#!/bin/bash # iokit-gather-stats: # script on a selection of nodes and collect all the results into a single # tar ball # # Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved # Use is subject to license terms. error() { echo "ERROR: $0: $@" } warning() { echo "WARNING: $@" } info () { if [ ${PRINT_INFO_MSGS} -gt 0 ]; then echo "INFO: $@" fi } debug () { if [ ${PRINT_DEBUG_MSGS} -gt 0 ]; then echo "DEBUG: $@" fi } usage() { printf $"Usage: iokit-gather-stats [-help] config_file [start|stop|cleanup] \n" if [ x$1 = x-h ]; then printf $" The distribution script will run on a single node. It is parameterised with a set of target node names. It may assume ssh/scp to these node names works without requiring a password. It will run in 2 modes... iokit-gather-stats config_file start ...will copy the script to /tmp everywhere described in config_file running on all the target hosts. And... iokit-gather-stats config_file stop log_name ...will stop script running on all the hosts it started on and collect all the individual stats files into a single compressed tarball if the log_name is provided. The config file is just a list of shell variable assignments that can be customised. Serveral variables must be set in the config file Targets: the nodes where run the script. " exit 0 else exit 1 fi } options=`getopt -o h --long help:: -- "$@"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage fi eval set -- "$options" while true do case "$1" in -h) usage -h ;; --help) usage -h ;; --) shift break ;; esac done if [ $# != 2 -a $# != 3 ] ; then usage fi CONFIG=$1 OPTION=$2 shift shift GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP="" if [ ! -r $CONFIG ]; then error "Config_file: $CONFIG does not exist " exit 1 fi . $CONFIG if [ -z "$SCRIPT" ]; then error "SCRIPT in ${CONFIG} is empty" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$TARGETS" ]; then error "TARGETS in ${CONFIG} is empty" exit 1 fi #check nodes accessiable Check_nodes_available() { local NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE="" debug "Entering Check_nodes_available()" for TARGET in $TARGETS; do if ! ping -c 1 -w 3 $TARGET > /dev/null; then NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE=$NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE$TARGET fi done if [ -z "$NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE" ]; then debug "Check_nodes_available() returning 0 " "(success - all nodes available)" return 0 fi error "Check_nodes_available: these nodes are not available " "(did not respond to pings): ${NODES_NOT_AVAILABLE}" debug "Check_nodes_available() returning with errors" return 1 } if ! Check_nodes_available; then error "not all the nodes are available" exit 1 fi # # returns 1 if copies of lstats are found running on any of the $TARGETS nodes # Nodes_are_not_clean() { local DIRTY_NODES="" debug "Entering Nodes_are_not_clean()" # check whether there are running threads on the targets for TARGET in $TARGETS; do ps_str=`$DSH $TARGET "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${SCRIPT}-${TARGET}"` if [ -n "$ps_str" ]; then DIRTY_NODES="${DIRTY_NODES} ${TARGET}" fi done if [ -n "$DIRTY_NODES" ]; then debug "Nodes_are_not_clean() returning 1" return 1 fi debug "Nodes_are_not_clean() returning 0" return 0 } Clean_nodes() { debug "Entering Clean_nodes()" # # if debugging is enabled, show lists of lstats processes # still running on the target nodes before the clean operation # if [ ${PRINT_DEBUG_MSGS} -gt 0 ]; then for TARGET in $TARGETS; do debug "List of processes which need to be cleaned up on ${TARGET}:" $DSH $TARGET "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${SCRIPT}-${TARGET}" debug "List of pids which need to be cleaned up on ${TARGET}:" $DSH $TARGET "ps aux | grep ${SCRIPT}-${TARGET} | grep -v grep | ${AWK} '{ print \$2 }'" done fi # # do the actual cleanup # kill any old lstats processes still running on the target nodes # for TARGET in $TARGETS; do ps_str=$($DSH $TARGET "ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ${SCRIPT}-${TARGET}") if [ -n "$ps_str" ]; then debug "cleaning node ${TARGET}" $DSH $TARGET "ps aux | grep ${SCRIPT}-${TARGET} | grep -v grep | ${AWK} '{ print \$2 }' | ${XARGS} kill" fi done debug "Leaving Clean_nodes()" return 0 } copy_target_script() { local target=$1 debug "Entering copy_target_script()" #copy alex's run scripts to the target copy_cmd="$DCP $SCRIPT ${USER}${target}:$TMP/${SCRIPT}-${target}" ${copy_cmd} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]; then echo "copy command failed: ${copy_cmd}" 2>&1 debug "Leaving copy_target_script() (error return)" return 1 fi echo "$SCRIPT copied to ${USER}${target} (into $TMP)" debug "Leaving copy_target_script() (normal return)" return 0 } start_target_script() { local target=$1 debug "Entering start_target_script()" if ! copy_target_script $target; then echo "copy_target_script $target failed." 2>&1 debug "Leaving start_target_script() (error return)" return 1 fi #run the script on the target $DSH ${USER}${target} "VMSTAT_INTERVAL=${VMSTAT_INTERVAL} \ SDIO_INTERVAL=${SDIO_INTERVAL} \ SERVICE_INTERVAL=${SERVICE_INTERVAL} \ BRW_INTERVAL=${BRW_INTERVAL} \ JBD_INTERVAL=${JBD_INTERVAL} \ IO_INTERVAL=${IO_INTERVAL} \ MBALLOC_INTERVAL=${MBALLOC_INTERVAL} \ sh ${TMP}/${SCRIPT}-${target} start \ 1> /dev/null 2>/dev/null /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]; then echo "stop the collecting stats script on ${target} failed" debug "Leaving stop_target_script() (error return)" return 1 else echo "stop the collecting stats script on ${target} success" fi #remove those tmp file $DSH ${USER}${target} "rm -rf $TMP/${SCRIPT}-${target}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 echo "cleanup ${target} tmp file after stop " debug "Leaving stop_target_script() (normal return)" return 0 } # # create a unique timestamp-based name which we can use for # naming files on all the $TARGET nodes. # # By creating one timestamp here on the master node, we avoid # the problem of clock skew on the $TARGET nodes causing them # to use different filenames than we expect (if their clocks are # different from the clock on this node) # generate_timestamp() { if [ "X${GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP}" = "X" ]; then export GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP=`date +%F-%H.%M.%S` debug "Global Timestamp Created: ${GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP}" fi } fetch_target_log() { generate_timestamp local target=$1 local date=${GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP} local target_log_name="stats-${target}-${date}" echo "Getting log: ${target_log_name}.tar.gz from ${target}" $DSH ${USER}${target} "sh ${TMP}/${SCRIPT}-${target} fetch " \ > $TMP/${target_log_name}.tar.gz echo "Got log: ${target_log_name}.tar.gz from ${target}" echo "Moving $TMP/${target_log_name}.tar.gz to $TMP/$log_name" mv $TMP/${target_log_name}.tar.gz $TMP/$log_name } fetch_log() { generate_timestamp local log_name=${GLOBAL_TIMESTAMP} local stat_tar_name=$1 local -a pids_array local -a clients_array debug "Entering fetch_log()" if ! mkdir -p $TMP/$log_name ; then error "can not mkdir $log_name" exit 1 fi #retrive the log_tarball from remote nodes background local n=0 for TARGET in $TARGETS; do (fetch_target_log ${TARGET}) & pids_array[$n]=$! clients_array[$n]=$TARGET debug "fetch_log: spawned fetch_target_log process for ${TARGET} pid ${pids_array[$n]}" let n=$n+1 done local num_pids=$n #Waiting log fetch finished for ((n=0; $n < $num_pids; n++)); do debug "fetch_log(): waiting for pid ${pids_array[$n]}" wait ${pids_array[$n]} # # TODO: add check of exit status from wait() # done #compress the log tarball cmd="$TAR ${stat_tar_name} $TMP/${log_name}" echo "Creating compressed tar file ${stat_tar_name} from log files in $TMP/${log_name}" ${cmd} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} == 0 ]; then echo "removing temporary directory $TMP/${log_name}" rm -rf $TMP/${log_name} else echo "Compressed logfiles are in $TMP/${stat_tar_name}" fi debug "Leaving fetch_log()" } stop_targets_script() { local -a pids_array local -a clients_array local n=0 debug "Entering stop_targets_script()" for TARGET in $TARGETS; do (stop_target_script ${TARGET}) & pids_array[$n]=$! clients_array[$n]=$TARGET let n=$n+1 done local num_pids=$n #Waiting log fetch finished for ((n=0; $n < $num_pids; n++)); do if ! wait ${pids_array[$n]}; then echo "${clients_array[$n]}: can not stop stats collect" fi done debug "Leaving stop_targets_script()" } gather_start() { local -a pids_array local -a clients_array local n=0 debug "Entering gather_start()" #check whether the collect scripts already start in some targets Nodes_are_not_clean ret=$? if [ $ret -gt 0 ]; then warning "$SCRIPT already running on some targets, try cleanup" Clean_nodes Nodes_are_not_clean ret=$? if [ $ret -gt 0 ]; then error "$SCRIPT automatic cleanup attempt failed." error "$SCRIPT Please make sure lstats is not running "\ "on target nodes and try again." debug "Error return from gather_start()" return 1 fi fi for TARGET in $TARGETS; do (start_target_script ${TARGET}) & pids_array[$n]=$! clients_array[$n]=$TARGET let n=$n+1 done local num_pids=$n local RC=0 #Waiting log fetch finished for ((n=0; $n < $num_pids; n++)); do if ! wait ${pids_array[$n]}; then echo "${clients_array[$n]}: can not start stats collect" let RC=$RC+1 fi done if [ $RC != 0 ]; then stop_targets_script fi debug "Leaving gather_start()" } gather_stop() { log=$1 debug "Entering gather_stop()" if [ -n "$log" ]; then fetch_log $log fi stop_targets_script debug "Leaving gather_stop()" } get_end_line_num() { local log_name=$1 local ln=$(grep -n snapshot_time ${log_name} | awk -F":" '{ln=$1;} END{print ln;}') local total_ln=$(wc ${log_name} | awk '{print $1}') local endlen=$((total_ln - $ln)) echo $endlen } get_csv() { local logdir=$1 local statf=$2 local statf_name=`basename ${statf}` type_name=`echo ${statf_name} | awk -F "." '{print $3}'` stat_name=`head -n 1 ${statf} | awk '{print $4}'` stat_type=`head -n 1 ${statf} | awk '{print $1}'` #currently, it can only analyse client application log if [ "$stat_type" != "client" ]; then error "can not analyse ${statf} ......." exit 1 fi #create the header echo "${node_name}_${type_name}, ${stat_name}" \ >> $logdir/analyse_${type_name}.csv #get total stats collection end_len=`get_end_line_num ${statf}` if [ $end_len != 1 -a $end_len != 0 ]; then if [ "$type_name" != "osc-rpc_stats" ]; then tail -n $end_len ${statf} | awk '{print $1 "," $2}' \ >> $logdir/analyse_${type_name}.csv else tail -n $end_len ${statf} | \ awk '/^[[:digit:]]/{print $1","$2","$6} \ /^page/{print "page per rpc,read,write"} \ /^rpcs/{print "rpcs,read,write"} \ /^offset/{print "offset, read,write"}' \ >> $logdir/analyse_${type_name}.csv fi fi } gather_analyse() { local log_tarball=$1 local option=$2 debug "Entering gather_analyze()" #validating option if [ -z "$log_tarball" -o -r "$option" ]; then usage; fi if [ ! -r $log_tarball ]; then error " not exist $log_tarball " return 1 fi shift local date=`date +%F-%H-%M` local logdir="analyse-${date}" mkdir -p ${TMP}/${logdir} mkdir -p ${TMP}/${logdir}/tmp $UNTAR $log_tarball -C ${TMP}/${logdir}/tmp 1>/dev/null 2>&1 for log_file in `find $TMP/$logdir/tmp`; do if test -f $log_file; then #get the node name local file_name=`basename ${log_file}` node_name=`echo ${file_name} | awk -F "-" '{print $2}'` echo "analysing the sublog ...$log_file" mkdir -p ${TMP}/${logdir}/${node_name} mkdir -p ${TMP}/${logdir}/${node_name}/tmp $UNTAR $log_file -C ${TMP}/${logdir}/${node_name}/tmp 1>/dev/null 2>&1 for statf in `find ${TMP}/${logdir}/${node_name}/tmp`; do if test -f $statf ; then if [ "$option" == "csv" ]; then get_csv "$TMP/$logdir/${node_name}" "$statf" fi fi done rm -rf ${TMP}/${logdir}/${node_name}/tmp fi done rm -rf ${TMP}/${logdir}/tmp $TAR ${TMP}/${logdir}.tar.gz ${TMP}/${logdir} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 echo "create analysed tarball ${TMP}/${logdir}.tar.gz" debug "Leaving gather_analyze()" } case $OPTION in start) gather_start ;; stop) gather_stop $@;; analyse) gather_analyse $@;; *) error "Unknown option ${OPTION}" ; exit 1 esac