#!/bin/bash # # # auster - drive lustre tests # TODO # 1. --time-limt add per test time limit, kill test if it runs to long # 2. Read list of tests to run from a file. same syntax as cli, but one test per line # 3. Run test on remote node # 4. Use long opts for auster options set -e export TF_FAIL=/tmp/tf.fail usage() { less -F <.sh) -g GROUP Test group file (Overrides tests listed on command line) -i N Repeat tests N times (default 1). A new directory will be created under LOGDIR for each iteration. -k Don't stop when subtests fail -R Remount lustre between tests -r Reformat (during initial configuration if needed) -s SLOW=yes -v Verbose mode -l Send logs to the Maloo database after run (can be done later by running maloo_upload.sh) -h This help. Suite options These are suite specific options that can be specified after each suite on the command line. suite-name [options] --only LIST Run only specific list of subtests --except LIST Skip list of subtests --start-at SUBTEST Start testing from subtest --stop-at SUBTEST Stop testing at subtest --time-limit LIMIT Don't allow this suite to run longer than LIMT seconds. [UNIMPLEMENTED] Example usage: Run all of sanity and all of replay-single except for 70b with SLOW=y using the default "local" configuration. auster -s sanity replay-single --except 70b Run all tests in the regression group 5 times using large config. auster -f large -g test-groups/regression -r 5 EOF exit } dry_run=false do_reset=false verbose=false repeat_count=1 upload_logs=false reformat=false test_logs_dir=/tmp/test_logs/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/$(date +%H%M%S) export SLOW=no export ${NAME:=local} while getopts "c:d:D:nkf:g:i:rRslhv" opt do case "$opt" in c) CONFIG=$OPTARG;; d) test_logs_dir=$OPTARG/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/$(date +%H%M%S);; D) test_logs_dir=$OPTARG;; g) test_group_file=$OPTARG;; k) export FAIL_ON_ERROR=false;; n) dry_run=:;; v) verbose=:;; i) repeat_count=$OPTARG;; f) NAME=$OPTARG;; R) do_reset=:;; r) reformat=:;; s) SLOW=yes;; l) upload_logs=true;; h|\?) usage;; esac done # If a test_group_file is specified, then ignore rest of command line if [[ $test_group_file ]]; then export TEST_GROUP=$(basename $test_group_file) set $(sed 's/#.*$//' $test_group_file) else shift $((OPTIND -1)) fi # # Various paramters for the tests scripts # #: ${SIZE:=$((RAMKB * 2))} #: ${RSIZE:=512} #: ${UID:=1000} #: ${MOUNT=/mnt/lustre} #: ${MOUNT2:=${MOUNT}2} #: ${COUNT:=1000} #: ${TMP:=/tmp} reset_lustre() { if $do_reset; then stopall setupall fi } STARTTIME=`date +%s` : ${LUSTRE:=$(cd $(dirname $0)/..; echo $PWD)} . $LUSTRE/tests/test-framework.sh init_test_env print_summary () { trap 0 local form="%-13s %-17s %s\n" printf "$form" "status" "script" "skipped tests E(xcluded) S(low)" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Done!" } setup_if_needed() { nfs_client_mode && return auster_cleanup=false local MOUNTED=$(mounted_lustre_filesystems) if $(echo $MOUNTED' ' | grep -w -q $MOUNT' '); then check_config_clients $MOUNT # init_facets_vars # init_param_vars return fi echo "Lustre is not mounted, trying to do setup ... " $reformat && formatall setupall MOUNTED=$(mounted_lustre_filesystems) if ! $(echo $MOUNTED' ' | grep -w -q $MOUNT' '); then echo "Lustre is not mounted after setup! " exit 1 fi auster_cleanup=true } cleanup_if_needed() { if $auster_cleanup; then cleanupall fi } find_script_in_path() { target=$1 path=$2 for dir in $(tr : " " <<< $path); do if [ -e $dir/$target ]; then echo $dir/$target return 0 fi if [ -e $dir/$target.sh ]; then echo $dir/$target.sh return 0 fi done return 1 } title() { log "-----============= acceptance-small: "$*" ============----- `date`" } doit() { if $dry_run; then printf "Would have run: %s\n" "$*" return 0 fi if $verbose; then printf "Running: %s\n" "$*" fi "$@" } run_suite() { suite_name=$1 suite_script=$2 title $suite_name log_test $suite_name rm -f $TF_FAIL local start_ts=$(date +%s) doit bash $suite_script rc=$? duration=$(($(date +%s) - $start_ts)) if [ -f $TF_FAIL -o $rc -ne 0 ]; then status="FAIL" else status="PASS" fi log_test_status $duration $status reset_lustre } run_suite_logged() { local suite_name=${1%.sh} local suite=$(echo ${suite_name} | tr "[:lower:]-" "[:upper:]_") suite_script=$(find_script_in_path $suite_name $PATH:$LUSTRE/tests) if [[ -z $suite_script ]]; then echo "Can't find test script for $suite_name" return 1 fi echo "run_suite $suite_name $suite_script" local log_name=${suite_name}.suite_log.$(hostname -s).log if $verbose; then run_suite $suite_name $suite_script 2>&1 |tee $LOGDIR/$log_name else run_suite $suite_name $suite_script > $LOGDIR/$log_name 2>&1 fi } # # Add this to test-framework somewhere. reset_logging() { export LOGDIR=$1 unset YAML_LOG init_logging } split_commas() { echo "${*//,/ }" } run_suites() { local n=0 local argv=("$@") while ((n < repeat_count)); do local RC=0 local logdir=${test_logs_dir} ((repeat_count > 1)) && logdir="$logdir/$n" reset_logging $logdir set -- "${argv[@]}" while [[ -n $1 ]]; do unset ONLY EXCEPT START_AT STOP_AT local opts="" local time_limit="" # echo "argv: $*" suite=$1 shift; while [[ -n $1 ]]; do case "$1" in --only) shift; export ONLY=$(split_commas $1) opts+="ONLY=$ONLY ";; --except) shift; export EXCEPT=$(split_commas $1) opts+="EXCEPT=$EXCEPT ";; --start-at) shift; export START_AT=$1 opts+="START_AT=$START_AT ";; --stop-at) shift; export STOP_AT=$1 opts+="STOP_AT=$STOP_AT ";; --time-limit) shift; time_limit=$1;; *) break;; esac shift done echo "running: $suite $opts" run_suite_logged $suite || RC=$? echo $suite returned $RC done if $upload_logs; then $upload_script $LOGDIR fi n=$((n + 1)) done } if [ $upload_logs = true ] ; then upload_script=$(find_script_in_path maloo_upload.sh $PATH:$LUSTRE/tests) if [[ -z $upload_script ]]; then echo "Can't find maloo_upload.sh script" exit 1 fi if [ ! -r ~/.maloorc ] ; then echo "A ~/.maloorc file is required in order to upload results." echo "Visit your maloo web interface to download your .maloorc file" exit 1 fi fi export NAME MOUNT START CLEAN . ${CONFIG:-$LUSTRE/tests/cfg/$NAME.sh} assert_env mds_HOST MDS_MKFS_OPTS assert_env ost_HOST OST_MKFS_OPTS OSTCOUNT assert_env FSNAME MOUNT MOUNT2 echo "Started at `date`" setup_if_needed run_suites "$@" RC=$? if [[ $RC -eq 0 ]]; then cleanup_if_needed fi echo "Finished at `date` in $((`date +%s` - $STARTTIME))s" echo "$0: completed with rc $RC" && exit $RC