error "request on $fid is not $state on $mds"
-wait_request_progress() {
- local fid=$1
- local request=$2
- local progress=$3
- # 4th arg (mdt index) is optional
- local mdtidx=${4:-0}
- local mds=mds$((mdtidx + 1))
- local cmd="$LCTL get_param -n ${MDT_PREFIX}${mdtidx}.hsm.active_requests"
- cmd+=" | awk '/'$fid'.*action='$request'/ {print \\\$12}' | cut -f2 -d="
- wait_result $mds "$cmd" $progress 100 ||
- error "request on $fid has not made progress $progress on $mds"
get_request_state() {
local fid=$1
local request=$2
run_test 58 "Truncate a released file will trigger restore"
test_60() {
+ # This test validates the fix for LU-4512. Ensure that the -u
+ # option changes the progress reporting interval from the default
+ # (30 seconds) to the user-specified interval.
local interval=5
local progress_timeout=$((interval * 2))
local start_at=$(date +%s)
$LFS hsm_archive --archive $HSM_ARCHIVE_NUMBER $f ||
error "could not archive file"
- wait_request_progress $fid ARCHIVE 5242880
+ local mdtidx=0
+ local mdt=${MDT_PREFIX}${mdtidx}
+ local mds=mds$((mdtidx + 1))
+ local cmd="$LCTL get_param -n ${mdt}.hsm.active_requests"
+ cmd+=" | awk '/'$fid'.*action=ARCHIVE/ {print \\\$12}' | cut -f2 -d="
+ local RESULT
+ local WAIT=0
+ local sleep=1
+ echo -n "Expecting a progress update within $progress_timeout seconds... "
+ while [ true ]; do
+ RESULT=$(do_node $(facet_active_host $mds) "$cmd")
+ if [ $RESULT -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "$RESULT bytes copied in $WAIT seconds."
+ break
+ elif [ $WAIT -ge $progress_timeout ]; then
+ error "Timed out waiting for progress update!"
+ break
+ fi
+ WAIT=$((WAIT + sleep))
+ sleep $sleep
+ done
local finish_at=$(date +%s)
local elapsed=$((finish_at - start_at))
+ # Ensure that the progress update occurred within the expected window.
if [ $elapsed -gt $progress_timeout ]; then
error "Expected progress update within $progress_timeout seconds"
elif [ $elapsed -lt $interval ]; then