Lustre Messages --------------- [[lustre-messages]] A Lustre message is a sequence of bytes. The message begins with a <> and has between one and nine subsequences called "buffers". Each buffer has a structure (the size and meaning of the bytes) that corresponds to the 'struct' entities in the <> Section. The header gives the number of buffers in its 'lm_buffcount' field. The first buffer in any message is always the <>. The operation code ('pb_opc' field) and the message type ('pb_type' field: request or reply?) in the preamble together specify the "format" of the message, where the format is the number and content of the remaining buffers. As a shorthand, it is useful to name each of these formats, and the following list gives all of the formats along with the number and content of the buffers for messages in that format. Note that while the combination of 'pb_opc' and 'pb_type' uniquely determines a message's format, the reverse is not true. A given format may be used in many different messages. The "Empty" Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'empty' ^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_STATFS | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'empty' message is one that consists only of the Lustre message preamble 'ptlrpc_body'. It occurs as either the request of the reply (or both) in a variety of Lustre operations. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble |==== The LDLM Enqueue Client Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ldlm_enqueue_client' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LDLM_ENQUEUE | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_client' message format is used to acquire a lock. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | ldlm_request | details of the lock request |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_client' message concatenates two data elements into a single byte-stream. The two elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The LDLM Enqueue Server Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ldlm_enqueue_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LDLM_ENQUEUE | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_server' message format is used to inform a client about the status of its request for a lock. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | ldlm_reply | details of the lock request |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_server' message concatenates two data elements into a single byte-stream. The three elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The LDLM Enqueue Server Message with LVB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'ldlm_enqueue_lvb_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LDLM_ENQUEUE | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_lvb_server' message format is used to inform a client about the status of its request for a lock. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | ldlm_reply | details of the lock request | ost_lvb | lock value block |==== An 'ldlm_enqueue_lvb_server' message concatenates three data elements into a single byte-stream. It closely resembles the 'ldlm_enqueue_server' message with the addition of a lock value block. The three elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The LLog Origin Handle Create Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'llog_origin_handle_create_client' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LLOG_ORIGIN_HANDLE_CREATE | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'llog_origin_handle_create_client' message format is used to ask for the creation of a log entry object. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | llogd_body | LLog description | string | The name of the desired log |==== Fixme: I don't actually see where the string gets set. The LLog Service (body-only) Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'llogd_body_only' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LLOG_ORIGIN_HANDLE_CREATE | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'llogd_body_only' message replies with information about the log. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | llogd_body | LLog description |==== The LLog Log (header-only) Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'llog_log_hdr_only' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LLOG_ORIGIN_HANDLE_READ_HEADER | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'llog_log_hdr_only' message replies with header information from the log. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | llog_log_hdr | LLog log header info |==== The LLog Return Next Block from Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'llog_origin_handle_next_block_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | LLOG_ORIGIN_HANDLE_NEXT_BLOCK | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'llog_origin_handle_next_block_server' message replies with the next block of data from the log. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | llogd_body | LLog description | eadata | variable length field for extended attributes |==== The MDS Getattr Server Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'mds_getattr_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_GETATTR | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'mds_getattr_server' message format is used to convey MDT data along with information about the Lustre capabilities of that MDT. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | mdt_body | Information about the MDT | MDT_MD | OST stripe and index info | ACL | ACLs for the fid | lustre_capa | Security capa info for fid1 | lustre_capa | Security capa info for fid2 |==== An 'mdt_getattr_server' message concatenates three data elements into a single byte-stream. The three elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The MDT Capability Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'mdt_body_capa' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_GETSTATUS | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY | MDS_GETATTR | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'mdt_body_capa' message format is used to convey MDT data along with information about the Lustre capabilities of that MDT. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | mdt_body | Information about the MDT | lustre_capa | security capa info |==== An 'mdt_body_capa' message concatenates three data elements into a single byte-stream. The three elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The MDT "Body Only" Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'mdt_body_only' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_GETSTATUS | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'mdt_body_only' message format is used to convey MDT data. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | mdt_body | Information about the MDT |==== An 'mdt_body_only' message concatenates two data elements into a single byte-stream. The two elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The MGS Config Read Client Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'mgs_config_read_client' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MGS_CONFIG_READ | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'mgs_config_read_client' message requests configuration data from the MGS. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | mgs_config_body | Information about the MGS supporting the request |==== The MGS Config Read Server Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'mgs_config_read_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MGS_CONFIG_READ | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== An 'mgs_config_read_server' message returns configuration data from the MGS. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | mgs_config_body | Information about the MGS supporting the request |==== The OBD Connect Client Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'obd_connect_client' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_CONNECT | PTL_RPC_MSG_REQUEST |==== An 'obd_connect_client' message format is used to initiate the connection from one host to a target on another host. Clients will connect to the MGS, to MDTS on MDSs, and to OSTs on OSSs. Furthermore, MDSs and OSSs will connect to the MGS, and MDSs will connect to OSTs on OSSs. In each case the host initiating the the connection request sends an 'obd_connect_client' message. The reply to this message is the obd_connect_server message. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | obd_uuid | UUID of the target | obd_uuid | UUID of the client | lustre_handle | connection handle | obd_connect_data | connection data |==== An 'obd_connect_client' message concatenates five data elements into a single byte-stream. The five elements correspond to structures detailed in the <>. The connection handle sent in a client connection request message is unique to that connection. The server notes it and a connection request with a new or different handle indicates that the client is attempting to make a new connection (or a delayed message about an old one?). The OBD Connect Server Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' obd_connect_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_CONNECT | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== The 'obd_connect_server' mess-sage format is sent by a server in reply to an 'obd_connect_client' connection request message. to a target on that server. MGSs, MDSs, and OSSs send these replies. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | obd_connect_data | connection data |==== An 'obd_connect_server' message concatenates two data elements into a single byte-stream. The OBD Statfs Server Message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'obd_statfs_server' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .example [options="header"] |==== | pb_opc | pb_type | MDS_STATFS | PTL_RPC_MSG_REPLY |==== The 'obd_statfs_server' message returns 'statfs' system call information to the client. .format [options="header"] |==== | structure | meaning | ptlrpc_body | message preamble | obd_statfs | statfs system call info |====