[ "$OSTCOUNT" -lt "2" ] && skip_env "$OSTCOUNT < 2 OSTs" && return
echo -n "Free space priority "
- lctl get_param -n lov.*-clilov-*.qos_prio_free
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl get_param -n lo*.*-mdtlov.qos_prio_free |
+ head -1
declare -a AVAIL
- [ $MINV -gt 960000 ] && skip "too much free space in OST$MINI, skip" &&\
- return
- # generate uneven OSTs
+ [ $MINV -eq 0 ] && skip "no free space in OST$MINI, skip" && return
+ trap simple_cleanup_common EXIT
+ # Check if we need to generate uneven OSTs
test_mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir/OST${MINI}
- declare -i FILL
- FILL=$(($MINV / 4))
- echo "Filling 25% remaining space in OST${MINI} with ${FILL}Kb"
- $SETSTRIPE -i $MINI -c 1 $DIR/$tdir/OST${MINI}||error "setstripe failed"
- i=0
- while [ $FILL -gt 0 ]; do
- i=$(($i + 1))
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$DIR/$tdir/OST${MINI}/$tfile-$i bs=2M count=1 2>/dev/null
- FILL=$(($FILL - 2048))
- echo -n .
- done
- FILL=$(($MINV / 4))
- sync
- sleep_maxage
+ local FILL=$(($MINV / 4))
+ local DIFF=$(($MAXV - $MINV))
+ local DIFF2=$(($DIFF * 100 / $MINV))
+ local threshold=$(do_facet $SINGLEMDS \
+ lctl get_param -n *.*MDT0000-mdtlov.qos_threshold_rr | head -1)
+ threshold=${threshold%%%}
+ echo -n "Check for uneven OSTs: "
+ echo -n "diff=${DIFF}KB (${DIFF2}%) must be > ${threshold}% ..."
+ if [ $DIFF2 -gt $threshold ]; then
+ echo "ok"
+ echo "Don't need to fill OST$MINI"
+ else
+ # generate uneven OSTs. Write 2% over the QOS threshold value
+ echo "no"
+ DIFF=$(($threshold - $DIFF2 + 2))
+ DIFF2=$(( ($MINV * $DIFF)/100 ))
+ echo "Fill ${DIFF}% remaining space in OST${MINI} with ${DIFF2}KB"
+ $SETSTRIPE -i $MINI -c 1 $DIR/$tdir/OST${MINI} ||
+ error "setstripe failed"
+ DIFF=$(($DIFF2 / 2048))
+ i=0
+ while [ $i -lt $DIFF ]; do
+ i=$(($i + 1))
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$DIR/$tdir/OST${MINI}/$tfile-$i \
+ bs=2M count=1 2>/dev/null
+ echo -n .
+ done
+ echo .
+ sync
+ sleep_maxage
+ free_min_max
+ fi
- free_min_max
DIFF2=$(($DIFF * 100 / $MINV))
- echo -n "diff=${DIFF}=${DIFF2}% must be > 20% for QOS mode..."
- if [ $DIFF2 -gt 20 ]; then
- echo "ok"
+ echo -n "diff=${DIFF}=${DIFF2}% must be > ${threshold}% for QOS mode..."
+ if [ $DIFF2 -gt $threshold ]; then
+ echo "ok"
- echo "failed - QOS mode won't be used"
- error_ignore "QOS imbalance criteria not met"
- return
+ echo "failed - QOS mode won't be used"
+ error_ignore 0000 "QOS imbalance criteria not met"
+ simple_cleanup_common
+ return
# now fill using QOS
- echo writing a bunch of files to QOS-assigned OSTs
$SETSTRIPE -c 1 $DIR/$tdir
+ FILL=$(($FILL / 200))
+ if [ $FILL -gt 600 ]; then
+ FILL=600
+ fi
+ echo "writing $FILL files to QOS-assigned OSTs"
- while [ $FILL -gt 0 ]; do
- i=$(($i + 1))
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$DIR/$tdir/$tfile-$i bs=1024 count=200 2>/dev/null
- FILL=$(($FILL - 200))
- echo -n .
+ while [ $i -lt $FILL ]; do
+ i=$(($i + 1))
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$DIR/$tdir/$tfile-$i bs=200k \
+ count=1 2>/dev/null
+ echo -n .
echo "wrote $i 200k files"
echo "free space delta: orig $DIFF final $DIFF2"
[ $DIFF2 -gt $DIFF ] && echo "delta got worse!"
DIFF=$(($MINV1 - ${AVAIL[$MINI1]}))
- echo "Wrote $DIFF to smaller OST $MINI1"
+ echo "Wrote ${DIFF}KB to smaller OST $MINI1"
DIFF2=$(($MAXV1 - ${AVAIL[$MAXI1]}))
- echo "Wrote $DIFF2 to larger OST $MAXI1"
- [ $DIFF -gt 0 ] && echo "Wrote $(($DIFF2 * 100 / $DIFF - 100))% more data to larger OST $MAXI1"
+ echo "Wrote ${DIFF2}KB to larger OST $MAXI1"
+ FILL=$(($DIFF2 * 100 / $DIFF - 100))
+ [ $DIFF -gt 0 ] &&
+ echo "Wrote ${FILL}% more data to larger OST $MAXI1"
# Figure out which files were written where
UUID=$(lctl get_param -n lov.${FSNAME}-clilov-*.target_obd |
- awk '/'$MINI1': / {print $2; exit}')
+ awk '/'$MINI1': / {print $2; exit}')
echo $UUID
- MINC=$($GETSTRIPE --obd $UUID $DIR/$tdir | wc -l)
+ MINC=$($GETSTRIPE --ost $UUID $DIR/$tdir | grep $DIR | wc -l)
echo "$MINC files created on smaller OST $MINI1"
UUID=$(lctl get_param -n lov.${FSNAME}-clilov-*.target_obd |
- awk '/'$MAXI1': / {print $2; exit}')
+ awk '/'$MAXI1': / {print $2; exit}')
echo $UUID
- MAXC=$($GETSTRIPE --obd $UUID $DIR/$tdir | wc -l)
+ MAXC=$($GETSTRIPE --ost $UUID $DIR/$tdir | grep $DIR | wc -l)
echo "$MAXC files created on larger OST $MAXI1"
- [ $MINC -gt 0 ] && echo "Wrote $(($MAXC * 100 / $MINC - 100))% more files to larger OST $MAXI1"
- [ $MAXC -gt $MINC ] || error_ignore "stripe QOS didn't balance free space"
+ FILL=$(($MAXC * 100 / $MINC - 100))
+ [ $MINC -gt 0 ] &&
+ echo "Wrote ${FILL}% more files to larger OST $MAXI1"
+ [ $MAXC -gt $MINC ] ||
+ error_ignore 0000 "stripe QOS didn't balance free space"
- rm -rf $DIR/$tdir
+ simple_cleanup_common
run_test 116a "stripe QOS: free space balance ==================="