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This way demands that SMFS should care about this backstore FS like VFS. SMFS defines several info structures for each filesystem object that contain all needed information about backstore related stuff and etc. \layout Subsubsection Plugin handling \layout Standard SMFS has plugin API which allows to register/deregister plugins and call their functions. Plugins are organized in linked list. \layout Standard Plugin initialization starts when smfs is mounting by someone with options that contain information about plugin needed. Deactivated process starts when SMFS unmount occur. It possible to use ioctl interface or procfs (sysfs later) for plugin managemen t. Each plugin will receives notification from SMFS about filesystem operations. Plugins should be aware of delays, transaction handling and consistency. \layout Standard SMFS contains information about plugin loaded with special flags. There are system-wide flags and object-related to indicate exclusions. \layout Subsubsection Locking and plugins \layout Standard Every hook is called under some conditions in term of resource availability. SMFS should provide that all pre- and post-operation stuff should be done together with fs operation in backstore fs. Plugins should be aware about these conditions and acts properly. \layout Subsubsection* \emph on Inode_operations \layout Standard locking rules: all may block, none have BKL. Protection provided through using i_sem semaphore in inode. \layout Standard \begin_inset Tabular \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard i_sem \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard Notes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard lookup \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard create \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard link \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard both \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard mknod \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard symlink \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard mkdir \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard unlink \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard both \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard rmdir \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard both \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard rename \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard all \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard truncate \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard setattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard getattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard no \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard setxattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard getxattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard no \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard listxattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard no \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard removexattr \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard yes \end_inset \begin_inset Text \layout Standard \end_inset \end_inset \layout Itemize Additionally, ->rmdir(), ->unlink() and ->rename() have ->i_sem on victim. \layout Itemize cross-directory ->rename() has (per-superblock) ->s_vfs_rename_sem. \layout Itemize ->truncate() is never called directly - it's a callback, not a method. It's called by vmtruncate() - library function normally used by ->setattr(). Locking information above applies to that call (i.e. is inherited from ->setattr() - vmtruncate() is used when ATTR_SIZE had been passed). \layout Standard All inode operations may block so plugin can also block. All critical inode operations is already protected by semaphore i_sem. \layout Subsubsection* \emph on File operations \layout Standard Locking rules: file operations may block and no BKL here. \layout Standard Some hooks placed around file operations so protection needed to provide sync execution of pre- and post-hooks with backfs operation. \layout Subsubsection* \emph on Superblock operations \layout Standard Locking rules: All may block, only \emph on put_super \emph default is under BKL. \layout Standard No hooks here, so no actions are needed. \layout Subsubsection* File operations \layout Standard locking rules: All may block. \layout Standard None is under BKL except \emph on ioctl \layout Comment Taken from ..../linux/Documentation/filesystems/Locking \layout Subsubsection Upcall handling \layout Standard There is upcall API in SMFS. Upcalls are organized in linked list and called one by one where needed. \layout Subsubsection Fsfilt operations \layout Standard LVFS has fsfilt operations for SMFS. SMFS store copy of fsfilt operations from backstore filesystem. If it gets fsfilt operations then it is passed to backstore filesysem. \layout Subsubsection Transactions handling \layout Standard All hooks should be in the same transaction with backstore fs operation. To provide this SMFS starts transaction before first hook and commit after last one. SMFS care about transaction where it is needed, but plugins can add some stuff to it. To solve this SMFS pass transaction handler to plugin, so it can do transaction in right way. Also plugin should provide method to calculate extra size for transaction. \layout Subsection Backstore filesystem \layout Subsubsection Initialization \layout Enumerate Backstore FS is mounted by SMFS while initialization, if mount is failed SMFS initialization is also failed. \layout Enumerate SMFS creates own superblock using backstore one and fsfilter operations \layout Subsubsection Superblock operations \layout Standard SMFS have to initialize own inode structure reading inode with same number from backstore FS. Operations with such inode will be redirected to backstore FS if they are invoked. SMFS will store backstore FS inode to avoid reading inode every time. \layout Subsubsection Inode operations \layout Standard SMFS creates own inode operations for each inode. When some operations in invoked SMFS calls real filesystem method to complete it. \layout Standard There are additional actions for making SMFS inode and real inode consistent. These actions are needed before real operation to create artificial objects and after - to copy changes from backfs inode. \layout Subsubsection File operations \layout Standard SMFS creates own filp, duplicate backstore FS filp and dentry. They are used in file operations following by backstore operation call. To do file operations we create artificial file object before calling of real operation. \layout Section \noun on Use cases \layout Subsection Backstore filesystem \layout Standard Next options is passed to smfs and descript backstore FS completely: \layout Standard smfs dev=/mnt type=ldiskfs \layout Subsection SMFS plugins/upcalls \layout Subsubsection SMFS plugin activation \layout Standard Now all plugins are compiled in SMFS module and plugins are setted up via options when SMFS is mounting. Options should be passed as mountfsoptions like this: \emph on ... [kml|cache|snap...] \layout Subsubsection SMFS plugin registration \layout Standard Plugins should registers with SMFS: \layout LyX-Code smfs_register_plugin(parameters); \layout Standard Parameters are struct smfs_plugin filled with valid data: \layout Itemize type of plugin - to distinguish it from anothers, \layout Itemize pre_op function - function that will be called before fs operation, \layout Itemize post_op function - function that will be called after fs operation, \layout Itemize helper function - helper function. See Plugin API, \layout Itemize any private data - data which will be return to plugin in each call. \layout Subsubsection SMFS hook invokation \layout Standard SMFS place special wrapper in own filesystem operations to call plugins hook: \layout LyX-Code /* this is wrapper that calls all hooks walking through the list */ \layout LyX-Code SMFS_HOOK(opcode, parameters); \layout LyX-Code \layout Standard Hooks are placed in SMFS methods before and after calling backstore FS operation s: \layout LyX-Code /* this is how to SMFS uses hooks */ \layout LyX-Code smfs_some_op() \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct inode * backfs_inode = I2CI(inode); \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_file_info *sfi; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code SMFS_HOOK(hook_opcode, ...); \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode->i_fop->some_op(sfi->c_file, ...); \layout LyX-Code SMFS_HOOK(hook_opcode, ...); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Subsubsection SMFS upcall usage \layout Standard Upcalls can be placed in any place in SMFS, where side modules wants to take control from SMFS. Module should: \layout Enumerate prepares function to handle upcall events, \layout Enumerate registers upcall using upcall API, \layout Enumerate receives upcalls and handles they, \layout Enumerate deregisters upcall when smfs is unmounted. \layout Section \noun on Logic \noun default \noun on Specification \layout Subsection SMFS operations \layout Subsubsection Initialization and data structures \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../include/linux/lustre_smfs.h}{Superblock info}{firstline=87,lastline=108} \end_inset \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_inode_info { \layout LyX-Code /* this first part of struct should be \layout LyX-Code the same as in mds_info_info */ \layout LyX-Code struct lustre_id smi_id; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code /* smfs part. */ \layout LyX-Code struct inode * backfs_inode; \layout LyX-Code __u32 smi_flags; //plugins pre_inode flags \layout LyX-Code struct list_head plist; /* list of plugins inode info */ \layout LyX-Code }; \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../include/linux/lustre_smfs.h}{File info}{firstline=113,lastline=117} \end_inset \layout Subsubsection Fsfilt operations \layout Standard Fsfilt operations for SMFS just call the same operations in backstore FS. \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../lvfs/fsfilt_smfs.c}{Fsfilt redirection example}{firstline=363,lastline=383} \end_inset \layout Subsubsection Transactions handling \layout Standard Each operations with hooks pass transaction handler to hook. Hook can use it to decide does it need start new transaction or not. \layout Standard If there is no handler, hook can create own transaction: \layout LyX-Code hook_func_in_plugin() \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code ... \layout LyX-Code if (!handle) { \layout LyX-Code handle = smfs_trans_start(inode, KML_CACHE_NOOP, NULL); \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code ... \layout LyX-Code } \layout Standard It is important that plugin should also commit transaction in the same call. \layout Standard If transaction begun before hook call it should know size of transaction, so we should provide a way to calculate this size through all plugins involved. Each plugin can register upcall with related type that will return extra size needed by that plugin. SMFS will walk through upcalls and gets total extra size for transaction: \layout LyX-Code fsfilt_smfs_start(struct inode * inode, int op, ...) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code ... \layout LyX-Code SMFS_TRANS_EXTRA_SIZE(inode, op); /* walking through list of plugins */ \layout LyX-Code handle = cache_fsfilt->fs_start(cache_inode, op, ...); \layout LyX-Code ... \layout LyX-Code } \layout Comment still have no good idea how to pass calculated size instead op without changes in fsfilt_ext3/any_other_fs code. New parameter in fs_start? \layout Subsection Backstore filesystem \layout Subsubsection Initialization/deinitialization \layout Standard Backstore FS is mounted by SMFS while SMFS initialization. \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../smfs/smfs_lib.c}{Mount/Umount}{firstline=96,lastline=149} \end_inset \layout Subsubsection Inode\SpecialChar ~ info init/clear \layout Standard For each new inode SMFS creates private structures and getting real inode from backstore FS. SMFS is only user of backfs inode, so it is enough to get it here and put it down in clear_inode_info. Some plugins can have as SMFS-wide info as per-inode info. Therefore they can also participate in init_inode_info/clear_inode_info methods. Here are helpers for this. \layout LyX-Code static void smfs_init_inode_info(struct inode *inode, void *opaque) { \layout LyX-Code struct inode *cache_inode = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_iget_args *sargs; \layout LyX-Code unsigned long ino; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code sargs = (struct smfs_iget_args *)opaque; \layout LyX-Code /* getting backing fs inode. */ \layout LyX-Code ino = sargs ? sargs->s_ino : inode->i_ino; \layout LyX-Code cache_inode = iget(S2CSB(inode->i_sb), ino); \layout LyX-Code OBD_ALLOC(inode->u.generic_ip, sizeof(struct smfs_inode_info)); \layout LyX-Code I2CI(inode) = cache_inode; \layout LyX-Code post_smfs_inode(inode, cache_inode); \layout LyX-Code sm_set_inode_ops(cache_inode, inode); \layout LyX-Code if (sargs && sargs->s_inode) \layout LyX-Code I2SMI(inode)->smi_flags = I2SMI(sargs->s_inode)->smi_flags; \layout LyX-Code SMFS_PLUGIN_HELPER(PL_INIT_INODE, inode); \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code static void smfs_clear_inode_info(struct inode *inode) { \layout LyX-Code if (I2SMI(inode)) { \layout LyX-Code struct inode *cache_inode = I2CI(inode); \layout LyX-Code if (cache_inode != cache_inode->i_sb->s_root->d_inode) \layout LyX-Code iput(cache_inode); \layout LyX-Code SMFS_PLUGIN_HELPER(PL_CLEAR_INODE, inode); \layout LyX-Code OBD_FREE(inode->u.generic_ip, sizeof(struct smfs_inode_info)); \layout LyX-Code inode->u.generic_ip = NULL; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code \layout Subsubsection Getting inode \layout Comment test_inode and set_inode are called under spinlock, so context-switching is not allowed here. Inode will be read after iget5_locked call \layout LyX-Code int smfs_test_inode(struct inode * inode, void * opaque) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_iget_args * sargs = opaque; \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_up_message message; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code message.inode = inode; \layout LyX-Code message.param = opaque; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code if (sargs && (inode->i_ino == sargs->s_ino)) { \layout LyX-Code /* some module can add extra checks here */ \layout LyX-Code if (SMFS_UPCALL(SMFS_UP_TEST_INODE, (void*)&message)) \layout LyX-Code return 1; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code return 0; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code int smfs_set_inode(struct inode *inode, void *opaque) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_up_message message; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code message.inode = inode; \layout LyX-Code message.param = opaque; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code /* someone can wants to do action here */ \layout LyX-Code SMFS_UPCALL(SMFS_UP_SET_INODE, (void*)&message); \layout LyX-Code return 0; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code struct inode * smfs_iget(struct super_block * sb, ino_t hash, \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_iget_args * sargs) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct inode *inode; \layout LyX-Code inode = iget5_locked(sb, hash, smfs_test_inode, \layout LyX-Code smfs_set_inode, sargs); \layout LyX-Code if (inode) { \layout LyX-Code if (inode->i_state & I_NEW) { \layout LyX-Code smfs_init_inode_info(inode, sargs); \layout LyX-Code unlock_new_inode(inode); \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code inode->i_ino = hash; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code return inode; \layout LyX-Code } \layout Subsubsection Superblock operations \layout Paragraph read\SpecialChar ~ inode2() \layout LyX-Code smfs_read_inode2 (struct inode * inode, void * opaque) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code smfs_init_inode_info(inode, opaque); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph dirty\SpecialChar ~ inode()/write\SpecialChar ~ inode() \layout LyX-Code smfs_dirty/write_inode(struct inode * inode) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode = I2CI(inode); \layout LyX-Code backfs_sb->s_op->dirty/write_inode(backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code duplicate_inode(inode, backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph put\SpecialChar ~ inode(inode) \layout LyX-Code smfs_put_inode(struct inode * inode) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code return; \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph delete\SpecialChar ~ inode() \layout LyX-Code smfs_delete_inode(struct inode * inode) { \layout LyX-Code clear_inode(inode); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph clear\SpecialChar ~ inode() \layout LyX-Code smfs_clear_inode(struct inode * inode) { \layout LyX-Code smfs_clear_inode_info(inode); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph put\SpecialChar ~ super(super) \layout LyX-Code smfs_cleanup_hooks(); \layout LyX-Code smfs_umount_cache(smfs_super_info); \layout LyX-Code smfs_cleanup_smb(sb); \layout Paragraph write\SpecialChar ~ super()/write\SpecialChar ~ super\SpecialChar ~ lockfs()/unlockfs()/statfs()/remountfs() \layout LyX-Code backfs_sb = S2CSB(sb); \layout LyX-Code backfs_sb->s_op->...; \layout LyX-Code duplicate-sb(sb, backfs_sb); \layout Subsubsection Inode operations \layout Standard Each inode operaion uses backfs inode structure, this structure is created while several fs operations are invoked. Logic of all operations is next: \layout Itemize There is smfs dentry for each operation passed as parameter \layout Itemize SMFS creates artificial dentries for using they in backstore fs operation \layout Itemize after operation there is backstore fs inode in backfs_dentry->d_inode \layout Itemize if SMFS inode not exits it is created here and connected to backfs inode \layout Itemize several fields are copied from backstore fs inode to smfs one \layout Itemize all artificial dentries are cleared. \layout Standard \emph on Artificial dentry handling \layout LyX-Code struct dentry *pre_smfs_dentry(struct dentry *parent_dentry, struct inode *cache_inode, \layout LyX-Code struct dentry *dentry) { \layout LyX-Code struct dentry *cache_dentry = NULL; \layout LyX-Code cache_dentry = d_alloc(parent_dentry, &dentry->d_name); \layout LyX-Code if (!cache_dentry) \layout LyX-Code RETURN(NULL); \layout LyX-Code if (!parent_dentry) \layout LyX-Code cache_dentry->d_parent = cache_dentry; \layout LyX-Code if (cache_inode) \layout LyX-Code d_add(cache_dentry, cache_inode); \layout LyX-Code RETURN(cache_dentry); \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code void post_smfs_dentry(struct dentry *cache_dentry) { \layout LyX-Code if (!cache_dentry) \layout LyX-Code return; \layout LyX-Code d_unalloc(cache_dentry); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Standard For inode operation we have parent inode and dentry for operation. So SMFS has to create artificial parent dentry with backfs_inode connected to it and artificial dentry for ext3 operation. This is done with pre_smfs_dentry() method. \layout Standard After successfull creation SMFS will do backfs operation and gets filled artificial dentry. Next step is getting SMFS inode from cache using ext3 inode number. If inode is found it is connected to smfs dentry and operation can be counted as completed. SMFS clean all artificial dentries and exits. \layout Standard \emph on duplicate_inode details \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../include/linux/lustre_smfs.h}{Duplicate \backslash _inode()}{firstline=298,lastline=317} \end_inset \layout Standard \emph on Inode operations \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../smfs/dir.c}{Create()}{firstline=44,lastline=577} \end_inset \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../smfs/file.c}{Truncate()}{firstline=378,lastline=533} \end_inset \layout Subsubsection File operations \layout Standard SMFS creates artificial struct file object for each SMFS file struct and use it for backstore fs operations. Backstore struct file is created in open() method and connected to private field in smfs struct file. This struct will be released in smfs_release(). \layout Standard When created and modified this struct file is duplicated to smfs one: \layout Standard \emph on duplicate_file \layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status Open \layout Standard \backslash lst{../../include/linux/lustre_smfs.h}{duplicate \backslash _file()}{firstline=343,lastline=361} \end_inset \layout Paragraph Common case (write/read/llseek/mmap/ioctl/readdir) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct inode * backfs_inode; \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_file_info *sfi; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode = I2CI(file->f_dentry->d_inode); \layout LyX-Code sfi = F2SMFI(file); \layout LyX-Code pre_smfs_inode(file->f_dentry->d_inode, backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code SMFS_HOOK(..., hook_opcode , ..., PRE_HOOK, ...); \layout LyX-Code if (backfs_inode->i_fop->...) \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode->i_fop->...(sfi->c_file, ...); \layout LyX-Code SMFS_HOOK(..., hook_opcode, ..., POST_HOOK, ...); \layout LyX-Code post_smfs_inode(file->f_dentry->d_inode, backfs_inode); /* duplicate_ino de */ \layout LyX-Code duplicate_file(file, sfi->c_file); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph fsync() \layout LyX-Code int smfs_fsync(struct file *file, struct dentry *dentry, int datasync) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_file_info *sfi = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct dentry *backfs_dentry = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct file *backfs_file = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct inode *backfs_inode = NULL; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode = I2CI(dentry->d_inode); \layout LyX-Code backfs_dentry = pre_smfs_dentry(NULL, backfs_inode, dentry); \layout LyX-Code if (file) { \layout LyX-Code sfi = F2SMFI(file); \layout LyX-Code backfs_file = sfi->c_file; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code pre_smfs_inode(dentry->d_inode, backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code if (backfs_inode->i_fop->fsync) { \layout LyX-Code rc = backfs_inode->i_fop->fsync(backfs_file, backfs_dentry, datasync); \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code post_smfs_inode(dentry->d_inode, backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code duplicate_file(file, backfs_file); \layout LyX-Code post_smfs_dentry(backfs_dentry); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph open() \layout LyX-Code int smfs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct inode *backfs_inode = NULL; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode = I2CI(inode); \layout LyX-Code smfs_init_cache_file(inode, filp); \layout LyX-Code if (backfs_inode->i_fop->open) \layout LyX-Code rc = cache_inode->i_fop->open(backfs_inode, F2CF(filp)); \layout LyX-Code duplicate_file(filp, F2CF(filp)); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Paragraph release() \layout LyX-Code int smfs_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) \layout LyX-Code { \layout LyX-Code struct inode *backfs_inode = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct file *backfs_file = NULL; \layout LyX-Code struct smfs_file_info *sfi = NULL; \layout LyX-Code \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode = I2CI(inode); \layout LyX-Code if (filp) { \layout LyX-Code sfi = F2SMFI(filp); \layout LyX-Code backfs_file = sfi->c_file; \layout LyX-Code } \layout LyX-Code if (backfs_inode->i_fop->release) \layout LyX-Code backfs_inode->i_fop->release(backfs_inode, backfs_file); \layout LyX-Code post_smfs_inode(inode, backfs_inode); \layout LyX-Code smfs_cleanup_cache_file(filp); \layout LyX-Code } \layout Section State Specification \layout Subsection Transactions \layout Standard There are several situations are possible with transactions. SMFS doesn't know will plugin do transaction or not. \layout Subsubsection Backstore FS will do transaction \layout Standard In that case plugins actions should be in same transaction with backstore FS. Next actions will be done: \layout Enumerate SMFS gets extra size for current operation from all plugins. \layout Enumerate If extra size is not null then some plugins will participate in transaction. SMFS starts transaction with calculated size. \layout Enumerate SMFS call pre_hook. \layout Enumerate SMFS call backstore FS operation. \layout Enumerate SMFS call post_hook. \layout Enumerate SMFS commit transaction. \layout Subsubsection Backstore FS operation is not journaled \layout Standard In that case plugins may don't care about external conditions and do transaction by own: \layout Enumerate SMFS call pre_hook or post_hook \layout Enumerate Plugin starts transaction. \layout Enumerate Plugin do what it should. \layout Enumerate Plugin commit transaction. \layout Standard Transaction MUST be commited where it was started. It is not allowed to start it in pre_hook and commit in post_hook. \layout Subsection Locking \layout Subsubsection Inode operations \layout Enumerate VFS calls SMFS operation and takes i_sem. \layout Enumerate SMFS does pre_hook operation, calls backstore FS operation and then - post_hook. \layout Standard All operations are protected by i_sem in SMFS inode. But there are possible situations when plugin hook sequence will be like this: \layout Itemize pre_hook(inode1) \layout Itemize pre_hook(inode2) \layout Itemize post_hooks(...) \layout Standard This is possible because inode1 may block and operation for inode2 will starts. Plugin should be aware about that and use additional protection if it is needed. \layout Subsubsection File operations \layout Standard File operations are not protected right now. SMFS can also use i_sem to protect these operations, but previous words about operations order are make sense here also. \the_end