+# In order to be able to do the runcon commands in test_4,
+# the SELinux policy must allow transitions from unconfined_t
+# to user_t and guest_t:
+# #============= unconfined_r ==============
+# allow unconfined_r guest_r;
+# allow unconfined_r user_r;
# Run select tests by setting ONLY, or as arguments to the script.
# Skip specific tests by setting EXCEPT.
[ "$SLOW" = "no" ] && EXCEPT_SLOW="xxx"
# $RUNAS_ID may get set incorrectly somewhere else
[ $UID -eq 0 -a $RUNAS_ID -eq 0 ] &&
error "RUNAS_ID set to 0, but UID is also 0!"
run_test 2b "create dir with lfs and check security.selinux xattr is set on MDT"
test_3() {
- local filename=$DIR/df3
- # get current mapping of runasid, and save it
- local uname=$(getent passwd $RUNAS_ID | cut -d: -f1)
- local sename=$(semanage login -l |
- awk -v uname=$uname '$1==uname {print $2}')
- local serange=$(semanage login -l |
- awk -v uname=$uname '$1==uname {print $3}')
+ local filename=$DIR/$tdir/df3
+ local level=$(id -Z | cut -d':' -f4-)
+ local unconctx="-u unconfined_u -r unconfined_r -t unconfined_t \
+ -l $level"
- # change mapping of runasid to unconfined_u
- semanage login -a -s unconfined_u $uname ||
- error "unable to map $uname to unconfined_u"
+ mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir
+ chmod 777 $DIR/$tdir
# "access" Lustre
- echo "${uname} mapped as unconfined_u: touch $filename"
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "touch $filename" ||
+ echo "As unconfined_u: touch $filename"
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $unconctx touch $filename ||
error "can't touch $filename"
- echo "${uname} mapped as unconfined_u: rm -f $filename"
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "rm -f $filename" ||
+ echo "As unconfined_u: rm -f $filename"
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $unconctx rm -f $filename ||
error "can't remove $filename"
- # restore original mapping of runasid
- if [ -n "$sename" ]; then
- if [ -n "$serange" ]; then
- semanage login -a -s $sename -r $serange $uname ||
- error "unable to restore mapping for $uname"
- else
- semanage login -a -s $sename $uname ||
- error "unable to restore mapping for $uname"
- fi
- else
- semanage login -d $uname
- fi
return 0
run_test 3 "access with unconfined user"
test_4() {
- local filename=$DIR/df4
- # get current mapping of runasid, and save it
- local uname=$(getent passwd $RUNAS_ID | cut -d: -f1)
- local sename=$(semanage login -l |
- awk -v uname=$uname '$1==uname {print $2}')
- local serange=$(semanage login -l |
- awk -v uname=$uname '$1==uname {print $3}')
+ local filename=$DIR/$tdir/df4
+ local guestctx="-u guest_u -r guest_r -t guest_t -l s0"
+ local usrctx="-u user_u -r user_r -t user_t -l s0"
+ sesearch --role_allow | grep -q "allow unconfined_r user_r"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ skip "SELinux policy module must allow transition from \
+ unconfined_r to user_r for this test." && exit 0
+ fi
+ sesearch --role_allow | grep -q "allow unconfined_r guest_r"
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ skip "SELinux policy module must allow transition from \
+ unconfined_r to guest_r for this test." && exit 0
+ fi
- # change mapping of runasid to guest_u
- semanage login -a -s guest_u $uname ||
- error "unable to map $uname to guest_u"
+ mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir
+ chmod 777 $DIR/$tdir
# "access" Lustre
- echo "${uname} mapped as guest_u: touch $filename"
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "touch $filename" &&
+ echo "As guest_u: touch $filename"
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $guestctx touch $filename &&
error "touch $filename should have failed"
- # change mapping of runasid to user_u
- semanage login -a -s user_u $uname ||
- error "unable to map $uname to user_u"
# "access" Lustre
- echo "${uname} mapped as user_u: touch $filename"
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "touch $filename" ||
+ echo "As user_u: touch $filename"
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $usrctx touch $filename ||
error "can't touch $filename"
- echo "${uname} mapped as user_u: rm -f $filename"
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "rm -f $filename" ||
+ echo "As user_u: rm -f $filename"
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $usrctx rm -f $filename ||
error "can't remove $filename"
- # restore original mapping of runasid
- if [ -n "$sename" ]; then
- if [ -n "$serange" ]; then
- semanage login -a -s $sename -r $serange $uname ||
- error "unable to restore mapping for $uname"
- else
- semanage login -a -s $sename $uname ||
- error "unable to restore mapping for $uname"
- fi
- else
- semanage login -d $uname
- fi
return 0
run_test 4 "access with specific SELinux user"
local secctxseen=$(ls -lZ $filename1 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d: -f3)
[ "$newsecctx" == "$secctxseen" ] ||
- error "sec context seen from 1st mount point is not correct"
+ error_ignore LU-6784 \
+ "sec context seen from 1st mount point is not correct"
return 0
run_test 10 "[consistency] concurrent security context change"
test_20a() {
- local uname=$(getent passwd $RUNAS_ID | cut -d: -f1)
- local filename1=$DIR/df20a
- local filename2=$DIR2/df20a
+ local filename1=$DIR/$tdir/df20a
+ local filename2=$DIR2/$tdir/df20a
local req_delay=20
+ local unconctx="-u unconfined_u -r unconfined_r -t unconfined_t -l s0"
+ mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir
+ chmod 777 $DIR/$tdir
# sleep some time in ll_create_nd()
do_facet client "$LCTL set_param fail_val=$req_delay fail_loc=0x1409"
# create file on first mount point
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "touch $filename1" &
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $unconctx touch $filename1 &
local touchpid=$!
sleep 5
run_test 20a "[atomicity] concurrent access from another client (file)"
test_20b() {
- local uname=$(getent passwd $RUNAS_ID | cut -d: -f1)
- local dirname1=$DIR/dd20b
- local dirname2=$DIR2/dd20b
+ local dirname1=$DIR/$tdir/dd20b
+ local dirname2=$DIR2/$tdir/dd20b
local req_delay=20
+ local unconctx="-u unconfined_u -r unconfined_r -t unconfined_t -l s0"
+ mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir
+ chmod 777 $DIR/$tdir
# sleep some time in ll_create_nd()
do_facet client "$LCTL set_param fail_val=$req_delay fail_loc=0x140a"
# create file on first mount point
- $PDSH ${uname}@localhost "mkdir $dirname1" &
+ $RUNAS_CMD -u $RUNAS_ID runcon $unconctx mkdir $dirname1 &
local mkdirpid=$!
sleep 5