/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * Copyright (C) 2005 Cluster File Systems, Inc. * * This file is part of the Lustre file system, http://www.lustre.org * Lustre is a trademark of Cluster File Systems, Inc. * * You may have signed or agreed to another license before downloading * this software. If so, you are bound by the terms and conditions * of that agreement, and the following does not apply to you. See the * LICENSE file included with this distribution for more information. * * If you did not agree to a different license, then this copy of Lustre * is open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In either case, Lustre is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * license text for more details. */ void commit_add(struct ) { struct obd_import *import = commit_uuid2import(rec-> uuid); if (!import) { CERROR("unaware of OST UUID %s - dorpping\n", rec-> uuid); EXIT; return; } spin_lock(&import->llcconf_lock); list_add(&rec-> &import); spin_unlock(&import->llcconf_lock); EXIT; return; } void commit_confd_conf_import(struct obd_import *import, struct llog_commit_confirm_daemon *lccd) { struct list_head *tmp, *save; list_for_each_safe(&import->import_cc_list, tmp, save) { struct llog_canceld_ctxt *cd; if (atomic_read(import->import_cc_count) <= lccd->llcconf_lowwater) break; cd = list_entry(tmp, struct llog_canceld_ctxt *, llcconf_entry); atomic_dec(&import->import_cc_count); commit_confd_add_and_fire(cd); } EXIT; return; } int commit_confd_main(void *data) { struct llog_commit_confirm_daemon *lccd = data; while (1) { /* something has happened */ event_wait(); if (lccd->flags & LCCD_STOP) break; /* lock llccd imporlist */ spin_lock(&lccd->llcconf_lock); list_for_each_safe(&lccd->llcconf_list, ) { struct obd_import *import; import = list_entry(&lccd->llcconf_list, struct obd_import, import_entry); get_import(import); spin_unlock(&lccd->llcconf_lock); if (atomic_read(import->import_cc_count) > lccd->llcconf_highwater) commit_confd_conf_import(import); put_import(import); spin_lock(&lccd->llcconf_lock); } spin_unlock(&lccd->llcconf_lock); } lccd->flags = LCCD_STOPPED; RETURN(0); }