp -= tmp->pb_name.len; n = tmp->pb_name.len; if (n) { (void )strncpy(cp, tmp->pb_name.name, n); *--cp = separator; } tmp = tmp->pb_parent; } while (tmp); return buf; } /* * Common set attributes routine. */ int _sysio_setattr(struct pnode *pno, struct inode *ino, unsigned mask, struct intnl_stat *stbuf) { /* It is possible that pno is null (for ftruncate call). */ if (pno) { assert(!(pno->p_base->pb_ino && ino) || pno->p_base->pb_ino == ino); if (IS_RDONLY(pno, ino)) return -EROFS; } if (!ino && pno->p_base->pb_ino) ino = pno->p_base->pb_ino; return (*ino->i_ops.inop_setattr)(pno, ino, mask, stbuf); } /* * Do nothing. */ void _sysio_do_noop() { return; } /* * Abort. */ void _sysio_do_illop() { abort(); } /* * Return -EBADF */ int _sysio_do_ebadf() { return -EBADF; } /* * Return -EINVAL */ int _sysio_do_einval() { return -EINVAL; } /* * Return -ENOENT */ int _sysio_do_enoent() { return -ENOENT; } /* * Return -ESPIPE */ int _sysio_do_espipe() { return -ESPIPE; } /* * Return -EISDIR */ int _sysio_do_eisdir() { return -EISDIR; } /* * Return -ENOSYS */ int _sysio_do_enosys() { return -ENOSYS; }