#!/usr/bin/env python # # GPL HEADER START # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is included # in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # version 2 along with this program; If not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html # # GPL HEADER END # # Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. # # Author: John L. Hammond # """ Gerrit Checkpatch Reviewer Daemon ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ * Watch for new change revisions in a gerrit instance. * Pass new revisions through checkpatch script. * POST reviews back to gerrit based on checkpatch output. """ import base64 import fnmatch import logging import json import os import requests import subprocess import time import urllib def _getenv_list(key, default=None, sep=':'): """ 'PATH' => ['/bin', '/usr/bin', ...] """ value = os.getenv(key) if value is None: return default else: return value.split(sep) GERRIT_HOST = os.getenv('GERRIT_HOST', 'review.whamcloud.com') GERRIT_PROJECT = os.getenv('GERRIT_PROJECT', 'fs/lustre-release') GERRIT_BRANCH = os.getenv('GERRIT_BRANCH', 'master') GERRIT_AUTH_PATH = os.getenv('GERRIT_AUTH_PATH', 'GERRIT_AUTH') # GERRIT_AUTH should contain a single JSON dictionary of the form: # { # "review.example.com": { # "gerrit/http": { # "username": "example-checkpatch", # "password": "1234" # } # } # ... # } CHECKPATCH_PATHS = _getenv_list('CHECKPATCH_PATHS', ['checkpatch.pl']) CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_FILES = _getenv_list('CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_FILES', [ 'lustre/contrib/wireshark/packet-lustre.c', 'lustre/ptlrpc/wiretest.c', 'lustre/utils/wiretest.c', '*.patch']) CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_KINDS = _getenv_list('CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_KINDS', [ 'LEADING_SPACE']) REVIEW_HISTORY_PATH = os.getenv('REVIEW_HISTORY_PATH', 'REVIEW_HISTORY') STYLE_LINK = os.getenv('STYLE_LINK', 'https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Coding+Guidelines') USE_CODE_REVIEW_SCORE = False def parse_checkpatch_output(out, path_line_comments, warning_count): """ Parse string output out of CHECKPATCH into path_line_comments. Increment warning_count[0] for each warning. path_line_comments is { PATH: { LINE: [COMMENT, ...] }, ... }. """ def add_comment(path, line, level, kind, message): """_""" logging.debug("add_comment %s %d %s %s '%s'", path, line, level, kind, message) if kind in CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_KINDS: return for pattern in CHECKPATCH_IGNORED_FILES: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, pattern): return path_comments = path_line_comments.setdefault(path, {}) line_comments = path_comments.setdefault(line, []) line_comments.append('(style) ' + message) warning_count[0] += 1 level = None # 'ERROR', 'WARNING' kind = None # 'CODE_INDENT', 'LEADING_SPACE', ... message = None # 'code indent should use tabs where possible' for line in out.splitlines(): # ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible # #404: FILE: lustre/liblustre/dir.c:103: # + op_data.op_hash_offset = hash_x_index(page->index, 0);$ line = line.strip() if not line: level, kind, message = None, None, None elif line[0] == '#': # '#404: FILE: lustre/liblustre/dir.c:103:' tokens = line.split(':', 5) if len(tokens) != 5 or tokens[1] != ' FILE': continue path = tokens[2].strip() line_number_str = tokens[3].strip() if not line_number_str.isdigit(): continue line_number = int(line_number_str) if path and level and kind and message: add_comment(path, line_number, level, kind, message) elif line[0] == '+': continue else: # ERROR:CODE_INDENT: code indent should use tabs where possible try: level, kind, message = line.split(':', 2) except ValueError: level, kind, message = None, None, None if level != 'ERROR' and level != 'WARNING': level, kind, message = None, None, None def review_input_and_score(path_line_comments, warning_count): """ Convert { PATH: { LINE: [COMMENT, ...] }, ... }, [11] to a gerrit ReviewInput() and score """ review_comments = {} for path, line_comments in path_line_comments.iteritems(): path_comments = [] for line, comment_list in line_comments.iteritems(): message = '\n'.join(comment_list) path_comments.append({'line': line, 'message': message}) review_comments[path] = path_comments if warning_count[0] > 0: score = -1 else: score = +1 if USE_CODE_REVIEW_SCORE: code_review_score = score else: code_review_score = 0 if score < 0: return { 'message': ('%d style warning(s).\nFor more details please see %s' % (warning_count[0], STYLE_LINK)), 'labels': { 'Code-Review': code_review_score }, 'comments': review_comments, 'notify': 'OWNER', }, score else: return { 'message': 'Looks good to me.', 'labels': { 'Code-Review': code_review_score }, 'notify': 'NONE', }, score def _now(): """_""" return long(time.time()) class Reviewer(object): """ * Poll gerrit instance for updates to changes matching project and branch. * Pipe new patches through checkpatch. * Convert checkpatch output to gerrit ReviewInput(). * Post ReviewInput() to gerrit instance. * Track reviewed revisions in history_path. """ def __init__(self, host, project, branch, username, password, history_path): self.host = host self.project = project self.branch = branch self.auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(username, password) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.history_path = history_path self.history_mode = 'rw' self.history = {} self.timestamp = 0L self.post_enabled = True self.post_interval = 10 self.update_interval = 300 def _debug(self, msg, *args): """_""" self.logger.debug(msg, *args) def _error(self, msg, *args): """_""" self.logger.error(msg, *args) def _url(self, path): """_""" return 'http://' + self.host + '/a' + path def _get(self, path): """ GET path return Response. """ url = self._url(path) try: res = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: self._error("cannot GET '%s': exception = %s", url, str(exc)) return None if res.status_code != requests.codes.ok: self._error("cannot GET '%s': reason = %s, status_code = %d", url, res.reason, res.status_code) return None return res def _post(self, path, obj): """ POST json(obj) to path, return True on success. """ url = self._url(path) data = json.dumps(obj) if not self.post_enabled: self._debug("_post: disabled: url = '%s', data = '%s'", url, data) return False try: res = requests.post(url, data=data, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, auth=self.auth) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: self._error("cannot POST '%s': exception = %s", url, str(exc)) return False if res.status_code != requests.codes.ok: self._error("cannot POST '%s': reason = %s, status_code = %d", url, res.reason, res.status_code) return False return True def load_history(self): """ Load review history from history_path containing lines of the form: EPOCH FULL_CHANGE_ID REVISION SCORE 1394536722 fs%2Flustre-release~master~I5cc6c23... 00e2cc75... 1 1394536721 - - 0 1394537033 fs%2Flustre-release~master~I10be8e9... 44f7b504... 1 1394537032 - - 0 1394537344 - - 0 ... """ if 'r' in self.history_mode: with open(self.history_path) as history_file: for line in history_file: epoch, change_id, revision, score = line.split() if change_id == '-': self.timestamp = long(float(epoch)) else: self.history[change_id + ' ' + revision] = score self._debug("load_history: history size = %d, timestamp = %d", len(self.history), self.timestamp) def write_history(self, change_id, revision, score, epoch=-1): """ Add review record to history dict and file. """ if change_id != '-': self.history[change_id + ' ' + revision] = score if epoch <= 0: epoch = self.timestamp if 'w' in self.history_mode: with open(self.history_path, 'a') as history_file: print >> history_file, epoch, change_id, revision, score def in_history(self, change_id, revision): """ Return True if change_id/revision was already reviewed. """ return change_id + ' ' + revision in self.history def get_changes(self, query): """ GET a list of ChangeInfo()s for all changes matching query. {'status':'open', '-age':'60m'} => GET /changes/?q=project:...+status:open+-age:60m&o=CURRENT_REVISION => [ChangeInfo()...] """ query = dict(query) project = query.get('project', self.project) query['project'] = urllib.quote(project, safe='') branch = query.get('branch', self.branch) query['branch'] = urllib.quote(branch, safe='') path = ('/changes/?q=' + '+'.join(k + ':' + v for k, v in query.iteritems()) + '&o=CURRENT_REVISION') res = self._get(path) if not res: return None # Gerrit uses " )]}'" to guard against XSSI. return json.loads(res.content[5:]) def decode_patch(self, content): """ Decode gerrit's idea of base64. The base64 encoded patch returned by gerrit isn't always padded correctly according to b64decode. Don't know why. Work around this by appending more '=' characters or truncating the content until it decodes. But do try the unmodified content first. """ for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3): if i >= 0: padded_content = content + (i * '=') else: padded_content = content[:i] try: return base64.b64decode(padded_content) except TypeError as exc: self._debug("decode_patch: len = %d, exception = %s", len(padded_content), str(exc)) else: return '' def get_patch(self, change, revision='current'): """ GET and decode the (current) patch for change. """ path = '/changes/' + change['id'] + '/revisions/' + revision + '/patch' self._debug("get_patch: path = '%s'", path) res = self._get(path) if not res: return '' self._debug("get_patch: len(content) = %d, content = '%s...'", len(res.content), res.content[:20]) return self.decode_patch(res.content) def set_review(self, change, revision, review_input): """ POST review_input for the given revision of change. """ path = '/changes/' + change['id'] + '/revisions/' + revision + '/review' self._debug("set_review: path = '%s'", path) return self._post(path, review_input) def check_patch(self, patch): """ Run each script in CHECKPATCH_PATHS on patch, return a ReviewInput() and score. """ path_line_comments = {} warning_count = [0] for path in CHECKPATCH_PATHS: pipe = subprocess.Popen([path, '--show-types', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pipe.communicate(patch) self._debug("check_patch: path = %s, out = '%s...', err = '%s...'", path, out[:80], err[:80]) parse_checkpatch_output(out, path_line_comments, warning_count) return review_input_and_score(path_line_comments, warning_count) def review_change(self, change, force=False): """ Review the current revision of change. * Bail if the change isn't open (status is not 'NEW'). * GET the current revision from gerrit. * Bail if we've already reviewed it (unless force is True). * Pipe the patch through checkpatch(es). * Save results to review history. * POST review to gerrit. """ self._debug("review_change: change = %s, subject = '%s'", change['id'], change.get('subject', '')) status = change.get('status') if status != 'NEW': self._debug("review_change: status = %s", status) return False current_revision = change.get('current_revision') self._debug("review_change: current_revision = '%s'", current_revision) if not current_revision: return False # Have we already checked this revision? if self.in_history(change['id'], current_revision) and not force: self._debug("review_change: already reviewed") return False patch = self.get_patch(change, current_revision) if not patch: self._debug("review_change: no patch") return False review_input, score = self.check_patch(patch) self._debug("review_change: score = %d", score) self.write_history(change['id'], current_revision, score) self.set_review(change, current_revision, review_input) # Don't POST more than every post_interval seconds. time.sleep(self.post_interval) def update(self): """ GET recently updated changes and review as needed. """ new_timestamp = _now() age = new_timestamp - self.timestamp + 60 * 60 # 1h padding self._debug("update: age = %d", age) open_changes = self.get_changes({'status':'open', '-age':str(age) + 's'}) self._debug("update: got %d open_changes", len(open_changes)) for change in open_changes: self.review_change(change) self.timestamp = new_timestamp self.write_history('-', '-', 0) def run(self): """ * Load review history. * Call update() every poll_interval seconds. """ if self.timestamp <= 0: self.load_history() while True: self.update() time.sleep(self.update_interval) def main(): """_""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) with open(GERRIT_AUTH_PATH) as auth_file: auth = json.load(auth_file) username = auth[GERRIT_HOST]['gerrit/http']['username'] password = auth[GERRIT_HOST]['gerrit/http']['password'] reviewer = Reviewer(GERRIT_HOST, GERRIT_PROJECT, GERRIT_BRANCH, username, password, REVIEW_HISTORY_PATH) reviewer.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()