/* * This Cplant(TM) source code is the property of Sandia National * Laboratories. * * This Cplant(TM) source code is copyrighted by Sandia National * Laboratories. * * The redistribution of this Cplant(TM) source code is subject to the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (see cit/LGPL or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) * * Cplant(TM) Copyright 1998-2003 Sandia Corporation. * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the US Government. * Export of this program may require a license from the United States * Government. */ /* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Questions or comments about this library should be sent to: * * Lee Ward * Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico * P.O. Box 5800 * Albuquerque, NM 87185-1110 * * lee@sandia.gov */ /* * File system or volume support. */ struct filesys; struct pnode; struct mount; /* * File system switch operations. */ struct fssw_ops { int (*fsswop_mount)(const char *source, unsigned flags, const void *data, struct pnode *tocover, struct mount **mntp); }; /* * File system switch entry record. * * Each available file system or volume access driver is represented by * one of these switch entries in the switch. */ struct fsswent { const char *fssw_name; /* entry name */ LIST_ENTRY(fsswent) fssw_link; /* link to next */ struct fssw_ops fssw_ops; /* operations */ }; /* * Init file system switch entry record. */ #define FSSWENT_INIT(fsswent, name, ops) \ do { \ (fsswent)->fssw_name = (name); \ (fsswent)->fssw_ops = (ops); \ } while (0) struct inode; /* * File system operations. */ struct filesys_ops { void (*fsop_gone)(struct filesys *); }; /* * Define the desired size of the file system record's inode table. This should * probably be something fancy that tries to use up a system page, or the * like. I'm not feeling adventurous right now though. It is prime though. * That should help out the hash. */ #ifndef FS_ITBLSIZ #define FS_ITBLSIZ 503 #endif /* * Inode list head record. */ LIST_HEAD(itable_entry, inode); /* * A filesys record is maintained for each active file system or volume. */ struct filesys { dev_t fs_dev; /* device ID */ unsigned fs_ref; /* soft ref count */ unsigned fs_flags; /* flags (see below) */ struct filesys_ops fs_ops; /* operations */ void *fs_private; /* driver data */ struct itable_entry fs_itbl[FS_ITBLSIZ]; /* inodes hash */ unsigned long fs_id; /* ID */ size_t fs_bsize; /* block size */ }; #define FS_F_RO 0x01 /* read-only */ /* * Init file system record. */ #define FS_INIT(fs, flags, ops, private) \ do { \ size_t __i; \ struct itable_entry *__head; \ \ (fs)->fs_ref = 1; \ (fs)->fs_flags = (flags); \ (fs)->fs_ops = *(ops); \ (fs)->fs_private = (private); \ __i = FS_ITBLSIZ; \ __head = (fs)->fs_itbl; \ do { \ LIST_INIT(__head); \ __head++; \ } while (--__i); \ } while (0) /* * Reference file system record. */ #define FS_REF(fs) \ do { \ ++(fs)->fs_ref; \ assert((fs)->fs_ref); \ } while (0) /* * Release reference to file system record. */ #define FS_RELE(fs) \ do { \ assert((fs)->fs_ref); \ if (!--(fs)->fs_ref) \ _sysio_fs_gone(fs); \ } while (0) extern struct fsswent *_sysio_fssw_lookup(const char *name); extern int _sysio_fssw_register(const char *name, struct fssw_ops *ops); extern struct filesys * _sysio_fs_new(struct filesys_ops *ops, unsigned mask, void *private); extern void _sysio_fs_gone(struct filesys *fs); #ifdef ZERO_SUM_MEMORY extern void _sysio_fssw_shutdown(void); #endif