/^debugfs [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^dumpe2fs [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^e2fsck [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^mke2fs [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^resize2fs [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^tune2fs [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d /^e2image [1-9]\.[0-9]*[^ ]* ([0-9]*-[A-Za-z]*-[0-9]*)/d s/\\015//g /automatically checked/d /^Directory Hash Seed:/d /Discarding device blocks/d /^Filesystem created:/d /^Filesystem flags:/d /^Filesystem UUID:/d /^JFS DEBUG:/d /^Last write time:/d /^Last mount time:/d /^Last checked:/d /^Lifetime writes:/d /^Maximum mount count:/d /^Next check after:/d /^Suggestion:/d /Reserved blocks uid:/s/ (user .*)// /Reserved blocks gid:/s/ (group .*)// /whichever comes first/d /^ Checksum /d s/, csum 0x\([0-9a-f]*\)//g s/ csum 0x\([0-9a-f]*\)//g /^Checksum:/d s/while trying to open [^ ]*/while trying to open test.img/ s/he filesystem on [^ ]* /he filesystem on test.img / s/^[^ ]* contains a \([a-z]*\) file system /test.img contains a \1 file system / s/MMP block [0-9]* from [^ ]*/MMP block from test.img/ s/safe to mount '.*', MMP/safe to mount 'test.img', MMP/ s/mmp_device_name: .*/mmp_device_name: test.img/ s/mmp_node_name: .*/mmp_node_name: test_node/ s/mmp_update_date: .*/mmp_update_date: test date/ s/mmp_update_time: .*/mmp_update_time: test_time/ s/MMP last updated by '.*' on .*/MMP last updated by 'test_node' on test date/ s/MMP update by '.*' at .*/MMP last updated by 'test_node' on test date/