Lustre can be build against current Red Hat and SuSE kernels. The specific kernel versions are listed in the lustre/ChangeLog file. To build client packages it is enough to have the kernel-devel packages installed with only the .config and header files. To build server packages, the full kernel-source package with Lustre patches applied needs to be available. ## ## Instructions for Red Hat 2.6 kernel-devel RPMs ## 1. Kernel-devel package The kernel-devel RPM should be installed, and referenced appropriately by /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/{build,source} with a pre-existing .config file for the built kernel. This .config file should NOT be modified. 2. A Client Example To configure Lustre for the currently-running kernel: ./configure or to build against a different kernel: ./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/{other kernel version/build 3. Another Example To configure Lustre for building server packages, with the full kernel source: ./configure --with-linux=/usr/src/linux ## ## Instructions for SuSE 2.6.x kernel-source RPMs ## 1. kernel-syms In addition to the kernel-source rpm, you may need to install a kernel-syms rpm. This should be included where you got your kernel rpm. 2. linux-obj You will need to choose the correct linux-obj directory for your machine. They will be located in /usr/src/linux-$(uname -r)-obj/$ARCH/$FLAVOR. Lustre should be configured with the --with-linux-obj option. 3. Example Here is an example for configuring Lustre: ./configure --with-linux=/usr/src/linux-2.6.5-7.97 \ --with-linux-obj=/usr/src/linux-2.6.5-7.97-obj/ppc64/pseries64