# Copyright (C) 2001 Cluster File Systems, Inc. # # This code is issued under the GNU General Public License. # See the file COPYING in this distribution COMPILE = $(CC) -Wall -g -I$(srcdir)/../include LINK = $(CC) -o $@ if LIBLUSTRE noinst_LIBRARIES = libuptlctl.a libuptlctl_a_SOURCES = portals.c debug.c l_ioctl.c parser.c parser.h libuptlctl_a_CFLAGS = -fPIC else sbin_PROGRAMS = acceptor ptlctl debugctl routerstat wirecheck gmnalnid lib_LIBRARIES = libptlctl.a acceptor_SOURCES = acceptor.c # -lefence wirecheck_SOURCES = wirecheck.c libptlctl_a_SOURCES = portals.c debug.c l_ioctl.c parser.c parser.h gmnalnid_SOURCES = gmnalnid.c ptlctl_SOURCES = ptlctl.c ptlctl_LDADD = -L. -lptlctl -lncurses # -lefence ptlctl_DEPENDENCIES = libptlctl.a debugctl_SOURCES = debugctl.c debugctl_LDADD = -L. -lptlctl -lncurses # -lefence debugctl_DEPENDENCIES = libptlctl.a routerstat_SOURCES = routerstat.c endif