zconf_mount `hostname` $MOUNT || error "mount fails"
client_up || error "post-failover df failed"
# file shouldn't exist if replay-barrier works as expected
- rm $DIR/$tfile && return 1
+ rm $DIR/$tfile && error "File exists and it shouldn't"
return 0
run_test 0c "check replay-barrier"
run_test 44b "race in target handle connect"
test_44c() {
- replay_barrier $SINGLEMDS
- createmany -m $DIR/$tfile-%d 100
+ replay_barrier $SINGLEMDS
+ createmany -m $DIR/$tfile-%d 100 || error "failed to create directories"
#define OBD_FAIL_TGT_RCVG_FLAG 0x712
- do_facet $SINGLEMDS "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000712"
- fail_abort $SINGLEMDS
- unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile-%d 100 && return 1
- unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile-%d 100 && return 1
- return 0
+ do_facet $SINGLEMDS "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000712"
+ fail_abort $SINGLEMDS
+ unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile-%d 100 && error "unliked after fail abort"
+ unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile-%d 100 && error "unliked after fail"
+ return 0
run_test 44c "race in target handle connect"