# # vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:tabstop=4: # # lc_common - This file contains functions to be used by most or all # Lustre cluster config scripts. # ################################################################################ # Remote command REMOTE=${REMOTE:-"ssh -x -q"} #REMOTE=${REMOTE:-"pdsh -S -R ssh -w"} export REMOTE # Lustre utilities CMD_PATH=${CMD_PATH:-"/usr/sbin"} MKFS=${MKFS:-"$CMD_PATH/mkfs.lustre"} TUNEFS=${TUNEFS:-"$CMD_PATH/tunefs.lustre"} LCTL=${LCTL:-"$CMD_PATH/lctl"} EXPORT_PATH=${EXPORT_PATH:-"PATH=\$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin;"} # Raid command path RAID_CMD_PATH=${RAID_CMD_PATH:-"/sbin"} MDADM=${MDADM:-"$RAID_CMD_PATH/mdadm"} # Some scripts to be called SCRIPTS_PATH=${CLUSTER_SCRIPTS_PATH:-"$(cd `dirname $0`; echo $PWD)"} MODULE_CONFIG=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_modprobe VERIFY_CLUSTER_NET=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_net GEN_HB_CONFIG=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_hb GEN_CLUMGR_CONFIG=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_cluman SCRIPT_VERIFY_SRVIP=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_servip SCRIPT_GEN_MONCF=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_mon SCRIPT_CONFIG_MD=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_md SCRIPT_CONFIG_LVM=${SCRIPTS_PATH}/lc_lvm # Variables of HA software HBVER_HBV1="hbv1" # Heartbeat version 1 HBVER_HBV2="hbv2" # Heartbeat version 2 HATYPE_CLUMGR="cluman" # Cluster Manager # Configuration directories and files HA_DIR=${HA_DIR:-"/etc/ha.d"} # Heartbeat configuration directory MON_DIR=${MON_DIR:-"/etc/mon"} # mon configuration directory CIB_DIR=${CIB_DIR:-"/var/lib/heartbeat/crm"} # cib.xml directory HA_CF=${HA_DIR}/ha.cf # ha.cf file HA_RES=${HA_DIR}/haresources # haresources file HA_CIB=${CIB_DIR}/cib.xml CLUMAN_DIR="/etc" # CluManager configuration directory CLUMAN_CONFIG=${CLUMAN_DIR}/cluster.xml CLUMAN_TOOLS_PATH=${CLUMAN_TOOLS_PATH:-"/usr/sbin"} # CluManager tools CONFIG_CMD=${CONFIG_CMD:-"${CLUMAN_TOOLS_PATH}/redhat-config-cluster-cmd"} HB_TMP_DIR="/tmp/heartbeat" # Temporary directory CLUMGR_TMP_DIR="/tmp/clumanager" TMP_DIRS="${HB_TMP_DIR} ${CLUMGR_TMP_DIR}" FS_TYPE=${FS_TYPE:-"lustre"} # Lustre filesystem type FILE_SUFFIX=${FILE_SUFFIX:-".lustre"} # Suffix of the generated config files # Marker of the MD device line MD_MARKER=${MD_MARKER:-"MD"} # Marker of the LVM device line PV_MARKER=${PV_MARKER:-"PV"} VG_MARKER=${VG_MARKER:-"VG"} LV_MARKER=${LV_MARKER:-"LV"} declare -a CONFIG_ITEM # Items in each line of the csv file declare -a NODE_NAME # Hostnames of nodes have been configured # Nodelist variables USE_ALLNODES=false # default is not to operate on all the nodes SPECIFIED_NODELIST="" # specified list of nodes to be operated on EXCLUDED_NODELIST="" # list of nodes to be excluded export PATH=$PATH:$CMD_PATH:$SCRIPTS_PATH:$CLUMAN_TOOLS_PATH:$RAID_CMD_PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin # verbose_output string # Output verbose information $string verbose_output() { if ${VERBOSE_OUTPUT}; then echo "`basename $0`: $*" fi return 0 } # Check whether the reomte command is pdsh is_pdsh() { if [ "${REMOTE}" = "${REMOTE#*pdsh}" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # check_file csv_file # Check the file $csv_file check_file() { # Check argument if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: check_file() error: Missing csv file!" return 1 fi CSV_FILE=$1 if [ ! -s ${CSV_FILE} ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: check_file() error: ${CSV_FILE}"\ "does not exist or is empty!" return 1 fi return 0 } # parse_line line # Parse a line in the csv file parse_line() { # Check argument if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: parse_line() error: Missing argument!" return 1 fi declare -i i=0 # Index of the CONFIG_ITEM array declare -i length=0 declare -i idx=0 declare -i s_quote_flag=0 # Flag of the single quote character declare -i d_quote_flag=0 # Flag of the double quotes character local TMP_LETTER LINE LINE="$*" # Initialize the CONFIG_ITEM array unset CONFIG_ITEM # Get the length of the line length=${#LINE} i=0 while [ ${idx} -lt ${length} ]; do # Get a letter from the line TMP_LETTER=${LINE:${idx}:1} case "${TMP_LETTER}" in ",") if [ ${s_quote_flag} -eq 1 -o ${d_quote_flag} -eq 1 ] then CONFIG_ITEM[i]=${CONFIG_ITEM[i]}${TMP_LETTER} else i=$i+1 fi idx=${idx}+1 continue ;; "'") if [ ${s_quote_flag} -eq 0 ]; then s_quote_flag=1 else s_quote_flag=0 fi ;; "\"") if [ ${d_quote_flag} -eq 0 ]; then d_quote_flag=1 else d_quote_flag=0 fi ;; " ") idx=${idx}+1 continue ;; *) ;; esac CONFIG_ITEM[i]=${CONFIG_ITEM[i]}${TMP_LETTER} idx=${idx}+1 done # Extract the real value of each field # Remove surrounded double-quotes, etc. for ((idx = 0; idx <= $i; idx++)); do # Strip the leading and trailing space-characters CONFIG_ITEM[idx]=`expr "${CONFIG_ITEM[idx]}" : '[[:space:]]*\(.*\)[[:space:]]*$'` [ -z "${CONFIG_ITEM[idx]}" ] && continue # Remove the surrounded double-quotes while [ -z "`echo "${CONFIG_ITEM[idx]}"|sed -e 's/^".*"$//'`" ]; do CONFIG_ITEM[idx]=`echo "${CONFIG_ITEM[idx]}" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'` done CONFIG_ITEM[idx]=`echo "${CONFIG_ITEM[idx]}" | sed -e 's/""/"/g'` done return 0 } # fcanon name # If $name is a symbolic link, then display it's value fcanon() { local NAME=$1 if [ -h "$NAME" ]; then readlink -f "$NAME" else echo "$NAME" fi } # configured_host host_name # # Check whether the devices in $host_name has been configured or not configured_host() { local host_name=$1 declare -i i for ((i = 0; i < ${#NODE_NAME[@]}; i++)); do [ "${host_name}" = "${NODE_NAME[i]}" ] && return 0 done return 1 } # remote_error fn_name host_addr ret_str # Verify the return result from remote command remote_error() { local fn_name host_addr ret_str fn_name=$1 shift host_addr=$1 shift ret_str=$* if [ "${ret_str}" != "${ret_str#*connect:*}" ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: ${fn_name}() error: ${ret_str}" return 0 fi if [ -z "${ret_str}" ]; then echo >&2 "`basename $0`: ${fn_name}() error:" \ "No results from remote!" \ "Check network connectivity between the local host and ${host_addr}!" return 0 fi return 1 } # nid2hostname nid # Convert $nid to hostname of the lustre cluster node nid2hostname() { local nid=$1 local host_name= local addr nettype ip_addr local ret_str addr=${nid%@*} [ "${nid}" != "${nid#*@*}" ] && nettype=${nid#*@} || nettype=tcp if [ -z "${addr}" ]; then echo "`basename $0`: nid2hostname() error: Invalid nid - \"${nid}\"!" return 1 fi case "${nettype}" in lo*) host_name=`hostname`;; elan*) # QsNet # FIXME: Parse the /etc/elanhosts configuration file to # convert ElanID to hostname ;; gm*) # Myrinet # FIXME: Use /usr/sbin/gmlndnid to find the hostname of # the specified GM Global node ID ;; ptl*) # Portals # FIXME: Convert portal ID to hostname ;; *) # tcp, o2ib, cib, openib, iib, vib, ra ip_addr=${addr} # Is it IP address or hostname? if [ -n "`echo ${ip_addr} | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3,3\}[0-9]\{1,3\}//'`" ] then host_name=${ip_addr} echo ${host_name} return 0 fi # Execute remote command to get the host name ret_str=$(${REMOTE} ${ip_addr} "hostname" 2>&1 &1 && return 1 all_nodelist=$(egrep -v "([[:space:]]|^)#" ${csv_file} | cut -d, -f 1) all_nodelist=$(comma_list ${all_nodelist}) echo ${all_nodelist} return 0 } # get_nodelist # Get the comma-separated list of nodes to be operated on # Note: CSV_FILE, USE_ALLNODES, SPECIFIED_NODELIST and EXCLUDED_NODELIST # are global variables get_nodelist() { local ALL_NODELIST # Get the list of all the nodes in the csv file ALL_NODELIST=$(get_csv_nodelist ${CSV_FILE}) [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ] && echo "${ALL_NODELIST}" && return 1 if [ -z "${ALL_NODELIST}" ]; then echo "`basename $0`: get_nodelist() error:"\ "There are no hosts in the ${CSV_FILE} file!" return 1 fi if ${USE_ALLNODES}; then echo ${ALL_NODELIST} && return 0 fi if [ -n "${SPECIFIED_NODELIST}" ]; then echo $(exclude_items_from_list ${SPECIFIED_NODELIST} ${EXCLUDED_NODELIST}) return 0 fi if [ -n "${EXCLUDED_NODELIST}" ]; then echo $(exclude_items_from_list ${ALL_NODELIST} ${EXCLUDED_NODELIST}) return 0 fi # No hosts to be operated on echo "" return 0 } # check_nodelist nodelist # Given a list of nodes to be operated on, check whether the nodelist is # empty or not and output prompt message. check_nodelist() { local nodes_to_use=$1 if [ -z "${nodes_to_use}" ]; then echo "`basename $0`: There are no hosts to be operated on."\ "Check the node selection options (-a, -w or -x)." usage else verbose_output "Operating on the following nodes: ${nodes_to_use}" fi return 0 } # nid_in_nidlist nid nidlist # Given a nid, and a list of nids in one node (delimited by comma ','), # return true if the nid appears in the list of nids, or false otherwise. nid_in_nidlist() { local nid="$1" local nidlist="$2" local my_nid [ -z "${nid}" -o -z "${nidlist}" ] && false && return if [[ "${nid}" != *@* || "${nid#*@}" == tcp* ]]; then # network type is tcp for my_nid in ${nidlist//,/ }; do [ "${nid%@*}" = "${my_nid%@*}" ] && true && return done else # network type is not tcp [[ ,${nidlist}, == *,${nid},* ]] && true && return fi false && return } # get_mgs_nids mgs_hostname mgs_nids # Get the corresponding NID(s) of the MGS node ${mgs_hostname} from the # "mgs nids" field of one lustre target in the csv file get_mgs_nids() { local mgs_node="$1" local all_mgs_nids="$2" local mgs_nids local ret_str # Check whether the hostname of the mgs node is in # the mgs nids string for mgs_nids in ${all_mgs_nids//:/ }; do if nid_in_nidlist ${mgs_node} ${mgs_nids}; then echo ${mgs_nids} return 0 fi done # Let's use lctl to get the real nids from the mgs node ret_str=$(${REMOTE} ${mgs_node} "${LCTL} list_nids" 2>&1