RPC 105: LDLM_CP_CALLBACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[ldlm-cp-callback-rpc]] An RPC that notifies an entity that a requested lock is now available. .LDLM_CP_CALLBACK Request Packet Structure image::ldlm-cp-callback-request.png["LDLM_CP_CALLBACK Request Packet Structure",height=50] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The ldlm-cp-callback-request.png diagram resembles this text art: LDLM_CP_CALLBACK: --request------------------------------- | ptlrpc_body | ldlm_request | ost_lvb | ---------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The request RPC identifies the relevant resource that already had a request pending. It notifies the original requester that it now has the stated lock, along with attribute information the about the resource. 'ptlrpc_body':: RPC descriptor <>. 'ldlm_request':: Description of the lock being requested. Which resource is the target, what lock is current, and what lock desired. <> 'ost_lvb':: Attribute data associated with a resource on an OST. <> .LDLM_CP_CALLBACK Reply Packet Structure image::ldlm-cp-callback-reply.png["LDLM_CP_CALLBACK Reply Packet Structure",height=50] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The ldlm-cp-callback-reply.png diagram resembles this text art: LDLM_CP_CALLBACK: --reply-------- | ptlrpc_body | --------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The reply is just an acknowledgment of receipt, and doesn't carry any further information about the lock or the resource. 'ptlrpc_body':: RPC descriptor <>.