/* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * Copyright (C) 2001 Cluster File Systems, Inc. * * This file is part of Lustre, http://www.sf.net/projects/lustre/ * * Lustre is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Lustre is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Lustre; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "platform.h" #include "parser.h" static command_t * top_level; /* Top level of commands, initialized by * InitParser */ static char * parser_prompt = NULL;/* Parser prompt, set by InitParser */ static int done; /* Set to 1 if user types exit or quit */ static int ignore_errors; /* Normally, the parser will quit when an error occurs in non-interacive mode. Setting this to non-zero will force it to keep buggering on. */ /* static functions */ static char *skipwhitespace(char *s); static char *skiptowhitespace(char *s); static command_t *find_cmd(char *name, command_t cmds[], char **next); static int process(char *s, char **next, command_t *lookup, command_t **result, char **prev); static void print_commands(char *str, command_t *table); static char * skipwhitespace(char * s) { char * t; int len; len = (int)strlen(s); for (t = s; t <= s + len && isspace(*t); t++); return(t); } static char * skiptowhitespace(char * s) { char * t; for (t = s; *t && !isspace(*t); t++); return(t); } static int line2args(char *line, char **argv, int maxargs) { char *arg; int i = 0; arg = strtok(line, " \t"); if ( arg ) { argv[i] = arg; i++; } else return 0; while( (arg = strtok(NULL, " \t")) && (i <= maxargs)) { argv[i] = arg; i++; } return i; } /* find a command -- return it if unique otherwise print alternatives */ static command_t *Parser_findargcmd(char *name, command_t cmds[]) { command_t *cmd; for (cmd = cmds; cmd->pc_name; cmd++) { if (strcmp(name, cmd->pc_name) == 0) return cmd; } return NULL; } void Parser_ignore_errors(int ignore) { ignore_errors = ignore; } int Parser_execarg(int argc, char **argv, command_t cmds[]) { command_t *cmd; cmd = Parser_findargcmd(argv[0], cmds); if ( cmd ) { int rc = (cmd->pc_func)(argc, argv); if (rc == CMD_HELP) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd->pc_help); return rc; } else { printf("Try interactive use without arguments or use one of:\n"); for (cmd = cmds; cmd->pc_name; cmd++) printf("\"%s\"\n", cmd->pc_name); printf("as argument.\n"); } return -1; } /* returns the command_t * (NULL if not found) corresponding to a _partial_ match with the first token in name. It sets *next to point to the following token. Does not modify *name. */ static command_t * find_cmd(char * name, command_t cmds[], char ** next) { int i, len; if (!cmds || !name ) return NULL; /* This sets name to point to the first non-white space character, and next to the first whitespace after name, len to the length: do this with strtok*/ name = skipwhitespace(name); *next = skiptowhitespace(name); len = *next - name; if (len == 0) return NULL; for (i = 0; cmds[i].pc_name; i++) { if (strncasecmp(name, cmds[i].pc_name, len) == 0) { *next = skipwhitespace(*next); return(&cmds[i]); } } return NULL; } /* Recursively process a command line string s and find the command corresponding to it. This can be ambiguous, full, incomplete, non-existent. */ static int process(char *s, char ** next, command_t *lookup, command_t **result, char **prev) { *result = find_cmd(s, lookup, next); *prev = s; /* non existent */ if (!*result) return CMD_NONE; /* found entry: is it ambigous, i.e. not exact command name and more than one command in the list matches. Note that find_cmd points to the first ambiguous entry */ if (strncasecmp(s, (*result)->pc_name, strlen((*result)->pc_name))) { char *another_next; command_t *another_result = find_cmd(s, (*result) + 1, &another_next); int found_another = 0; while (another_result) { if (strncasecmp(s, another_result->pc_name, strlen(another_result->pc_name)) == 0){ *result = another_result; *next = another_next; goto got_it; } another_result = find_cmd(s, another_result + 1, &another_next); found_another = 1; } if (found_another) return CMD_AMBIG; } got_it: /* found a unique command: component or full? */ if ( (*result)->pc_func ) { return CMD_COMPLETE; } else { if ( *next == '\0' ) { return CMD_INCOMPLETE; } else { return process(*next, next, (*result)->pc_sub_cmd, result, prev); } } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE static command_t * match_tbl; /* Command completion against this table */ static char * command_generator(const char * text, int state) { static int index, len; char *name; /* Do we have a match table? */ if (!match_tbl) return NULL; /* If this is the first time called on this word, state is 0 */ if (!state) { index = 0; len = (int)strlen(text); } /* Return next name in the command list that paritally matches test */ while ( (name = (match_tbl + index)->pc_name) ) { index++; if (strncasecmp(name, text, len) == 0) { return(strdup(name)); } } /* No more matches */ return NULL; } /* probably called by readline */ static char **command_completion(char * text, int start, int end) { command_t * table; char * pos; match_tbl = top_level; for (table = find_cmd(rl_line_buffer, match_tbl, &pos); table; table = find_cmd(pos, match_tbl, &pos)) { if (*(pos - 1) == ' ') match_tbl = table->pc_sub_cmd; } return completion_matches(text, command_generator); } #endif /* take a string and execute the function or print help */ int execute_line(char * line) { command_t *cmd, *ambig; char *prev; char *next, *tmp; char *argv[MAXARGS]; int i; int rc = 0; switch (process(line, &next, top_level, &cmd, &prev)) { case CMD_AMBIG: fprintf(stderr, "Ambiguous command \'%s\'\nOptions: ", line); while( (ambig = find_cmd(prev, cmd, &tmp)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", ambig->pc_name); cmd = ambig + 1; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case CMD_NONE: fprintf(stderr, "No such command, type help\n"); break; case CMD_INCOMPLETE: fprintf(stderr, "'%s' incomplete command. Use '%s x' where x is one of:\n", line, line); fprintf(stderr, "\t"); for (i = 0; cmd->pc_sub_cmd[i].pc_name; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cmd->pc_sub_cmd[i].pc_name); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case CMD_COMPLETE: i = line2args(line, argv, MAXARGS); rc = (cmd->pc_func)(i, argv); if (rc == CMD_HELP) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", cmd->pc_help); break; } return rc; } int noop_fn () { return (0); } /* just in case you're ever in an airplane and discover you forgot to install readline-dev. :) */ int init_input() { int interactive = isatty (fileno (stdin)); #ifdef HAVE_LIBREADLINE using_history(); stifle_history(HISTORY); if (!interactive) { rl_prep_term_function = (rl_vintfunc_t *)noop_fn; rl_deprep_term_function = (rl_voidfunc_t *)noop_fn; } rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)command_completion; rl_completion_entry_function = (void *)command_generator; #endif return interactive; } #ifndef HAVE_LIBREADLINE #define add_history(s) char * readline(char * prompt) { int size = 2048; char *line = malloc(size); char *ptr = line; int c; int eof = 0; if (line == NULL) return NULL; if (prompt) printf ("%s", prompt); while (1) { if ((c = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) { if (c == '\n') goto out; *ptr++ = c; if (ptr - line >= size - 1) { char *tmp; size *= 2; tmp = malloc(size); if (tmp == NULL) goto outfree; memcpy(tmp, line, ptr - line); ptr = tmp + (ptr - line); free(line); line = tmp; } } else { eof = 1; if (ferror(stdin)) goto outfree; goto out; } } out: *ptr = 0; if (eof && (strlen(line) == 0)) { free(line); line = NULL; } return line; outfree: free(line); return NULL; } #endif /* this is the command execution machine */ int Parser_commands(void) { char *line, *s; int rc = 0, save_error = 0; int interactive; interactive = init_input(); while(!done) { line = readline(interactive ? parser_prompt : NULL); if (!line) break; s = skipwhitespace(line); if (*s) { add_history(s); rc = execute_line(s); } /* stop on error if not-interactive */ if (rc != 0 && !interactive) { if (save_error == 0) save_error = rc; if (!ignore_errors) done = 1; } free(line); } if (save_error) rc = save_error; return rc; } /* sets the parser prompt */ void Parser_init(char * prompt, command_t * cmds) { done = 0; top_level = cmds; if (parser_prompt) free(parser_prompt); parser_prompt = strdup(prompt); } /* frees the parser prompt */ void Parser_exit(int argc, char *argv[]) { done = 1; free(parser_prompt); parser_prompt = NULL; } /* convert a string to an integer */ int Parser_int(char *s, int *val) { int ret; if (*s != '0') ret = sscanf(s, "%d", val); else if (*(s+1) != 'x') ret = sscanf(s, "%o", val); else { s++; ret = sscanf(++s, "%x", val); } return(ret); } void Parser_qhelp(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Available commands are:\n"); print_commands(NULL, top_level); printf("For more help type: help command-name\n"); } int Parser_help(int argc, char **argv) { char line[1024]; char *next, *prev, *tmp; command_t *result, *ambig; int i; if ( argc == 1 ) { Parser_qhelp(argc, argv); return 0; } line[0]='\0'; for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { strcat(line, argv[i]); } switch ( process(line, &next, top_level, &result, &prev) ) { case CMD_COMPLETE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n",line, result->pc_help); break; case CMD_NONE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown command.\n", line); break; case CMD_INCOMPLETE: fprintf(stderr, "'%s' incomplete command. Use '%s x' where x is one of:\n", line, line); fprintf(stderr, "\t"); for (i = 0; result->pc_sub_cmd[i].pc_name; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", result->pc_sub_cmd[i].pc_name); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; case CMD_AMBIG: fprintf(stderr, "Ambiguous command \'%s\'\nOptions: ", line); while( (ambig = find_cmd(prev, result, &tmp)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s ", ambig->pc_name); result = ambig + 1; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; } return 0; } void Parser_printhelp(char *cmd) { char *argv[] = { "help", cmd }; Parser_help(2, argv); } /************************************************************************* * COMMANDS * *************************************************************************/ static void print_commands(char * str, command_t * table) { command_t * cmds; char buf[80]; for (cmds = table; cmds->pc_name; cmds++) { if (cmds->pc_func) { if (str) printf("\t%s %s\n", str, cmds->pc_name); else printf("\t%s\n", cmds->pc_name); } if (cmds->pc_sub_cmd) { if (str) { sprintf(buf, "%s %s", str, cmds->pc_name); print_commands(buf, cmds->pc_sub_cmd); } else { print_commands(cmds->pc_name, cmds->pc_sub_cmd); } } } } char *Parser_getstr(const char *prompt, const char *deft, char *res, size_t len) { char *line = NULL; int size = strlen(prompt) + strlen(deft) + 8; char *theprompt; theprompt = malloc(size); assert(theprompt); sprintf(theprompt, "%s [%s]: ", prompt, deft); line = readline(theprompt); free(theprompt); if ( line == NULL || *line == '\0' ) { strncpy(res, deft, len); } else { strncpy(res, line, len); } if ( line ) { free(line); return res; } else { return NULL; } } /* get integer from prompt, loop forever to get it */ int Parser_getint(const char *prompt, long min, long max, long deft, int base) { int rc; long result; char *line; int size = strlen(prompt) + 40; char *theprompt = malloc(size); assert(theprompt); sprintf(theprompt,"%s [%ld, (0x%lx)]: ", prompt, deft, deft); fflush(stdout); do { line = NULL; line = readline(theprompt); if ( !line ) { fprintf(stdout, "Please enter an integer.\n"); fflush(stdout); continue; } if ( *line == '\0' ) { free(line); result = deft; break; } rc = Parser_arg2int(line, &result, base); free(line); if ( rc != 0 ) { fprintf(stdout, "Invalid string.\n"); fflush(stdout); } else if ( result > max || result < min ) { fprintf(stdout, "Error: response must lie between %ld and %ld.\n", min, max); fflush(stdout); } else { break; } } while ( 1 ) ; if (theprompt) free(theprompt); return result; } /* get boolean (starting with YyNn; loop forever */ int Parser_getbool(const char *prompt, int deft) { int result = 0; char *line; int size = strlen(prompt) + 8; char *theprompt = malloc(size); assert(theprompt); fflush(stdout); if ( deft != 0 && deft != 1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Parser_getbool given bad default %d\n", deft); assert ( 0 ); } sprintf(theprompt, "%s [%s]: ", prompt, (deft==0)? "N" : "Y"); do { line = NULL; line = readline(theprompt); if ( line == NULL ) { result = deft; break; } if ( *line == '\0' ) { result = deft; break; } if ( *line == 'y' || *line == 'Y' ) { result = 1; break; } if ( *line == 'n' || *line == 'N' ) { result = 0; break; } if ( line ) free(line); fprintf(stdout, "Invalid string. Must start with yY or nN\n"); fflush(stdout); } while ( 1 ); if ( line ) free(line); if ( theprompt ) free(theprompt); return result; } /* parse int out of a string or prompt for it */ long Parser_intarg(const char *inp, const char *prompt, int deft, int min, int max, int base) { long result; int rc; rc = Parser_arg2int(inp, &result, base); if ( rc == 0 ) { return result; } else { return Parser_getint(prompt, deft, min, max, base); } } /* parse int out of a string or prompt for it */ char *Parser_strarg(char *inp, const char *prompt, const char *deft, char *answer, int len) { if ( inp == NULL || *inp == '\0' ) { return Parser_getstr(prompt, deft, answer, len); } else return inp; } /* change a string into a number: return 0 on success. No invalid characters allowed. The processing of base and validity follows strtol(3)*/ int Parser_arg2int(const char *inp, long *result, int base) { char *endptr; if ( (base !=0) && (base < 2 || base > 36) ) return 1; *result = strtol(inp, &endptr, base); if ( *inp != '\0' && *endptr == '\0' ) return 0; else return 1; } /* Convert human readable size string to and int; "1k" -> 1000 */ int Parser_size (int *sizep, char *str) { int size; char mod[32]; switch (sscanf (str, "%d%1[gGmMkK]", &size, mod)) { default: return (-1); case 1: *sizep = size; return (0); case 2: switch (*mod) { case 'g': case 'G': *sizep = size << 30; return (0); case 'm': case 'M': *sizep = size << 20; return (0); case 'k': case 'K': *sizep = size << 10; return (0); default: *sizep = size; return (0); } } } /* Convert a string boolean to an int; "enable" -> 1 */ int Parser_bool (int *b, char *str) { if (!strcasecmp (str, "no") || !strcasecmp (str, "n") || !strcasecmp (str, "off") || !strcasecmp (str, "down") || !strcasecmp (str, "disable")) { *b = 0; return (0); } if (!strcasecmp (str, "yes") || !strcasecmp (str, "y") || !strcasecmp (str, "on") || !strcasecmp (str, "up") || !strcasecmp (str, "enable")) { *b = 1; return (0); } return (-1); } int Parser_quit(int argc, char **argv) { argc = argc; argv = argv; done = 1; return 0; }