/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * Copyright (c) 2002 Cray Inc. * Copyright (c) 2002 Eric Hoffman * * This file is part of Lustre, http://www.lustre.org. * * Lustre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Lustre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lustre; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include /* table.c: * a very simple hash table implementation with paramerterizable * comparison and key generation functions. it does resize * in order to accomidate more entries, but never collapses * the table */ static table_entry *table_lookup (table t,void *comparator, unsigned int k, int (*compare_function)(void *, void *), int *success) { unsigned int key=k%t->size; table_entry *i; for (i=&(t->entries[key]);*i;i=&((*i)->next)){ if (compare_function && ((*i)->key==k)) if ((*t->compare_function)((*i)->value,comparator)){ *success=1; return(i); } } *success=0; return(&(t->entries[key])); } static void resize_table(table t, int size) { int old_size=t->size; table_entry *old_entries=t->entries; int i; table_entry j,n; table_entry *position; int success; t->size=size; t->entries=(table_entry *)malloc(sizeof(table_entry)*t->size); memset(t->entries,0,sizeof(table_entry)*t->size); for (i=0;inext; position=table_lookup(t,0,j->key,0,&success); j->next= *position; *position=j; } free(old_entries); } /* Function: key_from_int * Arguments: int i: value to compute the key of * Returns: the key */ unsigned int key_from_int(int i) { return(i); } /* Function: key_from_string * Arguments: char *s: the null terminated string * to compute the key of * Returns: the key */ unsigned int key_from_string(char *s) { unsigned int result=0, i; unsigned char *n; if (!s) return(1); for (n = (unsigned char *)s, i = 0; *n; n++, i++) result ^= (*n * 57) ^ *n * i; return(result); } /* Function: hash_create_table * Arguments: compare_function: a function to compare * a table instance with a correlator * key_function: a function to generate a 32 bit * hash key from a correlator * Returns: a pointer to the new table */ table hash_create_table (int (*compare_function)(void *, void *), unsigned int (*key_function)(void *)) { table new=(table)malloc(sizeof(struct table)); memset(new, 0, sizeof(struct table)); new->compare_function=compare_function; new->key_function=key_function; new->number_of_entries=0; new->size=4; new->entries=(table_entry *)malloc(sizeof(table_entry)*new->size); memset(new->entries,0,sizeof(table_entry)*new->size); return(new); } /* Function: hash_table_find * Arguments: t: a table to look in * comparator: a value to access the table entry * Returns: the element references to by comparator, or null */ void *hash_table_find (table t, void *comparator) { int success; table_entry* entry=table_lookup(t,comparator, (*t->key_function)(comparator), t->compare_function, &success); if (success) return((*entry)->value); return(0); } /* Function: hash_table_insert * Arguments: t: a table to insert the object * value: the object to put in the table * comparator: the value by which the object * will be addressed * Returns: nothing */ void hash_table_insert (table t, void *value, void *comparator) { int success; unsigned int k=(*t->key_function)(comparator); table_entry *position=table_lookup(t,comparator,k, t->compare_function,&success); table_entry entry; if (success) { entry = *position; } else { entry = (table_entry)malloc(sizeof(struct table_entry)); memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct table_entry)); entry->next= *position; *position=entry; t->number_of_entries++; } entry->value=value; entry->key=k; if (t->number_of_entries > t->size) resize_table(t,t->size*2); } /* Function: hash_table_remove * Arguments: t: the table to remove the object from * comparator: the index value of the object to remove * Returns: */ void hash_table_remove (table t, void *comparator) { int success; table_entry temp; table_entry *position=table_lookup(t,comparator, (*t->key_function)(comparator), t->compare_function,&success); if(success) { temp=*position; *position=(*position)->next; free(temp); /* the value? */ t->number_of_entries--; } } /* Function: hash_iterate_table_entries * Arguments: t: the table to iterate over * handler: a function to call with each element * of the table, along with arg * arg: the opaque object to pass to handler * Returns: nothing */ void hash_iterate_table_entries(table t, void (*handler)(void *,void *), void *arg) { int i; table_entry *j,*next; for (i=0;isize;i++) for (j=t->entries+i;*j;j=next){ next=&((*j)->next); (*handler)(arg,(*j)->value); } } /* Function: hash_filter_table_entries * Arguments: t: the table to iterate over * handler: a function to call with each element * of the table, along with arg * arg: the opaque object to pass to handler * Returns: nothing * Notes: operations on the table inside handler are not safe * * filter_table_entires() calls the handler function for each * item in the table, passing it and arg. The handler function * returns 1 if it is to be retained in the table, and 0 * if it is to be removed. */ void hash_filter_table_entries(table t, int (*handler)(void *, void *), void *arg) { int i; table_entry *j,*next,v; for (i=0;isize;i++) for (j=t->entries+i;*j;j=next){ next=&((*j)->next); if (!(*handler)(arg,(*j)->value)){ next=j; v=*j; *j=(*j)->next; free(v); t->number_of_entries--; } } } /* Function: destroy_table * Arguments: t: the table to free * thunk: a function to call with each element, * most likely free() * Returns: nothing */ void hash_destroy_table(table t,void (*thunk)(void *)) { table_entry j,next; int i; for (i=0;isize;i++) for (j=t->entries[i];j;j=next){ next=j->next; if (thunk) (*thunk)(j->value); free(j); } free(t->entries); free(t); }