/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * Copyright (c) 2005 Cluster File Systems, Inc. * Author: PJ Kirner * * This file is part of Lustre, http://www.lustre.org. * * Lustre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Lustre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lustre; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * include important headers */ #include #include #include /* * include our .h file */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lustre-snmp-util.h" /********************************************************************* * Function: get_file_list * * Description: For the given valid directory path, returns the list * all directories or files in that path. * * Input: 'dirname' the directory path. * 'file_type' if this takes the value DIR_TYPE then * returns the list of directories in that path. * If its of type FILE_TYPE then returns the list of files * in that path. * 'count' pointer to number of elements returned in the * return string. * * Output: List of directories/files in that path. * *********************************************************************/ char *get_file_list(const char *dirname, int file_type, __u32 *count) { DIR *pdir = NULL; struct dirent *pdirent = NULL; int curr_offset = 0; int byte_count = 0; int file_count = 0; char *ret_str = NULL; char filename[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; int cond1, cond2; if ((dirname == NULL) || ((pdir = opendir(dirname)) == NULL )) { if (dirname == NULL) { report("%s %s:line %d %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "NULL directory is passed as parameter to funtion"); } else { report("%s %s:line %d Error in opening the dir %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, dirname); } if (count) *count = 0; return NULL; } while (1) { if ((pdirent = readdir(pdir)) == NULL) break; /* Skip over '.' and '..' directores */ if ((pdirent->d_name[0] == '.') || !strcmp(pdirent->d_name, FILENAME_NUM_REF)) continue; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", dirname, pdirent->d_name); cond1 = (file_type == FILE_TYPE) && is_directory(filename); cond2 = (file_type == DIR_TYPE) && (!is_directory(filename)); if (cond1 || cond2) continue; /* Calculate the number of bytes for this new entry.*/ byte_count += strlen(pdirent->d_name) + 1; file_count++; } if (count) *count = file_count; if (file_count != 0) { /* need one extra one for the finall NULL terminator*/ if ((ret_str = (char *) malloc(byte_count + 1)) == NULL) { report("get_file_list() failed to malloc(%d)",byte_count+1); closedir(pdir); return NULL; } rewinddir(pdir); while (file_count != 0) { if ((pdirent = readdir(pdir)) == NULL) break; if ((pdirent->d_name[0] == '.') || !strcmp(pdirent->d_name, FILENAME_NUM_REF)) continue; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", dirname, pdirent->d_name); cond1 = (file_type == FILE_TYPE) && is_directory(filename); cond2 = (file_type == DIR_TYPE) && (!is_directory(filename)); if (cond1 || cond2) continue; strcpy(ret_str + curr_offset, pdirent->d_name); curr_offset = curr_offset + strlen(pdirent->d_name) + 1; file_count--; } /* Put in the finall null terminator*/ ret_str[byte_count] = '\0'; } closedir(pdir); return ret_str; } /********************************************************************* * Function: is_directory * * Description: Checks if given filename is a directory or not. * all directories or files in that path. * * Input: 'filename' the directory path to be checked. * * Output: Returns 1 if its a directory else 0. * *********************************************************************/ int is_directory(const char *filename) { struct stat statf; int result; result = stat(filename, &statf); return ((result == SUCCESS) && (statf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)); } /********************************************************************* * Function: read_string * * Description: For the given valid file path, reads the data in * that file. * * Input: 'filepath' the file whose data is to be accessed. * 'lustre_var' the data from the file is read into * this variable, returned to the requestor. * 'var_max_size' the max size of the string * 'report_error' boolean if error should be reported on * missing filepath * * Output: Returns SUCCESS if read successfully from file else * returns ERROR. *********************************************************************/ int read_string(const char *filepath, char *lustre_var, size_t var_max_size) { FILE *fptr = NULL; int len = 0; int ret_val = SUCCESS; int report_error = 1; if ((filepath == NULL) || (lustre_var == NULL)) { report("%s %s:line %d %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Input parameter is NULL"); ret_val = ERROR; } else { fptr = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (fptr == NULL) { if(report_error) report("%s %s:line %d Unable to open the file %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, filepath); ret_val = ERROR; } else { if (fgets(lustre_var, var_max_size, fptr) == NULL) { report("%s %s:line %d read failed for file %s", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, filepath); ret_val = ERROR; } else { len = strlen(lustre_var); /* Last char is EOF, before string ends, so '\0' is moved to last but one. */ lustre_var[len-1] = lustre_var[len]; } fclose(fptr); } } return ret_val; } /************************************************************************** * Function: lustrefs_ctrl * * Description: Execute /etc/init.d/lustre script for starting, * stopping and restarting Lustre services in child process. * * Input: Start/Stop/Restart Command Number. * Output: Returns void * **************************************************************************/ void lustrefs_ctrl(int command) { char *cmd[3]; cmd[0] = LUSTRE_SERVICE; switch (command) { case ONLINE: cmd[1] = "start"; break; case OFFLINE: cmd[1] = "stop"; break; case RESTART: cmd[1] = "restart"; break; default: return; } cmd[2] = (char *)0; if (fork() == 0) { execvp(cmd[0], cmd); report("failed to execvp(\'%s %s\')",cmd[0],cmd[1]); } return; } /***************************************************************************** * Function: get_sysstatus * * Description: Read /var/lustre/sysStatus file, and based on file contents * return the status of Lustre services. * * Input: void * Output: Return ONLINE/OFFLINE/ONLINE PENDING/OFFLINE PENDING status * values. * ****************************************************************************/ int get_sysstatus(void) { FILE *fptr = NULL; int len = 0; int ret_val = ERROR ; char sys_status[50] = {0}; if(SUCCESS == read_string(FILENAME_SYS_STATUS,sys_status,sizeof(sys_status))) { if (memcmp(sys_status, STR_ONLINE_PENDING,strlen(STR_ONLINE_PENDING)) == 0) ret_val = ONLINE_PENDING; else if (memcmp(sys_status, STR_ONLINE, strlen(STR_ONLINE)) == 0) ret_val = ONLINE; else if (memcmp(sys_status, STR_OFFLINE_PENDING,strlen(STR_OFFLINE_PENDING)) == 0) ret_val = OFFLINE_PENDING; else if (memcmp(sys_status, STR_OFFLINE, strlen(STR_OFFLINE)) == 0) ret_val = OFFLINE; else report("%s %s:line %d Bad Contents in file %s \'%s\'", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, FILENAME_SYS_STATUS,sys_status); } return ret_val; } /***************************************************************************** * Function: read_ulong * * Description: Read long values from lproc and copy to the location * pointed by input parameter. * * Input: file path, and pointer for data to be copied * * Output: Return ERROR or SUCCESS. * ****************************************************************************/ int read_ulong(const char *file_path, unsigned long *valuep) { char file_data[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int ret_val; if ((ret_val = read_string(file_path, file_data,sizeof(file_data))) == SUCCESS){ *valuep = strtoul(file_data,NULL,10); } return ret_val; } /***************************************************************************** * Function: read_counter64 * * Description: Read counter64 values from lproc and copy to the location * pointed by input parameter. * * Input: file path, and pointer for data to be copied * * Output: Return ERROR or SUCCESS. * ****************************************************************************/ int read_counter64(const char *file_path, counter64 *c64,int factor) { char file_data[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int ret_val; unsigned long long tmp = 0; if ((ret_val = read_string(file_path, file_data,sizeof(file_data))) == SUCCESS) { tmp = atoll(file_data) * factor; c64->low = (ulong) (0x0FFFFFFFF & tmp); tmp >>= 32; /* Shift right by 4 bytes */ c64->high = (ulong) (0x0FFFFFFFF & tmp); } return ret_val; } /***************************************************************************** * Function: get_nth_entry_from_list * * Description: Find the n'th entry from a null terminated list of string * * Input: dir_list - the list * num - the number of elements in the list * index - the index we are looking for * * Output: Return NULL on failure, or the string name on success. * ****************************************************************************/ const char *get_nth_entry_from_list(const char* dir_list,int num,int index) { int i; int cur_ptr = 0; for(i=0;i= num){ report("deviceindex=%d exceeds number of elements=%d",deviceindex,num); goto cleanup_and_exit; } /* * Fetch the object name from the list */ obj_name = get_nth_entry_from_list(dir_list,num,deviceindex); if(obj_name == NULL){ /* * Note this should never really happen because we check deviceindex >=num * above. And dir_list should be consitent with num * but just in case... */ report("object name not found in list",deviceindex,num); goto cleanup_and_exit; } /* * Find the matching magic - or the end of the list */ while(ptable[i].magic != vp->magic && ptable[i].magic != 0) i++; /* * If we didn't find a matching entry return */ if(ptable[i].magic==0) goto cleanup_and_exit; /* * If the name is NULL is a special case and * just just pass the obj_name as the file_path * otherwise we create a file path from the given components */ if(ptable[i].name != 0){ char file_path[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; sprintf(file_path, "%s%s/%s",path,obj_name,ptable[i].name); ret_val = ptable[i].fhandler(file_path,var_len); } else ret_val = ptable[i].fhandler(obj_name,var_len); cleanup_and_exit: free(dir_list); return ret_val; };