.\" Copyright 2000 Andreas Dilger (adilger@turbolinux.com) .\" .\" This man page was created for blkid from e2fsprogs-1.25. .\" .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. .\" .\" Based on uuidgen, Mon Sep 17 10:42:12 2000, Andreas Dilger .TH BLKID 8 "@E2FSPROGS_MONTH@ @E2FSPROGS_YEAR@" "E2fsprogs version @E2FSPROGS_VERSION@" .SH NAME blkid \- command\-line utility to locate/print block device attributes .SH SYNOPSIS .B blkid [ .B \-hv ] [ [ .B \-c .I cachefile ] .B \-w .I writecachefile ] [ .B \-o .I format ] [ .B \-s .I tag ] [ .B \-t .IR NAME = value ] [ .I device ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B blkid program is the command-line interface to working with .BR libuuid (3) library. It can determine the type of content (e.g. filesystem, swap) a block device holds, and also attributes (tokens, NAME=value pairs) from the content metadata (e.g. LABEL or UUID fields). .PP .B blkid has two main forms of operation: either searching for a device with a specific NAME=value pair, or displaying NAME=value pairs for one or more devices. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-c Read from .I cachefile instead of reading from the default cache file .IR /etc/blkid.tab . If you want to start with a clean cache (i.e. don't report devices previously scanned but not necessarily available at this time), specify .IR /dev/null. .TP .B \-h Display a usage message and exit. .TP .B \-o Display .BR blkid 's output using the specified format. The .I format parameter may be .IR full , (the default), .IR value , (only print the value of any tags printed by .BR blkid) or .I device (only print the device name). .TP .B \-s Show only the tags for each (specified) device that match .IR tag . It is possible to specify multiple .B \-s options. If no tag is specified, then all tokens are shown for all (specified) devices. In order to just refresh the cache without showing any tokens use .B "-s none" with no other options. .TP .B \-t Search for block devices with tokens named .I NAME that have the value .IR value , and display any devices which are found. Common values for .I NAME include .BR TYPE , .BR LABEL , and .BR UUID . If there are no devices specified on the command line, all block devices will be searched; otherwise, only search the devices specified by the user. .TP .B \-v Display version number and exit. .TP .B \-w .I Write the device cache to .I writecachefile instead of writing it to the default cache file .IR /etc/blkid.tab . If you don't want to save the cache to the default file, specify .IR /dev/null. If not specified it will be the same file as that given by the .B -c option. .TP .I Display tokens from only the specified device. It is possible to give multiple .I options on the command line. If none is given, all devices which appear in .I /proc/partitions are shown, if they are recognized. .SH "RETURN CODE" If the specified token was found, or if any tags were shown from (specified) devices 0 is returned. If the specified token was not found, or no (specified) devices could be identified, an exit code of 2 is returned. For usage or other errors, an exit code of 4 is returned. .SH AUTHOR .B blkid was written by Andreas Dilger for libblkid. .SH AVAILABILITY .B blkid is part the e2fsprogs package since version 1.26 and is available from http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libblkid (3)