/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Cray, Inc. * * Author: Nic Henke * * This file is part of Lustre, http://www.lustre.org. * * Lustre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Lustre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lustre; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include "gnilnd.h" /* Advance all timeouts by nap_time seconds. */ void kgnilnd_bump_timeouts(__u32 nap_time, char *reason) { int i; kgn_peer_t *peer; kgn_conn_t *conn; kgn_tx_t *tx; kgn_device_t *dev; kgn_dgram_t *dgram; LCONSOLE_INFO("%s: bumping all timeouts by %ds\n", reason, nap_time); LASSERTF(GNILND_IS_QUIESCED, "gnilnd not quiesced %d != %d\n", atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nquiesce), atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nthreads)); /* requiring that the threads are paused ensures a couple of things: * - combined code paths for stack reset and quiesce event as stack reset * runs with the threads paused * - prevents traffic to the Gemini during a quiesce period * - reduces the locking requirements */ for (i = 0; i < *kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_peer_hash_size; i++) { list_for_each_entry(peer, &kgnilnd_data.kgn_peers[i], gnp_list) { /* we can reconnect again at any time */ peer->gnp_reconnect_time = jiffies; /* reset now that network is healthy */ peer->gnp_reconnect_interval = 0; /* tell LNet dude is still alive */ kgnilnd_peer_alive(peer); list_for_each_entry(tx, &peer->gnp_tx_queue, tx_list) { tx->tx_qtime = jiffies; } list_for_each_entry(conn, &peer->gnp_conns, gnc_list) { unsigned long timeout; timeout = cfs_time_seconds(conn->gnc_timeout); /* bump last_rx/last_rx_cq on all conns - including * closed ones, this will have the effect of * bumping the purgatory timers for those */ conn->gnc_last_rx = conn->gnc_last_rx_cq = jiffies; /* we don't timeout based on old gnc_last_tx, so * we'll back it up and schedule the conn to trigger * a NOOP */ conn->gnc_last_tx = jiffies - timeout; kgnilnd_schedule_conn(conn); } } } for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; for (i = 0; i < (*kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_peer_hash_size - 1); i++) { list_for_each_entry(dgram, &dev->gnd_dgrams[i], gndg_list) { dgram->gndg_post_time = jiffies; } } } } /* Quiesce or wake up the stack. The caller must hold the kgn_quiesce_sem semaphore * on entry, which holds off any pending stack shutdown. */ void kgnilnd_quiesce_wait(char *reason) { int i; if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger) { unsigned long quiesce_deadline, quiesce_to; /* FREEZE TAG!!!! */ /* morning sunshine */ spin_lock(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_reaper_lock); wake_up_all(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_reaper_waitq); spin_unlock(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_reaper_lock); for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; wake_up_all(&dev->gnd_waitq); wake_up_all(&dev->gnd_dgram_waitq); wake_up_all(&dev->gnd_dgping_waitq); } /* we'll wait for 10x the timeout for the threads to pause */ quiesce_to = cfs_time_seconds(*kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_timeout * 10); quiesce_deadline = (long) jiffies + quiesce_to; /* wait for everyone to check-in as quiesced */ i = 1; while (!GNILND_IS_QUIESCED) { i++; LCONSOLE((((i) & (-i)) == i) ? D_WARNING : D_NET, "%s: Waiting for %d threads to pause\n", reason, atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nthreads) - atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nquiesce)); CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_QUIESCE_RACE); cfs_pause(cfs_time_seconds(1 * i)); LASSERTF(quiesce_deadline > jiffies, "couldn't quiesce threads in %lu seconds, falling over now\n", cfs_duration_sec(quiesce_to)); } LCONSOLE_WARN("%s: All threads paused!\n", reason); /* XXX Nic: Is there a set of counters we can grab here to * ensure that there is no traffic until quiesce is over ?*/ } else { /* GO! GO! GO! */ for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; kgnilnd_schedule_dgram(dev); } /* wait for everyone to check-in as running - they will be spinning * and looking, so no need to poke any waitq */ i = 1; while (atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nquiesce) > 0) { i++; LCONSOLE((((i) & (-i)) == i) ? D_WARNING : D_NET, "%s: Waiting for %d threads to wake up\n", reason, atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nquiesce)); cfs_pause(cfs_time_seconds(1 * i)); } LCONSOLE_WARN("%s: All threads awake!\n", reason); } } /* Reset the stack. */ void kgnilnd_reset_stack(void) { int i, rc = 0; kgn_net_t *net; kgn_peer_t *peer, *peerN; LIST_HEAD (souls); char *reason = "critical hardware error"; __u32 seconds; unsigned long start, end; ENTRY; /* Race with del_peer and its atomics */ CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_RACE_RESET); if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_init != GNILND_INIT_ALL) { CERROR("can't reset the stack, gnilnd is not initialized\n"); RETURN_EXIT; } /* First make sure we are not already quiesced - we panic if so, * as that could leave software in a bad state */ LASSERTF(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger == GNILND_QUIESCE_IDLE, "can't reset the stack, already doing so: trigger %d\n", kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger); set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger, GNILND_QUIESCE_RESET); /* wake up the dgram waitq thread - but after trigger set to make sure it * goes into quiesce */ CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_WC_DGRAM_FREE); /* same for scheduler that is dropping state transitiosn */ CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_DROP_CLOSING); CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_DROP_DESTROY_EP); kgnilnd_quiesce_wait(reason); start = jiffies; kgnilnd_data.kgn_in_reset = 1; kgnilnd_data.kgn_nresets++; LCONSOLE_WARN("%s: resetting all resources (count %d)\n", reason, kgnilnd_data.kgn_nresets); for (i = 0; i < *kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_net_hash_size; i++) { list_for_each_entry(net, &kgnilnd_data.kgn_nets[i], gnn_list) { rc = kgnilnd_cancel_net_dgrams(net); LASSERTF(rc == 0, "couldn't cleanup datagrams: %d\n", rc); } } /* error -ENOTRECOVERABLE is stack reset */ kgnilnd_del_conn_or_peer(NULL, LNET_NID_ANY, GNILND_DEL_CONN, -ENOTRECOVERABLE); for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; kgnilnd_cancel_wc_dgrams(dev); kgnilnd_wait_for_canceled_dgrams(dev); } /* manually do some conn processing ala kgnilnd_process_conns */ for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; kgn_conn_t *conn; int conn_sched; /* go find all the closed conns that need to be nuked - the * scheduler thread isn't running to do this for us */ CDEBUG(D_NET, "will try to clear up %d ready_conns\n", kgnilnd_count_list(&dev->gnd_ready_conns)); /* use while/list_first_entry loop to ensure we can handle any * DESTROY_EP conns added from kgnilnd_complete_closed_conn */ while (!list_empty(&dev->gnd_ready_conns)) { conn = list_first_entry(&dev->gnd_ready_conns, kgn_conn_t, gnc_schedlist); conn_sched = xchg(&conn->gnc_scheduled, GNILND_CONN_PROCESS); LASSERTF(conn_sched != GNILND_CONN_IDLE && conn_sched != GNILND_CONN_PROCESS, "conn %p on ready list but in bad state: %d\n", conn, conn_sched); list_del_init(&conn->gnc_schedlist); if (conn->gnc_state == GNILND_CONN_CLOSING) { /* bump to CLOSED to fake out send of CLOSE */ conn->gnc_state = GNILND_CONN_CLOSED; conn->gnc_close_sent = 1; } if (conn->gnc_state == GNILND_CONN_DESTROY_EP) { kgnilnd_destroy_conn_ep(conn); } else { kgnilnd_complete_closed_conn(conn); } /* there really shouldn't be any other states here - * they would have been cleared out in the del_peer_or_conn or the dgram * aborts above. * there is an LASSERTF in kgnilnd_complete_closed_conn that will take * care of catching anything else for us */ kgnilnd_schedule_process_conn(conn, -1); kgnilnd_conn_decref(conn); } } /* don't let the little weasily purgatory conns hide from us */ for (i = 0; i < *kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_peer_hash_size; i++) { list_for_each_entry_safe(peer, peerN, &kgnilnd_data.kgn_peers[i], gnp_list) { kgn_conn_t *conn, *connN; list_for_each_entry_safe(conn, connN, &peer->gnp_conns, gnc_list) { kgnilnd_detach_purgatory_locked(conn, &souls); } } } CDEBUG(D_NET, "about to release %d purgatory entries\n", kgnilnd_count_list(&souls)); kgnilnd_release_purgatory_list(&souls); /* validate we are now clean */ for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; /* now all the cons/mboxes should be cleaned up, including purgatory * so go through and release the MDDs for our persistent PHYS fma_blks */ kgnilnd_unmap_phys_fmablk(dev); LASSERTF(atomic_read(&dev->gnd_nfmablk) == 0, "reset failed: fma blocks still live %d\n", atomic_read(&dev->gnd_nfmablk)); LASSERTF(atomic_read(&dev->gnd_neps) == 0, "reset failed: EP handles still live %d\n", atomic_read(&dev->gnd_neps)); } LASSERTF(atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nconns) == 0, "reset failed: conns left %d\n", atomic_read(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_nconns)); /* fine to have peers left - they are waiting for new conns * but should not be holding any open HW resources */ /* like the last part of kgnilnd_base_shutdown() */ CFS_RACE(CFS_FAIL_GNI_SR_DOWN_RACE); for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgnilnd_dev_fini(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]); } /* no need to free and recreate the TX descriptors * we nuked all the ones that could be using HW resources in * kgnilnd_close_matching_conns and asserted it worked in * kgnilnd_dev_fini */ /* At this point, all HW is torn down, start to reset */ /* only reset our known devs */ for (i = 0; i < kgnilnd_data.kgn_ndevs; i++) { kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[i]; rc = kgnilnd_dev_init(dev); LASSERTF(rc == 0, "dev_init failed for dev %d\n", i); kgnilnd_map_phys_fmablk(dev); LASSERTF(rc == 0, "map_phys_fmablk failed for dev %d\n", i); rc = kgnilnd_setup_wildcard_dgram(dev); LASSERTF(rc == 0, "couldnt setup datagrams on dev %d: %d\n", i, rc); } /* Now the fun restarts... - release the hounds! */ end = jiffies; seconds = cfs_duration_sec((long)end - start); kgnilnd_bump_timeouts(seconds, reason); kgnilnd_data.kgn_in_reset = 0; set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger, GNILND_QUIESCE_IDLE); kgnilnd_quiesce_wait(reason); LCONSOLE_WARN("%s reset of all hardware resources\n", rc ? "failed" : "successful"); RETURN_EXIT; } /* A thread that handles quiece and reset hardware events. * We do the same thing regardless of which device reported the event. */ int kgnilnd_ruhroh_thread(void *arg) { int i = 1; DEFINE_WAIT(wait); cfs_daemonize("kgnilnd_rr"); cfs_block_allsigs(); set_user_nice(current, *kgnilnd_tunables.kgn_nice); kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_running = 1; while (1) { /* Block until there's a request.. A reset request could come in * while we're handling a quiesce one, or vice versa. * Keep processing requests until there are none.*/ prepare_to_wait(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_waitq, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); while (!(kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_shutdown || kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_reset || kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_pause)) schedule(); finish_wait(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_waitq, &wait); /* Exit if the driver is shutting down. */ if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_shutdown) break; /* Serialize with driver startup and shutdown. */ down(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_sem); CDEBUG(D_NET, "trigger %d reset %d to_bump %d pause %d\n", kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger, kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_reset, kgnilnd_data.kgn_bump_info_rdy, kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_pause); /* Do we need to do a pause/quiesce? */ if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_pause) { /* Pause all other kgnilnd threads. */ set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger, GNILND_QUIESCE_HW_QUIESCE); kgnilnd_quiesce_wait("hardware quiesce flag"); /* If the hardware quiesce flag is set, wait for it to clear. * This should happen relatively quickly, so we wait for it. * This will hold up the eventd thread, but on everything but * the simulator, this is ok-- there is one thread per core. * * Handle (possibly multiple) quiesce events while we wait. The * memory barrier ensures that the core doesn't start fetching * kgn_bump_info_rdy before it fetches kgn_needs_pause, and * matches the second mb in kgnilnd_quiesce_end_callback(). */ smp_rmb(); while (kgnilnd_hw_in_quiesce() || kgnilnd_data.kgn_bump_info_rdy) { i++; LCONSOLE((((i) & (-i)) == i) ? D_WARNING : D_NET, "Waiting for hardware quiesce flag to clear\n"); cfs_pause(cfs_time_seconds(1 * i)); /* If we got a quiesce event with bump info, DO THE BUMP!. */ if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_bump_info_rdy) { /* reset console rate limiting for each event */ i = 1; /* Make sure the core doesn't start fetching * kgni_quiesce_seconds until after it sees * kgn_bump_info_rdy set. This is the match to the * first mb in kgnilnd_quiesce_end_callback(). */ smp_rmb(); (void) kgnilnd_bump_timeouts(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_secs, "hardware quiesce callback"); set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_secs, 0); set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_bump_info_rdy, 0); } } /* Reset the kgn_needs_pause flag before coming out of * the pause. This ordering avoids a race with the * setting of this flag in kgnilnd_pause_threads(). */ set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_pause, 0); /* ok, let the kids back into the pool */ set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger, GNILND_QUIESCE_IDLE); kgnilnd_quiesce_wait("hardware quiesce"); } /* Do a stack reset if needed. */ if (kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_reset) { kgnilnd_reset_stack(); set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_reset, 0); } up(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_sem); } kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_running = 0; return 0; } /* Set pause request flag. Any functions that * call this one are responsible for ensuring that * variables they set up are visible on other cores before * this flag setting. This executes in interrupt or kernel * thread context. */ void kgnilnd_pause_threads(void) { /* only device 0 gets the handle, see kgnilnd_dev_init */ kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[0]; LASSERTF(dev != NULL, "dev 0 is NULL\n"); /* If we're currently in a pause triggered by the pause flag, * there's no need to set it again. We clear the kgn_needs_pause * flag before we reset kgn_quiesce_trigger to avoid a race. The * read memory barrier matches the setmb() on the trigger in * kgnilnd_ruhroh_task(). */ smp_rmb(); if (!(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_trigger == GNILND_QUIESCE_HW_QUIESCE && GNILND_IS_QUIESCED)) { CDEBUG(D_NET, "requesting thread pause\n"); kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_pause = 1; wake_up(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_waitq); } else { CDEBUG(D_NET, "thread pause already underway\n"); } } /* Return non-zero if the GNI hardware quiesce flag is set */ int kgnilnd_hw_in_quiesce(void) { /* only device 0 gets the handle, see kgnilnd_dev_init */ kgn_device_t *dev0 = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[0]; LASSERTF(dev0 != NULL, "dev 0 is NULL\n"); smp_rmb(); return kgnilnd_get_quiesce_status(dev0->gnd_handle) != 0; } /* If the GNI hardware quiesce flag is set, initiate our pause and * return non-zero. Also return non-zero if the stack is shutting down. */ int kgnilnd_check_hw_quiesce(void) { if (likely(!kgnilnd_hw_in_quiesce())) return 0; if (!kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_shutdown) { CDEBUG(D_NET, "initiating thread pause\n"); kgnilnd_pause_threads(); } else { CDEBUG(D_NET, "thread pause bypassed because of shutdown\n"); } return 1; } /* Callback from kngi with the quiesce duration. This executes * in interrupt context. */ void kgnilnd_quiesce_end_callback(gni_nic_handle_t nic_handle, uint64_t msecs) { /* only device 0 gets the handle, see kgnilnd_dev_init */ kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[0]; LASSERTF(dev != NULL, "dev 0 is NULL\n"); if (!kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_shutdown) { CDEBUG(D_NET, "requesting timeout bump by "LPD64" msecs\n", msecs); /* Save the bump interval and request the bump. * The memory barrier ensures that the interval is in place before * the bump flag can be seen (in case a core is already running the * ruhroh task), and that the bump request flag in place before * the pause request can be seen (to ensure a core doesn't miss the bump * request flag). */ /* If another callback occurred before the ruhroh task * finished processing the first bump request, we'd over-write its info. * Nic says that callbacks occur so slowly that this isn't an issue. */ set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_quiesce_secs, msecs / MSEC_PER_SEC); set_mb(kgnilnd_data.kgn_bump_info_rdy, 1); kgnilnd_pause_threads(); } else { CDEBUG(D_NET, "timeout bump bypassed because of shutdown\n"); } } void kgnilnd_critical_error(struct gni_err *err_handle) { /* only device 0 gets the handle, see kgnilnd_dev_init */ kgn_device_t *dev = &kgnilnd_data.kgn_devices[0]; LASSERTF(dev != NULL, "dev 0 is NULL\n"); if (!kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_shutdown) { CDEBUG(D_NET, "requesting stack reset\n"); kgnilnd_data.kgn_needs_reset = 1; wake_up(&kgnilnd_data.kgn_ruhroh_waitq); } else { CDEBUG(D_NET, "stack reset bypassed because of shutdown\n"); } }