#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Infiniband VAPI/EVAPI header files Mellanox MT23108 VAPI #include #include #include #include // Remote HCA Info information typedef struct Remote_HCA_Info { unsigned long opcode; unsigned long length; IB_lid_t dlid[256]; VAPI_qp_num_t rqp_num[256]; VAPI_rkey_t rkey; // for remote RDAM request unsigned long vaddr1; // virtual address fisrt 4 bytes unsigned long vaddr2; // virtual address second 4 bytes u_int32_t size; // size of RDMA memory buffer char dest_ip[256]; //destination server IP address } Remote_HCA_Info; #define SHARED_SEGMENT_SIZE 0x10000 // 16KB shared memory between U and K // some internals opcodes for IB operations used in IBNAL #define SEND_QP_INFO 0X00000001 #define RECV_QP_INFO 0X00000010 #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_PORT 11211 #define LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE 2048 #define DEST_IP "" // server_thread // + wait for an incoming connection from remote node // + receive remote HCA's data // // // // // void *server_thread(void *vargp) { Remote_HCA_Info *hca_data; Remote_HCA_Info hca_data_buffer; int serverfd; int infd; struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in serveraddr; struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; int sin_size=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int bytes_recv; int i; hca_data = (Remote_HCA_Info *) vargp; if((serverfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { printf("server_thread couldnot create a socket \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } printf("server_thread create a socket \n"); bzero((char *) &serveraddr, sizeof(serveraddr)); serveraddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serveraddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htons(INADDR_ANY); serveraddr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) DEFAULT_SOCKET_PORT); if(bind(serverfd,(struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) { printf("server_thread couldnot bind to a socket \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } printf("server_thread bind to a socket \n"); if(listen(serverfd, LISTEN_QUEUE_SIZE) < 0) { printf("server_thread couldnot listen to a socket \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } printf("server_thread listen to a socket \n"); // // I only expect to receive one HCA data from a remote HCA // printf("server_thread: Waiting for a connection\n"); infd= accept(serverfd,(struct sockaddr*)&clientaddr,&sin_size); printf("server_thread: Got an incoming connection"); /* receive data from socket into buffer */ bytes_recv = recv(infd, &hca_data_buffer, sizeof(Remote_HCA_Info), 0); if(bytes_recv > 0) { /* printf("server_thread receive data\n"); printf("opcode is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.opcode); printf("length is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.length); for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { printf("dlid %d is 0x%X\n", i, hca_data_buffer.dlid[i]); printf("rqp_num %d is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.rqp_num[i]); } printf("rkey is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.rkey); printf("vaddr1 is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.vaddr1); printf("vaddr2 is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.vaddr2); printf("size is 0x%X\n", hca_data_buffer.size); printf("After conversion hton \n"); printf("opcode is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.opcode)); printf("length is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.length)); for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { printf("dlid %d is 0x%X\n", htons(hca_data_buffer.dlid[i])); printf("rqp_num %d is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.rqp_num[i])); } printf("rkey is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.rkey)); printf("vaddr1 is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.vaddr1)); printf("vaddr2 is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.vaddr2)); printf("size is 0x%X\n", htonl(hca_data_buffer.size)); */ hca_data->opcode = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.opcode); // long hca_data->length = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.length); // long for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { hca_data->dlid[i] = ntohs(hca_data_buffer.dlid[i]); // u_int16 hca_data->rqp_num[i] = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.rqp_num[i]);// u_int32 } hca_data->rkey = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.rkey); // u_int32 hca_data->vaddr1 = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.vaddr1); // first word u_int32 hca_data->vaddr2 = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.vaddr2); // second word u_int32 hca_data->size = ntohl(hca_data_buffer.size); // u_int32 } else { printf("server_thread receive ERROR bytes_recv = %d\n", bytes_recv); } close(infd); close(serverfd); printf("server_thread EXIT \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } // // client_thread // + connect to a remote server_thread // + send local HCA's data to remote server_thread // void *client_thread(void *vargp) { Remote_HCA_Info *hca_data; Remote_HCA_Info hca_data_buffer; int clientfd; struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; int bytes_send; int i; hca_data = (Remote_HCA_Info *) vargp; if((clientfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { printf("client_thread couldnot create a socket \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } printf("client_thread create a socket \n"); bzero((char *) &clientaddr, sizeof(clientaddr)); clientaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; clientaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hca_data->dest_ip); printf("client_thread get server Ip address = %s\n", hca_data->dest_ip); clientaddr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) DEFAULT_SOCKET_PORT); memset(&(clientaddr.sin_zero), '\0', 8); connect(clientfd, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); printf("client_thread connect to server Ip address = %s\n", hca_data->dest_ip); hca_data_buffer.opcode = htonl(hca_data->opcode); // long hca_data_buffer.length = htonl(hca_data->length); // long for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { hca_data_buffer.dlid[i] = htons(hca_data->dlid[i]); // u_int16 hca_data_buffer.rqp_num[i] = htonl(hca_data->rqp_num[i]);// u_int32 } hca_data_buffer.rkey = htonl(hca_data->rkey); // u_int32 hca_data_buffer.vaddr1 = htonl(hca_data->vaddr1); // first word u_int32 hca_data_buffer.vaddr2 = htonl(hca_data->vaddr2); // second word u_int32 hca_data_buffer.size = htonl(hca_data->size); // u_int32 bytes_send = send(clientfd, & hca_data_buffer, sizeof(Remote_HCA_Info), 0); if(bytes_send == sizeof(Remote_HCA_Info)) { printf("client_thread: send successfully \n"); } else { printf("client_thread: send failed \n"); } printf("client_thread EXIT \n"); pthread_exit((void *) 0); } // // main // + create a shared-memory between this main()/user address and // a kernel thread/kernel address space associated with inbal // kernel module // + access local HCA's data through this shared memory // // + create a server_thread for receiving remote HCA's data // + create a client_thread for sending out local HCA's data // + after receiving remote HCA's data update this shared memory // int main(int argc , char *argv[]) { int segment_id; struct shmid_ds shmbuffer; int segment_size; const int shared_segment_size = sizeof(Remote_HCA_Info); key_t key = 999; unsigned long raddr; Remote_HCA_Info *shared_memory; Remote_HCA_Info exchange_hca_data; Remote_HCA_Info remote_hca_data; int i; /* pthread */ pthread_t sid; pthread_t cid; pthread_attr_t attr; int rc, status; char dest_ip[256]; if(argc != 2) { printf("USAGE: uagent server_ip_address\n"); printf("argc = %d \n", argc); exit(1); } strcpy(&exchange_hca_data.dest_ip[0], argv[1]); printf("the destinational server IP address = %s\n", &exchange_hca_data.dest_ip); segment_id = shmget(key, shared_segment_size, IPC_CREAT | 0666); printf("sys_shmget is done segment_id = %d\n", segment_id); shared_memory = (Remote_HCA_Info *) shmat(segment_id, 0, 0); if(shared_memory == (char *) -1) { printf("Shared memory attach failed shared_memory=%p\n",shared_memory); exit(0); } printf("shared menory attached at address %p\n", shared_memory); while (1) { if(shared_memory->opcode == SEND_QP_INFO) { printf("Local HCA data received from kernel thread\n"); break; } usleep(1000); continue; } printf("Local HCA data received from kernel thread\n"); // save local HCA's data in exchange_hca_data // exchange_hca_data.opcode = shared_memory->opcode; exchange_hca_data.length = shared_memory->length; for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { exchange_hca_data.dlid[i] = shared_memory->dlid[i]; exchange_hca_data.rqp_num[i] = shared_memory->rqp_num[i]; } exchange_hca_data.rkey = shared_memory->rkey; exchange_hca_data.vaddr1 = shared_memory->vaddr1; exchange_hca_data.vaddr2 = shared_memory->vaddr2; exchange_hca_data.size = shared_memory->size; /* Initialize and set thread detached attribute */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); /* create a server thread for procsssing incoming remote node socket data */ // pthread_create(&sid, &attr, server_thread, (Remote_HCA_Info *) &remote_hca_data); printf("Main: created a server thread \n"); sleep(10); /* create a clint thread to send out local HCA data to remote node */ pthread_create(&cid, &attr, client_thread, (Remote_HCA_Info *) &exchange_hca_data); printf("Main: created a client thread \n"); /* synchronization between server_thread and client_thread */ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); rc = pthread_join(sid, (void **) &status); if(rc) { printf("Error: return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } printf("completed join with thread %d status = %d\n", sid, status); rc = pthread_join(cid, (void **) &status); if(rc) { printf("Error: return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } printf("completed join with thread %d status = %d\n", cid, status); // update shared memory with remote HCA's data shared_memory->opcode = RECV_QP_INFO; shared_memory->length = remote_hca_data.length; for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { shared_memory->dlid[i] = remote_hca_data.dlid[i]; shared_memory->rqp_num[i]= remote_hca_data.rqp_num[i]; } shared_memory->rkey = remote_hca_data.rkey; shared_memory->vaddr1 = remote_hca_data.vaddr1; shared_memory->vaddr2 = remote_hca_data.vaddr2; shared_memory->size = remote_hca_data.size; sleep(5); shared_memory->opcode = RECV_QP_INFO; shared_memory->length = remote_hca_data.length; for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { shared_memory->dlid[i] = remote_hca_data.dlid[i]; shared_memory->rqp_num[i]= remote_hca_data.rqp_num[i]; } shared_memory->rkey = remote_hca_data.rkey; shared_memory->vaddr1 = remote_hca_data.vaddr1; shared_memory->vaddr2 = remote_hca_data.vaddr2; shared_memory->size = remote_hca_data.size; sleep(10); // shmdt(shared_memory); printf("uagent is DONE \n"); exit(0); }