# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Cluster File Systems, Inc. # # This code is issued under the GNU General Public License. # See the file COPYING in this distribution LYX2PDF = lyx --export pdf LYX2PS = lyx --export ps LYX2TEX = lyx --export latex LYX2TXT = lyx --export text LYX2HTML = lyx --export html SUFFIXES = .lin .lyx .pdf .ps .sgml .html .txt .tex .fig .eps DOCS = lustre.pdf lustre-HOWTO.txt IMAGES = cache1.eps cache2.eps intermezzocache.eps intermezzofilesys.eps meta.eps metadata1.eps networklayer.eps bigpicture.eps intermezzo.eps mds.eps portals.eps client.eps layering.eps metadata.eps sb.eps cow.eps lockacq.eps obdfs.eps snapsetup.eps dirbodyapi.eps loraid.eps ost.eps updates.eps hotmigrate.eps lustreclusters.eps osthw.eps portals-lib.eps lockqueues.eps lockexample1.eps lockexample2.eps lockexample3.eps lockexample4.eps lockseverity.eps LYXFILES= lustre.lin evolution.lyx llocks.lyx mgmt.lyx uncertain.lyx\ fs.lyx lustre-HOWTO.lin namespace.lyx\ glossary.lyx lustre-debugging.lyx network.lyx\ intro.lyx obdspec.lyx recovery.lyx MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(IMAGES) $(DOCS) $(GENERATED) GENERATED = lustre-HOWTO.lyx lustre.lyx EXTRA_DIST = lyxchbar.sh chbar.sh $(DOCS) $(IMAGES) $(LYXFILES) lustre.bib all: $(DOCS) # update date and version in document date := $(shell date +%x) tag := $(shell echo '$$Name: $$' | sed -e 's/^\$$Na''me: *\$$$$/HEAD/; s/^\$$Na''me: \(.*\) \$$$$/\1/') addversion = sed -e 's|@T''AG@|$(tag)|g; s|@VER''SION@|$(VERSION)|g; s|@DA''TE@|$(date)|g' # Regenerate when the $(VERSION) or $Name: $ changes. .INTERMEDIATE: $(GENERATED) $(GENERATED) : %.lyx: %.lin Makefile $(addversion) $< > $@ .lyx.pdf: @$(LYX2PDF) $< || printf "\n*** Warning: not creating PDF docs; install lyx to rectify this\n" .lyx.ps: @$(LYX2PS) $< || printf "\n*** Warning: not creating PostScript docs; install lyx to rectify this\n" .lyx.tex: @$(LYX2TEX) $< || printf "\n*** Warning: not creating LaTeX docs; install lyx to rectify this\n" .lyx.txt: @$(LYX2TXT) $< || printf "\n*** Warning: not creating text docs; install lyx to rectify this\n" .lyx.html: @$(LYX2HTML) $< || printf "\n*** Warning: not creating HTML docs; install lyx to rectify this\n" lustre.pdf lustre.txt lustre.html: $(IMAGES) lustre-HOWTO.lyx .fig.eps: -fig2dev -L eps $< > $@ syncweb: lustre.pdf cp lustre.pdf /usr/src/www/content/lustre/docs/lustre.pdf ( cd /usr/src/www ; make lustre ; make synclustre ) .PHONY: syncweb chbar # Build a changebar document from the files in doc.old and this directory. chbar: lustre-chbar.pdf lustre-chbar.pdf: lyxchbar.sh chbar.sh lustre.bib lustre-chbar.pdf: $(addprefix doc.old/,$(LYXFILES)) $(LYXFILES) rm -rf doc.chbar mkdir doc.chbar for f in $(LYXFILES); do \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/lyxchbar.sh doc.old/$$f $$f > doc.chbar/$$f; \ done (cd doc.chbar && ln -s ../lustre.bib lustre.bib) (cd doc.chbar && make -f ../Makefile top_srcdir=../.. top_builddir=../.. srcdir=.. VPATH=.. lustre.pdf) cp -p doc.chbar/lustre.pdf lustre-chbar.pdf #rm -rf doc.chbar dist-hook: rm -rf $(distdir)/figs/CVS include $(top_srcdir)/Rules