test_116a() { # was previously test_116()
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
[[ $OSTCOUNT -lt 2 ]] && skip_env "$OSTCOUNT < 2 OSTs" && return
echo -n "Free space priority "
test_116b() { # LU-2093
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
local old_rr=$(do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl get_param -n \
lo*.$FSNAME-MDT0000-mdtlov.qos_threshold_rr | head -1)
run_test 160b "Verify that very long rename doesn't crash in changelog"
test_160c() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
local rc=0
local server_version=$(lustre_version_code $SINGLEMDS)
test_205() { # Job stats
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
remote_mgs_nodsh && skip "remote MGS with nodsh" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
+ remote_ost_nodsh && skip "remote OST with nodsh" && return
[ -z "$(lctl get_param -n mdc.*.connect_flags | grep jobstats)" ] &&
skip "Server doesn't support jobstats" && return 0
[[ $JOBID_VAR = disable ]] && skip "jobstats is disabled" && return
# for now as only exclusive open is supported. After generic lease
# is done, this test suite should be revised. - Jinshan
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
[[ $(lustre_version_code $SINGLEMDS) -ge $(version_code 2.4.52) ]] ||
{ skip "Need MDS version at least 2.4.52"; return 0; }
- remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
echo "==== test 1: verify get lease work"
$MULTIOP $DIR/$tfile oO_CREAT:O_RDWR:eRE+eU || error "get lease error"
test_220() { #LU-325
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
remote_ost_nodsh && skip "remote OST with nodsh" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
+ remote_mgs_nodsh && skip "remote MGS with nodsh" && return
local OSTIDX=0
test_mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir
MDSSURVEY=${MDSSURVEY:-$(which mds-survey 2>/dev/null || true)}
test_225a () {
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
if [ -z ${MDSSURVEY} ]; then
skip_env "mds-survey not found" && return
test_225b () {
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
if [ -z ${MDSSURVEY} ]; then
skip_env "mds-survey not found" && return
test_230c() {
[ $PARALLEL == "yes" ] && skip "skip parallel run" && return
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
[ $MDSCOUNT -lt 2 ] && skip "needs >= 2 MDTs" && return
local MDTIDX=1
local mdt_index
test_34() { #16129
+ remote_ost_nodsh && skip "remote OST with nodsh" && return
local OPER
local lock_in
local lock_out
# pdirop tests
# test 40: check non-blocking operations
test_40a() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000145
touch $DIR2
run_test 40a "pdirops: create vs others =============="
test_40b() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000145
touch $DIR1/$tfile &
run_test 40b "pdirops: open|create and others =============="
test_40c() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
touch $DIR1/$tfile
do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000145
run_test 40c "pdirops: link and others =============="
test_40d() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
touch $DIR1/$tfile
do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000145
run_test 40d "pdirops: unlink and others =============="
test_40e() {
+ remote_mds_nodsh && skip "remote MDS with nodsh" && return
touch $DIR1/$tfile
do_facet $SINGLEMDS lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000145