#!/bin/bash ###################################################################### # customize per survey # the SCSI devices to measure scsidevs="/dev/sde /dev/sdh" # result file prefix # NB ensure the path exists if it includes subdirs rslt=/tmp/sg_dd_rslt # what to do (read or write) actions="write read" # total size per device (MBytes) # NB bigger than device cache is good size=8192 # record size (KBytes) rszlo=1024 rszhi=1024 # Concurrent regions per device crglo=1 crghi=128 # threads to share between concurrent regions per device # NB survey skips over #thr < #regions thrlo=1 thrhi=128 ##################################################################### # disk block size (Bytes) bs=512 # max # threads per individual sgp_dd instance SG_MAX_QUEUE=16 i=0 devs=() for d in $scsidevs; do devs[$i]=`sg_map | awk "{if ($ 2 == \"$d\") print $ 1}"` if [ -z "$devs[$i]" ]; then echo "Can't find SG device for $d" exit 1 fi i=$((i+1)) done ndevs=${#devs[@]} start=`date +%F@%R` rsltf=${rslt}_${start}.summary echo -n > $rsltf workf=${rslt}_${start}.detail echo -n > $workf tmpf=${rslt}_${start}.tmp print_summary () { if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then minusn=$1; shift else minusn="" fi echo $minusn "$*" >> $rsltf echo $minusn "$*" } for ((rsz=$rszlo;rsz<=$rszhi;rsz*=2)); do for ((crg=$crglo;crg<=$crghi;crg*=2)); do for ((thr=$thrlo;thr<=$thrhi;thr*=2)); do if ((thr < crg || thr/crg > SG_MAX_QUEUE)); then continue fi # compute parameters bpt=$((rsz*1024/bs)) blocks=$((size*((1024*1024)/bs)/crg)) count=$blocks # show computed parameters actual_rsz=$((bpt*bs/1024)) actual_size=$((bs*count*crg/1024)) str=`printf 'total_size %8dK rsz %4d crg %5d thr %3d ' \ $((actual_size*ndevs)) $actual_rsz $((crg*ndevs)) $((thr*ndevs))` echo "==============> $str" >> $workf print_summary -n "$str" freemem=`awk < /proc/meminfo '/^MemTotal:/ {printf "%d\n", $2}'` if (((actual_rsz*thr/crg + 64)*crg*ndevs > freemem)); then print_summary "ENOMEM" continue fi for action in $actions; do print_summary -n "$action " echo "=====> $action" >> $workf # start test t0=`date +%s.%N` for ((i=0;i ${tmpf}_${i}_${j} \ $inf $outf ${skip}=$((1024+j*blocks)) \ thr=$((thr/crg)) count=$count bs=$bs bpt=$bpt time=1& done done wait t1=`date +%s.%N` # collect all results in 1 file echo > $tmpf ok=0 for ((i=0;i /dev/null 2>&1; then ok=$((ok + 1)) fi cat ${rtmp} >> $tmpf cat ${rtmp} >> $workf rm ${rtmp} done done if ((ok != ndevs*crg)); then print_summary -n "$((ndevs*crg - ok)) failed " else # compute MB/sec from elapsed bw=`awk "BEGIN {printf \"%7.2f MB/s\", $actual_size / (( $t1 - $t0 ) * 1024); exit}"` # compute MB/sec from nregions*slowest check=`awk < $tmpf \ '/time to transfer data/ {mb=$8/1.048576; if (n == 0 || mb < min) min = mb; n++}\ END {printf "%3d x %6.2f = %7.2f MB/s", n, min, min * n}'` print_summary -n "$bw $check " fi rm $tmpf done print_summary "" done done done