#!/usr/bin/perl # This script is to be run on a client machine and will test all the # OSTs to determine which is the fastest and slowest # The current test method is as follows: # -Create a directory for each OST # -Use 'lfs setstripe' to set the Lustre striping such that IO goes to # only one OST # -Use 'dd' to write and read a file of a specified size # -Compute the average, and Standard deviation # -Find the slowest OST for read and write # -Find the Fastest OST for read and write # GLOBALS $pname = $0; # to hold program name $OSTS = 0; # Number of OSTS we will loop over $BSIZE = 1024 * 1024; # Size of i/o block $MNT = "/mnt/lustre"; # Location of Lustre file system $FSIZE = 30; # Number of i/o blocks # Usage sub usage () { print "Usage: $pname [-s ] [-h] \n"; print "[OPTIONS]\n"; print " -s: size of test file in MB (default $FSIZE MB)\n"; print " -h: To display this help\n"; print "example : $pname /mnt/lustre\n"; exit 1; } # ost_count subroutine ets globle variable $OST with Number of OST's # Also fills 1 for active OST indexes in ACTIVEOST_INX array. sub ost_count () { $OSTS = `lctl get_param -n lov.*-clilov-*.activeobd`; if ( $? ) { die "Read lov.*-clilov-*.activeobd error: $?\n"; } print "Number of Active OST devices : $OSTS"; $numost = `lctl get_param -n lov.*-clilov-*.numobd`; if ( $? ) { die "Read lov.*-clilov-*.numobd error: $?\n"; } if ( $numost != $OSTS ) { printf "Number of non active ots(s): %d\n", ( $numost - $OSTS ); $OSTS = $numost; } $targets = `lctl get_param -n lov.*-clilov-*.target_obd`; if ( $? ) { die "Read lov.*-clilov-*.target_obd error: $?\n"; } my $count = 0; foreach $line (split /\n/, $targets) { my ($ost_num, $ost_name, $ost_status) = split(/\s+/, $line); if ( $ost_status eq "ACTIVE" ) { $ACTIVEOST_INX[$count] = 1; } $count++; } } sub cache_off () { $CACHESZ = `lctl get_param -n llite.*.max_cached_mb`; if ( $? ) { die "Read llite.*.max_cached_mb error: $?\n"; } $CACHESZ = `echo "$CACHESZ" | grep max_cached_mb | awk '{print \$2}'`; system("lctl set_param -n llite.*.max_cached_mb=0"); } sub cache_on () { system("lctl set_param -n llite.*.max_cached_mb=$CACHESZ"); } # make_dummy subroutine creates a dummy file that will be used for read operation. sub make_dummy () { my $SIZE = $_[0]; my $tempfile = $_[1]; system ("dd of=$tempfile if=/dev/zero count=$SIZE bs=$BSIZE 2> /dev/null"); } # run_test subroutine actually writes and reads data to/from dummy file # and compute corresponding time taken for read and write operation and # byte transfer for the both operations. # This subroutine also fill corresponding globle arrays with above information. sub run_test () { my $SIZE = $_[0]; my $INX=$_[1]; my $ACTION=$_[2]; my $tempfile = $_[3]; if ( !(-f $tempfile) && $ACTION eq "read" ) { &make_dummy($SIZE, $tempfile); } system("sync"); my ($ts0, $tu0) = gettimeofday(); $tu0 = $ts0 + ($tu0 / 1000000); if ( $ACTION eq "write" ) { system("dd of=$tempfile if=/dev/zero count=$SIZE bs=$BSIZE 2> /dev/null"); } elsif ( $ACTION eq "read" ) { system("dd if=$tempfile of=/dev/null count=$SIZE bs=$BSIZE 2> /dev/null"); } else { print "Action is neither read nor write\n"; exit 1; } system("sync"); my ($ts1, $tu1) = gettimeofday(); $tu1 = $ts1 + ($tu1/1000000); my $tdelta = $tu1 - $tu0; my $delta = ($SIZE * $BSIZE / ( $tu1 - $tu0 )) / (1024 * 1024); if ( $ACTION eq "write" ) { $wTime[$INX] = $tdelta; $wMBs[$INX] = $delta; } else { $rTime[$INX] = $tdelta; $rMBs[$INX] = $delta; } } # calculate subroutine compute following things and displays them. # - Finds worst and best OST for both read and write operations. # - Compute average of read and write rate from all OSTS # - Compute Standard deviation for read and write form all OST's sub calculate () { my ($op, $MBs); $op = $_[0]; @MBs = @_[1..$#_]; my $count = 0; my $total = 0; my $avg = 0; my $sd = 0; my $best_OST = 0; my $worst_OST = 0; my $max_mb = 0; my $min_mb = 999999999; while ($count < $OSTS ) { if ( $ACTIVEOST_INX[$count] ) { $total = $total + $MBs[$count]; if ($max_mb < $MBs[$count] ) { $max_mb = $MBs[$count]; $best_OST = $count; } if ($min_mb > $MBs[$count] ) { $min_mb = $MBs[$count]; $worst_OST = $count; } } $count++; } $avg = $total/$OSTS; $total = 0; $count = 0; while ($count < $OSTS ) { if ( $ACTIVEOST_INX[$count] ) { $total = $total + ($MBs[$count] - $avg) * ($MBs[$count] - $avg); } $count++; } $sd = sqrt($total/$OSTS); printf "Worst %s OST indx: %d speed: %f\n", $op, $worst_OST, $min_mb; printf "Best %s OST indx: %d speed: %f\n", $op, $best_OST, $max_mb; printf "%s Average: %f +/- %f MB/s\n", $op, $avg, $sd; } # output_all_data subroutine displays speed and time information # for all OST's for both read and write operations. sub output_all_data () { my $count = 0; print "Ost# Read(MB/s) Write(MB/s) Read-time Write-time\n"; print "----------------------------------------------------\n"; while ( $count < $OSTS ) { if ( $ACTIVEOST_INX[$count] ) { printf "%d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n",$count, $rMBs[$count], $wMBs[$count], $rTime[$count], $wTime[$count]; } else { printf "%d Inactive ost\n",$count; } $count = $count + 1; } } @rTime = (); @wTime = (); @rMBs = (); @wMBs = (); @ACTIVEOST_INX; # Locals my $filename = ""; my $dirpath = ""; my $flag = 0; # Command line parameter parsing use Getopt::Std; getopts('s:h') or usage(); usage() if $opt_h; $FSIZE = $opt_s if $opt_s; my $i = 0; foreach (@ARGV) { $MNT = $_; $i++; if ($i > 1) { print "ERROR: extra argument $_\n"; usage(); } } #Check for Time::HiRes module my $CheckTimeHiRes = "require Time::HiRes"; eval ($CheckTimeHiRes) or die "You need to install the perl-Time-HiRes package to use this script\n"; my $LoadTimeHiRes = "use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday)"; eval ($LoadTimeHiRes); use POSIX qw(strftime); my $time_v = time(); my $hostname = `lctl list_nids | head -1` or die "You need to install lctl to use this script\n"; chop($hostname); print "$pname: ", strftime("%D", localtime($time_v)); print " OST speed survey on $MNT from $hostname\n"; # get OST count ost_count (); # turn off local cache cache_off (); $dirpath = "$MNT/ost_survey_tmp"; eval { mkpath($dirpath) }; if ($@) { print "Couldn't create $dirpath: $@"; exit 1; } use File::Path; $CNT = 0; while ($CNT < $OSTS) { $filename = "$dirpath/file$CNT"; if ( $ACTIVEOST_INX[$CNT] ) { # set stripe for OST number $CNT system ("lfs setstripe $filename 0 $CNT 1"); # Perform write for OST number $CNT &run_test($FSIZE,$CNT,"write",$filename); $flag++; } $CNT = $CNT + 1; } $CNT = 0; while ($CNT < $OSTS) { $filename = "$dirpath/file$CNT"; if ( $ACTIVEOST_INX[$CNT] ) { # Perform read for OST number $CNT &run_test($FSIZE,$CNT,"read",$filename); $flag++; } $CNT = $CNT + 1; } # if read or write performed on any OST then display information. if ( $flag ) { if ( $flag > 1 ) { &calculate("Read",@rMBs); &calculate("Write",@wMBs); } output_all_data (); } else { print "There is no active OST's found\n"; } cache_on (); eval { rmtree($dirpath) }; if ($@) { print "Warning: Couldn't remove $dirpath: $@"; }