#define _BSD_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sysio.h" #include "mount.h" #include "test.h" #include "test_driver.h" /* * ################################################### * # Test functions # * # These functions are used to test libsysio. # * # Eventually, there should be one of these for # * # every function document in sysio.h # * ################################################### */ int initilize_sysio() { char *wd; /* * Attempt to set the cwd by getting it out of the * user's environment. If that does not work, set * it to / */ wd = getenv("PWD"); if (wd == NULL) { wd = malloc(5); strcpy(wd, "/"); } if (chdir(wd) != 0) { DBG(5, sprintf(output, "%schdir: errno %d\n", output, errno)); my_perror(wd); my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = errno; return SUCCESS; } DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Your current working directory is %s\n", wd)); last_ret_val = 0; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_list(char *path) { int fd; size_t n; struct dirent *buf, *dp; __off_t base; ssize_t cc; int numfiles = 0; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = fd; my_perror(path); return SUCCESS; } n = 16 * 1024; buf = malloc(n); if (!buf) { my_perror(path); cc = -1; goto out; } base = 0; DBG(5, sprintf(output, "About to call getdirentries\n")); while ((cc = getdirentries(fd, (char *)buf, n, &base)) > 0) { dp = buf; while (cc > 0) { DBG(4, fprintf(outfp, "\t%s: ino %#08x off %#08x type %#08x\n", dp->d_name, (unsigned int)dp->d_ino, (unsigned int)dp->d_off, (int )dp->d_type)); sprintf(output, "%s\n", dp->d_name); cc -= dp->d_reclen; dp = (struct dirent *)((char *)dp + dp->d_reclen); numfiles++; } printf("Out of inner loop\n"); if (!base) break; } out: if (cc < 0) { DBG(2, sprintf(output, "cc barfed\n")); my_perror(path); } free(buf); { int oerrno = errno; if (close(fd) != 0) { DBG(2,sprintf(output, "close barfed\n")); my_perror(path); if (cc < 0) errno = oerrno; else cc = -1; } } last_ret_val = numfiles; my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_mount(char *from, char *to) { int err; char *s; char *buf; char *cp; char *fstype, *source, *opts, *target; err = 0; /* * Copy everything to a buffer we can modify. */ s = buf = malloc(strlen(from) + 1); if (!buf) { my_perror(from); last_ret_val = -1; my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } (void )strcpy(s, from); /* * Eat leading white. */ while (*s && *s == ' ' && *s == '\t') s++; /* * Get fstype. */ fstype = cp = s; while (*cp && *cp != ':' && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') cp++; if (fstype == cp || *cp != ':') { DBG(1, sprintf(output, "%s: Missing FS type\n", from)); err = -1; goto out; } *cp++ = '\0'; s = cp; /* * Eat leading white. */ while (*s && *s == ' ' && *s == '\t') s++; /* * Get source. */ source = cp = s; while (*cp && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') cp++; if (source == cp) { DBG(1, sprintf(output, "%s: Missing source\n", from)); err = -1; goto out; } if (*cp) *cp++ = '\0'; s = to; /* * Eat leading white. */ while (*s && *s == ' ' && *s == '\t') s++; /* * Get opts. */ opts = cp = s; while (*cp && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') cp++; if (opts == cp) { DBG(1,sprintf(output, "%s: Missing target\n", to)); err = -1; goto out; } if (*cp) *cp++ = '\0'; s = cp; /* * Eat leading white. */ while (*s && *s == ' ' && *s == '\t') s++; /* * Get target */ target = cp = s; while (*cp && *cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t') cp++; if (target == cp) { target = opts; opts = NULL; } if (*cp) *cp++ = '\0'; err = mount(source, target, fstype, 0, opts); if (err) my_perror(from); out: free(buf); last_ret_val = err; my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_chdir(char *newdir) { if (chdir(newdir) != 0) { my_perror(newdir); return -1; } /* buf = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (!buf) { my_perror(newdir); last_ret_val = -1; my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } DBG(4, sprintf(output, "New dir is %s\n", buf)); free(buf); */ return SUCCESS; } static mode_t get_mode(char *arg, int type, int start_mode); #define SYMBOLIC 0 #define DEFINED 1 #define NUMERIC 2 /* * Change the permissions on a given file * * sysio_chmod * */ int sysio_chmod(char *mode_arg, const char *path) { int err; mode_t mode; struct stat st; /* Get the current mode */ err = stat(path, &st); /* Is the new mode symbolic? */ if (isalpha(mode_arg[0])) { /* Could be specifying defines */ if (mode_arg[0] == 'S') mode = get_mode(mode_arg, DEFINED, st.st_mode); else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, SYMBOLIC, st.st_mode); } else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, NUMERIC, st.st_mode); DBG(3,sprintf(output, "Using a mode of %o and a file of %s\n", mode, path)); if (mode == 0) { DBG(2,sprintf(output, "Invalid mode\n")); return INVALID_ARGS; } last_ret_val = chmod(path, mode); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } #define USER_STATE 0 /* Specifies that the users are still being listed */ #define MODE_STATE_ADD 1 #define MODE_STATE_REMOVE 2 #define READ 00444 #define WRITE 00222 #define EXECUTE 00111 #define OWNER 00700 #define GROUP 00070 #define OTHER 00007 mode_t get_mode(char *arg, int type, int start_mode) { int i, j,digit, total; char c; int state = USER_STATE; int len = strlen(arg); unsigned int users = 0; unsigned int modes = 0; if (type == DEFINED) { char curr_word[10]; total = digit = 0; j = 0; DBG(4, sprintf(output, "len is %d\n", len)); for (i=0; i < len; i++) { if (arg[i] == '|') { curr_word[j] = '\0'; DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Got mode word %s\n", curr_word)); digit = get_obj(curr_word); if (digit < 0 ) { DBG(2, sprintf(output, "Unable to understand mode arg %s\n", curr_word)); return -1; } total |= digit; j = 0; } else curr_word[j++] = arg[i]; } curr_word[j] = '\0'; DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Got mode word %s\n", curr_word)); digit = get_obj(curr_word); if (digit < 0 ) { DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Unable to understand mode arg %s\n", curr_word)); return -1; } total |= digit; return total; } if (type == SYMBOLIC) { for (i=0; i < len; i++) { c = arg[i]; if (state == USER_STATE) { switch(c){ case 'u': users |= OWNER; break; case 'g': users |= GROUP; break; case 'o': users |= OTHER; break; case 'a': users |= (OWNER|GROUP|OTHER); break; case '+': state = MODE_STATE_ADD; break; case '-': state = MODE_STATE_REMOVE; break; default: return 0; } } else { switch(c){ case 'r': modes |= READ; break; case 'w': modes |= WRITE; break; case 'x': modes |= EXECUTE; break; default: return 0; } } } if (state == MODE_STATE_ADD) { return (start_mode | (users & modes)); } else { return (start_mode & ~(users & modes)); } } else { /* Digits should be octal digits, so should convert */ total = 0; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { c = arg[i]; digit = atoi(&c); if (digit > 7) return 0; for (j=len-i-1; j >0; j--) digit *= 8; total += digit; } return total; } } /* * Changes the ownership of the file. The new_id * is of the format owner:group. Either the owner * or the group may be omitted, but, in order to * change the group, the : must preced the group. */ int sysio_chown(char *new_id, char *file) { char *owner = NULL; char *group = NULL; uid_t o_id=-1, g_id=-1; int len, j, i=0; int state = 0; /* Correspond to getting owner name */ len = strlen(new_id); for (i=0; i < len; i++) { if (new_id[i] == ':') { /* Group name */ if (!group) group = malloc(strlen(new_id) -i +2); state = 1; /* Now getting group name */ j = 0; if (owner) owner[i] = '\0'; } if (!state) { /* Getting owner name */ if (!owner) owner = malloc(strlen(new_id) +1 ); owner[i] = new_id[i]; } else { /* Group name */ group[j] = new_id[i]; j++; } } if (group) group[i] = '\0'; else owner[i] = '\0'; /* Are the owner and/or group symbolic or numeric? */ if (owner) { if (isdigit(owner[0])) { /* Numeric -- just convert */ o_id = (uid_t) atoi(owner); } else { /* No longer support non-numeric ids */ DBG(2, sprintf(output, "Error: non-numeric ids unsupported\n")); return INVALID_ARGS; } } if (group) { if (isdigit(group[0])) { /* Numeric -- just convert */ g_id = (uid_t) atoi(group); } else { /* Don't support group names either */ DBG(2, sprintf(output, "Error: non-numeric ids unsupported\n")); return INVALID_ARGS; } } /* Now issue the syscall */ DBG(4, sprintf(output, "Changing owner of file %s to %d (group %d)\n", file, o_id, g_id)); last_ret_val = chown(file, o_id, g_id); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_open(char *path, int flags) { last_ret_val = open(path, flags); my_errno = errno; DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Returning with errno set to %s (ret val is %d)\n", strerror(my_errno), (int)last_ret_val)); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_open3(char *path, int flags, char *mode_arg) { mode_t mode; /* Is the new mode symbolic? */ if (isalpha(mode_arg[0])) { /* Could be specifying defines */ if (mode_arg[0] == 'S') mode = get_mode(mode_arg, DEFINED, 0); else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, SYMBOLIC, 0); } else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, NUMERIC, 0); last_ret_val = open(path, flags, mode); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_close(int fd) { last_ret_val = close(fd); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_fcntl(int fd, struct cmd_map* cmdptr, char *arg) { int fd_new, index, cmd, flag; char *cmdname; void *buf; cmd = cmdptr->cmd; cmdname = cmdptr->cmd_name; switch(cmd) { case F_DUPFD: fd_new = get_obj(arg); last_ret_val = fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, fd_new); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; break; case F_GETFD: case F_GETFL: case F_GETOWN: /* case F_GETSIG: case F_GETLEASE: */ last_ret_val= fcntl(fd, cmd); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; break; case F_SETFD: case F_SETFL: case F_SETOWN: /*case F_SETSIG: case F_SETLEASE: case F_NOTIFY: */ flag = atoi(arg); last_ret_val = fcntl(fd, cmd, flag); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; break; case F_SETLK: case F_SETLKW: case F_GETLK: /* Get the buffer to hold the lock structure */ index = get_obj(arg); if (index < 0) { sprintf(output, "Unable to find buffer %s\n", arg+1); return INVALID_VAR; } buf = buflist[index]; if (!buf) { sprintf(output, "Buffer at index %d (mapped by %s) is null\n", index, arg); return INVALID_VAR; } last_ret_val = fcntl(fd, cmd, (struct flock *)buf); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; default: /* THis should be impossible */ return INVALID_ARGS; } return INVALID_ARGS; } void print_stat(struct stat *st) { DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%sstruct stat: \n", output)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_dev: %#16x\n", output, (unsigned int)st->st_dev)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_ino: %#16x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->st_ino)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_mode: %#16x\n", output, st->st_mode)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_nlink: %#16x\n", output, (int)st->st_nlink)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_uid: %#16x\n", output, st->st_uid)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_gid: %#16x\n", output, st->st_gid)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_rdev: %#16x\n", output, (int)st->st_rdev)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_size: %#16x\n", output, (int) st->st_size)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_blksize: %#16x\n", output, (int) st->st_blksize)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_blocks: %#16x\n", output, (int) st->st_blocks)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_atime: %#16x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->st_atime)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_mtime: %#16x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->st_mtime)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s st_ctime: %#16x", output, (unsigned int) st->st_ctime)); } int sysio_fstat(int fd, void *buf) { int err; struct stat *st = (struct stat *)buf; err = fstat(fd, st); if (err < 0) { my_perror("fstat"); } my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; print_stat(st); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_lstat(char *filename, void *buf) { int err; struct stat *st = (struct stat *)buf; err = lstat(filename, st); if (err < 0) { my_perror("lstat"); } my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; print_stat(st); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_stat(char *filename, void *buf) { int err; struct stat *st = (struct stat *)buf; err = stat(filename, st); if (err < 0) { my_perror("stat"); } my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; print_stat(st); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_getdirentries(int fd, char *buf, size_t nbytes, off_t *basep) { int err; struct dirent *dp; err = getdirentries(fd, buf, nbytes, basep); last_ret_val = err; DBG(4, sprintf(output, "%sRead %d bytes\n", output, err)); dp = (struct dirent *)buf; while (err > 0) { DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s\t%s: ino %llu off %llu len %x type %c\n", output, dp->d_name, (unsigned long long )dp->d_ino, (unsigned long long )dp->d_off, dp->d_reclen, (char )dp->d_type)); err -= dp->d_reclen; dp = (struct dirent *)((char *)dp + dp->d_reclen); } my_errno = errno; return last_ret_val; } int sysio_mkdir(char *path, char *mode_arg) { int err; mode_t mode; struct stat st; /* Is the new mode symbolic? */ if (isalpha(mode_arg[0])) { /* Could be specifying defines */ if (mode_arg[0] == 'S') mode = get_mode(mode_arg, DEFINED, st.st_mode); else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, SYMBOLIC, st.st_mode); } else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, NUMERIC, st.st_mode); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Using a mode of %o and a file of %s\n", mode, path)); if (mode == 0) { DBG(2, sprintf(output, "Invalid mode\n")); return INVALID_ARGS; } err = mkdir(path, mode); my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_creat(char *path, char *mode_arg) { mode_t mode; int err; /* Is the new mode symbolic? */ if (isalpha(mode_arg[0])) { /* Could be specifying defines */ if (mode_arg[0] == 'S') mode = get_mode(mode_arg, DEFINED, 0); else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, SYMBOLIC, 0); } else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, NUMERIC, 0); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "Using a mode of %o and a file of %s\n", mode, path)); if (mode == 0) { DBG(2, sprintf(output, "Invalid mode\n")); return INVALID_ARGS; } err = creat(path, mode); my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; return SUCCESS; } void print_statvfs(struct statvfs *st) { DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%sstruct statvfs: \n", output)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_bsize: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_bsize)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_frsize: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_frsize)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_blocks: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_blocks)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_bfree: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_bfree)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_bavail: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_bavail)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_files: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_files)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_ffree: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_ffree)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_favail: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_favail)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_files: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_files)); #if (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ == 1) DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_fsid: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_fsid.__val[1])); #else DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_fsid: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_fsid)); #endif DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_flag: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_flag)); DBG(3, sprintf(output, "%s f_fnamemax: %x\n", output, (unsigned int) st->f_namemax)); } int sysio_statvfs(char *filename, void *buf) { int err; struct statvfs *st = (struct statvfs *)buf; err = statvfs(filename, st); if ( err == -1) { my_perror("statvfs"); } my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; print_statvfs(st); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_fstatvfs(int fd, void *buf) { int err; struct statvfs *st = (struct statvfs *)buf; err = fstatvfs(fd, st); if (err == -1) { my_perror("fstatvfs"); } my_errno = errno; last_ret_val = err; print_statvfs(st); return SUCCESS; } int sysio_umask(char *mode_arg) { mode_t mode; /* Is the new mode symbolic? */ if (isalpha(mode_arg[0])) { /* Could be specifying defines */ if (mode_arg[0] == 'S') mode = get_mode(mode_arg, DEFINED, 0); else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, SYMBOLIC, 0); } else mode = get_mode(mode_arg, NUMERIC, 0); last_ret_val = umask(mode); my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; } int sysio_mknod(char *path, char *mode_arg, dev_t dev) { int err; int mode; mode = get_obj(mode_arg); if (mode < 0) { DBG(2,sprintf(output, "Cant get mode from %s\n", mode_arg)); fprintf(stderr, "Cant get mode from %s\n", mode_arg); return INVALID_VAR; } err = mknod(path, (mode_t) mode, dev); if (err < 0) my_perror("mknod"); last_ret_val = err; my_errno = errno; return SUCCESS; }