run_test 64 "check lfs df --lazy "
+test_65() { # LU-2237
+ # Currently, the test is only valid for ldiskfs backend
+ [ "$(facet_fstype $SINGLEMDS)" != "ldiskfs" ] &&
+ skip "non-ldiskfs backend" && return
+ local devname=$(mdsdevname ${SINGLEMDS//mds/})
+ local brpt=$(facet_mntpt brpt)
+ local opts=""
+ if ! do_facet $SINGLEMDS "test -b $devname"; then
+ opts="-o loop"
+ fi
+ stop_mds
+ local obj=$(do_facet $SINGLEMDS \
+ "$DEBUGFS -c -R \\\"stat last_rcvd\\\" $devname" |
+ grep Inode)
+ if [ -z "$obj" ]; then
+ # The MDT may be just re-formatted, mount the MDT for the
+ # first time to guarantee the "last_rcvd" file is there.
+ start_mds || error "fail to mount the MDS for the first time"
+ stop_mds
+ fi
+ # remove the "last_rcvd" file
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS "mkdir -p $brpt"
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS \
+ "mount -t $(facet_fstype $SINGLEMDS) $opts $devname $brpt"
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS "rm -f ${brpt}/last_rcvd"
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS "umount $brpt"
+ # restart MDS, the "last_rcvd" file should be recreated.
+ start_mds || error "fail to restart the MDS"
+ stop_mds
+ obj=$(do_facet $SINGLEMDS \
+ "$DEBUGFS -c -R \\\"stat last_rcvd\\\" $devname" | grep Inode)
+ [ -n "$obj" ] || error "fail to re-create the last_rcvd"
+run_test 65 "re-create the lost last_rcvd file when server mount"
test_70a() {
[ $MDSCOUNT -lt 2 ] && skip "needs >= 2 MDTs" && return
local MDTIDX=1