#!/bin/sh LUSTRE=${LUSTRE:-$(cd $(dirname $0)/..; echo $PWD)} . $LUSTRE/tests/test-framework.sh usage() { echo "-C use chroot instead of cd" echo "-D DIR - use 'DIR' as work directory" echo exit; } PATH=${DBENCH_LIB}:${PATH} MOUNT=${MOUNT:-/mnt/lustre} DIR=${DIR:-$MOUNT/`hostname`} PREFIX="on" while getopts "CD:" opt $*; do case $opt in D) [ -d $OPTARG ] && DIR=$OPTARG ;; C) CHROOT="yes" ;; \?) usage ;; esac done mkdir -p $DIR TGT=$DIR/client.txt CLIENT_PREFIX="${DBENCH_LIB} /usr/share/dbench /usr/local/share /usr/lib/dbench" CLIENT_FILE="client.txt client_plain.txt dbench_client" if ! which dbench > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then [ "$MISSING_DBENCH_OK" ] || { error "$0 : $(hostname) dbench is not installed !" && exit 3; } skip "$0 : $(hostname) dbench is not installed" exit 0 fi CLIENT="" for prefix in $CLIENT_PREFIX; do for file in $CLIENT_FILE; do if [ -s "${prefix}/${file}" ]; then CLIENT="${prefix}/${file}"; break; fi done [ "x$CLIENT" != "x" ] && break; done if [ -n "$SRC" -a -s "$SRC" ]; then CLIENT=${SRC} fi [ ! -s "$CLIENT" ] && \ skip "$0 : $(hostname) no client file found for dbench DBENCH_LIB=$DBENCH_LIB SRC=$SRC" && \ exit 0 [ ! -s "$TGT" ] && echo "copying $CLIENT to $TGT" && cp $CLIENT $TGT [ ! -s "$TGT" ] && \ echo "$0 : $(hostname) $TGT file doesn't exist after cp $CLIENT $TGT" && exit 1 if [ "x$CHROOT" == "xyes" ]; then echo "copying necessary libs to $DIR" cp `which dbench` $DIR LIBS71=$(ldd $DIR/dbench|sed -e 's/\t*//' -e 's/.*=> //' -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/^\///') tar -C / -chf - $LIBS71 | tar -C $DIR -xvf - if [ "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" != "0 0" ]; then echo "can't copy libs $LIBS71 to $DIR" rm -f $DIR/dbench exit 1 fi RUN="chroot $DIR" PREFIX="in" PATH=.:/:$PATH fi shift $((OPTIND - 1)) trap ' echo kill dbench main pid=$DBENCHPID kill $DBENCHPID rm -rf dbench $LIBS71 client.txt exit 0 ' TERM cd $DIR echo "running 'dbench $@' $PREFIX $PWD at `date`" $RUN dbench -c client.txt $@ & DBENCHPID=$! echo "dbench PID=$DBENCHPID" wait $DBENCHPID RC=$? [ $RC -ne 0 ] && killall -9 dbench rm -rf dbench $LIBS71 client.txt exit $RC