Command 10: OST_PUNCH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[ost-punch-rpc]] An RPC that modifies the size attribute of a resource on an OST. .OST_PUNCH Generic Packet Structure image::ost-punch-generic.png["OST_PUNCH Generic Packet Structure",height=100] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The ost-punch-generic.png diagram resembles this text art: OST_PUNCH: --request------------------------------- | ptlrpc_body | ost_body | lustre_capa | ---------------------------------------- --reply------------------- | ptlrpc_body | ost_body | -------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'ptlrpc_body':: RPC descriptor. 'ost_body':: Metadata about the resource, as it appears on the OST. 'lustre_capa':: So called "capabilities" structure. This is deprecated in recent versions of Lustre, and commonly appears in the packet header as a zero length buffer.