Format options for the backing fs. For example, ext3 options could be set here.
.BI \--mountfsoptions= opts
-Set the mount options that will be used when mounting the backing fs.
+Set the persistent mount options that will be used when mounting Lustre fs.
WARNING: unlike earlier versions of \fBmkfs.lustre\fR, this version completely
replaces the default mount options with those specified on the command line,
issuing a warning on stderr if any of the default mount options are omitted.
MGS/MDT: \fIerrors=remount-ro,user_xattr\fR.
\fBDO NOT\fR alter the default mount options unless you know what you are doing.
+.BI \--backfs-mount-opts=opts
+Use these options for mounting backing fs while mkfs.lustre is working.
.BI \--network= net,...
Network(s) to restrict this ost/mdt to. This option can be repeated as desired.
Force a particular OST or MDT index
.BI \--mountfsoptions= opts
-Set the mount options that will be used when mounting the backing fs.
+Set the persistent mount options that will be used when Lustre fs.
WARNING: unlike earlier versions of \fBtunefs.lustre\fR, this version
completely replaces the existing mount options with those specified on
the command line, issuing a warning on stderr if any of the default
MGS/MDT: \fIerrors=remount-ro,user_xattr\fR.
\fBDO NOT\fR alter the default mount options unless you know what you are doing.
+.BI \--backfs-mount-opts=opts
+Use these options for mounting backing fs while tune.lustre is working.
.BI \--network= net,...
Network(s) to restrict this ost/mdt to. This option can be repeated as desired.
"\t\t\trequired for all targets other than MGS\n"
"\t\t--mgsnode=<nid>[,<...>]: NID(s) of remote MGS\n"
"\t\t\trequired for all targets other than MGS\n"
- "\t\t--mountfsoptions=<opts>: permanent mount options\n"
+ "\t\t--mountfsoptions=<opts>: permanent Lustre mount options\n"
+ "\t\t--backfs-mount-opts=<opts>: backing fs mount options\n"
"\t\t--failnode=<nid>[,<...>]: NID(s) of backup failover node\n"
"\t\t\tmutually exclusive with --servicenode\n"
"\t\t--servicenode=<nid>[,<...>]: NID(s) of service partners\n"
static struct option long_opt[] = {
{ "backfstype", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
+ { "backfs-mount-opts", required_argument, NULL, 'B' },
{ "stripe-count-hint", required_argument, NULL, 'c' },
{ "comment", required_argument, NULL, 'u' },
{ "configdev", required_argument, NULL, 'C' },
+ case 'B':
+ mop->mo_mountopts = optarg;
+ break;
case 'c':
if (IS_MDT(&mop->mo_ldd)) {
int stripe_count = atol(optarg);
char **mo_pool_vdevs; /* list of pool vdevs */
char mo_loopdev[128]; /* in case a loop dev is needed */
char mo_mkfsopts[512]; /* options to the backing-store mkfs */
+ char *mo_mountopts; /* mount options for backing fs */
__u64 mo_device_kb; /* in KB */
int mo_stripe_count;
int mo_flags;
dev = mop->mo_loopdev;
ret = mount(dev, mntpt, MT_STR(&mop->mo_ldd), 0,
- mop->mo_ldd.ldd_mount_opts);
+ (mop->mo_mountopts == NULL) ?
+ "errors=remount-ro" : mop->mo_mountopts);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to mount %s: %s\n",
progname, dev, strerror(errno));