# Configuration # The name of the source DocBook xml file INPUT_XML = ../index.xml # The makefile assumes that you have a # directory named images that contains # your images. It copies this to the # output directory USER_IMAGES_PARENT_DIR= # Name of the desired output directory # This will be created if it doesn't exist OUTPUT_DIR = ../webhelp-out # A list of files to exclude from indexing INDEXER_EXCLUDED_FILES = ix01.html # Profiling params. For more information on # profiling (conditional text) and DocBook documents, see # http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Profiling.html PROFILE.ARCH = "" PROFILE.AUDIENCE = "" PROFILE.CONDITION = "" PROFILE.CONFORMANCE = "" PROFILE.LANG = "" PROFILE.OS = "" PROFILE.REVISION = "" PROFILE.REVISIONFLAG = "" PROFILE.ROLE = "" PROFILE.SECURITY = "" PROFILE.STATUS = "" PROFILE.USERLEVEL = "" PROFILE.VENDOR = "" PROFILE.WORDSIZE = "" PROFILE.ATTRIBUTE = "" PROFILE.VALUE = "" # Use this variable to pass in other stringparams # to the xsltproc pass that generates DocBook output. # For example: # OTHER_XSLTPROC_ARGS = --stringparam example.param "" OTHER_XSLTPROC_ARGS = # Path to the DocBook Distribution that # contains the xslts etc. DOCBOOK_DIST := ./$(pwd) # ================================================= # You probably don't need to change anything below # unless you choose to add a validation step. # ================================================ DOCBOOK_EXTENSIONS_DIR = $(DOCBOOK_DIST)/extensions INDEXER_JAR := $(DOCBOOK_EXTENSIONS_DIR)/webhelpindexer.jar TAGSOUP_JAR := $(DOCBOOK_EXTENSIONS_DIR)/tagsoup-1.2.1.jar LUCENE_ANALYZER_JAR := $(DOCBOOK_EXTENSIONS_DIR)/lucene-analyzers-3.0.0.jar LUCENE_CORE_JAR := $(DOCBOOK_EXTENSIONS_DIR)/lucene-core-3.0.0.jar classpath := $(INDEXER_JAR):$(TAGSOUP_JAR):$(LUCENE_ANALYZER_JAR):$(LUCENE_CORE_JAR) all: webhelp webhelp: $(INPUT_XML) copyfiles chunk index copyfiles: -rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DIR) mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR) cp -r template/common ${OUTPUT_DIR} test ! -d $(USER_IMAGES_PARENT_DIR)/images/ || cp -r $(USER_IMAGES_PARENT_DIR)/images ${OUTPUT_DIR}/images cp template/favicon.ico ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ chunk: xsltproc --xinclude --output xincluded-profiled.xml \ --stringparam profile.arch ${PROFILE.ARCH} \ --stringparam profile.audience ${PROFILE.AUDIENCE} \ --stringparam profile.condition ${PROFILE.CONDITION} \ --stringparam profile.conformance ${PROFILE.CONFORMANCE} \ --stringparam profile.lang ${PROFILE.LANG} \ --stringparam profile.os ${PROFILE.OS} \ --stringparam profile.revision ${PROFILE.REVISION} \ --stringparam profile.revisionflag ${PROFILE.REVISIONFLAG} \ --stringparam profile.role ${PROFILE.ROLE} \ --stringparam profile.security ${PROFILE.SECURITY} \ --stringparam profile.status ${PROFILE.STATUS} \ --stringparam profile.userlevel ${PROFILE.USERLEVEL} \ --stringparam profile.vendor ${PROFILE.VENDOR} \ --stringparam profile.wordsize ${PROFILE.WORDSIZE} \ --stringparam profile.attribute ${PROFILE.ATTRIBUTE} \ --stringparam profile.value ${PROFILE.VALUE} \ ./profile.xsl \ ${INPUT_XML} xsltproc ${OTHER_XSLTPROC_ARGS} ./webhelp.xsl xincluded-profiled.xml rm xincluded-profiled.xml index: java \ -DhtmlDir=$(OUTPUT_DIR) \ -DindexerLanguage=en \ -DhtmlExtension=html \ -DdoStem=true \ -DindexerExcludedFiles=$(INDEXER_EXCLUDED_FILES) \ -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser \ -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.jaxp.SAXFactoryImpl \ -classpath $(classpath) \ com.nexwave.nquindexer.IndexerMain cp -r template/search/* ${OUTPUT_DIR}/search clean: $(RM) -r ${OUTPUT_DIR}