/* /usr/src/ext2ed/blockbitmap_com.c A part of the extended file system 2 disk editor. ------------------------- Handles the block bitmap. ------------------------- This file implements the commands which are specific to the blockbitmap type. First written on: July 5 1995 Copyright (C) 1995 Gadi Oxman */ #include #include #include #include "ext2ed.h" /* The functions in this file use the flobal structure block_bitmap_info. This structure contains the current position in the bitmap. */ void type_ext2_block_bitmap___entry (char *command_line) /* This function changes the current entry in the bitmap. It just changes the entry_num variable in block_bitmap_info and dispatches a show command to show the new entry. */ { unsigned long entry_num; char *ptr,buffer [80]; ptr=parse_word (command_line,buffer); /* Get the requested entry */ if (*ptr==0) { wprintw (command_win,"Error - No argument specified\n"); refresh_command_win (); return; } ptr=parse_word (ptr,buffer); entry_num=atol (buffer); if (entry_num >= file_system_info.super_block.s_blocks_per_group) { /* Check if it is a valid entry number */ wprintw (command_win,"Error - Entry number out of bounds\n"); refresh_command_win ();return; } block_bitmap_info.entry_num=entry_num; /* If it is, just change entry_num and */ strcpy (buffer,"show");dispatch (buffer); /* dispatch a show command */ } void type_ext2_block_bitmap___next (char *command_line) /* This function passes to the next entry in the bitmap. We just call the above entry command. */ { long entry_offset=1; char *ptr,buffer [80]; ptr=parse_word (command_line,buffer); if (*ptr!=0) { ptr=parse_word (ptr,buffer); entry_offset=atol (buffer); } sprintf (buffer,"entry %ld",block_bitmap_info.entry_num+entry_offset); dispatch (buffer); } void type_ext2_block_bitmap___prev (char *command_line) { long entry_offset=1; char *ptr,buffer [80]; ptr=parse_word (command_line,buffer); if (*ptr!=0) { ptr=parse_word (ptr,buffer); entry_offset=atol (buffer); } sprintf (buffer,"entry %ld",block_bitmap_info.entry_num-entry_offset); dispatch (buffer); } void type_ext2_block_bitmap___allocate (char *command_line) /* This function starts allocating block from the current position. Allocating involves setting the correct bits in the bitmap. This function is a vector version of allocate_block below - We just run on the blocks that we need to allocate, and call allocate_block for each one. */ { long entry_num,num=1; char *ptr,buffer [80]; ptr=parse_word (command_line,buffer); /* Get the number of blocks to allocate */ if (*ptr!=0) { ptr=parse_word (ptr,buffer); num=atol (buffer); } entry_num=block_bitmap_info.entry_num; /* Check for limits */ if (num > file_system_info.super_block.s_blocks_per_group-entry_num) { wprintw (command_win,"Error - There aren't that much blocks in the group\n"); refresh_command_win ();return; } while (num) { /* And call allocate_block */ allocate_block (entry_num); /* for each block */ num--;entry_num++; } dispatch ("show"); /* Show the result */ } void type_ext2_block_bitmap___deallocate (char *command_line) /* This is the opposite of the above function - We call deallocate_block instead of allocate_block */ { long entry_num,num=1; char *ptr,buffer [80]; ptr=parse_word (command_line,buffer); if (*ptr!=0) { ptr=parse_word (ptr,buffer); num=atol (buffer); } entry_num=block_bitmap_info.entry_num; if (num > file_system_info.super_block.s_blocks_per_group-entry_num) { wprintw (command_win,"Error - There aren't that much blocks in the group\n"); refresh_command_win ();return; } while (num) { deallocate_block (entry_num); num--;entry_num++; } dispatch ("show"); } void allocate_block (long entry_num) /* In this function we convert the bit number into the right byte and inner bit positions. */ { unsigned char bit_mask=1; int byte_offset,j; byte_offset=entry_num/8; /* Find the correct byte - entry_num/8 */ /* The position inside the byte is entry_num %8 */ for (j=0;j0;i--) j*=2; if ((*ptr) & j) wprintw (show_win,"Allocated\n"); else wprintw (show_win,"Free\n"); refresh_show_win (); }