Introduction : The ior_survey script can be used to test the performance of the lustre file systems. It uses IOR (Interleaved Or Random), a script used for testing performance of parallel file systems using various interfaces and access patterns. IOR uses MPI for process synchronization. General Description: ior_mpiio is a parallel file system test developed by the SIOP (Scalable I/O Project) at LLNL. This parallel program performs parallel writes and reads to/from a file using MPI-IO and reporting the throughput rates. MPI is used for process synchronization. Under the control of compile-time defined constants (and, to a lesser extent, environment variables), I/O is done via MPI-IO. The data are written and read using independent parallel transfers of equal-sized blocks of contiguous bytes that cover the file with no gaps and that do not overlap each other. The test consists of creating a new file, writing it with data, then reading the data back. The data written are C integers. If the program runs successfully to completion, it returns 0. If a problem is detected with any I/O routine, the program exits with a value of IO_ERR. If a non-I/O problem is detected, the program exits with a value of INTERNAL_ERR (this can be caused by a bug in the test program, or a problem in MPI, or by inconsistencies in the environment variable settings). Requirements : To run the ior_survey script following items are required. 1: IOR The IOR test should be obtained at 2: pdsh The tarball can be obtained from 3: pdsh-rcmd-ssh module The rpm for this could be found at 4: lam/mpi The tarball can be obtained from 5: You need to be a non-root user to execute the script and should have the super-user privileges. 6: The user should have login on all the nodes without password on which the test is going to be run. To make an entry into the sudoers file : 1: Become super user (root) 2: type visudo 3: make an entry as username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL //(username is the name of the user) Building IOR : Type 'gmake mpiio' from the IOR/ directory. In IOR/src/C, the file Makefile.config currently has settings for AIX, Linux, OSF1 (TRU64), and IRIX64 to model on. Note that MPI must be present for building/running IOR, and that MPI I/O must be available for MPI I/O, HDF5, and Parallel netCDF builds. As well, HDF5 and Parallel netCDF libraries are necessary for those builds. All IOR builds include the POSIX interface. Copy the IOR binary file in IOR/src/C/ to /usr/local/sbin/ using sudo cp IOR/src/C/IOR /usr/local/sbin/ Installing pdsh and pdsh-rcmd-ssh module : 1: Download the pdsh tarball 2: untar it using tar -xzvf (if tar.gz) or tar -xjvf(if tar.bz2) 3: go to the pdsh directory and type ./bootstrap 4: configure it using the following command ./configure --with-ssh 5: Build it using "make" 6: Install it using "sudo make install" 7: Download the pdsh-rcmd-ssh rpm 8: Install the rpm using "rpm -ivh pdsh-rcmd-ssh*" Installing lam/mpi : 1: Download the lam tarball 2: untar it using tar -xzvf (if tar.gz) or tar -xjvf(if tar.bz2) 3: go to the lam directory and type ./configure 4: Build it using "make" 5: Install it using "sudo make install" The lam, IOR, pdsh should be installed on all the nodes on which the test is going to be run. Note: Please make sure that you have installed the same version of lam on all the nodes on which the test is going to be run. Running the ior_survey script : 1: Lustre should be mounted at /mnt/lustre. Do "touch /mnt/lustre/ior_survey_testfile" 2: Make a hostfile in which the ip addresses of all the nodes are present on the node from where the script is going to be executed. 3: run the lam using "lamboot -v -d hostfile". This will start lamd on all the nodes. 4: run the ior_survey script using "./ior_survey" Note: The node names of the clients should be like rhea1, rhea2, rhea3, so on. The name of the cluster (1st part of the node name) should be set in the ior_survey script in the cluster name field. e.g. cluster=rhea //name of the cluster The client node numbers should be set as last part of the node name i.e. numeral part. e.g. client=(1) //to run test on one node only node1. client=(1-2) //to run test on two nodes node1, node2. Please note that the hostfile should contain the ip addresses of only those nodes on which the lustre filesystem is mounted i.e. clients are mounted. The details of the test can be found on the node from where the test was run as /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.detail The output of the IOR looks like host1: access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB) xfer(KiB) open(s) wr/rd(s) close(s) iter host1: ------ --------- ---------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ---- host1: write 1.58 2097152 1024.00 0.000873 1299.37 0.000132 0 host1: host1: Max Write: 1.58 MiB/sec (1.65 MB/sec) where, host1 : node on which the test is run access: the test which is run (write, rewrite, read, reread) bw : band width block : total size to be written xfer : block size to transfer here 1MB open : time taken for open close : time taken for close wr/rd : time taken for read/write iteration : iteration no. Max write : Max_write speed obtained Note : MB is defined as 1,000,000 bytes and MiB is 1,048,576 bytes. The summary of the test can be found on the node from where the test was run as /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.summary It contains the tests run and the status of those tests. Instructions for graphing IOR results The script will plot the results from the .detail file generated by ior-survery. It will create a data file for writes as /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.detail.dat1 and for reads as /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.detail.dat2 and gnuplot file as /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.detail.scr. $ perl /tmp/ior_survey_run_date@start_time_nodename.detail