Setxattr ~~~~~~~~ The 'setxattr' VFS method is used to modify the extended attributes associated with a resource. The 'fsetxattr()' system call induces the 'setxattr' variant of the MDS_REINT RPC. .Setxattr RPCs for Modifying a Resource's Extended Attributes [[setxattr-rpcs]] image::setxattr_rpcs.png["setxattr RPCs for modifying a resource's Extended Attributes",height=100] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The setxattr_rpcs.png diagram resembles this text art: Time Step Client MDT OST ------- ------- ------- 1 MDS_REINT-------> 2 <-------MDS_REINT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 - The client issues an MDS_REINT with the REINT_SETXATTR sub-operation. In addition to the 'ptlrpc_body' (RPC message header), the MDS_REINT request RPC from the client has the REINT structure 'mdt_rec_setxattr', the name of the extended attribute in question, the extended attribute data to put in place, and a lock request 'ldlm_request'. For a detailed discussion of all the fields in the 'mdt_rec_setxattr' and 'ldlm_request' refer to <> and <>. .MDS_REINT:REINT_SETXATTR Request Packet Structure image::mds-reint-setxattr-request.png["MDS_REINT:REINT_SETXATTR Request Packet Structure",height=50] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The mds-reint-setxattr-request.png diagram resembles this text art: MDS_REINT: --REINT_SETXATTR-request------------------------- | ptlrpc_body | mdt_rec_setxattr | ldlm_request | ------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The 'setxattr' wants to set the 'ctime' associated with the EA update as well, so the one 'sx_valid' flag it uses is OBD_MD_FLCTIME (0x00008). The 'sx_valid' field also has the OBD_MD_FLXATTR (0x01000000000) flag set, though that is never checked or used. The 'ldlm_request' structure encompasses an early lock cancellation (see <>) on the lock that the client had previously acquired for the target resource. The lock handle identifies this lock. Only lock_count and lock_handle are used, and the rest of the ldlm_request is cleared, i.e. all fields set to zero. In some instances the ldlm_request is empty (all zeros) indicating early lock cancellation is not being used. This may be a bug in the code for that instance. 2 - The MDS_REINT reply acknowledges the updated attributes. In addition to the 'ptlrpc_body' (RPC message header), the MDS_REINT reply RPC to the client has the 'mdt_body' structure. For a detailed discussion of the fields in the 'mdt_body' refer to <>. .MDS_REINT:REINT_SETXATTR Reply Packet Structure image::mds-reint-setxattr-reply.png["MDS_REINT:REINT_SETXATTR Reply Packet Structure",height=50] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The mds-reint-setxattr-reply.png diagram resembles this text art: --REINT_SETXATTR-reply----- | ptlrpc_body | mdt_body | -------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The reply from the MDT after the setxattr operation has no valid 'mdt_body' fields, 'mbo_valid = 0x0.