RPC 104: LDLM_BL_CALLBACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[ldlm-bl-callback-rpc]] An RPC that assists with getting a lock back from an entity that has it. .LDLM_BL_CALLBACK Generic Packet Structure image::ldlm-bl-callback-generic.png["LDLM_BL_CALLBACK Generic Packet Structure",height=100] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The ldlm-bl-callback-generic.png diagram resembles this text art: LDLM_BL_CALLBACK: --request--------------------- | ptlrpc_body | ldlm_request | ------------------------------ --reply-------- | ptlrpc_body | --------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The request RPC resembles the simplest LDLM_ENQUEUE RPC, but only identifies the relevant resource that the destination entity already had a lock on. It notifies the recipient that the lock should be returned once and dirty write data has been flushed. The Reply is just an acknowledgment of receipt, and doesn't carry any further information about the lock or the resource. 'ptlrpc_body':: RPC descriptor. 'ldlm_request':: Description of the lock being requested. Which resource is the target, what lock is current, and what lock desired.