To run the tests, just do a "make check" in the tests subdirectory. On the CPlant alpha systems, 3 of the 7 tests in are excluded due to known problems (problems as of the date of writing this; they may have since been fixed). You can also manually run the individual tests or ./ If you are running on CPlant, you need to run with a -alpha argument. Either "make check" or will run the 7 basic functionality tests (explained below) and report the total number of passes and failures. number of passes and failures. -----------------------SCRIPTS--------------------------------- There are a total of 8 scripts:,,,,,,, and All but the last two scripts are ran with the script. Here is an explanation of the scripts. All scripts take an optional "-alpha" arg for running the scripts in an alpha/cplant environment. The alpha arg makes certain assumptions about the running of the environment; for example, it does not initilization and it starts off the test driver with yod. : This copies a file from src to dest. : It runs a system cmp to verify that : the two files are equivalent [-p] : This comes in two forms. [-p] : In the first form, it will : parse through the getdirentries : result in order to generate a : a listing. If the -p option is : given, it will print out the : listing. In the second form, it : mounts mdir into dir and then does : the listing : Tests getcwd by verifying that setting the current : working directory to dir and then calling getcwd : returns dir : Verifies that the set of stat calls (stat, fstat, : fstatvfs, statvfs) return the same set of stats for file : and that the calls return the same items as Perl's stat : call (which would use a native library and not libsysio) : Verified that stdin, stdout, and stderr can be opened and : either written to or read from ... : Print each path listed and its type. : If no paths are given, paths are read : from stdin until a "quit" is given [-seed seed] : Create a file and populate with random numbers. [-file filename] : Will use the given seed for the random number [-bytes bytes] : generator if it is given, otherwise it uses the : the current time as a seed. The seed used is : returned. If no filename is given, the file : will be named randfile.seed.procnum, where seed : is the seed used and procnum is the process number : of the script. If no bytes are given, 1024 bytes : are written. All write commands use libsysio <-seed seed> <-file fname> : Verifies that all bytes in the file fname : (which was created with populator) match the : random numbers which would have been used with : the populator, using the given seed. -----------------------------TEST DRIVER--------------------------------- There are 6 basic commands for the test driver, CALL, PRINT, ALLOC, FREE, HELP, and exit (EXIT, quit, or QUIT will also work). CALL is the main command for running libsysio calls. The format will depend on the particular libsysio command being ran. Basically, the format is CALL cmd args. The available commands used with CALL are (in no particular order): fstat iwrite read chdir fstatvfs iwritev readv chmod fsync list rmdir chown ftruncate lseek sizeof close getcwd lstat stat cmpstr getdirentries mkdir statvfs creat init mknod symlink debug ioctl mount truncate dup iodone open umask dup2 iowait umount endian ipread printline unlink ipreadv pread write fcntl ipwrite preadv writev fdatasync ipwritev pwritev fill iread pwrite ireadv The specifics of the commands are explained later. The return value from a command can be saved and referenced later by using a syntax similar to $foo = x. Commands can be combined, such as: CALL fstat ( $fd = CALL open foo ) ( $buf = ALLOC 128 ), with some cautionary notes. First, everything needs to be seperated by a space. File names with spaces in them need to be quoted, as in: $fd = CALL open "file with spaces" O_RDONLY Second, any value that is used needs to be identified with an identifier. In other words, the command: $buf = ALLOC ( CALL sizeof stat ) will not work, but the command $buf = ALLOC ( $size = CALL sizeof stat ) will. All commands return a 4 digit status code. The codes are: 0000 : Success. This does NOT necessarily mean that the libsysio : command returned success, only that there were no errors : in issuing the command to libsysio. To get the result of : the libsysio command, use PRINT $$ . PRINT $errno will return : the last error code. 0x001 : Invalid arguments given to command 0x002 : Invalid command issued 0x004 : Invalid variable identifier given ALLOC takes a size argument and an optional alignment argument. FREE takes the variable to free as an argument. HELP without any arguments displays the list of commands. HELP will give information on the specific command PRINT take several forms. To just print out a variable, type PRINT $var-name. If the variable is an integer, it will return the integer. If it is a string, it will print out the string. If it is a buffer, it will print out the buffer as a series of hex digits. Note for most buffers, the test driver will not know what it contains--just because it should contain a string does not mean that the driver will know that. The other form of PRINT is: PRINT $var_name which will print out length units of the given type starting at the given offset. The length is the total length in bytes, so for an integer, a length of 4 would only print out one integer. The length argument is ignored for strings. Allowable types are INT SHORT CHAR and LONG. For most of the CALL commands, their format is similar to the related sysio call. The ones that do not have a corresponding sysio call are listed below: init: This MUST be called prior to any sysio calls. It initilizes : libsysio printline: If debugging is turned on, this will print a line number : with any debug lines fill : Fills buffer buf with size : bytes of val starting at : buf+offset. The type of val : can be UINT. STR, or PTR and : is given by the type arg list : Lists contents of dir. If no dir is given, uses cwd debug : Sets debug level to num sizeof : Gives the size of the obj. Valid objs are char, int, : long, flock, stat, and statvfs endian: returns 0 if the machine is little endian, one otherwise cmpstr : Issues a strcmp call on the two buffers to : see if they are the same. Returns 0 for a : match