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LU-3478 iokit: fix sgpdd-survey scripts (output and plotting) 80/6680/3
authorGregoire Pichon <gregoire.pichon@bull.net>
Mon, 17 Jun 2013 14:32:10 +0000 (16:32 +0200)
committerOleg Drokin <oleg.drokin@intel.com>
Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:50:57 +0000 (18:50 +0000)
The sgpdd-survey script does not provide minimal and maximal bandwidth
of sgp_dd instances. This is important to be able to identify if low
LUNs are present. This patch updates the output to display this
information, similarly to obdfilter-survey.

The plot-sgpdd script is updated to handle this output format
change. It is also reorganized to simplify operation handling.

Signed-off-by: Gregoire Pichon <gregoire.pichon@bull.net>
Change-Id: Ie6ad57951dff8c8b2871457652a94df6dccbc491
Reviewed-on: http://review.whamcloud.com/6680
Reviewed-by: Minh Diep <minh.diep@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Bobbie Lind <bobbie.j.lind@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Cliff White <cliff.white@intel.com>
Tested-by: Cliff White <cliff.white@intel.com>
Tested-by: Hudson
Tested-by: Maloo <whamcloud.maloo@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Oleg Drokin <oleg.drokin@intel.com>

index c1f3337..055bed3 100644 (file)
@@ -58,11 +58,12 @@ ${rslt}_<date/time>.detail     collected tmp files for post-mortem
 The summary file and stdout contain lines like...
-total_size  8388608K rsz 1024 thr     1 crg   1  180.45 MB/s   1 x  180.50 =  180.50 MB/s
+dev 30 sz 125829120K rsz 1024K crg    60 thr   120 write 6036.79  [  100.69,  106.49]  read 6720.94  [  112.64,  220.85]
-The number immediately before the first MB/s is the bandwidth computed by
-measuring total data and elapsed time.  The other numbers are a check on
-the bandwidths reported by the individual sgp_dd instances.
+The number immediately after the write and the read word is the bandwidth
+in MiB/s computed by measuring total data and elapsed time.  The other numbers
+are the minimal and maximal bandwidths reported by the individual sgp_dd
 If there are so many threads that sgp_dd is unlikely to be able to allocate
 I/O buffers, "ENOMEM" is printed.
index f6aaa43..e3386ec 100755 (executable)
@@ -41,29 +41,28 @@ my @GraphTitle;
 #Subroutine to write .scr file that further used by gnuplot to plot the graph.
 sub write_scr_file() {
        my $op = $_[0];
+       my $rwlabel = $_[1];
        print "generating plot $file-$rsz-$op.png\n";
        open ( SCRFILE, "> $file-$rsz-$op.scr" ) or die "Can't open scr file for writing";
-       if ($op eq "rd") {
-               $rwlabel = "Read";
-       }
-       if ($op eq "wr") {
-               $rwlabel = "Write";
-       }
        if ($opt_rdtitle || $opt_wrtitle) {
                if ($op eq "rd") {
-                       print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, Rsize = $rsz KBytes, $opt_rdtitle\"\n";
+                       print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, " .
+                                     "Rsize = $rsz, $lun LUNs, $opt_rdtitle\"\n";
                if ($op eq "wr") {
-                       print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, Rsize = $rsz KBytes, $opt_wrtitle\"\n";
+                       print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, " .
+                                     "Rsize = $rsz, $lun LUNs, $opt_wrtitle\"\n";
        } else {
-               print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, Rsize = $rsz KBytes\"\n";
+               print SCRFILE "set title \"@GraphTitle\\n$rwlabel, " .
+                             "Rsize = $rsz, $lun LUNs\"\n";
-       print SCRFILE "set xlabel \"Threads\"\n";
-       print SCRFILE "set ylabel \"Speeds(MB/s)\"\n";
+       print SCRFILE "set xlabel \"Threads/LUN\"\n";
+       print SCRFILE "set ylabel \"Throughput (MiB/s)\"\n";
        print SCRFILE "set logscale x\n";
        print SCRFILE "set grid\n";
+       print SCRFILE "set key right bottom\n";
         print SCRFILE "set terminal png\n";
         print SCRFILE "set output \"/dev/null\"\n";
        if ($opt_y != 0) {
@@ -74,19 +73,14 @@ sub write_scr_file() {
        my $plot = "plot";
        $i = 2;
-       my @numrgs = split " ", $regions;
        $xrange = 1;
        # generate instructions for gnuplot, with adjusting X-axes ranges
-       foreach my $j (sort numerically split " ", $threads) {
-               if ($op eq "wr") {
-                       $using = ( $i < $#numrgs ) ? $i : $#numrgs;
-                       printf SCRFILE "$plot \"$file-$rsz-$op.dat\" using 1:$using axes x%dy1 title \"write-obj$j\" with line\n", $xrange;
-               }
-               if ($op eq "rd") {
-                       $using = ( $i < $#numrgs ) ? $i : $#numrgs;
-                       printf SCRFILE "$plot \"$file-$rsz-$op.dat\" using 1:$using axes x%dy1 title \"read-obj$j\" with line\n", $xrange;
-               }
+       for ($j = $first_crg; $j <= $crg ; $j = $j + $j) {
+               $tmp=$j/$lun;
+               printf SCRFILE "$plot \"$file-$rsz-$op.dat\" " .
+                              "using 1:$i:xticlabels(1) axes x%dy1 " .
+                              "title \"$tmp crg/LUN\" " .
+                              "with linespoints lw 2\n", $xrange;
                $plot = "replot";
@@ -98,28 +92,6 @@ sub write_scr_file() {
        system ("rm $file-$rsz-$op.scr");
-sub check_data_file () {
-        my $file=shift;
-        my @values;
-        my @tmp;
-        open ( FILE, "< $file" ) or die "Can't open $file for reading";
-        while ( <FILE> ) {
-                @tmp = split;
-                push @values, [ @tmp ];
-        }
-        close FILE;
-        for ( $j = 0; $j <= $#tmp; $j++) {
-                my $sum=0;
-                for ($i = 2; $i <= $#values ; $i ++) {
-                        $values [$i][$j] =~ "-" or $sum = $sum + $values [$i][$j];
-                }
-                die "File: $file : $j column contains no data.\n" unless $sum != 0;
-        }
-sub numerically { $a <=> $b; }
 #Subroutine to write .dat file that further used by gnuplot to plot the graph.
 sub write_dat_file() {
@@ -128,53 +100,59 @@ sub write_dat_file() {
        # Open .csv/.dat file for writing required columns from log file.
        my $datafile = "$file-$rsz-$op.dat";
        open ( DATAFILE, "> $datafile" ) or die "Can't open csv $datafile for writing";
-       printf DATAFILE "%-6s", "0";
-       foreach my $j (sort numerically split " ", $regions) {
-               printf DATAFILE "%-8s", "$op$j";
-       }
-       # threads, line [7], strings
-       foreach my $i (sort numerically split " ", $threads) {
-               printf DATAFILE "\n%-6s", $i;
-               # regions, line [5], column
-               foreach my $j (sort numerically split " ", $regions) {
-                       if (($op eq "rd" && $rdwr) || ($op eq "wr" && $wrrd) || ($readop) || ($writeop)) {
-                               if ( $out{$i}{$j} ) {
-                                       printf DATAFILE "%-8s", $out{$i}{$j};
+       printf DATAFILE "%-6s", "thrd";
+       for ($j = $first_crg; $j <= $crg ; $j = $j + $j) {
+               $tmp = $j/$lun;
+               printf DATAFILE "%-10s", "$tmp-crg";
+       }
+       for ( $i = $first_thread; $i <= $thread; $i = $i + $i ) {
+               printf DATAFILE "\n%-6s", $i/$lun;
+               for ($j = $first_crg; $j <= $crg ; $j = $j + $j) {
+                       if ($op eq "rd") {
+                               if ( $ard{$i}{$j} ) {
+                                       printf DATAFILE "%-10s", $ard{$i}{$j};
                                } else {
-                                       printf DATAFILE "%-8s", "-";
+                                       printf DATAFILE "%-10s", "-";
-                       } else {
-                               if (($j <= 1 && $out{$i}{$j - 1})) {
-                                       printf DATAFILE "%-8s", $out{$i}{$j - 1};
-                               }elsif ($out{$i}{$j + 1} && $j > 1) {
-                                       printf DATAFILE "%-8s", $out{$i}{$j + 1};
+                       } elsif ($op eq "wr" ) {
+                               if ( $awr{$i}{$j} ) {
+                                       printf DATAFILE "%-10s", $awr{$i}{$j};
                                } else {
-                                       printf DATAFILE "%-8s", "-";
+                                       printf DATAFILE "%-10s", "-";
        close DATAFILE;
-       &check_data_file ( $datafile );
+#Subroutine to call .scr and .dat file write routines.
+sub write_files() {
+       for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < @operations; $cnt = $cnt + 1) {
+               if($operations[$cnt] eq "read") {
+                       &write_dat_file("rd");
+                       &write_scr_file("rd", "read");
+               } elsif ($operations[$cnt] eq "write") {
+                       &write_dat_file("wr");
+                       &write_scr_file("wr", "write");
+               }
+       }
 if ( !$ARGV[0] ) {
-$regions = "";
-$threads = "";
+$crg = 0;
+$thread = 0;
+$first_crg = 1;
+$first_thread = 1;
 $count = 0;
-$wrrd = 0;
-$rdwr = 0;
-$writeop = 0;
-$readop = 0;
 $rsz = 0;
 $opt_rdtitle = "";
 $opt_wrtitle = "";
 $opt_y = 0;
+$cnt = 0;
+@operations = ();
 # Command line parameter parsing
 use Getopt::Long;
 GetOptions ('help' => \$opt_help, 'rt=s' => \$opt_rdtitle, 'wt=s' => \$opt_wrtitle, 'y=i' => \$opt_y) or usage(); 
@@ -186,105 +164,58 @@ $file = $ARGV[0];
 open ( PFILE, "$file") or die "Can't open $file";
 LABEL: while ( <PFILE> ) {
+       # replace error strings to ensure same ordering of line fields
+       s/failed/failed . . . . ./g;
        @line = split( /\s+/ );
-       # Remove the 'K' after rsz
-       $frsz = substr($line[3], 0, -1);
-       if ($line[28] && $count != 0) {
-               print "invalid file format\n";
-               exit 1;
-       } 
        if ($count == 0) {
-               @GraphTitle = @line;
+               @GraphTitle = @line[0 .. 6];
                next LABEL;
-       if ($line[8]) {
-               if ($line[8] eq "ENOMEM") {
-                       next LABEL;
-               }
-       }
-       if (!$rsz && $frsz) {
-               $rsz = $frsz
+       # output format
+       # dev  1 sz  1048576K rsz 1024K crg     1 thr     8 write  604.55 [  606.43,  606.43]  read  754.02 [  756.95,  756.95]
+       $linelen = @line;
+       if ($linelen < 11) {
+               print "invalid file format at line $count\n";
+               exit 1;
-       if ($rsz != $frsz) {
-               if($readop) {
-                       &write_dat_file("rd");
-                       &write_scr_file("rd");
-               }
-               if($writeop) {
-                       &write_dat_file("wr");
-                       &write_scr_file("wr");
-               }
-               if ($wrrd || $rdwr) {
-                       &write_dat_file("rd");
-                       &write_scr_file("rd");
-                       &write_dat_file("wr");
-                       &write_scr_file("wr");
+       if ($line[10]) {
+               if ($line[10] eq "ENOMEM") {
+                       next LABEL;
-               $rsz = substr($line[3],0,-1);;
-               $regions = "";
-               $threads = "";
-       $rindex = 20;
-       print "DEBUG rg$line[7] th$line[9] w$line[11] r$line[$rindex]\n";
-       if ($line[18]) {
-               if ($line[12] eq "failed") {
-                       $rindex = 12;
-               }
-               if ($line[10] eq "write" && $line[19] eq "read") {
-                       $wrrd = 1;
-               }
-               if ($line[10] eq "read" && $line[19] eq "write") {
-                       $rdwr = 1;
-               }
-       } else {
-               if ($line[10] eq "write" && $line[11]) {
-                       $writeop = 1;
-               }
-               if ($line[10] eq "read" && $line[11]) {
-                       $readop = 1;
+       if (!$rsz || $rsz ne $line[5]) {
+               &write_files() unless !$rsz;
+               $cnt = 0;
+               $lun = $line[1];
+               $rsz = $line[5];
+               $first_crg = $line[7];
+               $first_thread = $line[9];
+               for ($i = 10; $i <= $linelen; $i = $i + 5) {
+                       if ($line[$i]) {
+                               $operations[$cnt] = $line[$i];
+                               $cnt++;
+                       }
-       if ($wrrd || $rdwr) {
-               $out{$line[9]}{$line[7]} = $line[11];
-               if ($line[$rindex+1]) {
-                       if (!($line[$rindex+1] eq "failed")) {
-                               goto LABEL2;
-                       }
-               } else {
-LABEL2:                        if ($line[7] <= 1 ) {
-                               $out{$line[9]}{$line[7] - 1} = $line[$rindex];
-                       } else {
-                               $out{$line[9]}{$line[7] + 1} = $line[$rindex];
-                       }
+       for ($i = 0; $i < @operations; $i++) {
+               if ($operations[$i] eq "read") {
+                       $ard{$line[9]}{$line[7]} = $line[$i * 5 + 11];
+               } elsif ($operations[$i] eq "write") {
+                       $awr{$line[9]}{$line[7]} = $line[$i * 5 + 11];
-       if ($writeop) {
-               $out{$line[9]}{$line[7]} = $line[11];
+       if ( $crg < $line[7] ) {
+               $crg = $line[7];
-       if ($readop) {
-               $out{$line[9]}{$line[7]} = $line[11];
+       if ( $thread < $line[9] ) {
+               $thread = $line[9];
-       $regions .= " $line[7]" unless $regions =~ $line[7];
-       $threads .= " $line[9]" unless $threads =~ $line[9];
 close PFILE;
 if ($count > 1 && $rsz) {
-       if($readop) {
-               &write_dat_file("rd");
-               &write_scr_file("rd");
-       }
-       if($writeop) {
-               &write_dat_file("wr");
-               &write_scr_file("wr");
-       }
-       if ($wrrd || $rdwr) {
-               &write_dat_file("rd");
-               &write_scr_file("rd");
-               &write_dat_file("wr");
-               &write_scr_file("wr");
-       }
+       &write_files()
 } else {
        print "Invalid log file format\n";
index 5c2af8a..4082720 100755 (executable)
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ thrhi=${thrhi:-4096}
 # and max # threads one instance will spawn
 unique () {
     echo "$@" | xargs -n1 echo | sort -u
@@ -138,27 +137,28 @@ if [ "$scsidevs" ]; then
     for ((i=0; i < $ndevs; i++)); do
-       # resolv symbolic link if any
+       # resolve symbolic link if any
        devs[$i]=$(remote_shell ${hosts[$i]} readlink -f ${devs[$i]})
        # retrieve associated sg device
        # we will test for a LUN, the test for a partition
        # if the partition number is > 9 this will fail
-       devs[$i]=$(remote_shell ${hosts[$i]} sg_map | \
-                  awk -v dev=${devs[$i]} '{if ($2 == dev) print $1}')
-       if [ -z "${devs[i]}" ]; then
+       tmp=$(remote_shell ${hosts[$i]} sg_map | \
+             awk -v dev=${devs[$i]} '{if ($2 == dev) print $1}')
+       if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then
            echo "Can't find SG device for ${hosts[$i]}:${devs[$i]}, " \
                 "testing for partition"
            pt=`echo ${devs[$i]} | sed 's/[0-9]*$//'`
            # Try again
-           devs[$i]=$(remote_shell ${hosts[$i]} sg_map | \
-                      awk -v dev=$pt '{if ($2 == dev) print $1}')
-           if [ -z "${devs[i]}" ]; then
+           tmp=$(remote_shell ${hosts[$i]} sg_map | \
+                 awk -v dev=$pt '{if ($2 == dev) print $1}')
+           if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then
                echo -e "Can't find SG device ${hosts[$i]}:$pt.\n" \
                        "Do you have the sg module configured for your kernel?"
                exit 1
+       devs[$i]=$tmp
 elif [ "$rawdevs" ]; then
     for ((i=0; i < $ndevs; i++)); do
@@ -330,15 +330,17 @@ for ((rsz=$rszlo;rsz<=$rszhi;rsz*=2)); do
                if ((ok != ndevs*crg)); then
                    print_summary -n "$((ndevs*crg - ok)) failed "
-                   # compute MB/sec from elapsed
-                   bw=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%7.2f MB/s\", \
+                   # compute bandwidth in MiB/s from total data / elapsed time
+                   bw=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%7.2f \", \
                                    $total_size / (( $t1 - $t0 ) * 1024); exit}"`
-                   # compute MB/sec from nregions*slowest
-                   check=`awk < $tmpf \
+                   # compute global min/max stats
+                   minmax=`awk < $tmpf \
                        '/time to transfer data/ {mb=$8/1.048576; \
-                                                 if (n == 0 || mb < min) min = mb; n++}\
-                       END {printf "%5d x %6.2f = %7.2f MB/s", n, min, min * n}'`
-                   print_summary -n "$bw $check "
+                                                 if (n == 0 || mb < min) min = mb; \
+                                                 if (n == 0 || mb > max) max = mb; \
+                                                 n++} \
+                       END {printf "[ %7.2f, %7.2f] ",min,max;}'`
+                   print_summary -n "$bw $minmax "
                rm $tmpf