""" lutf_start.py is a script intended to be run from the lutf.sh It relies on a set of environment variables to be set. If they are not set the script will exit: *_HOST: nodes to run the LUTF on. They must be unique ONLY: A script to run SUITE: A suite to run LUTF_SHELL: If specified it'll run the python interpreter MASTER_PORT: The port on which the master will listen TELNET_PORT: The port on which a telnet session can be established to the agent LUSTRE: The path to the lustre tests directory PYTHONPATH: The path where the python scripts and libraries are located LUTFPATH: Path to the lutf directory Purpose: -------- start an instance of the LUTF on the master and the agents """ import os, re, yaml, paramiko, copy import shlex, subprocess, time from pathlib import Path from lutf_exception import LutfDumper from lutf_paramiko import lutf_exec_remote_cmd, lutf_put_file, lutf_get_file cfg_yaml = {'lutf': {'shell': True, 'agent': False, 'telnet-port': -1, 'master-address': None, 'master-port': -1, 'node-name': None, 'master-name': None, 'lutf-path': None, 'py-path': None, 'lustre-path': None, 'suite': None, 'suite-list': None, 'script': None, 'pattern': None, 'agent-list': None, 'results': None, 'always_except': None, 'num_intfs': 3, 'lutf-env-vars': None, 'test-progress': None, 'tmp-dir': '/tmp/lutf/'}} class LUTF: def __init__(self): self.nodes = {} self.__collect_nodes() self.__cfg_yaml = {} def __collect_nodes(self): for k in os.environ: if '_HOST' in k or 'CLIENTS' in k: hosts = re.split(',| ', os.environ[k]) hosts = [x for x in hosts if x] i = 0 for h in hosts: if len(h) > 0: if h in list(self.nodes.values()): print("Duplicate host: %s. LUTF expects unique hosts: %s. Skipping" \ % (h, str(list(self.nodes.values())))) continue if i > 0: self.nodes[k+str(i)] = h else: self.nodes[k] = h i += 1 def __exec_local_cmd(self, cmd): args = shlex.split(cmd) out = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) t = out.communicate()[0],out.returncode print(cmd+"\n"+"rc = "+str(t[1])+" "+t[0].decode("utf-8")) return int(t[1]) def __stop_lutf(self, key, host): # make sure you kill any other instances of the LUTF if host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: lutf_exec_remote_cmd("pkill -9 lutf", host) def __install_deps_on_hosts(self, host): try: installbin = os.environ['INSTALLBIN'] except: installbin = 'yum' try: pip = os.environ['PIPBIN'] except: pip = 'pip3' print("%s: %s install -y python3" % (host, installbin)) lutf_exec_remote_cmd(installbin+" install -y python3", host, ignore_err=True) print("%s: %s install paramiko" % (host, pip)) lutf_exec_remote_cmd(pip+" install paramiko", host, ignore_err=True) print("%s: %s install netifaces" % (host, pip)) lutf_exec_remote_cmd(pip+" install netifaces", host, ignore_err=True) print("%s: %s install pyyaml" % (host, pip)) lutf_exec_remote_cmd(pip+" install pyyaml", host, ignore_err=True) print("%s: %s install psutil" % (host, pip)) lutf_exec_remote_cmd(pip+" install psutil", host, ignore_err=True) def __start_lutf(self, key, host, mname, master, agent_list=[], agent=True): cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg_yaml) shell = 'batch' try: shell = os.environ['LUTF_SHELL'] except: pass # agent will always run in daemon mode if (agent): cfg['lutf']['shell'] = 'daemon' else: cfg['lutf']['shell'] = shell cfg['lutf']['agent'] = agent cfg['lutf']['telnet-port'] = int(os.environ['TELNET_PORT']) cfg['lutf']['master-address'] = master cfg['lutf']['master-port'] = int(os.environ['MASTER_PORT']) cfg['lutf']['node-name'] = key cfg['lutf']['master-name'] = mname cfg['lutf']['lutf-path'] = os.environ['LUTFPATH'] cfg['lutf']['py-path'] = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] try: sl = re.split(',| ', os.environ['SUITE']) if len(sl) == 0: raise ValueError if len(sl) == 1: cfg['lutf']['suite'] = os.environ['SUITE'] del(cfg['lutf']['suite-list']) else: cfg['lutf']['suite-list'] = os.environ['SUITE'] del(cfg['lutf']['suite']) except: if 'suite' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['suite']) try: cfg['lutf']['lustre-path'] = os.environ['LUSTRE'] except: if 'lustre-path' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['lustre-path']) try: cfg['lutf']['script'] = os.environ['ONLY'] except: if 'script' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['script']) try: cfg['lutf']['pattern'] = os.environ['PATTERN'] except: if 'pattern' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['pattern']) try: cfg['lutf']['results'] = os.environ['RESULTS'] except: if 'results' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['results']) try: cfg['lutf']['always_except'] = os.environ['ALWAYS_EXCEPT'] except: if 'always_except' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['always_except']) try: cfg['lutf']['num_intfs'] = os.environ['NUM_INTFS'] except: if 'num_intfs' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['num_intfs']) try: cfg['lutf']['lutf-env-vars'] = os.environ['LUTF_ENV_VARS'] except: if 'lutf-env-vars' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['lutf-env-vars']) try: cfg['lutf']['test-progress'] = os.environ['LUTF_TEST_PROGRESS'] except: if 'test-progress' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['test-progress']) try: cfg['lutf']['tmp-dir'] = os.environ['LUTF_TMP_DIR'] except: pass if len(agent_list) > 0: cfg['lutf']['agent-list'] = agent_list else: if 'agent-list' in cfg['lutf']: del(cfg['lutf']['agent-list']) lutf_bin = 'lutf' cfg_name = host+'.yaml' lutf_cfg_path = os.path.join(cfg['lutf']['tmp-dir'], 'config') Path(lutf_cfg_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) lutf_cfg = os.path.join(lutf_cfg_path, cfg_name) # write the config file with open(lutf_cfg, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(cfg, Dumper=LutfDumper, indent=4)) # copy it over to the remote if host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: lutf_exec_remote_cmd("mkdir -p " + lutf_cfg_path, host) lutf_put_file(host, lutf_cfg, lutf_cfg) cmd = '' #setup the library path on the remote node if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ and host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: cmd = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="+os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] if 'PATH' in os.environ and host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: cmd += " PATH="+os.environ['PATH'] if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ and host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: cmd += " PYTHONPATH="+os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] # start the LUTF on the remote if cmd: cmd += ' ' cmd += lutf_bin+" --config "+lutf_cfg # make sure you kill any other instances of the LUTF rc = 0 if host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: lutf_exec_remote_cmd("pkill -9 lutf", host) time.sleep(1) print("%s: %s" % (host, cmd)) try: lutf_exec_remote_cmd(cmd, host) except Exception as e: print(e) rc = -22 else: time.sleep(1) print("%s: %s" % (host, cmd)) try: rc = self.__exec_local_cmd(cmd) except Exception as e: print(e) rc = -22 self.__cfg_yaml = cfg return cfg, rc def __collect_lutf_logs(self, host): if host != os.environ['HOSTNAME']: rfname = "lutf."+host+".tar.gz" tmp_dir = self.__cfg_yaml['lutf']['tmp-dir'] rfpath = os.path.join(os.sep, 'tmp', rfname) if tmp_dir[-1] == os.sep: landing_dir = os.path.split(tmp_dir[:-1])[0] tar_dir = os.path.split(tmp_dir[:-1])[1] else: landing_dir = os.path.split(tmp_dir)[0] tar_dir = os.path.split(tmp_dir)[1] cmd = "tar -czf "+rfpath+" -C "+landing_dir+" "+tar_dir lutf_exec_remote_cmd(cmd, host, ignore_err=True); lutf_get_file(host, rfpath, os.path.join(tmp_dir, rfname)) def run(self): master = '' mname = '' if not os.environ['HOSTNAME'] in list(self.nodes.values()): i = 1 for k in list(self.nodes.keys()): if 'CLIENTS' in k: i += 1 key = "CLIENTS"+str(i) self.nodes[key] = os.environ['HOSTNAME'] agent_list = list(self.nodes.keys()) if len(agent_list) == 0: raise ValueError("no LUTF nodes defined") master = os.environ['HOSTNAME'] mname = agent_list[list(self.nodes.values()).index(os.environ['HOSTNAME'])] rc = 0 for k, v in self.nodes.items(): if v != master: cfg, rc = self.__start_lutf(k, v, mname, master) if rc == 0: # run master locally agent_list.remove(mname) master_cfg, rc = self.__start_lutf(mname, master, mname, master, agent_list=agent_list, agent=False) if master_cfg['lutf']['shell'] == 'batch': for k, v in self.nodes.items(): self.__stop_lutf(k, v) # collect all the logs for k, v in self.nodes.items(): if v != master: self.__collect_lutf_logs(v); return rc if __name__ == '__main__': lutf = LUTF() rc = lutf.run() exit(rc)