#!/bin/bash # cluster name (all node names are this followed by the node number) cluster=mdev # client node numbers (individual numbers or inclusive ranges) clients=(7-8) # numbers of clients to survey clients_lo=1 clients_hi=2 clients_iterator="+=1" # numbers of tasks per client to survey tasks_per_client_lo=1 tasks_per_client_hi=8 tasks_per_client_iterator="*=2" # record sizes to survey rsize_lo=1M rsize_hi=1M rsize_iterator="*=2" ## which tests to run (first must be write) # remount) not really a test; just remount to uncache everything # *write*) write # *) read #tests=(write rewrite read reread rewrite_again) tests=(write rewrite remount read reread) # total # bytes written/read by any client node min_per_client_size=4G min_total_size=8G # should each task do I/O to its own file? file_per_task=1 # the binaries IOR="/home/ericb/ior/src/C/IOR" llmount=/home/ericb/lustre/utils/llmount pdsh=pdsh # the result file prefix (date/time + hostname makes unique) #rslt=/home/ericb/ior_survey_`date +%F@%R`_`uname -n` rslt=/home/ericb/ior_survey # where lustre is mounted on the clients lustre=/mnt/lustre # basename of the test file(s) testfile=${lustre}/ior_survey_testfile # how to unmount and remount the F/S on a client (to clear the cache) # change this depending on lustre config (network type, MDS etc) remount="umount $lustre && $llmount -o nettype=elan mdev6:/ll_mds/client $lustre" # pdsh args required to instantiate all instances of IOR in parallel # the chosen module must support '-n ' # -R, -f etc pdsh_mpiargs="-Rmqsh" #don't spin for MPI completions export LIBELAN_WAITTYPE=0 ################################################################################ # dont change stuff below here unless you know what you're doing... count_range() { echo $1 | awk '{ nvals=split($1, vals, "-");\ if (nvals == 1) print 1;\ else if (nvals == 2) printf "%d\n", vals[2] - vals[1] + 1;}' } base_range() { echo $1 | awk '{ split($1, vals, "-"); print vals[1]; }' } idx2nodenum() { local n=$1; shift while ((1)); do local range=$1; shift if [ -z "$range" ]; then return fi chunk=`count_range $range` if ((chunk > n)); then base=`base_range $range` echo $((base + n)) return fi n=$((n-chunk)) done } n2noderange() { local n=$1; shift sep="" nodes="[" while ((n > 0)); do local range=$1; shift if [ -z "$range" ]; then return fi local base=`base_range $range` local chunk=`count_range $range` if ((chunk > n)); then chunk=n; fi local nodes="${nodes}${sep}${base}"; sep="," if ((chunk > 1)); then nodes="${nodes}-$((base+chunk-1))"; fi n=$((n-chunk)) done echo "${nodes}]" } countnodes() { local radix=16384 local n=0 while ((radix > 0)); do local nodes=`n2noderange $((n+radix)) $@` if [ -n "$nodes" ]; then n=$((n+radix)) fi radix=$((radix/2)) done echo $n } parse_number() { local str=$1 case $str in *G|*g) n=`echo $str | sed 's/[gG]//'`; echo $((n*1024*1024*1024));; *M|*m) n=`echo $str | sed 's/[Mm]//'`; echo $((n*1024*1024));; *K|*k) n=`echo $str | sed 's/[Kk]//'`; echo $((n*1024));; *) echo $1;; esac } pp_number() { local n=$1 local G=$((1024*1024*1024)) local M=$((1024*1024)) local K=$((1024)) if ((n%G == 0 && n >= G)); then echo "$((n/G))G" elif ((n%M == 0 && n >= M)); then echo "$((n/M))M" elif ((n%K == 0 && n >= K)); then echo "$((n/K))K" else echo $n fi } if [ ${#tests[@]} -eq 0 -o "${tests[0]}" != "write" ]; then echo "First test must be 'write'" 1>&2 exit 1 fi rsltf="${rslt}.summary" workf="${rslt}.detail" echo -n > $rsltf echo -n > $workf print_summary () { if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then minusn=$1; shift else minusn="" fi echo $minusn "$*" >> $rsltf echo $minusn "$*" } # convert params to actual numbers min_per_client_size=`parse_number $min_per_client_size` min_total_size=`parse_number $min_total_size` rsize_lo=`parse_number $rsize_lo` rsize_hi=`parse_number $rsize_hi` # check on actual numbers of client nodes nclients=`countnodes ${clients[@]}` if ((clients_hi > nclients)); then clients_hi=$nclients; fi for ((rsize=rsize_lo; rsize<=rsize_hi; rsize$rsize_iterator)); do pp_rsize=`pp_number $rsize` for ((nclnt=clients_lo; nclnt<=clients_hi; nclnt$clients_iterator)); do test_clients="${cluster}`n2noderange $nclnt ${clients[@]}`" per_client_size=$((min_total_size/nclnt)) if ((per_client_size < min_per_client_size)); then per_client_size=$min_per_client_size fi for ((ntask=tasks_per_client_lo; ntask <= tasks_per_client_hi; ntask$tasks_per_client_iterator)); do per_task_size=$((per_client_size/ntask)) if ((per_task_size%rsize != 0)); then per_task_size=$(((per_task_size/rsize + 1)*rsize)) fi total_size=`pp_number $((per_task_size*nclnt*ntask))` hdrstr=`printf "Total: %5sB rsize: %4sB clients: %4d tasks: %3d: " \ $total_size $pp_rsize $nclnt $ntask` print_summary -n "$hdrstr" for ((test_idx=0; test_idx < ${#tests[@]}; test_idx++)); do test=${tests[$test_idx]} print_summary -n "$test " echo "===========> ${hdrstr} on $test_clients doing $test" >> $workf tmpf=${workf}_tmp echo -n > $tmpf if [ "$test" = "remount" ]; then echo "=> $remount" >> $tmpf $pdsh -S -b -w "$test_clients" >> $tmpf 2>&1 \ "$remount" status=$? echo "Completion Status: $status" >> $tmpf if ((status)); then result="ERROR" else result="OK" fi else # check lustre is mounted everywhere it's needed cmd="(mount -t lustre; mount -t lustre_lite) | grep $lustre" echo "=> Mount Check: $cmd" >> $tmpf $pdsh -S -b -w "$test_clients" >> $tmpf 2>&1 \ "$cmd" status=$? echo "Completion Status: $status" >> $tmpf if ((status)); then cat $tmpf >> $workf rm $tmpf print_summary "Lustre NOT mounted on $lustre somewhere" exit 1 fi cmdline=( $IOR # the command -o${testfile} # test file prefix -b${per_task_size} # bytes per task -t${rsize} # record size -e # fsync before close -q # quit on error ) idx=${#cmdline[@]} # keep the test file(s) unless this is the last test ((test_idx < ${#tests[@]}-1)) && cmdline[$((idx++))]="-k" # use the existing test file(s) unless this is the first test ((test_idx > 0)) && cmdline[$((idx++))]="-E" # file-per-task ((file_per_task)) && cmdline[$((idx++))]="-F" case "$test" in *write*) cmdline[$((idx++))]="-w" awkstr="Max Write";; *) cmdline[$((idx++))]="-r" awkstr="Max Read";; esac echo "=> ${cmdline[@]}" >> $tmpf $pdsh -S -b $pdsh_mpiargs -w "$test_clients" -n $ntask >> $tmpf 2>&1 \ "${cmdline[@]}" status=$? echo "Completion Status: $status" >> $tmpf if ((status)); then result="ERROR" else result=`awk < $tmpf "/$awkstr/ {print $ 3; found=1; exit}\ END {if (!found) print \"ERROR\"}"` fi fi cat $tmpf >> $workf rm $tmpf str=`printf "%8s" "$result"` print_summary -n "$str " done print_summary "" done done done