/* * This Cplant(TM) source code is the property of Sandia National * Laboratories. * * This Cplant(TM) source code is copyrighted by Sandia National * Laboratories. * * The redistribution of this Cplant(TM) source code is subject to the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (see cit/LGPL or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * * Cplant(TM) Copyright 1998-2004 Sandia Corporation. * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the US Government. * Export of this program may require a license from the United States * Government. */ /* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Questions or comments about this library should be sent to: * * Lee Ward * Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico * P.O. Box 5800 * Albuquerque, NM 87185-1110 * * lee@sandia.gov */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xtio.h" #include "sysio.h" #include "file.h" #include "inode.h" #include "sysio-symbols.h" #define IIOXOP_READ(ino) (ino)->i_ops.inop_read, 0 #define IIOXOP_WRITE(ino) (ino)->i_ops.inop_write, 1 /* * Decoding the interface routine names: * * Much of this carries legacy from the POSIX world and the Intel ASCI * Red programming environment. Routine names are composed of prefix, * basic POSIX names, and postfix. The basic POSIX names are read and write. * Prefixes, left-to-right: * * - 'i' -- asynchronous operation (from ASCI Red) * - 'p' -- positional (POSIX) * Posfixes, only one: * - 'v' -- vectored (POSIX) * - 'x' -- extent-based (new for Red Storm) * * All valid combinations are available and symmetric. */ /* * Post op using iovec with regions specified by the passed extent vector. * * NOTE: There are enough parameters that we should really consider * passing them in a structure. */ static int _sysio_iiox(int (*f)(struct inode *, struct ioctx *), int wr, struct file *fil, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, void (*iov_free)(struct ioctx *), const struct intnl_xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count, void (*xtv_free)(struct ioctx *), void (*completio)(struct ioctx *, void *), struct ioctx **ioctxp) { struct inode *ino; ssize_t cc; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; struct ioctx_callback *cb; /* * Check that it was opened with flags supporting the operation. */ if (!(wr ? (fil->f_flags & (O_RDWR | O_WRONLY)) : !(fil->f_flags & O_WRONLY))) return -EBADF; ino = fil->f_ino; if (!ino) { /* * Huh? It's dead. */ return -EBADF; } cc = _sysio_validx(xtv, xtv_count, iov, iov_count, #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE && defined(O_LARGEFILE) (fil->f_flags & O_LARGEFILE) == 0 ? LONG_MAX : #endif _SYSIO_OFF_T_MAX); if (cc < 0) return cc; ioctx = _sysio_ioctx_new(ino, wr, iov, iov_count, xtv, xtv_count); if (!ioctx) return -ENOMEM; if ((iov_free && (err = _sysio_ioctx_cb(ioctx, (void (*)(struct ioctx *, void *))iov_free, NULL))) || (xtv_free && (err = _sysio_ioctx_cb(ioctx, (void (*)(struct ioctx *, void *))xtv_free, NULL))) || (completio && (err = _sysio_ioctx_cb(ioctx, (void (*)(struct ioctx *, void *))completio, fil))) || (err = (*f)(ino, ioctx))) { /* * Release the callback queue. Don't want it run after all. */ while ((cb = ioctx->ioctx_cbq.tqh_first)) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&ioctx->ioctx_cbq, cb, iocb_next); _sysio_ioctx_cb_free(cb); } _sysio_ioctx_complete(ioctx); return err; } *ioctxp = ioctx; return 0; } /* * Sum iovec entries, returning total found or error if range of ssize_t would * be exceeded. */ static ssize_t _sysio_sum_iovec(const struct iovec *iov, int count) { ssize_t tmp, cc; if (count <= 0) return -EINVAL; cc = 0; while (count--) { tmp = cc; cc += iov->iov_len; if (tmp && iov->iov_len && cc <= tmp) return -EINVAL; iov++; } return cc; } /* * Asynch IO from/to iovec from/to current file offset. */ static int _sysio_iiov(int (*f)(struct inode *, struct ioctx *), int wr, struct file *fil, const struct iovec *iov, int count, void (*iov_free)(struct ioctx *), struct intnl_xtvec *xtv, void (*xtv_free)(struct ioctx *), struct ioctx **ioctxp) { ssize_t cc; _SYSIO_OFF_T off; int err; cc = _sysio_sum_iovec(iov, count); if (cc < 0) return (int )cc; xtv->xtv_off = fil->f_pos; xtv->xtv_len = cc; off = xtv->xtv_off + xtv->xtv_len; if (xtv->xtv_off && off <= xtv->xtv_off) { /* * Ouch! The IO vector specifies more bytes than * are addressable. Trim the region to limit how * much of the IO vector is finally transferred. */ xtv->xtv_len = _SYSIO_OFF_T_MAX - xtv->xtv_off; } err = _sysio_iiox(f, wr, fil, iov, count, iov_free, xtv, 1, xtv_free, (void (*)(struct ioctx *, void *))_sysio_fcompletio, ioctxp); if (err) return err; return 0; } static void free_xtv(struct ioctx *ioctx) { free((struct iovec *)ioctx->ioctx_xtv); ioctx->ioctx_iov = NULL; } ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadv)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(readv)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #if defined(__GLIBC__) #undef __readv sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(readv), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(readv))) #undef __libc_readv sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(readv), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_readv))) #endif static void free_iov(struct ioctx *ioctx) { free((struct iovec *)ioctx->ioctx_iov); ioctx->ioctx_iov = NULL; } ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iread)(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) { struct iovec *iov; struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); iov = malloc(sizeof(struct iovec)); if (!iov) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); iov->iov_base = buf; iov->iov_len = count; xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) { free(iov); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); } err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, 1, free_iov, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); free(iov); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(read)(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) { struct file *fil; struct iovec iovector; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); iovector.iov_base = buf; iovector.iov_len = count; err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, &iovector, 1, NULL, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #ifdef __GLIBC__ #undef __read sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(read), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(read))) #undef __libc_read sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(read), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_read))) #endif /* * Asynch IO between iovec and data at the given offset. */ static int _sysio_ipiov(int (*f)(struct inode *, struct ioctx *), int wr, struct file *fil, const struct iovec *iov, int count, void (*iov_free)(struct ioctx *), _SYSIO_OFF_T off, struct intnl_xtvec *xtv, void (*xtv_free)(struct ioctx *), struct ioctx **ioctxp) { ssize_t cc; int err; SYSIO_ENTER; cc = _sysio_sum_iovec(iov, count); if (cc < 0) { SYSIO_LEAVE; return (int )cc; } xtv->xtv_off = off, xtv->xtv_len = cc; err = _sysio_iiox(f, wr, fil, iov, count, iov_free, xtv, 1, xtv_free, NULL, ioctxp); SYSIO_LEAVE; if (err) return err; return 0; } static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipreadv))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, offset, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef ipread64v sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipreadv)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread64v)) #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipreadv)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipreadv))(fd, iov, count, offset); } static ssize_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(preadv))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, offset, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef pread64v sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(preadv)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread64v)) #endif ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(preadv)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(preadv))(fd, iov, count, offset); } static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread))(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct iovec *iov; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); iov = malloc(sizeof(struct iovec)); if (!(xtv && iov)) { err = -ENOMEM; goto error; } xtv->xtv_off = offset; iov->iov_base = buf; xtv->xtv_len = iov->iov_len = count; err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, 1, free_iov, offset, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); error: if (err) { if (iov) free(iov); if (xtv) free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef ipread64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread64)) #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread)(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipread))(fd, buf, count, offset); } ssize_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread))(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvec; struct iovec iovec; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtvec.xtv_off = offset; iovec.iov_base = buf; xtvec.xtv_len = iovec.iov_len = count; err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, &iovec, 1, NULL, offset, &xtvec, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef pread64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread64)) #if __GLIBC__ #undef __pread64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread)), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread64))) #undef __libc_pread64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread)), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_pread64))) #endif #endif ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread)(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread))(fd, buf, count, offset); } #if __GLIBC__ #undef __pread sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread))) #undef __libc_pread sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pread), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_pread))) #endif static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct intnl_xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { struct file *fil; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!(fil && xtv_count)) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); err = _sysio_iiox(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, iov_count, NULL, xtv, xtv_count, NULL, NULL, &ioctx); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? IOID_FAIL : ioctx, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef iread64x sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iread64x)) #endif #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *ixtv, *ixtvent; size_t count; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!(fil && xtv_count)) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); ixtv = ixtvent = malloc(xtv_count * sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!ixtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); count = xtv_count; while (count--) { ixtvent->xtv_off = xtv->xtv_off; ixtvent->xtv_len = xtv->xtv_len; ixtvent++; xtv++; } err = _sysio_iiox(IIOXOP_READ(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, iov_count, NULL, ixtv, xtv_count, free_xtv, NULL, &ioctx); if (err) { free(ixtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #else #undef ireadx sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx)) #endif ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(readx)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { ioid_t ioid; if ((ioid = SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ireadx)(fd, iov, iov_count, xtv, xtv_count)) == IOID_FAIL) return -1; return iowait(ioid); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef iread64x ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(read64x)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec64 *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { ioid_t ioid; if ((ioid = SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iread64x)(fd, iov, iov_count, xtv, xtv_count)) == IOID_FAIL) return -1; return iowait(ioid); } #endif #ifdef notdef int read_list(int fd, int mem_list_count, char *mem_offsets[], int mem_lengths[], int file_list_count, int64_t file_offsets[], int32_t file_lengths[]) { SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -ENOSYS); } #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritev)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(writev)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err < 0 ? -1 : cc, err); } #ifdef __GLIBC__ #undef __writev sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(writev), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(writev))) #undef __libc_writev sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(writev), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_writev))) #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwrite)(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) { struct iovec *iov; struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); iov = malloc(sizeof(struct iovec)); if (!iov) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); iov->iov_base = (void *)buf; iov->iov_len = count; xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) { free(iov); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); } err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, 1, free_iov, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); free(iov); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(write)(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) { struct file *fil; struct iovec iovector; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); iovector.iov_base = (void *)buf; iovector.iov_len = count; err = _sysio_iiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, &iovector, 1, NULL, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err < 0 ? -1 : cc, err); } #ifdef __GLIBC__ #undef __write sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(write), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(write))) #undef __libc_write sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(write), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_write))) #endif static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwritev))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!xtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, offset, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); if (err) { free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef ipwrite64v sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwritev)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite64v)) #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwritev)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwritev))(fd, iov, count, offset); } static ssize_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwritev))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvector; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, count, NULL, offset, &xtvector, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef pwrite64v sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwritev)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite64v)) #endif ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwritev)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwritev))(fd, iov, count, offset); } static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite))(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *xtv; struct iovec *iov; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); xtv = malloc(sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); iov = malloc(sizeof(struct iovec)); if (!(xtv && iov)) { err = -errno; goto error; } xtv->xtv_off = offset; iov->iov_base = (void *)buf; xtv->xtv_len = iov->iov_len = count; err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, 1, free_iov, offset, xtv, free_xtv, &ioctx); error: if (err) { if (iov) free(iov); if (xtv) free(xtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef ipwrite64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite64)) #endif ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite)(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(ipwrite))(fd, buf, count, offset); } ssize_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite))(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, _SYSIO_OFF_T offset) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec xtvec; struct iovec iovec; struct ioctx *ioctx; int err; ssize_t cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!fil) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -EBADF); xtvec.xtv_off = offset; iovec.iov_base = (void *)buf; xtvec.xtv_len = iovec.iov_len = count; err = _sysio_ipiov(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, &iovec, 1, NULL, offset, &xtvec, NULL, &ioctx); if (!err && (cc = _sysio_ioctx_wait(ioctx)) < 0) err = (int )cc; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? -1 : cc, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef pwrite64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite64)) #ifdef __GLIBC #undef __pwrite64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite)), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite64))) #undef __libc_pwrite64 sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite)), PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_pwrite64))) #endif #endif ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite)(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset) { return PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite))(fd, buf, count, offset); } #ifdef __GLIBC #undef __libc_pwrite sysio_sym_weak_alias(SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(pwrite), __libc_pwrite) PREPEND(__, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(libc_pwrite))) #endif static ioid_t PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex))(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct intnl_xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { struct file *fil; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!(fil && xtv_count)) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); err = _sysio_iiox(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, iov_count, NULL, xtv, xtv_count, NULL, NULL, &ioctx); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(err ? IOID_FAIL : ioctx, err); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef iwrite64x sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwrite64x)) #endif #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE ioid_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { struct file *fil; struct intnl_xtvec *ixtv, *ixtvent; size_t count; int err; struct ioctx *ioctx; SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; fil = _sysio_fd_find(fd); if (!(fil && xtv_count)) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -EBADF); ixtv = ixtvent = malloc(xtv_count * sizeof(struct intnl_xtvec)); if (!ixtv) SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, -ENOMEM); count = xtv_count; while (count--) { ixtvent->xtv_off = xtv->xtv_off; ixtvent->xtv_len = xtv->xtv_len; ixtvent++; xtv++; } err = _sysio_iiox(IIOXOP_WRITE(fil->f_ino), fil, iov, iov_count, NULL, ixtv, xtv_count, free_xtv, NULL, &ioctx); if (err) { free(ixtv); SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(IOID_FAIL, err); } SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(ioctx, 0); } #else #undef iwritex sysio_sym_weak_alias(PREPEND(_, SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex)), SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex)) #endif #undef writex ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(writex)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { ioid_t ioid; if ((ioid = SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwritex)(fd, iov, iov_count, xtv, xtv_count)) == IOID_FAIL) return -1; return iowait(ioid); } #if _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE #undef write64x ssize_t SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(write64x)(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, size_t iov_count, const struct xtvec64 *xtv, size_t xtv_count) { ioid_t ioid; if ((ioid = SYSIO_INTERFACE_NAME(iwrite64x)(fd, iov, iov_count, xtv, xtv_count)) == IOID_FAIL) return -1; return iowait(ioid); } #endif #ifdef notdef int write_list(int fd, int mem_list_count, char *mem_offsets[], int mem_lengths[], int file_list_count, int64_t file_offsets[], int32_t file_lengths[]) { SYSIO_INTERFACE_DISPLAY_BLOCK; SYSIO_INTERFACE_ENTER; SYSIO_INTERFACE_RETURN(-1, -ENOSYS); } #endif